The police force was quickly put in place, but Chen Chen was a little surprised by the personnel who were in place at the same time.

Someone came in person.

It’s not Argus, it’s Gunawan!

He should be in Kendari now, not in this idle Kruno.

And his appearance itself already hinted at a lot of things.

The most important point is that MPRI's identity has been exposed, and they actually took off their clothes directly!

Chen Chen's heart sank instantly. He knew that if this was the case, many of the things he wanted to do would become difficult.

After seeing Chen Chen, a look of "ashamed" flashed across Gunawan's face for an instant, but soon, he calmed down his expression again and walked towards Chen Chen.

Before Chen Chen could speak, he reached out his hand and then said:

"Mr. Chen Chen, I am Gunawan. I am responsible for handling this incident."

"I'm very sorry that the police's negligence has caused you huge losses, but this is just a misunderstanding."

Speaking of this, Gunawan's eyes were a little unwilling. Chen Chen could see that his words were not sincere, and the hostility in his heart became less.

He was actually prepared for this result, but he never expected that the other party would move so quickly, not even leaving a time window for his side to "trial it first"!

There is no doubt that the president at this time is indeed at a comprehensive disadvantage, and what he is making now is the most forced compromise.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen let out a long sigh of relief, and then asked:

"What kind of misunderstanding is it?"

Gunawan gritted his teeth and replied:

"These so-called 'militants' are employees of MPRI International Military Outsourcing Company, and they have deep cooperation with Task Force 88."

"They are tracking an extremist organization called IS-K. The informant provided them with intelligence, and they have been planning for this for a long time."

"However, your appearance disrupted their plans."

"They misidentified you and thought you were professional mercenaries hired by IS-K."

"So, a conflict occurred. That's it."

A sneer appeared on Chen Chen's face, and he said:

"What a good reason. What a coincidence."

"Yeah, what a coincidence."

Gunawan also sneered. In fact, like Chen Chen, even if he didn't hate these militants, at least he didn't have the slightest fondness for them.

But there is no way, the situation is stronger than the person, he has already taken over a hot job in his hand, if another one comes, he may not be able to handle it.

Coupled with the ambiguous attitude of his superiors, including the president, he had to lower his head and try to settle the matter in the way those people needed.

In fact, when he was on the road, he thought about contacting Chen Chen, explaining the situation to him, and even lending his hands to do some things, but in the end, he did not make up his mind.

He didn't want to get involved personally because it was too dangerous.

Similarly, the Dongfeng Corps also misjudged the situation and lost its last chance.

Gunawan sighed, seeming to let go of something in his heart.

Then, he shook his head and said:

"You should move faster."

Chen Chen nodded helplessly and replied:

"I misjudged the situation - I didn't expect them to move so quickly."

"I didn't even expect that they could handle such a big thing."

"What bullshit reasons, what bullshit misunderstandings. I want to ask, has DSS penetration here reached this level?"

Hearing his words, Gunawan nodded slowly.

"That's why I'm standing here saying this to you. They're destroying our country and I can't stop it."

"Okay, that's it for now."

"I'm going to take him away. I think you don't need any more information, right?"

"Their purpose has been very clear."

"It's all a deal. You know what I mean."

Chen Chen nodded slowly and said nothing, but watched Gunawan turn around and walk into the house.

He saw that Gunawan's back was a little "rickety" and realized that this person might be one of those people at the grassroots level in Indonesia who wanted to change the status quo.

But he really had no choice.

He is still soft-spoken and still can't help himself.

In fact, it was quite interesting for him to be able to say this to himself.

If a more "corrupt" police officer were to come, even Chen Chen might not be able to stand here, but would be directly driven away or even arrested.

And just as Gunawan said, at this point, he really didn't need any more information.

MPRI's intentions have been completely exposed. Next, they will use the "interests" in their hands to settle this "big matter".

There is nothing I can do about it.

I can only watch them leave.

Soon, Gunawan led the two of them out of the house.

The leading man walked straight towards Chen Chen, stretched out his hand and said:

"Mr. Chen Chen, this is a misunderstanding."

"My name is Bumblebee, and I'm sorry for both our losses."

"But I hope that's the end of it."

"You know, you are not without mistakes. We had already called off the conflict, but your planes directly killed all my team members."

"Maybe we will have a chance to meet again in the future. I hope that by then, we will have a chance to talk about this matter."

This was a naked provocation. Chen Chen snorted coldly and replied:

"Maybe I'm not the one you should talk to."

Bumblebee was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed.

"Indeed, it's not you."

"Maybe it's the insurance company - Mr. Chen Chen, have you bought insurance for your team members?"

"If there is insurance, everyone's losses will be smaller."

“Is your insurance strong?”

Chen Chen asked.

"At least it keeps me alive. You see, I can get out because of the insurance."

"Next time, if it were you."

Bumblebee spread his hands and continued:

"Don't choose the wrong insurance company, Mr. Chen."

"Hurry up, you see, guns can't talk."

At this moment, Chen Chen's cell phone rang.

He picked up the phone and made a "wait" gesture to Bumblebee.

After a while, Xiaoyu's voice came from the phone.

"Who did you catch?"

"A guy named Bumblebee, I can't say his name, he was standing across from me."

"It doesn't matter, I know who he is, he is the actual contact person for IS-K. How are your losses?"

"Two dead, five injured, two seriously injured."

"What are you going to do?"

"I can't help it. The police have already intervened and the deal has been reached."


Xiaoyu interrupted Chen Chen.


"We deny it. In the explosion that just occurred in the suburbs of La Bota, a Chinese employee was seriously injured."


Chen Chen put the phone back in his pocket. He could no longer listen, and Xiaoyu could no longer talk.

Then, Chen Chen pulled out the pistol from his waist and pointed it at Bumblebee.

The latter was startled, but then laughed again.

"Mr. Chen, are you kidding me? It seems you don't want to talk to me anymore."

Chen Chen shook his head and replied:


"I want someone to talk to you."

"But maybe, once it speaks, you won't be able to answer."

Hearing this, Bumblebee's eyes widened.

He wanted to say something else, but Chen Chen had already pulled the trigger.


The FN57 bullet penetrated Bumblebee's skull. The adjutant standing behind subconsciously wanted to touch the gun, but was knocked down by Yang Shu who had been waiting for a long time.

After two short gunshots, Chen Chen looked at Gunawan, who was standing aside, stunned.

"He was about to draw a gun and attack the police. Did I misunderstand him?"

Gunawan took a deep breath and replied:


"You misunderstood."

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