I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 388 Pulling out the nail

It took more than two hours for Chen Chen to read all the training content at Mengka Base.

CQB is only one of the most basic training subjects in this base. In fact, the real highlight is those subjects after "combination with equipment".

Anti-tank and anti-armor training, air assault training, armored vehicle training, heavy weapons use training, artillery training, and infantry-tank coordination training.

The maturity and completeness of the base far exceeded Chen Chen's imagination, and the area was also terrifyingly wide.


In fact, this is also normal.

After all, this base was originally the former Mengku Camp of the Burmese Army. After they withdrew, the Dongfeng Group simply occupied the magpie's nest and took it as its own.

After Jackal accepted this "solution customization" order, he also expanded the camp to a certain extent to meet the special training needs of the Dongfeng Corps.

However, when Chen Chen was very puzzled, Jackal seemed to be obsessed with IPSC and actually built another IPSC venue here, and according to him, it cost a lot of money.

Including the target position, electronic control system, etc., the total cost came to 200,000 US dollars, and Jackal's quote to Chen Chen was directly doubled to 400,000 US dollars.

"There is absolutely no way I can pay this money. I don't care if you keep this thing or dismantle it. In short, it is basically impossible for my people to use it."

"No need to tell me more about the benefits of IPSC in improving individual shooting skills. That's not what I want."

"We are mercenaries, PMCs, not police."

"What we pursue is not to leave any room for resistance by the enemy, not to confront the enemy head-on and then rely on so-called 'technology' to fight for a chance of survival."

"Talking to mercenaries about IPSC is sheer nonsense. If you have time to train, why not give me an extra five-kilometer run, and bring two more grenades when my physical strength is up!"

".All right."

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Jackal glanced at the venue reluctantly, and then said unwillingly:

"But I quite like this sport."

"Then just go and play by yourself. Do you still know it's a sport?"

Chen Chen rolled his eyes at Jackal with some hatred, and continued:

“Light triggers, reduced charges, extreme firing strategies, and even twisted ways of holding guns, none of these are truly suitable for actual combat. Even competitions between factory gun teams have actually long been decoupled from actual combat. "

"People like you who have a certain knowledge of guns and combat are the easiest to fall into traps, but do you know what your greatest luck is? It's that you don't have time to practice."

"Because once you actually practice, you will know that investing a lot of time in training on how to improve the reaction time of 20 milliseconds and kill the enemy before they fire is completely meaningless in actual combat."

"the reason is simple."

"There is no wall in this world that cannot be penetrated."

"What about the encounter? Like the cliff battle you told me about, if it weren't for your firing speed being fast enough, you wouldn't have been able to maintain the situation at that disadvantage, right?"

Hearing this, Chen Chen sneered, shook his head and replied:

"The fundamental reason why the situation was maintained in that battle was not that the killing efficiency was high enough, but because there were enough of us, we fought cowardly enough, and died slowly enough, and finally support arrived."

"I'm not saying that IPSC is useless at all, I'm just saying that instead of letting our team members spend a lot of time practicing this thing, it is better to give them SFARTAETC courses to improve their target detection and planning capabilities."

"We should not think about how to fight out if we are surrounded, but we should think about how not to be surrounded."


At this point, Jackal was finally convinced.

"But you have to give me the money, because I can turn this venue into a simple dynamic shooting training ground. IPSC is useless. You can't say that dynamic shooting training is useless, right?"

".200,000 US dollars, I won't give you a penny more."

"make a deal!"

Jackal chuckled and replied decisively.

He has made enough money at this base, and coupled with his relationship with Chen Chen, there is really no need to care about this small loss.

The two walked out of the base together and took the car back to the Dongfeng Corps' office.

After a few brief exchanges with Jackal, Jackal said goodbye and left.

Through this "inspection", Chen Chen also basically determined the basic situation of the team in his hands.

Lao Zhu's execution ability is not amazing, but it is definitely sufficient.

Among these 50 people, he stuffed more than 20 "special arms", including tank and armored vehicle drivers, artillerymen, communications personnel, anti-tank operators, etc.

Basically, this team has fully functioned as an armored platoon-level combat unit, and there are even signs of overflow of firepower due to the "mismatch" between equipment and personnel.

In other words, there is too much equipment and not enough people.

However, Chen Chen is not worried about this, because he knows that the next battle cannot be fought by his own side.

