"Target location confirmed, 30 seconds countdown begins for artillery arrival."


Chen Chen replied briefly, then held the gun in his hand again and stared closely at the truly "hidden" tower directly in front of him.

In fact, even from his angle and from a distance of less than 500 meters, he could hardly detect the tower hidden under the dense vegetation.

If Lin He hadn't pointed out the "passage" between the woods and the slightly abrupt "tree wall" at the end of the passage, Chen Chen might not have given it a second glance even if he stood in front of it.

This is what a real artillery reconnaissance position should look like.


But now, this position is about to be destroyed.

After killing the patrolman, Chen Chen immediately called for artillery support, and within three minutes, all artillery fire positions were adjusted.

According to his estimation, after the patrol personnel lost contact, the enemy would need at least two minutes to detect anomalies and one minute to make a decision to evacuate or transfer.

It is absolutely impossible for them to take away huge equipment in such a short period of time.

Therefore, artillery fire will definitely destroy their equipment.

Even if the damage to personnel is limited, the combat objective can be achieved.

With a countdown of 10 seconds, Chen Chen had already seen the "Fire Ladder" stretching behind him.

Before the ladder arrived, a bright spark exploded from the tree wall in the distance, followed by a deafening sound.


The M56 shell hit the target accurately. At a distance of nearly 7 kilometers, its error did not exceed two meters!

There is no doubt that this is great luck.

In the case of cold gun firing, let alone two meters of error, even if it is 20 meters, it is still within the acceptable range.

But sometimes, things just develop in unexpected directions, making people unpredictable.

The power of this shot directly tore off all the camouflage of the tower. The real anti-artillery radar was exposed in front of Chen Chen, and at the same time, there were several weak infrared heat signals.

Yes, even the original Shadow Corps was able to obtain anti-infrared camouflage suits. How could these elite soldiers who were obviously from the SEALs not be fully prepared?

Even after withstanding a round of artillery fire, their personnel were still not fully exposed. At this distance and relying on extremely limited information, the Dongfeng Corps was simply not enough to launch an encirclement and suppression attack against them! ——

Fortunately, after the first howitzer hit the target, the second grenade and dozens of rockets also followed.

Intense artillery fire instantly completely covered the entire target area. The fire caused by the rocket explosion illuminated the jungle and enveloped those still active infrared targets.

Chen Chen lay on the spot unmoved, quietly watching the explosions one after another.

He had no urge to go up and take action, because he knew that at this time, any hasty movement may completely expose his position, and then be hunted one by one by the seals who survived the explosion.

You know, they are not some pheasant mercenary group, nor are they MPRI or the former special forces members of MPRI who have lost the power of the "system" and their combat effectiveness is not as good as before.

They are serious seals, masters who can completely defeat the new recruits of the Dongfeng Corps even if only one person is left!

There is only one chance to defeat them.

That is, to launch an ambush during their retreat.

Chen Chen's location was carefully selected by Lin He. If the seals wanted to evacuate, this would be the most convenient, fastest, and "safest" route.

Now, everyone in the Dongfeng Corps has been camouflaged with vegetation and soil. As long as the opponent appears in front of him and as long as they can get close enough, Chen Chen is confident that he can keep them all here.

Time passed by, and the explosion had completely stopped.

The radio signal has been interrupted, which proves that the other party has turned on the signal jamming device and begun the retreat process.

The Dongfeng Corps uses frequency hopping communication. If it wants to completely block it, the other party must apply high-power electromagnetic interference.

And this means that they themselves cannot communicate by radio.

The two sides have entered the same level in the electromagnetic environment, but this cannot be an advantage for either side.

The entire jungle has fallen into silence again, as if the explosion just now had never happened, or was just a dispensable episode in this war.


However, just when Chen Chen was even a little disappointed and thought that they had evacuated from other routes, a muffled sound suddenly appeared above the head of the veteran not far from him.


Chen Chen turned his head subconsciously, and at this moment, he suddenly realized the danger of his action.

In a dark forest, any moving target will be targeted!


