Wiranto is dead.

This was the news that Chen Chen learned a few minutes later when the raider camp was completely in chaos and Buck led the surviving police officers back into the park.

He never expected that this member of Task Force 88 named Buck would do such a wonderful job.

When everyone was trying to calm down the riot and ease the situation as much as possible, he actually killed the enemy's chief officer with just one shot, without even the slightest hesitation in the process.

I have to say that he is really a ruthless person, or a smart person.

But of course, he's also very smart.

After all, if the president's Su-30 hadn't just arrived, the entire situation would have slipped into an uncontrollable abyss. Not to mention that there is only one Dongfeng Corps in Qingshan Park. Even if you really put a Dongfeng in it, you can't save it. Everyone's life.

The death of a military chief is tantamount to an invasion. This is an iron rule common in many countries.

It can only be said that fortunately, during this entire riot, the Dongfeng Corps and the police clearly "drawn a clear line".

Otherwise, if a bucket of shit hits your head, you won't be able to wash it off even if you jump into the Pacific Ocean.


However, even though Wiranto has been killed by Buck, this "mutiny" is not over yet.

The 756th Battalion was originally a unit with extremely complicated leadership relationships and relatively independent command authority. When the chief officer died, many of his subordinate soldiers did not surrender. Instead, some teams tried desperately to launch an attack to complete what their commander had not completed. things.

At this time, the repressive power of modern technology is reflected.

The two Su-30s first flew over the anti-aircraft artillery position and fired a round of intimidating cannon fire. After confirming that the opponent had the intention to counterattack, they dropped a KAB on the anti-aircraft artillery position without hesitation. -1500KR TV guided bomb.

Chen Chen watched helplessly as the half-ton bomb fell in the center of the anti-aircraft artillery position, and then watched as a huge explosion fireball rose into the air.

Immediately afterwards, several anti-aircraft guns were overturned to the ground, and several soldiers who tried to operate the anti-aircraft guns were wiped out.


The damage caused by this bomb was not serious.

But its deterrent power stunned everyone, including Chen Chen.

Holy shit.

It’s the 21st century, 2011, in Indonesia!

It's not an exercise, it's not the destruction of arms, it's a serious combat operation. You can actually see a real aerial bombing scene? !

What is this concept?

Even in the Middle East, such "grand occasions" do not happen often.


At least it doesn’t happen often yet!

Indeed, after this bomb exploded, everyone in the Raider Infantry Battalion was cowed.

Even the guard company that reacted the most violently and even tried to massacre the soldiers and police after Wiranto's death immediately dropped their weapons.

But the two Su-30s did not leave, but continued to patrol over the battlefield.

The meaning they expressed is very obvious, that is:

I've got real military power under my control.

The heavenly soldiers have arrived. If you feudal vassal kings dare to act recklessly again, don't blame me for being serious.

There is no doubt that the president has regained control of the situation.

He had either reached an agreement with Numandi, or he had killed him directly.

Under the pressure of the Su-30, the Army helicopters that arrived one after another also began to deliver more troops. Half an hour later, the situation in La Bota was completely controlled, and all the "rebels", or should be called "rebels" ” were all disarmed.

After several days of pursuit and siege, the situation finally eased. Looking at Buck covered in blood in front of him, Chen Chen couldn't help but sigh.

"Master Chuan, can you come over and treat his wounds?"

"It's not his turn, the others will be injured more seriously!"

In the distance, Pingchuan was trying to stop the bleeding of a wounded man with a thigh injury. After hearing his answer, Chen Chen did not persist. Instead, he turned to Buck and washed his wound with water.

At this time, Buck was almost completely out of strength. There was a huge laceration on the top of his head, and his skull was completely exposed. Chen Shenwei did not dare to touch him more, and did not dare to give him medicine, but fortunately Buck's consciousness was quite clear, and it should be Nothing too serious.

"You are a good person."

Chen Chen said.

".may be."

Buck took a breath and answered.

"However, it would be extremely irrational to kill Wiranto, who was approaching the battlefield in an attempt to quell a disturbance."

