I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 308 A bona fide third party

After dealing with Xuan Ruanlong, Chen Chen could be said to be relaxed.

This time, the Dongfeng Corps once again received 150 million U.S. dollars. After excluding the 200 million U.S. dollars allocated in the early stage to purchase equipment and bonuses to "employees", and deducting the equivalent of about 100 million U.S. dollars that cannot be quickly realized, As of now, the Dongfeng Corps has another US$200 million in liquidity on its books.

The business situation is extremely healthy, and can even be said to be beating some of the debt-laden giant companies in the north.

After all, some companies have assets worth hundreds of billions, and even if they are asked to find RMB 1 billion in liquidity, they can't find them.

Chen Chen was very satisfied with the current situation. After the injured were properly accommodated and training started normally, he also entered the rhythm of further operations.

The first thing he has to do is to get the gold mine done.

In fact, if a mercenary group like him gets involved in other businesses, especially a highly complex business like mining, it will appear to be a bit "miscellaneous but not sophisticated".

Therefore, the participation method he chose is actually very conservative, that is, he does not participate directly, but uses the security team to occupy the shares of the gold mine.

This form of participation has natural advantages in places like Pubei and the Golden Triangle, because here you can have no technology, no funds, or even no resources, but you can never live without security.

The shooting case that broke out there some time ago is a typical tragedy caused by weak security forces - this thing doesn't just mean how many guns you have and how many people you call security. You must be strong enough. The background must be strong enough, and the backstage must be the kind that dares to fight, so that it can be stable.

Of course, the coalition forces themselves dare to fight, but they can't go to Laos to garrison troops, right?

Just help everyone grab some stuff, why don't you just leave?

That's a bit annoying.

Therefore, choosing a "regular" international security company like Dongfeng Group is the wisest and most reasonable solution.

Based on this plan, it is quite reasonable for Chen Chen to hold 20% of the shares in the future gold mine.

According to his estimates, combined with some news he has read in later generations, these 20% shares can bring him an income of 20 to 30 million U.S. dollars every year. This thing does not seem to be a lot. After all, the Purple Mountain in the north earns him 20 to 30 million U.S. dollars a year. The profit from the gold mine alone is more than 10 billion, but in fact, the output is not small.

In particular, these earnings are relatively stable and can serve as a new "moat" for Dongfeng Group, so Chen Chen is very concerned about this.

After using Xiaoyu's relationship to establish a connection with Minmetals, he almost didn't waste any time and immediately made an appointment with Minmetals' business leaders to meet in Huishai. He also flew there with Li Bang, Bao Qi and Bao Xiaomei. Huay Thay arranged a "business meeting" in the Ruan Long Group's campus.

It has to be said that these business managers of Minmetals have really seen the world.

You know, the Ruanlong Group campus has not yet been cleaned up at this time. A group of heinous drug traffickers who have not had time to deal with are still imprisoned in the corner building. There are craters everywhere on the ground of the campus and bullet holes on the walls. , but this young man named Xu Zhiyuan didn't even blink. After seeing Chen Chen, he walked up to Chen Chen enthusiastically and offered a handshake without being arrogant or arrogant. There was no panic or impoliteness at all.

"Boss Chen! I have admired your name for a long time! Nice to meet you! Regards!"

"We just saw the deeds of the Dongfeng Corps on the news. It was really very satisfying!"

"We have also seen the video of the destruction of drugs. It is no exaggeration to say that when this incident was reported, it was very similar to the momentum of the Humen destruction of cigarettes!"

"Boss Chen, your merits are not small!"

Chen Chen is now basically using his real name on the Internet, and the code name of the sunken ship is basically only called by people during combat or by those who are particularly familiar with it - such as Jackal.

Therefore, he was not surprised at all when Xu Zhiyuan called his name. Instead, he smiled modestly and replied:

"Mr. Xu, this is ridiculous. We just did a small amount of work and it's not worth mentioning."

"Not to mention compared to Lin Zexu, he is insignificant compared to you drug police officers."

"Be humble, Boss Chen!"

Xu Zhiyuan's smile did not diminish at all. He glanced at the factory building behind him and continued:

"I really can't believe that this kind of modern-looking factory building is actually the largest drug den in the Golden Triangle!"

"Thanks to you guys for knocking it down, otherwise it would be a disaster for thousands of years."


