The helicopter flew northwest, turned north after reaching Lake Matana, and then landed near Tuna Farm as planned.

The Dongfeng Corps did not encounter any obstruction, but from a distance of nearly 5 kilometers, they could already hear the faint sound of gunfire in the distance.

It was obvious that the offensive and defensive sides of the mobile brigade were engaged in a fierce exchange of fire, and without a numerical advantage, the defenders would never be able to sustain it for too long.

The situation was critical. Chen Chen didn't have time to think too much. He broke into the farm with a gun and found the only means of transportation here - two women's motorcycles.

Although a bit crude, the two vehicles can accommodate an investigation team of four people. They are even relatively safer and suitable for use by an investigation team.

After all, on the battlefield, as long as it is not a bulletproof vehicle, it does not make much difference whether it is covered by that layer of iron or not.

The target of a motorcycle is small, and it is not easy to take rockets. In addition, it is easy to get on and off the vehicle, and it can make counterattacks quickly, which has obvious advantages.

Therefore, Shi Dakai led the investigation team and set off quickly, while Chen Chen led the other personnel on foot and rushed towards the target area.

A distance of 5 kilometers is not actually a long-distance attack at all, but the Eastern Corps must arrive as quickly as possible, and the physical requirements on the personnel are still quite high.

But fortunately, even the recruits who have just arrived have no problems with their physical fitness.

It only took 15 minutes for the heavily armed Dongfeng Corps to cover a distance of two kilometers. At this time, the first round of investigation intelligence from the investigation team had also arrived.

"We have reached the target area, and the fighting between the offensive and defensive sides is very fierce."

"The target is located in the center of Noha Village on the edge of Lake Matana. The defenders surround the village buildings to defend, and the attackers surround and attack from four directions."

"The number of defenders is about 20, and the number of attackers is about 60."

"Neither side has heavy equipment."

"The situation is very strange. The focus of the competition between the two sides does not seem to be the core area of ​​the village, but the bridge on the north side outside Nuoha Village."

"The defenders seemed to be trying to break out from the bridge, but the attackers' firepower was so intense that they were pushed back many times."

Hearing this, Chen Chen couldn't help but frown.

It is true that when surrounded, it is possible to break out no matter which direction you choose.

Only by breaking the encirclement, first relying on mobility to reduce the enemy's contact area, and reducing our own casualty rate, can we continue to organize effective interception and blocking, and cover the evacuation of core targets.

But the problem is, judging from the terrain of Noha Village, choosing the north side to break out is the most unreasonable plan.

The reason is simple. The bridge on the north side of Nuoha Village is connected to the main traffic road. Although it seems to be conducive to evacuation, in fact, the faster you run, the faster the enemy will chase you.

Coupled with the numerical gap between the attacking and defending sides, and relying on the strong terrain, the attacking side can quickly concentrate its superior forces, deploy sufficient forces at the focus of the competition, and gradually eat away at the defender's breakout power!

The defenders already have a small number of people. After the personnel are further consumed, the gap with the attackers will be even greater.

Because in the case of 20 vs. 60, the death of five people is not as simple as widening the personnel gap from 40 to 45, but widening the comparison of troop strength from three times to four times!

An experienced commander would never make such a decision. He would either choose to continue to stand firm and wait for reinforcements, or he would choose to break out from a direction other than the main road, using rugged and inconvenient terrain to limit the power gap between the two sides.

But now, the commander of the mobile brigade defenders has obviously been fooled.

That means that he probably hasn't received the news that support is coming, and is trying to use his own strength to make a desperate breakout!

This situation is very dangerous, and what's even more dangerous is that the Dongfeng Corps now has no way to establish contact with the other party!

Can't wait any longer.

We cannot wait for all our forces to be in place before launching an attack, because by that time, the defenders of the mobile brigade may have been defeated, and any attempt by our side to save people will be a complete fantasy!

Thinking of this, Chen Chen said decisively:

"Group 1 is divided into two teams. The snipers and machine gunners stay and attack immediately!"

"Relying on the favorable terrain of the outer jungle, harass the enemy through sniping and scattered shooting, attract enemy firepower, and reduce the pressure on the defenders!"

"We must immediately clarify our identity to the defenders, let them see the existence of support forces, and give up the aggressive style of play!"

"The rest of the team members, bring the motorcycles back to pick them up!"


Shi Dakai answered immediately, and then the sound of sniper rifle fire came from the radio.