"If you let him go, maybe your casualties will be smaller."

After hearing Chen Chen's words, Buck sighed and replied:

"That's not a consideration I can make."

"In that case... I was completely controlled by instinct."

"I saw the gun, I saw Wiranto, and the bullet went in his direction."

"It's actually kind of fate."

"His fate, my fate, the bullet's fate"

"What you said is too mysterious."

Chen Chen finally found a suitable adjective. Buck nodded and replied:

"Yeah, it's all mysterious."

"But no matter what, he is indeed dead, which is actually good news for us."

Chen Chen nodded slightly but did not answer.

Soon, Pingchuan finished dealing with the seriously injured people at hand and began to take over Buck's treatment work.

At the same time, more "counter-insurgency troops" arrived one after another, the airport had been cleared, and military transport planes landed one after another, sending teams from unknown places to this small town that was supposed to have "no sense of existence". town.

Chen Chen ordered all members of the Dongfeng Corps to stay in Qingshan Park, not to participate in any subsequent actions, and to avoid direct contact with the military.

But in fact, it is not up to him to have any contact or not.

After the situation was completely stabilized, the local police in La Bota quickly established contact with the military and began to help maintain order. Through Gunawan, the head of the military requested a meeting with Chen Chen.

Chen Chen couldn't refuse at all, so he had to rush to Argus's office and saw the officer who had been waiting there.

However, the meeting was completely lackluster. The other party simply asked about what happened starting from Noha, and routinely confirmed the cause of Wiranto's death. After receiving Chen Chen's answer, he immediately sent the guest away.


He was obviously just following a process, and he didn't even ask about Bashir's situation.

Chen Chen can completely understand his approach. Under the current circumstances, this name is too sensitive. It is okay for others to ask. If it is a military personnel, as soon as he opens his mouth, he may immediately arouse unnecessary suspicion.

Therefore, he might as well pretend not to know, or "forgot", and wait for further instructions from his superiors to be conveyed, and then have a dedicated person communicate with Chen Chen.

This is undoubtedly the best choice for them, but for Chen Chen, it is not so friendly.

Because he doesn't know how to deal with it.

When in doubt, look for small fish.

After returning to his office, Chen Chen dialed Xiaoyu's phone number. After the call was connected, Chen Chen spoke first before Xiaoyu could speak:

"Tell me the whole story."

"I was completely stunned."

"Now my mind is filled with questions."

“First, why was Bashir’s intelligence so deadly and why did the military cease fire?”

"Second, why did they continue to pursue after the ceasefire? Why did they dare to pursue Labota?"

"Third, why did the president suddenly regain control of the military? Why was he able to dispatch Su-30s and fight so resolutely that he even loaded aerial bombs?"

After hearing Chen Chen's words, Xiaoyu was silent for a long time, and finally said:

"There are several pieces of information that you can obtain through other public channels."

"I can tell you in advance now."

"From these pieces of information, if you can understand it, then understand it. If not, then don't ask me again."


Chen Chen answered immediately, while Xiaoyu hummed and said:

"First, the Holy Sword of Allah does not belong to Bashir, nor does it belong to the military. It belongs to the true owner of the Apache."

"The Indonesian military did not get the Apache, the Apache belongs to the owner of the Apache."

"Second, the islands surrounding Palau and Sulawesi are the focus of the competition for the second island chain and are also important starting positions."

"Third, Bashir is not a JD element. He is a politician. He is good at using smaller events to promote larger events."

"Fourth, the Indonesian military does not entirely belong to the Suharto camp. Generally speaking, the military's demands for development are higher than its demands for power."

"Fifth, the Reagan formation has just left the Banda Sea."

"Now, do you understand?"

Hearing this, Chen Chen nodded solemnly.

"I see."

In fact, if he still doesn't understand, then he has basically lost the political sense that a "black glove" should have.

This is indeed a complicated and long story. In fact, it can be said that the reason why this story is complicated is that from the beginning, I did not see the whole story.

If we want to divide it into three levels, then the first level is the threat from Indonesian JD activities to the Sulawesi Castle Peak Park.