Chen Chen did not deny it this time, but added:

"Xuan Ruanlong has been executed, and most of the backbone of this group have been arrested. We will continue to cooperate with Laos in clearing out other planting bases scattered throughout the country and strive to catch everyone."

"Great thing! Just on this point, I think we can cooperate!"

Xu Zhiyuan's words are very sincere - in fact, people who come from the north and station abroad sometimes have a very low threshold.

I can tolerate pornography and gambling. Sometimes, in order to grab a bid, I will do insidious and even disgusting things such as inserting unknown women into my competitors' beds and putting laxatives in their canteen meals. .

However, basically no one can tolerate poison, and this is also a dead line.

At that time, Chen Chen heard two cases of the same company's overseas personnel, which were very representative.

The first one was an account manager in Iran who slept with the daughter of a local powerful man.

Iran! Then where is this place that you dare to do such a thing?

The account manager was sentenced to death on the spot. Later, the head office used various connections to rescue him and paid a lot of money. Finally, he was redeemed. After he came back, he was not fired, but was transferred to another company. country, other positions.

The second one is the same company's station in Africa. An employee smoked leaves and brought the goods to others. He was caught by the local police and sentenced to six years.

The legal system in this country is not sound to begin with. Logically speaking, a six-year sentence is not a big deal and can be fished out with just a few simple operations.

But no one fished for it, and no one dared to mention it.

When Chen Chen traveled through time, this kid was still locked up inside. It is estimated that when he comes out, he will lose half his life even if he is not dead.

Therefore, Xu Zhiyuan's attitude is actually very credible.


But of course, attitude is attitude, and business is business.

His words were mostly polite, but when it came to serious conversation, these businessmen, who were as sophisticated as ever, were still so easy to deal with.

Therefore, he deliberately attracted Bao Xiaomei.

After all, this is the ally he is familiar with, the best and most experienced in business negotiations.

If Jiya was here, he could let her try, but then again, it was impossible for him to leave such an important matter to her.

There is no result yet in asking Jackal to investigate Jiya's whereabouts. Maybe there will be some progress after he returns from Indonesia.

Chen Chen's thoughts were in a mess, but fortunately, he didn't need to intervene in the negotiation at all. He could just be the final decision-maker.

Minmetals based on revenue sharing? No, rejected.

Minmetals Holdings? No, rejected.

Hold 30% of the shares? Too many, dismissed.

Don’t provide technology sharing? turn down.

Anyway, Chen Chen just said, how you played with the local warlords in Chebang, you have to play with us.

Don't think that we are outsiders or regular soldiers and just treat us with conditions like feeding dogs.

After all, this is business. No matter how good the personal relationship is and how strong the plot of his hometown is, Chen Chen will not be stupid.

After talking and talking, even Bao Xiaomei became a little angry. She wanted to take out a gun and put it to Xu Zhiyuan's head to make him submit, so she also said some harsh words.

But Xu Zhiyuan is completely true.

"Ms. Bao, it's useless for you to threaten me."

"When I was in Africa, the local military pointed an AK47 at my head and asked me to count a box of bullets before starting negotiations. If I counted the wrong bullet, I would be killed on the spot."

"You know what I did?"

"I just counted 30 rounds, because 30 rounds just fills a magazine."

"Ms. Bao, let's compare cruelty and unreasonableness. The old black men in Africa are much crueler than you, so let's sit down and talk calmly."

"It's useless to be angry, it won't solve the problem."

Looking at Xu Zhiyuan who was always calm, Chen Chen also nodded secretly in his heart.

This person is really not an ordinary person - also, who dares to come to the Golden Triangle to discuss business, who is an ordinary person?

So, after a brief interlude, the negotiations continued.

Bao Xiaomei also changed her strategy and began to paint a bigger picture and throw out expectations. After talking for a full 6 hours, the two sides finally reached a preliminary intention.

Minmetals holds 28% of the shares. At the same time, it will share technology and carry out personnel training. It is expected that it will take three years to localize grassroots employees and achieve stable production.

This condition is quite good. After all, Chen Chen and the others really need Minmetals' technology.

Large-scale mining of gold is not as simple as many people think. When the grade is low, it requires a team with high technical level to protect it.

The intention was achieved and the atmosphere relaxed again.

Xu Zhiyuan shook hands with Chen Chen and then said:

"Boss Chen, to be honest, this negotiation was relatively pleasant in my experience."

