I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 337 The beginning is the king bomb

Next to the ring road, near Moravi.

The land patrol has stopped, but the helicopter of the air mobility brigade is still circling.

Bashir was pulled out of the car, and Hirakawa was performing emergency treatment on his wounds.

The treatment methods that were originally expected to be used on his own people ended up being used on the enemy first, but Chen Chen knew that it was well worth it.

Not only because of Bashir’s intelligence value as a leader, but more importantly, the “symbolic significance” of his presence in Kendari.

Just think about it, a leader who was just arrested for a large-scale terrorist attack a few years ago actually reappeared in a major city in Sulawesi a few months later, and he was obviously still involved in what just happened. A new round of terrorist attacks, what does this mean?

There is no doubt that this means that there are major problems in the entire Indonesian counter-terrorism system.

It can even be said that the emergence of Bashir has raised things to a higher level than "corruption."

This is no longer simple corruption, this is outright "treason"!

It's no wonder that Xiaoyu is so decisive in using the highest level of power - in fact, it should be said that this is not that she is dispatching power, but that she is providing assistance to Indonesia.

It is precisely for this reason that the appearance of the mobile brigade will be so decisive and the attack on the pursuers will be so resolute.

Because they also know that if the land cruiser of the Dongfeng Corps is really destroyed and Bashir is really snatched away and silenced, then all the efforts made by the previous generation will really be in vain.

Moreover, this entire country may fall into the abyss and never be able to climb out again.

Standing next to Pingchuan, Chen Chen watched nervously as he used skillful movements to stop bleeding, suture blood vessels, and suture wounds. Every time the other party paused, Chen Chen couldn't help but hold his breath.

To be honest, such an injury would be a bit too serious for Bidden, who is in his seventies, if he cannot survive.

It's actually quite normal.

But fortunately, with the support of top-notch medical equipment and drugs, Pingchuan quickly completed the treatment of the wound.

The bleeding had stopped, Pingchuan wiped his hands with gauze, and then said:

"It's basically stable, the blood loss is not too much, and there is no need for additional blood transfusions."

"But he still needs to be observed. It's best to send him to Qingshan Park Hospital now."

"If he survives tonight and doesn't die, he will basically die."

"How about we leave now?"

Hearing Pingchuan's words, Chen Chen shook his head and replied:

"We can't leave now."

"We don't know where to go. This potato is too hot. It would be wrong to send it anywhere."

"Although Gunawan has expressed his stance, I don't dare to completely believe him."

"We can only wait where we are, waiting for further communication from Xiaoyu."

"When things have reached this point, they are completely beyond our control."

"Next, we'd better do nothing and say nothing."

"If possible I would even leave this guy on the side of the road for someone else to pick him up."

"so serious?"

Pingchuan frowned and continued to ask:

"What kind of character is this? Is his influence that great?"

Chen Chen sighed and replied:

"His influence is actually not that great, but he"

"Forget it, it's hard for me to explain."

"Let me tell you a possibility."

"That's right, because of this person, the upper echelons of Indonesia must have set off a storm."

"Next, as long as there is something that cannot be handled well, both sides will fight openly and openly."

"In other words, we are likely to cause a coup."

"What's even more ridiculous is that someone just tried to intercept us on the road."

"I saw the gunman's face, and he was white."

"Then, the mobile brigade killed the opponent without even hesitating."

"Do you know what this means? The person they killed was probably an MPRI mercenary and a spokesperson for the United States."

"Avalanche, the whole thing was like an avalanche."

"In contrast, if we don't investigate the batch of nail polish remover and let EIM people blow up a shopping mall, the impact may not be that big."

At this point, Chen Chen's brows were almost twisted into twists.

He didn't know how he could memorize it like that. Every mission he participated in was full of intensity.

It was fine in Pubei before, at least it was gradual.

But this time, he is the only one who comes up!

The most ridiculous thing is that the enemies who are really controlling all this behind the scenes have not even shown up yet, and we have not even been able to have any head-on conflict with them.

Let this trend continue.

If the Dongfeng Corps continues to stay in Indonesia, how will things get out of hand?

Could it be possible that the aircraft carrier was really blown up? !

Chen Chen sighed again, and at this moment, his cell phone finally rang.

It's a small fish.


The first words from the other side made Chen Chen perk up, and he quickly asked:

"What do you mean it's solved? So quickly?"

"Can we not hurry up? The president almost ordered the military to enter a state of emergency."

Xiaoyu's tone was a little helpless. After a moment of pause, he explained:

"Someone is taking the blame for losing the pawn to save the car. Bashir's problem can at least be explained away."

"Go to Guna Gunawan, right? Go to him, he will provide you with temporary shelter."

"As for Bashir being handed over to the mobile brigade, they will take Bashir to Jakarta."

"You don't have to worry about what happens next."


Hearing this, Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, he really wanted to shoot Bashir right here, or have a hearty interrogation.

After all, the attack organized by the other party almost killed him.

But at the same time, he also knew that he absolutely couldn't do this.

Because the existence of this person is different from the drug dealers he has executed personally.

His zz meaning is too strong, and besides, I have no obsession with him, so why should I cause any trouble?

He is a bargaining chip, and chips should be used as chips.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen stopped asking questions and said:

"We were probably attacked by the MPRI just now. This matter is very sensitive."

"It goes without saying."

Xiaoyu interrupted Chen Chen and continued:

"Someone will deal with them, so don't show off for the time being."

"Give us some time. Things have developed beyond our expectations. You didn't follow the route we designed at all."

"So, we need to adjust and you need to adjust."

"Don't think about seeking revenge from MPRI. It's not time to take revenge yet."

"Don't worry, now that the situation has changed, you will have plenty of opportunities."


Chen Chen didn't argue with Xiao Yu anymore. He knew that Xiao Yu made such a decision for his own good.

After hanging up the phone, he nodded to Pingchuan on the side, then walked to the middle of the blocked road, crossed his hands and raised them downward, signaling for the helicopter to land.

The pilots of the mobile brigade received his instructions and began to descend after confirming that the site was clear. At this time, Hirakawa had also directed others to send Bashir over.

After landing, the members of the mobile brigade on the plane jumped off and stretched out their hands to shake hands with Chen Chen.

Chen Chen pointed to Bashir aside, but at this moment, he saw a scene that shocked him.

Bashir is already awake.

His facial muscles were tense and he seemed to be biting something.

Chen Chen was shocked and rushed forward with a quick stride, but someone moved faster than him.


It wasn't Pingchuan, but the leader of Task Force 88 who had been staring at Bashir.

The two of them worked together to open Bashir's mouth, and Pingchuan also rushed over. After a quick inspection, he said:

"Grandma's, luckily it's not a poison pill. He wants to bite his tongue and kill himself. What kind of fool still believes this these days?"

"I really feel the way these jd elements think"

Hearing his words, Chen Chen was also speechless.

But after hesitating for a moment, he still spoke:

"It's so far from here to Jakarta, I wonder what he can do."

"He can't die."

"A few people came and removed all his joints."

"The jaw is also off!"

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