At this level, there is no need to make any extra considerations. Killing all JD elements, including JIS and EIM, is the only goal and the only mission.

The protagonists of this layer are EIM and JIS.

After entering the second level, the situation begins to become complicated.

Essentially, what the Dongfeng Corps, or the President of Indonesia, needs to deal with is the real mastermind behind the JD activities, and what needs to be dismantled are the "purposeful" and "instrumentalized" terrorist details similar to the Bali incident.

At this level, Chen Chen began to come into contact with Task Force 88, the police, and IS-K.

But that's still not the whole story.

Only after entering the third level, and after the term "Holy Sword of Allah" appeared, could Chen Chen fully come into contact with the truth.

In essence, this is still a battle for sea power between certain countries.

Some people hope to build a more stable, safer, and more efficient military base here, but if this plan is to be implemented, resistance from the civilian government must be resolved.

Therefore, these people threw out the "Holy Sword of Allah" plan, and through cooperation with the Suharto camp, tried to plan a subversive operation directly from underwater to firmly hold something in their hands.

After entering this level, the protagonist becomes the military, some groups represented by Xiaoyu, the president, and a fleet cruising on a certain sea.

Considering this background, many things that are difficult to explain are actually completely understandable.

Why did the military immediately cease fire and let people go after Bashir made that call?

The reason is very simple. It's not that they want to let it go, but that someone has to put pressure on them because they have to take care of their own "face" and the "other chips" on the card table.

It's only 2011 now, and there are still more than five years before the table is completely overturned. At this time, it is truly logical for them to make such a decision.

And continuing downward, why did the military restart the pursuit after only 10 minutes of ceasefire?

Because the cooperation has broken down, what needs to be done is done, and the next decision has nothing to do with the big brother.

After losing its asylum, the military must ensure its own survival.

Therefore, the decision-makers on the front line made a decision that they considered absolutely correct, that is, to continue killing people and silencing them.

Brother can deny the things Bashir knows, but how can you deny it?

Only when Bashir dies can everything end.

This is why Xiaoyu said that he is not a "JD element", but a "politician".

As for why the president was suddenly able to mobilize the Su-30?

The answer is actually self-evident.

The camp is divided. A dog kicked by its owner will definitely stay away even if it doesn't bite.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen let out a long sigh of relief.

Then, he said:

"I will never come to Indonesia again."

"The environment here is too complicated. I, a rural person, can't play with you."

"After this matter is over, I want to return to Pubei."

"Pubei is better. You can fight however you want. You don't have to think too much about these messy things. Problems that can be solved with bullets don't need to be solved with your brain."

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Xiaoyu chuckled lightly on the other end of the phone, and then said:

"You can use this experience as an exercise."

"At least, use the highest intensity at the beginning. After raising your threshold, you will basically not step into this kind of pit again."

"That's a good thing, isn't it?"

".You are so tall."

Chen Chenwei continued angrily:

"Bao Qi's hand was broken, and I also lost two capable men. Just tell me what you want to pay for it."

"Didn't I say that before?"

"You get what you want."

"Can you feel the weight of these words now?"

"Totally feel it."

Chen Chen sighed and said.

"That's no problem."

"Go on and finish what you have to do. IS-K is also an important part of this plan. If you capture their people, everything here will be over."

"By the way, Bashir doesn't need to be alive anymore."


Chen Chen frowned and continued to ask:

"Don't you want a list?"

"So you are not a qualified politician."

"At this time, many people have to be let go."

(To be honest, I didn’t originally plan to write this chapter, because I think this way of explaining the plot through narration is very low. But there is no way, the previous plot has been greatly changed, and many things are just vaguely I mentioned it, but there was no way to write it down, it seemed illogical. So I simply condensed it into one chapter and wrote it, so that the review would only take one chapter. Hehe.

The Indonesian section should be the only content in the entire book that involves high-intensity zz confrontation, because for the protagonist group to develop, this link must be included, which is equivalent to a strong enough vote. But if you continue on, it will be a pleasure to fight, a battle to fight, and a pleasure to fight. )

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