The line-filling infantry can come from the basic ranks of the coalition forces, while the higher-level "auxiliary troops" can be filled by the private soldiers of He Bupa and He Bangxiong.

The personnel preparation has basically been completed. It is expected that within two weeks, all these people will be pulled out for an actual battle. After experiencing the baptism of blood and fire, they will be able to go to the battlefield.

A drill has to be organized.

Chen Chen scratched his head thoughtfully, then picked up the phone and called Bai Gou, who had been waiting for a long time but had not yet had a chance to meet.

Needless to say, Bai Gou had a doggy manner and asked for help. After chatting for a few words, Chen Chen asked:

"Are there any good missions recently?"

"The scale needs to be slightly larger. It doesn't matter whether it's money or not. The main thing is that it has to be strong enough to defeat the enemy on the opposite side."

".Enough to fight?"

Bai Gou repeated it blankly, as if he didn't understand what Chen Chen meant.

"I plan to take my team out for a real combat exercise, a real 'real combat' exercise."

"This time, all personnel and armored units will go up to test our ability to fight in a systematic manner."

"You have to find a target for me. Don't let them shoot after two rounds of artillery fire."


Bai Gou thought for a moment and replied:

"There are no drug dealers nearby to fight. All the large-scale drug dealers in our territory have been wiped out. The remaining small fish and shrimps are only at a level that a combat team can handle."

"As for the warlords, the coalition forces are opening up everywhere, and there is nothing left to fight."

"It really can't be done. Beat the Pamang camp?"

".Do you know what you're talking about?"

Chen Chen rolled his eyes and continued:

"No matter how dishy the Phamang camp is, they are also Thailand's regular army."

"Even if all the zz factors are eliminated, do you think we can beat them in terms of hard power?"

"Don't be ridiculous, I am a serious national power."

"They don't have to do anything. They can just call in a jet fighter and hit us!"

"Why didn't you say that we also beat up the Pamang camp? Why don't we just raid Washington and establish a party branch?"

Hearing this, Bai Gou scratched his head in embarrassment. After filtering out those unrealistic thoughts in his mind, he finally answered:

"Then there will be no other choice but to fight against Kachin."

"Choose an outlying stronghold and destroy it, then practice during the battle."


"Xiwu, the southern gate of Kachin, controls Highway 31. It is the gateway to Kachin and the starting point for our subsequent Kachin strategy."


Before Bai Gou finished speaking, Chen Chen interrupted him directly.

Then, he explained:

"Xiwu is too far from Monkha. It spans the three power areas of Kokang, Wa State, and Northern Shan State. It is difficult to coordinate in all aspects. Fighting is okay, but troop training is definitely not possible."

"Okay--but if you say so, I do have an idea."

"Why don't we beat Xiao Mengla."

"???Xiao Mengla?"

Chen Chen was stunned, and then subconsciously asked:

"It seems Lin Mingxian didn't recruit us, right?"

Bai Gou scratched his head and thought for a while, then replied:

"It seems that there really isn't."

"But does it matter?"

This question left Chen Chen speechless.

Indeed, does it matter?

Xiao Mong La belongs to the territory of the Eastern Shan State Army and has been in a special state for a long time.

Due to the small territory and weak strength of Mongla, the strategy they adopted has always been biased towards a neutral state of being able to have both sides.

You said they tended to the north. In Chen Chen's memory, this was one of the most difficult places to manage.

Under the leadership of Lin Mingxian, the management here emphasizes that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, admits when it is wrong, and never changes.

Until the time when Chen Chong was born, drugs were still rampant here and the ban was endless. The typical joke of "Yuxi for Ma Guo" originated here.

In addition, smuggling and gambling are rampant here, and even after 2017, it became the hardest hit area for electronic fraud.

The most important thing is that Lin Mingxian has an ambiguous relationship with Bagan officials. He has received official medals from the central government and can be said to be the only leader of the Special Administrative Region who has truly received official recognition.

In this case, his existence was originally a hidden thunder.

Once it breaks out, Xiao Mengla will probably cause more trouble than Guo Gang.

It must be dealt with, and now is indeed the best time.

The Wa State-Shan State Alliance has been formed, and Mongla is wrapped up in it. It has cut off its contact with Myanmar to a large extent. Taking this opportunity, we can clean up the upper class of Mongla and replace it with a group of obedient people. It is the most "reasonable" choice.