The typical crisp mechanical sound after equipping a silencer sounded. Chen Chen's hair stood on end instantly. Then, without any time to think about it, he suddenly turned over and rolled to the left. At the same time, his helmet was grazed by a bullet from the side. The veteran also rolled to his right side.

Four consecutive gunshots, definitely not dense, came from a distance. The bullets grazed Chen Chen's body at a slight angle and penetrated into the soil of the jungle.

The thick tree trunk blocked the path of the bullet, but also blocked Chen Chen's observation angle.

He couldn't raise his gun to fight back, but the other two team members behind him had already opened fire.

"Bang bang bang bang -"

Violent gunshots rang out, and the trees in front were beaten to pieces. But within this breath, the gunman hidden in the forest had disappeared without a trace. When they stopped firing and lowered their bodies again to observe, everything happened. It's too late.

Two subsonic bullets accurately hit their necks, blood gushed out instantly, and they fell into the hot and humid jungle before they even had time to say a word.

However, their lives gave Chen Chen a chance.

Within a second of the enemy showing up, his crosshairs had already locked onto the enemy's position.

The trigger was pulled unconsciously, and after the crisp gunshot, the enemy fell to the ground on the spot.

Before Chen Chen could stop his movements, he pulled the muzzle of his gun towards another moving target on the side, but before he could shoot, the target had quickly jumped into the bushes, and Chen Chen lost his sight again!

The bullet missed, and Chen Chen fell backward suddenly. The bullet shot at him from nowhere almost missed the tip of his nose.

Lin He behind him suddenly supported his already unstable body, and then with a strong force, he quickly threw him to the side with abundant cover.

And he himself, using the weak light of the opponent's shot, fired a very short burst.

No one knew whether he hit the target, but after he fell down again, the surroundings did fall into silence again.

Chen Chen's heart has fallen to the bottom. He originally thought that he had taken the initiative and was the "hunter" in this jungle, and the enemy was his prey.

Even if the hunt fails, at least one side can escape unscathed without taking meaningless risks.

But in fact, when we discovered the prey, the prey had also discovered them!

There is only one reason why those seals did not rush up and bite all the Dongfeng Corps to death:

They couldn't locate all the members of the Dongfeng Corps yet, so the first shot was just a test!

Chen Chen was extremely grateful for his decision to arrange the formation loosely. Seeing the situation deteriorating, he was afraid that his team members would act rashly, so he could only risk and shout:

"Everyone stay hidden!"

"Don't move, they can't find us!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two bullets immediately flew in Chen Chen's direction.

Fortunately, it is not that simple to "identify the position by listening to the sound" in the jungle, and the opponent does not want to use the continuous fire strategy with the greatest exposure risk, so the two bullets finally just landed at the position where Chen Chen made the sound. That’s all.

But even if it was just like this, Chen Chen was already frightened enough.

How could they be so fast and so accurate?

This has obviously exceeded the limit that the human body can achieve. Even if your ears are radars, there will be at least an error in positioning. How could they possibly achieve this, with the shooting accuracy almost reaching the level of a hit?

Has seal training evolved to such a fantasy level?

Or is it that all of their team members have been injected with mutant spider toxins and evolved to the point of having spider senses? ?

Without any time to think, Chen Chen quickly found a position to hide himself again.

He knows that the current situations of his side and the other side are basically the same.

They have anti-infrared camouflage suits, and we have also used local methods; the Dongfeng Corps' radios don't work, and they are most likely silent.

The two sides are truly in a "dark forest", and the one discovered first will inevitably suffer a blow from the darkness.

In this case, even the use of throwing objects became a luxury.

Because you don’t know whether the enemy is 50 meters, 20 meters, or 10 meters away from you!

Will they really not catch your big move when you take out the grenade?

Just get through it.

Whoever loses his composure first will lose.

But the problem is that the Dongfeng Corps may not have that much time to spend with them here.

Let’s not talk about how long the homemade anti-infrared camouflage on his body can last. Looking at the overall situation, the battle on the Qingshui River is far from over. When he is not there and cannot command on the spot, can the Li Gang bear the responsibility he should Responsibility?

