Gunshots were fired one after another, and three of the intercepting police officers fell down. The crowd swarmed forward and snatched the pistols from the police officers.

The riot has completely turned into a "riot" and the crowd went crazy.

In fact, in such a confrontation, "gunfire" is definitely the final bottom line. No matter how fierce the conflict between the two sides is, even if you throw smoke bombs or even incendiary bombs into the crowd, as long as there is no gunfire, everything will still be safe. within the control range.

But if a gun goes off, it means that the most violent conflict is about to happen.

The confrontation between the two parties in the conflict is like a confrontation between two countries holding nuclear weapons. If one party uses nuclear weapons first, it means that their trump cards have been exhausted, and the situation is far from being under control.

In this case, the only option is for everyone to use their swords and guns to fight.

The police were pinned down on the street. They still wanted to resist, but the riot control equipment and small pistols with completely insufficient firepower in their hands could not stop the surging crowd. Even if they wanted to save their teammates, they had already failed. becomes extremely difficult.

As soon as someone falls to the ground, the frantic crowd will swarm around and beat the fallen person with stones, sticks, and their hands and feet regardless of the consequences.

Blood splattered, and their faces were filled with hatred - they had even forgotten what their original purpose was. They only remembered that they had to fight something and kill something.

As all the police officers were trapped among the people, the order was completely out of control.

Shops on both sides of the road were also affected. People forced the shop owners to join their ranks. If anyone resisted, they would meet the same fate as the police.

Just two minutes after the gunfire, the crowd swelled to its limit.

They are like snowballs that are getting bigger and bigger, and like locusts, they are eating and infecting other normal "people".

At this time, the Dongfeng Corps had just arrived on the battlefield.

What they will face is this group of nearly a thousand, crazy, bloodthirsty rioters.


A group led by Chen Chen quickly built a defense line on the road. Without hesitation, two M249s opened fire over the crowd. The continuous and high-density gunfire stopped the crowd for a moment, but then, those armed with guns The elements quickly came forward.

"Da da da da da-"

The characteristic explosion of automatic weapons sounded, and a series of sparks exploded on the hood of the vehicle that was used as a cover.

This is the time Chen Chen has been waiting for.

If the other party doesn't shoot, I may really have no way to deal with them. As long as I hide in the crowd, I can't really have a "grass-cutting battle" here, can I?

However, if you take the initiative to shoot me, then don't blame me.

Almost everyone, including Chen Chen, was not hiding because they had already overcome their instinct to "dodge bullets".

At the moment when the enemy's gunfire rang out, a group of six people selected targets from left to right according to the target selection rules they were already familiar with. In just two seconds, three enemies with guns were locked.

Chen Chen's breathing slowed down at this moment. The instincts accumulated from long-term battles had allowed him to reach the heights he had reached in his previous life. At this moment, he even felt that he had a breakthrough.

Pulling the gun at a large angle of nearly 60 degrees, ACOG's fluorescent reticle seemed to have undergone a "teleportation" in a sense and overlapped the gunman's body. During the movement of the muzzle, the first part of the trigger had been Buckle down.

The crosshair moved upward. When the crosshair moved to the lower edge of the enemy's face, Chen Chen's muscles suddenly tightened, and huge force exploded, forcing him to stabilize the muzzle of the gun.

The inertia caused the crosshair to move up a few millimeters, and with the help of this moment of muscle tension, the second trigger was pulled.


With one burst of fire, blood spurted out.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Chen pulled his gun to the right, trying to find the second target, but although the others were not faster than him, they were not much slower.

The three gunmen who were shooting at their own side have all fallen down, and most of the dozen armed men have disappeared into the crowd. They seem to be planning to launch a sudden attack after approaching.

Chen Chen did not hesitate and immediately ordered:

"Throw shock bombs at the crowd! Drive them away!"


All members of the group sprang into action, and within seconds, two rounds of 12 shock bombs were launched.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

There were loud noises one after another. Even in an open environment, the power of the shock bomb should not be underestimated!

