Poisoning, this strategy seems very effective, but in fact, in special operations, this thing is basically not feasible.

The first point is that the enemy will definitely be on guard. You will never find an opportunity to poison, nor will you find an effective way for the poison to spread.

Want to poison the water? So how much poison do you want? At least it's calculated in tons.

With so much money and such a strong resource background, I exchanged two mountain melons for a bombardment, and defeated all campsites.

Poisoning food? First, you have to have access to food, right? Why, you still want to sneak into someone else’s cooking class? What a stealth soldier!

Even in the most poorly defended camp, it would be impossible for this to happen.

So, basically, the only feasible solution is gas poisoning.

In the previous life, all cases of poisoning by special forces were basically completed in this way.

For example, the Mariupol incident, the Munich incident, or the classic scenario in which the Manchu blue army of a certain country destroyed an infantry brigade with a poison gas bomb.

But the question is, where to find the poison gas?

It also has to be a poisonous gas that is effective in open spaces. If there really was such a thing in northern Myanmar, then there would be no chaos in this place - because it had long been wiped out and taken over by neighboring countries.

Therefore, Chen Chen shook his head decisively and said:

"It's not feasible. It looks beautiful, but in fact it's not operable at all."

"What about poison gas? I'm talking about poison gas."

Shi Dakai continued.

Heck, I actually thought about it with myself!

Chen Chen nodded approvingly and explained patiently:

"Poison gas is a very sensitive weapon. Internationally, its sensitivity can even be compared with nuclear weapons. Not to mention that we can't get it, even if we get it, we won't dare to use it."

"Isn't it also possible to use chemical gases and the like?"


Chen Chen was stunned, while Shi Dakai continued talking to himself.

"Puyi Trading Company, didn't we help the Seventh Brigade to hand over a large amount of raw materials? There are also a lot of toxic primary raw materials in it, I saw it at the time."

"Two days ago, the management committee issued a notice saying that they would be destroyed publicly to show their determination to fight drugs. Although this was a show-off, it shows that they definitely don't want it."

"Because when I was doing manual intelligence investigation two days ago, I heard many people say that the 7th Brigade, including the Shan State Allied Forces, really want to learn from the Wa State's drug control, and they turn a blind eye to things within their jurisdiction. , but I am not involved in drugs.”

"Since you don't want it, it will be wasted in the lime water and pollute the environment. Why don't you let us use it?"

Chen Chen was shocked.

What the hell kind of brain circuit is this?


But don’t tell me, it might actually be useful!

The poisonous smoke produced by burning raw materials is no joke. He had seen a news before, saying that the US DEA destroyed raw materials near a small town. As a result, more than a thousand people in the town were numb.

If the poisonous smoke can really be released from the upwind position under the appropriate wind direction,

Damn it.

The more I think about it, the more feasible it becomes!

The most common ones in Shan State are MG, No. 4 and leaves. The smoke produced by burning these three things is not strong. After being dispersed into the air, it is even colorless, but its effect is not at all weaken.

What's even more outrageous is that

The effect produced by the mixing and burning of these three raw materials is a mixture of excitement + sedation.

In other words, the whole person's brain will be directly messed up.

Isn't this a big killer?

As for getting goods from the Seventh Brigade and the Management Committee, it is not a big deal.

They destroyed it for show anyway, just get some toppings like rock candy.

Plan passes.

Chen Chen was happy in his heart, but his face was still calm.

"Hmm, not a bad idea."

"I'll go find Peng Xucheng and ask. At the same time, if you want to implement it, you need to make some preparations."

"It's probably not enough to just put it upwind. In this way, we can use the gas tank cannon that we brought back."

"Shi Dakai, go to Chaisili to find Jackal and ask him to get us some RDX, or if we only have C4, it will work. By the way, don't forget to order the detonator."

"Bang Li, go rent a few more gas tanks and come back - if the boss asks you about the gas tanks from last time, you will settle the bill."

"Bao Qi, go to the market and buy a set of grinding equipment, a few sets of protective clothing, and a few gas masks. There are a lot of poison makers around Mengka, and there are plenty of them. Note that the grinding equipment needs to be electric."


The three of them answered together, while Chen Chen continued to say thoughtfully:

"If this is the case, then the division of labor among our four-person team is basically saturated."

"When the time comes, we will sneak in first, Shi Dakai, and you will stay on the outside as a sniper. You can also fire cannons by the way."

Chen Chen's efficiency has always been extremely high. Only half an hour later, he was already sitting in Peng Xucheng's office.

"What? Are you really going to do this?"

After listening to Chen Chen's plan, Peng Xucheng's expression was exactly the same as when Chen Chen heard Shi Dakai's words.

His mouth couldn't close for a long time, and his eyes were wide open.

"Yes, I have thought about it carefully. There are no big loopholes in this plan, and there is no exclusivity."

"In other words, even if the plan does not work, after the silent projection of the superior force fails, we can still cancel the bombardment and carry out the infiltration operation according to the planned plan."

"But if it does work, let them smoke it."

"Isn't this great? Without lowering the lower limit of the mission, it can increase the upper limit of the mission."

"Once we succeed, we can basically eliminate the influence of the villagers on our mission - I have seen too many people above me. They have no judgment and no ability to act. It is absolutely impossible to resist."

"That's true"

Peng Xucheng nodded silently.

"MG adds No. 4, and the gods are also sidetracked. The feasibility is definitely no problem, but why do I always feel weird? Aren't you mercenaries? Why are all these conspiracies and tricks in your mind?"

"Then no one stipulates that mercenaries have to rush up with bullets on their heads. They have heavy machine guns."

Chen Chen spread his hands and asked bluntly:

"So can you help me get the goods?"

"Of course you can. It's really not a big deal. You can just ask Captain Chen to take care of it - he's quite interesting. I heard you're going to do this, so I might as well go and have some fun."

"I'll call in a moment. Do you need anything else?"

It's done.

Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and after thinking for a moment, he said:

"You still have to find a way to catch a smoker I can trust."

"Although it is said that goods are burned and smoked, we don't have any experience in how to burn them."

"Then another thing is, please help me confirm with the 7th Brigade what the attitude is towards the villagers of Wanxi Village."

"If I cause relatively large casualties among villagers, will there be additional risks and problems?"

"Okay, I'll ask."

Peng Xuguo answered decisively, but then asked casually:

"Didn't Brigadier Chen call you? Why didn't you ask yourself?"

Ha, the insidious old fox.

Chen Chen secretly thought to himself, are you still trying to test me?

This set of human relations and sophistication has been ruined by China.

So he smiled and replied:

"I don't know him well. We are not from the same world. It would be more appropriate to ask you for help."

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