Chen Chen can only believe in the Li Gang unconditionally, because he knows that the importance of the battle he is facing now may not be much lower than the "big battle" on the Qingshui River!

If heavy losses can be caused to active members of the SEALs here, the direction of this war may change.

Even if it does not force CIASAD to withdraw from Kachin, even if it has the opposite effect and further escalates the situation, our side can still be considered a winner.

Therefore, you must live and let your enemy die.

Chen Chen took a deep breath. He knew that the only advantage he could rely on now was Lin He.

Only he can find clues of the enemy's existence in the most complex jungle environment.

Therefore, Chen Chen directly gave up observing the enemy and instead made a gesture to Lin He to indicate his intention to him.

"Me, the bait, you, the cover."

Lin He hesitated for two seconds and finally made an "agree" gesture.

Therefore, Chen Chen slowly moved his body and climbed away from Lin He step by step without shaking any ground vegetation as much as possible.

This process was extremely long. In an hour, he moved no more than 10 meters.

However, it was this 10-meter distance that finally gave him a chance to take action.

He carefully took off a fragmentation grenade, pulled out the latch, and stuck it into the gap between the aerial roots of two banyan trees on the ground.

Then, he followed the same pattern and deployed all three grenades on his body at intervals of one meter.

This series of actions once again consumed him for 30 minutes, and during these 30 minutes, a new round of conflict broke out at the ambush point dozens of meters away from him.

It was still a subsonic bullet. The "new soldier" of the Dongfeng Corps who was hit by the bulletproof plate subconsciously fought back, and his shooting action played into the enemy's hands. At the moment when the gunfire lit up, two bullets hit him with incomparable accuracy. chest!

Fast and vicious.

If it weren't for the contribution of the four-level bulletproof inserts, the Dongfeng Corps would have suffered its third loss of personnel this night.

After falling on his back, the recruit finally remembered Chen Chen's order. He suppressed his budding instinct and threw himself down in another bush, letting the bullet pass above his head.

And just after a few bullets, the gunfire stopped again.

In this round, the Dongfeng Corps did not fire any counterattack because they failed to find the weak gunfire covered by the silencer in the dense jungle.

Turn-based game.

This slightly absurd concept flashed through Chen Chen's mind involuntarily, but in fact, using this word to describe the current situation is indeed the most appropriate word.

The enemy has already gained an advantage, and they are still slowly searching and advancing. Every time they catch clues about the Dongfeng Corps, they will add to their advantage.

They have more experience and better fighting qualities. Dongfeng Corps has no means to force them out of the darkness and drag them into the melee that Dongfeng Corps is good at. They can only fight with the same strategy as them.

All the devices were ready. Chen Chen slowly raised his hand again and made a "ready" gesture to Lin He.

Lin He extended his thumb in response. Chen Chen gently inserted the muzzle of the gun under the leaves of the bush and suddenly pulled the trigger!

"Bang bang bang bang -"

Gunshots rang out continuously. The moment he pulled the trigger, Chen Chen had already jumped to the left. But this time, the enemy's bullet did not come from the front of him, but from the rear right side!

The moment the bullet passed by, Chen Chen twisted his body to complete the action of grabbing the gun. Then, in less than 300 milliseconds of reaction time, he aimed at the fleeting light and pulled the trigger.

Immediately afterwards, two crisp metal collision sounds were heard in succession.

That was the sound of the enemy's bullet hitting the trees behind him, the grenade falling off due to the shock, and the grip flicking open.




Two consecutive explosions were followed by a third explosion. The violent sound disturbed the enemy's judgment. Taking this opportunity, Lin He stood up suddenly, raised his sight, and found the enemy's location!

"Three trees on the left front! Boulder on the right front!"

This is the simplest, and indeed the most effective, method of targeting.

Without any hesitation, Chen Chen pointed his gun in the direction indicated by Lin He.

In an instant, gunfire exploded and the enemy fell to the ground.

But this time, they made no attempt to hide.

Dense bullets were pouring in the direction of Chen Chen. He quickly lowered his body to hide. At this time, other members of the Eastern Corps had already opened fire!

The gunfire of M249 sounded, and the real battle finally began.

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