"Nankan has been lost, and there is no point in us continuing to support them."

"The only thing we can do now is to fight all the way to Lao Cai and destroy all the supply lines of the Shan State Army."

"We are not enough to confront them head-on. Only when the defenders of Bhamo come over can we have a chance to turn defeat into victory."

"What we have to do is create opportunities for Bhamo's Fourth Brigade and slow down the Shan State Army's offensive."

"So, there is nothing more to say. The team immediately set off, heading south along the Lashio-Muse Highway, making a sneak attack behind it and capturing the old street!"


In the Kachin Army Muse's temporary headquarters, Gewugu, who had just arrived from near Mudi, frowned at the battle map while quickly issuing orders.

In fact, he was not unprepared for the "fall" of Nankan. On the contrary, he was already ready to abandon Nankan as soon as he arrived in Muse.

It was precisely for this reason that he mobilized a large number of troops and equipment to Muse, but instead left only two tanks and four fragile armored vehicles in Nankan.

He knew that it was absolutely impossible for the Shan State Army - or the Dongfeng Corps to act according to common sense.

Although I haven't played against the opponent many times, I have definitely studied their battle cases.

How could they fight along the road step by step, how could they fight a so-called tough battle as their own side thought?

They themselves are from special operations background, and winning by surprise is their usual method.

Therefore, Nankan will definitely be captured first, while Muse is a dispensable chess piece to them.

But even so, he never expected that Nankan would lose so quickly.

It's so fast that our own side has no time to support, and it's so fast that even if the opponent wants to use the tactic of encirclement and reinforcements, they can't use it at all!

Is the enemy too strong, or is our side too weak?

This question lingered in Gewu Gu's heart, and there was no clear answer for a while.

However, thinking of the fight that took place in the jungle, at least he fully recognized the Dongfeng Corps' combat capabilities.

With numbers at a comprehensive disadvantage, equipment at a comprehensive disadvantage, and even intelligence at a comprehensive disadvantage, they were able to delay the arrival of support from the north and delay until the situation was completely reversed. If this cannot be called a "strong force", Then in this world, I'm afraid there really is no strong team.

Therefore, if you want to defeat the opponent and take advantage of the Shan State Army, head-on conflict is not advisable.

Playing opportunistically, delaying time, and waiting for support is a winning combination.

Yes, the Dongfeng Corps will definitely defend the supply line, and they may even have anticipated their own surprise attack.

But even so, they can't have too many fancy coping methods.

In this case, whoever is faster will have the advantage; whoever has better equipment will be able to win Guokang!

It just so happens that our side can indeed be faster and have better equipment.

The main force of the Shan State Army has already reached Namkan, and it will take them at least 4 hours to return to defense.

This also means that within 4 hours, as long as one's side completely annihilates the opponent's remaining forces, the battlefield situation can change instantly!

Thinking of this, Ge Wugu did not hesitate, but immediately walked out of the command post and boarded his command vehicle.

All equipment has been packed and the troops are ready to go.

Ge Wugu gave an order, and the garrison of more than 1,500 people immediately began to move in an orderly manner.


Although it sounds simple, in fact, his arrangement is not that "straightforward".

Instead of pulling the team over in one fell swoop, while leaving a team of 200 people to defend Muse and slowing down the Shan State Army's maneuvering speed, the entire team was divided into three parts: reconnaissance, firepower, and support, and maneuvered in an echelon sequence. , erasing all possible risks of attack on the path!

And it turns out that his strategy did work wonders.

When the team marched to Hill 105, they suffered the first attack.

A light infantry team of 200 people tried to attack their convoy with rocket launchers and mortars, but their whereabouts were quickly discovered by the reconnaissance team that came out. Before they could launch an attack, the firepower team at the rear used a Rounds of intensive artillery fire taught them how to behave!

Under the rumble of artillery, the attackers fled without causing any damage. After the obstacles were cleared, the convoy sent a reconnaissance team to conduct another round of fire reconnaissance before guiding the main force in the rear to continue to advance.

They walked cautiously, but not too slowly.

Two hours later, the team had arrived near Mengxi, with only the last 40 kilometers remaining from Lao Cai.

In Ko Ug Ku's view, if the Shan State Army wants to keep its supply lines and defend the key node of Lao Cai, Meng Xi is their last chance.

But what surprised him was that in Mengxi, they were not intercepted at all.

The journey was smooth, but Ge Wugu's expression became more solemn.

Looking at the deserted road in the distance, Gewugu said to his adjutant:

"The Shan State Army can't just let us go. This is too unreasonable."

"They must still have an ambush, and they will definitely find a way to stop us."