"Everyone, full speed ahead!"

Chen Chen gave an order and everyone speeded up again, and in just 5 minutes, two women's motorcycles once again appeared in everyone's sight.

The mercenaries of the Dongfeng Corps wearing full protective equipment were too big. A motorcycle could only carry two people at most. They were completely unable to do the kind of dirty work Indians did, so Chen Chen could only arrange for the machine gunner to get on the car first. , provide fire support to the remaining two people in the investigation team.

At this moment, he deeply felt the great significance of "projection ability", and to a certain extent, he felt empathy for Brother Asan's "acrobatic performance".

There is a saying, if the Dongfeng Corps has practiced their skills, even if there is only one motorcycle, let alone two motorcycles, the personnel can be fully transported!

However, fantasies are just fantasies after all. All he can do now is to move forward on foot while arranging two motorcycles to continuously pick up and drop off people.

The good news is that after the first round of delivery, the firepower of three light machine guns and a sniper rifle has formed enough suppressive power, especially when all of our own personnel are heavily armored and the opponent only has a small amount of body armor. The "rebels" of the mobile brigade quickly retreated in a catastrophic manner. The positions originally deployed near the bridge were captured and the traffic arteries were controlled. The safety of the Dongfeng Corps' troop projection was further guaranteed.

Everything went very smoothly. 10 minutes later, Chen Chen led the team to the position on the north side of Nuoha Village. All 13 members of the Dongfeng Corps gathered together and formed a pincer offensive with the mobile brigade defenders, suppressing the rebels in Nuoha. In the building complex outside the village.

For a mobile brigade with only light weapons, the pressure exerted by the Dongfeng Corps can be described as crushing.

After the arrival of the Dongfeng Corps, the attrition rate of the rebels increased rapidly. Before he even had time to shoot, he saw two rebel teams trying to retake their positions were knocked down by one round of interception fire from two machine guns.

They desperately tried to find bunkers on the ground, but soon the snipers from the Dongfeng Corps locked their position.

Yang Shu was the first to shoot. The M24 in his hand fired a 7.62mm bullet, which easily penetrated an enemy's head.

The man was lying on the ground with his head buried in the ground. The fear caused by the high-density firepower made him dare not raise his head at all, and his body was even shaking.


However, as Chen Chen said, on the battlefield, fear means death.

Because fear will deform your movements, make your judgment inaccurate, and make you think that as long as you can't see it, there is no risk.

In essence, there is not much difference between a shrinking soldier on the battlefield and a child sleeping with a quilt over his head at night. Perhaps the only difference is that there are no monsters outside the quilt that prey on people, but above the bunker, there are Bullets will really fly and kill you constantly.

The bullet entered the enemy's head and then exited through his chin.

His head slammed to the ground, and after a small burst of smoke and dust, there was no more movement.

The blood and brains flowing out dyed the soil on the ground complex colors, and after seeing this scene, the comrades around him jumped up in fright.

The bullets fired by the M249 knocked down the enemy who stood up. In less than two minutes, the two teams had lost more than half of their losses.

The starting position of the Dongfeng Corps was completely stabilized, and Chen Chen immediately ordered:

"Throw smoke bombs!"

"According to the division of combat teams, 1 and 2 groups of 7 double arrows flanked the enemy from the west to clear the enemy's peripheral fire points and compress the enemy's activity space."

"Group 3 continues to perform fire suppression and covers the advance of Groups 1 and 2."

"Group 4 follow me, detour from the east side, occupy the high ground on the east side, and establish a fire position!"


All team members responded immediately, and at this time, the mobile brigade defenders also began to launch a counterattack.

They had identified the supporting force and, with most of their fire drawn, began an attack on the weak rebel positions on the west side of the line.

But it is a pity that they are not the Dongfeng Corps after all, and they do not have enough equipment to resist small arms bullets.

A team bypassed the houses on the west side and used the wall as cover to shoot at the rebels on the hillside in the distance. Their position was immediately exposed. Ten guns approaching were aimed at the team as if they had discovered a weak persimmon. It was just that In one round of fire, all four members of the team were killed.

Seeing this scene, Chen Chen's eyes were almost splitting.

Depend on!

What are you doing? !

Can't you just stay where you are and wait for us to fight?

Who has seen that support has already arrived and they still fight at all costs?

Isn't it good to use bunkers to exert pressure, disrupt the enemy's decision-making, and provide cover for peripheral support forces?