You said Lin Mingxian was very obedient and cooperative?

I don’t care whether you cooperate or not?

It is now 2011, and Chen Chen knows that in a few months, the Mengwa Hydropower Station in Mongla will be officially approved.

This power station was designed by the Engineering Design Institute of Sichuan University and constructed by the Sichuan Water Conservancy and Electric Power Engineering Bureau. The various stories involved are not familiar to outsiders, but in the final analysis, this is part of the One Belt, One Road investment plan for Bagan.

How could such an important task be in the hands of a simpleton?

The Wa State has confirmed its defection, and the northern and southern Shan States have also determined their positions. What is the need for your Mongla Army to exist?

Hand over the power and stop playing around.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen nodded decisively, and then said:

"Then take down Mongla."

"Let Bao Xiaomei talk to Lin Mingxian first. If Lin Mingxian can understand current affairs, that would be the best."

"If he doesn't understand current affairs, then we should teach him a lesson!"


Bai Gou nodded decisively, then stood up and left Chen Chen's office.

At this time, Lin Mingxian didn't know that the Dongfeng Corps had already put him on the list just for the purpose of "troop training".

And all the characters on the roster of the Dongfeng Corps will not end well.

Two hours after sending Bai Gou away, Chen Chen finally met the person he wanted to see most when he returned to Pubei.

After meeting this person, the first news the other person brought him made him extremely excited.

Because that person said something.

"There is something wrong with the recent movements in Mongla. Lin Mingxian may have sensed a crisis. He has been in frequent contact with Bagan officials recently and seems to have connections with Kachin."

"Did you notice him?"

Chen Chen asked slightly excitedly.

Good guy, I originally thought that this operation against Mongla would be the first "active" external expansion operation of the Dongfeng Corps, but I didn't expect that before the fighting started, the enemy took the initiative to hand over the clues!

Lin Mingxian, you are really a master of pillow delivery!

Seeing Chen Chen's expression, Xiaoyu, who had just arrived from Mongla to Monkha, was stunned for a moment, and then replied:

"How could we not notice him?"

"We still had a lot of contact with Mongla before, but recently, many things have encountered difficulties."

“The project is not progressing smoothly and there is instability on the border. Even Poly Technology’s office in Mongla has encountered problems.”

"We have talked to Lin Mingxian in a vague way, but he is not satisfied with the status quo."

"We still have to do something."

"How about just killing him?"

Chen Chen asked impatiently.

".Don't ask me. What you do is your business and has nothing to do with me."

Xiaoyu was almost choked by Chen Chen's positive attitude. After a few seconds of silence, she spoke:

"The living space of Mongla has been compressed to the limit. The reason why large-scale conflicts have not broken out yet is entirely because of the historical connection between Lin Mingxian and the Wa and Shan States."

"Sooner or later you will have a battle. You should discuss this matter with the Bao family and He Bangxiong."

"I see."

Chen Chen interrupted Xiaoyu's words, skipped the topic wisely, and asked instead:

"Why do you think Mongla is connected to the Kachin? How dare they?"

"It's not a question of whether you dare or not."

Xiaoyu shook his head and replied:

"The entire Shan State, Wa State and Kokang are basically under your control. On the issue of drug control, your attitude is quite firm."

"Although it is impossible to eradicate it once and for all, the top-down 'wind direction' is still quite clear."

"And you also know that a large part of the drug trade in Pubei and the Golden Triangle is controlled by Wen Bang."

"They lost a lot of 'toxic soil' and must find a new base."

"Now, the form of drug production has changed to chemical drugs. Mongla is a very poor place. It is perfect for this."

Good guy.

Another hit-or-miss!

Chen Chen originally planned to eliminate Wenbeng's peripheral economic pillar. Since then, isn't Mongla the most convenient target? ?

"Is there any evidence?"

"Of course there is, but I can't give it to you. This is classified information."

Xiaoyu shook his head, but then asked:

"But do you really need it?"

It's really not necessary.

As long as there is, just make sure you didn't hit the wrong person.

He is a mercenary, not a policeman.

You can't go to Mongla without reading out the charges and holding a "sanctions referendum", right?

If I do it, I'll do it. Don't complain when I hit you.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen nodded with satisfaction.

In this way, even if Lin Mingxian does not die, he will probably completely withdraw from the stage.

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