A large number of people, who had never seen such a scene before and had no professional training, fell instantly. At a glance, there were dozens of people!

This thing is better than a grenade!

People who fell struggled to get up, but their cochlea had been severely affected by the violent noise. Even if they got up, they would fall again due to dizziness.

"Everyone takes turns to cover forward and continue throwing shock bombs!"

Chen Chen can't be said to be good at "riot control", but he has never eaten pork, and he has seen pigs running away.

After giving the order, the six people were divided into three groups and moved forward alternately. The vanguard group at the front dropped two shock bombs each time to further reduce the living space of the crowd.

A thousand people sounds like a lot.

But in this dense situation, it only occupies the area of ​​a football field.

In just one minute, the situation has almost been reversed!

The crowd began to become chaotic. People in the front were shouting crazily and retreating, while those in the rear were still pushing forward without knowing anything.

If the situation is allowed to develop, a serious stampede will inevitably occur, and no one will be able to bear the consequences.


At this time, the second group that Chen Chen had already arranged came into play.

Almost in sync with one group, the second group started throwing shock bombs at the same time.

The crowd behind finally realized that something was wrong, and they began to turn around and run away, but what Chen Chen wanted to do was definitely not just to let them leave!

The drone had already taken off, and under Bao Qi's guidance, the movements of the crowd were completely transparent to the Dongfeng Corps.

And what they have to do next is very simple.

That is, like a sheepdog, drive everyone to the sea!

On the coastal road, facing the expulsion of machine guns and shock bombs, the direction of movement of the crowd began to slowly change.

Chen Chen led a group to move forward, stepping over the "bodies" that fell to the ground one after another. They finally found the dying police officers who were submerged in the crowd.

He immediately stepped forward to check the situation and helped the injured police officer up.

The other party's face was full of fear. In fact, this was the first time they had experienced such a large-scale mass incident.

"Stay where you are!"

"I need your authorization, I need your agreement to let us quell the riot!"

"Can you hear me?"

Chen Chen asked loudly. The leading police officer looked around blankly and finally nodded.

"Keep pushing!"

Chen Chen stood up and clenched the HK416 in his hand.

The police officers sat slumped on the ground, staring blankly at the retreating figures of the Dongfeng Corps.

At this moment, they saw something "strange" from this unfamiliar team.

In other words, they got some kind of "security" from the Dongfeng Corps that was supposed to be provided by them.

"Shock bomb! Smoke bomb!"

"Block the escape route, fire warning shots, and control the situation!"

"There is an enemy with a gun at 11 o'clock. Li helps to clear the way! Clear the shooting area and kill him!"

"The defense line needs to be strengthened on the south side, Lin He is going to support!"

"Don't let any of them go! Block them all!"

Orders were issued one after another, and the Dongfeng Corps' actions accelerated.

The range of activities of the crowd has been compressed to the limit, and under the careful "management" of the Dongfeng Corps, the movement of the crowd has begun to show some special order.

The militants hiding among them still want to continue to cause chaos, but their actions can be seen clearly from the air. As long as someone dares to show their gun, no matter which direction the gun is pointed, the two commandos led by Li Gang will quickly Use shock bombs to clear roads and disperse crowds, then drive in and brutally kill the gunman.

This went back and forth three times. After the shock bombs on Li Gang were almost used up, all the militants "disappeared without a trace."

They didn't really disappear, they just realized the failure of the operation and began to hide themselves and try to retreat.

However, being trapped in the crowd, even retreat became a luxury for them.

After a few minutes, the crowd was finally driven off the ring road and forced onto the beach near the gas station.

This is a narrow beach. Crowds of people wanted to jump into the water, but crossfire from both sides suppressed them in place.

Who is not afraid of bullets?

Originally, the Dongfeng Corps had to worry about casualties, so the muzzle of the gun had to be raised a few inches.