Sure enough, if you are not afraid of opponents who are like gods, you are afraid of teammates who are like pigs.

After the entire defensive team was wiped out, a huge firepower gap appeared in the defense line on the west side of Nuoha Village. The rebels immediately seized the breach and quickly made a new round of tactical arrangements.

The two 10-man teams originally on the north side were divided into two groups and dispatched westward, preparing to intercept the two groups of the Dongfeng Corps attacking from the flanks. The 10-man team on the west side left two people to cover, and the remaining personnel quickly moved towards An assault was launched in the central area of ​​Noha Village!

At this time, the two arrows on the flanks of the Dongfeng Corps were still a full three hundred meters away from the west defense line, and there were rebels from the north trying to intercept them.

Although these people have low fighting qualities, the bullets fired from their guns are serious 5.56mm bullets!

The advance of the two groups slowed down, and the defenders' western defense line completely collapsed. Eight rebels quickly broke through the periphery of the village and began to advance toward the core area.

They were moving very fast, and with a serious shortage of defenders, almost every conflict involved more troops fighting fewer troops.

Even if the defenders rely on private houses as bunkers, the thin brick and wood structure walls common in Indonesia are completely unable to stop bullets.

Anyone who appears from the window or behind the door will be directly attacked by the rebels through the wall.

Not very professional, but definitely effective enough.

In less than two minutes, they had already broken through a distance of nearly 100 meters and were pointing directly at the center, where Bashir was, in the small courtyard.

At this time, in addition to the north side, the defenders were also facing attacks from three directions at the same time. Most of their forces were deployed on the periphery. Even if they wanted to return to defense, it was already too late.

Listening to Shi Dakai's report from Group 1, Chen Chen wished he could rush over and kill the defender's commander with one shot.

But there is no way, this is how it is on the battlefield. A small decision-making error may have devastating consequences.

In the absence of any projectile weapons, they can only hope that groups 1 and 2 will get rid of the interception as soon as possible and complete the support as soon as possible.



The bullets shot by this thing belong to the category of high-speed grenades. There is no way to shoot a parabola at this distance, and there is no way to complete the transcendental shot over obstacles.

"Group 1 intercepts, group 2 continues the assault!"

On the radio, Shi Dakai quickly issued an order.

By this time, the rebels had already reached the entrance of the courtyard where Bashir was.

There were only three defenders in the entire courtyard. Facing an attack of eight people, they were completely powerless.

Chen Chen was very anxious.

If these 8 people are really allowed to break into the building, they don't even need to break into the building. They only need to shoot at the building and if by chance a bullet flies to Bashir's head, the entire operation will be over. .

He imagined many kinds of failure, but never thought it would happen in this way.

There are still two hundred meters away from the high ground on the east side.

If they can quickly occupy the high ground and establish a commanding height, Chen Chen will have the opportunity to use a large-caliber sniper rifle to penetrate the wall to suppress it, buying time for Group 1 and Group 2.

However, two of the three defenders in the small courtyard had already fallen, and they could not even cause any effective damage to the eight people who came to kill in a group.

Bashir only had the last 20 seconds left, and it was too late for rescue anyway.

In front of them, the rebels who were attacking from the east fled. Although there were only three people on Chen Chen's side, they had no intention of confronting them head-on.

As soon as a shot is fired, they will all hide; and once the Dongfeng Corps is ready to move forward, they will emerge from the bunker and fire two shots.

Smoke bombs couldn't block a large area. The feeling of being stared at and bitten by flies made Chen Chen uncomfortable.

This mobile brigade is definitely not a formidable enemy. In comparison, it may even be inferior to the private soldiers that Jialiang had originally summoned.

But they can definitely be called smart opponents, and their level of smartness is among the most advanced ones.

Two minutes later, the support team led by Chen Chen finally occupied the high ground and established a fire position.

But at this time, in the small courtyard below, the eight attackers had completed cleaning.


However, there was something strange about their behavior.

Because after they came out of the small courtyard, they quickly entered the house next door.

This cannot be "changing positions". There is only one answer:

This small courtyard is a false target.

Just say that the commander of the garrison cannot be so stupid!

Chen Chen became energetic and immediately ordered:

"On the 3rd, contact the seaplane to take off!"

"Group 2 continues to intercept!"

"The people are still there, clear out the rebels in the village and establish a defense line!"

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