"I hope our subsequent cooperation will be as pleasant as today's negotiation."

"But there is another question. I heard that the Ruan Long Group originally planned to cooperate with Thailand for the exploration and mining rights in this mining area."

"I'm afraid you have to find a way to deal with the company in Thailand."

"They shouldn't let it go easily. After all, this is a big piece of fat."

"If you can't get it through commercial means, they may try other means. You still have to be careful."


Chen Chen nodded and replied:

"Don't worry, in the Golden Triangle area, no one will dare to challenge us in a short period of time."

"That's good."

Xu Zhiyuan smiled slightly, said goodbye and left.

After he left, Chen Chen and his party also returned to Tachileik by helicopter - leaving only Bao Xiaomei alone in Huishai.

There was some resentment in her eyes, and she hesitated several times when saying goodbye to Chen Chen, but in the end, she didn't say anything unnecessary.

Chen Chen was not really a ruthless person. After returning to Tachilei, he asked Cheng Lei to lead the team back to Huishai to provide protection for Bao Xiaomei.

After doing this, Bao Xiaomei's originally low tone when reporting to Chen Chen became excited again.

Of course, Chen Chen was still as polite to her as ever.

Soon, a few days after Chen Chen returned to Tachileik, a formal letter of intent for cooperation was signed.

What the two parties signed at this stage is not yet a contract, but it already has legal effect.

But at this time, no "outsiders" have learned the news, and the same is true for Fulai Company.

In their view, Huishai is still a piece of fat that no one cares about. Whether it was in the hands of Xuan Ruanlong or the Dongfeng Corps, there is actually no difference.

After all, these local warlords always need someone to cooperate with them!

So since we can cooperate with Xuan Ruanlong, why can't we cooperate with Dongfeng Group and the coalition forces?

Therefore, Fulai Mining is quite confident in winning Huishai.

In the office of Chiang Saen Mansion, the general manager of Fulai Mining was sitting in the office. While studying the latest business intelligence collected, he said:

"Now the situation of Huishai has stabilized. I heard that some people have been to Huishai in Tachileik."

"Xuan Ruanlong has been killed, his industry has been basically uprooted, and hundreds of tons of drugs and drug-making raw materials have been destroyed."

"The Ruan Long Group has also had hundreds or thousands of people arrested. This group should be said to have been abolished."

"We must make adjustments quickly and contact Tachileik as soon as possible."

"They must be looking for partners, and they must not let others get there first."


The secretary nodded quickly and replied:

"It doesn't matter. We have a formal contract with Ruanlong Group. No matter what, we should have the priority to cooperate."

"Or, even if they are unwilling to cooperate with us, they must bear our losses."

"These expenses are enough for us to tide over the difficulties."

"I'm just afraid that they won't be reasonable."

The general manager sighed and said.

“If they want to become big, they can’t be unreasonable.”

"We are not the Ruan Long Group. We are bound by the law and protected by the law."

Hearing his words, the general manager nodded slightly, but at this moment, the phone on the table rang.

He frowned slightly and answered the phone, and an unfamiliar voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hello, I am the business representative of Dongfeng Group, and my name is Peng Xucheng."

The general manager was stunned for a moment and replied subconsciously:

"Hello, I am"

"Don't tell me who you are."

Peng Xucheng interrupted him and continued:

"This call is to inform you that all the cooperation you previously reached with the Ruan Long Group regarding the gold mines near Huay Say has expired."

"We will no longer cooperate with you, and you don't need to come to us again."

"We are not responsible for any losses caused by this change in cooperation."

"If you have any request for further communication, please communicate with Ruanlong Group."

"How can this be?!"

The general manager suddenly became anxious, and he quickly said:

"If we do this, we will suffer too much loss!"

"Mr. Peng, we have technology and strength, we can cooperate!"

"You need us, and we need you too."

"This is a win-win opportunity, why not consider it again? Us"

"I'm informing you, not discussing."

Peng Xucheng's voice was calm, and then he repeated again:

"You should go find the Ruan Long Group. If there is any loss, they should compensate for it."

"Where can I find Ruan Long Group, Mr. Peng, legally speaking"

"That's none of my business."

Peng Xucheng interrupted again, and then he said:

"Your contract is your business. Legally speaking, we, Dongfeng Group, are a bona fide third party. What does it have to do with us?"

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