But now, on the water, who cares about you?

As long as someone goes into the water, the Dongfeng Corps will be like a shuttle to the water!

Anyway, there will be no ricochet on the water surface, and the power of the bullet will be greatly reduced after entering the water body.

As a result, their only retreat route was the beach extending along the coastline.

The speed of crowd movement has been greatly reduced, and fear continues to spread.

They had no idea how many people they had lost or who their enemies were.

But they know that these enemies wearing heavy armor and armed with advanced firearms are more terrifying than any "order managers" they have ever faced!

Group nature is a very strange thing. You can use it to quickly organize a huge team, but once it encounters a major setback, the team organized in this way will collapse faster than anything else.

Everyone was fleeing for their lives, while the Dongfeng Corps accurately controlled the speed of the flow of people and carefully screened out the armed elements mixed in the crowd.


It's really hard to hide them because they all have guns on them.

If you want to run out, you have to throw the gun away.

But, this is their lifeblood.

The conflict broke out again. A small group of armed men mixed in the crowd and tried to launch a surprise attack on the Dongfeng Corps. Fortunately, their bullets hit the Li Gang who was at the front, but the Li Gang didn't even shake. Raising your hand in the direction where the bullet is coming is a long burst shot.

Unlike Chen Chen, he was completely out of his mind when it came to fighting!

He doesn't care about the political influence or whether he hits civilians. Anyway, wherever bullets fly, there are my enemies!

What? Dead?

You blame yourself for standing next to those people. How do I know if you want to wait for the shooter to fall before picking up their gun and continuing to hit me? !

The ferocious counterattack created a unique space, and in just an instant, a large area of ​​the crowd emptied out.

That's right, the crowd no longer avoided the Dongfeng Corps, but began to avoid the armed elements mixed among them!

There was a strange and ridiculous scene on the beach. The two militants looked around blankly and found that everyone was moving away from them, while the heavily armored soldiers with guns in their hands kept shouting to get closer.

At this moment, they truly felt what despair was.

Chen Chen saw their movements from a distance, and his heart suddenly tightened, and then he ordered:

"The Li Gang! Retreat!"

"Don't live! Don't live!"

And the moment his words fell, a slightly shrill cry penetrated the entire beach.

"Allah al-Bakra -"


A huge shock wave swept across the entire beach. Li Bang and Yang Shu, who were dozens of meters away from them, were knocked to the ground. Those rioters who had not had time to go far were blown away or even torn apart. !

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and a sandstorm blew up on the beach.

The crowd fell into terrible silence. Everyone saw this tragic scene, and the next second, the people who were already on the verge of collapse finally collapsed completely.

The Dongfeng Corps can no longer control these people because they are too afraid of death.

They know that the Dongfeng Corps will not attack civilians without weapons, but that is not necessarily the case for those "bad guys" mixed in the crowd!

Everyone was running for their lives. Chen Chen did not hesitate and immediately ordered the Dongfeng Corps to assemble and evacuate, and retreated to establish a defense line near the police officers.

After a few minutes, the rioters disappeared, leaving only the wounded and corpses on the ground.

Groans were heard one after another, and Chen Chen had no time to check on the injured. Instead, he ordered his team members to help the police officers who were still able to move and retreat towards the industrial park.

The police chief at the head was still quite conscious. He tried his best to keep up with Chen Chen and said with a painful expression:

"This is a terrorist attack, this is a terrorist attack."

"Yes, this is a terrorist attack."

Chen Chen answered immediately and then continued:

"Fortunately, it was discovered quickly, otherwise once they succeed and detonate bombs in densely populated areas, the consequences will be more serious!"

"Retreat now and contact your superiors."

"We need support, lots of support!"

"JIS and EIM have gone crazy. Their goal is not Qingshan Industrial Park at all. They just want to kill people!"

"They have to be attacked across the board and this is the best chance."

"Their activities will be very intensive. It's time for you to take credit!"

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