"Meng Xi has passed, and the only defensive point is Jishan."

"That should be the location of the final decisive battle, if..."

"Bang bang bang bang -"

Before Ge Wugu finished speaking, a series of gunshots suddenly exploded from the nearby hills.

He subconsciously looked towards the mountain, and then he saw dozens of figures moving on the top of the mountain less than 300 meters away from where he was.

These people don't seem to have any heavy weapons in their hands. The most "heavy" weapon is the heavy machine gun.

Just this little thing, do you want to stop us?

A trace of doubt flashed in Ge Wu Gu's heart, but he did not dare to deal with it casually.

"Order three T-90s to move forward, and the infantry and tanks will cooperate to defeat the enemy on the top of the mountain."

"This should be their forward who is pretending to harass. They must still have the strength behind them."

"The artillery was deployed on the spot to conduct a round of shelling on the hilltop."

"No need to pursue killing, just drive them away first!"

"Everyone is ready, build a simple offensive, occupy the commanding heights, wait for the enemy to attack!"


After the order was issued, the Kachin army immediately started moving.

It must be said that the team led by Ge Wugu was indeed elite. It only took more than ten minutes for the team to complete its deployment.

If the coalition forces attack without thinking at this time, they will only be met with a disastrous defeat.

Thinking of this, Gewugu breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the Shan State Federation Army is indeed panicking. Now in this battle, they have finally made their first mistake.

At the same time, in Lao Cai, inside the Allied Forces temporary headquarters.

Peng Deren stared at the battle map on the wall and said:

"The enemy has taken the bait."

"They thought we were going to fight them to the death here, because according to their thinking, this team that penetrated deep into the rear of our army must be dealt with."

"Under this idea, they will definitely make all preparations for combat."

"This is our opportunity."

"Order the Fourth Company to withdraw, don't confront them head-on!"

"Maintain high-speed maneuvers, block and harass at all levels."

"Disturbing the enemy's line of sight, forcing them to repeat combat operations and slowing down their progress."

"As long as we persist for more than 4 hours, we will win!"


Standing next to Peng Deren, the temporary acting commander of the Fifth Regiment, He Bupa, answered without hesitation, without any look of grievance on his face.

In fact, he was somewhat unbalanced after being demoted from a brigade commander to a regiment commander.

However, after listening to the plan dictated by Chen Chen himself and understanding the crucial role that the regiment he led would play, his resentment had long since disappeared.

He knew that in Pubei, many people would never have the chance to fight a battle like his.

The so-called tactics and strategies are too far away from the warlords here. No matter how many troops they have, the most they can think of is "the artillery blasts and the infantry charges."

Containment, cover, interlude, and feint are things that only appear in books and TV.

But now, he is about to truly fight such a battle at the "strategic" level that transcends tactics!

Even as a group leader, he felt that he was not losing anything!

Thinking of this, He Bupa immediately relayed Peng Deren's order, mobilized his own troops, and continued to implement the strategy that Chen Chen had planned long ago.

Less than 10 minutes after his order was issued, the latest battle report from the front line came.

"The fourth company of our army has withdrawn from the Munshi Manhra position and is retreating towards the Samhain Bridge."

"The Sixth Company has completed its defense near Mankunsha."

"The enemy is moving near Mankunsha and is expected to arrive in 10 minutes."

"Instruct the Sixth Company to block the enemy in Mankunsha!"

"We don't pursue killing, but we must hold the opponent back for at least 20 minutes!"

"Understood, hold the enemy back for twenty minutes!"

Another order was issued, and at this point, the intentions of the fifth regiment and the Allied Forces had actually been revealed.

They are going to fight a low-end version of the Battle of Tieyuan in the Kokang territory!

Of course, it is impossible for them to resolutely block the enemy's march, risking their lives and slowing down the enemy's march at all costs like the real Battle of Cheorwon.

However, they have the advantage of poor information.

When the enemy is unsure of our specific combat intentions, every blockage may be the clarion call for a decisive battle for them.

And in this case, they had to be cautious and hesitant!

Once you hesitate, you must test, and as long as you test, you must slow down.

Maybe each of their trials would only take ten minutes or at most half an hour, but that would be enough.

Because Peng Deren set up 20 ambush and interception points for them!

Of course, they may not all be used, but even if they only use one-third, the time they can gain has already exceeded Chen Chen’s requirements.

At this time, Mankunsha's resistance was over.

The Sixth Company suffered a lot of casualties - this was not small, and was calculated based on the standards of Pubei civilians.

A total of 150 people participated in the blocking team, and more than 15 people were injured or killed in the exchange of fire with the Kachin Army.

But their sacrifice was worth it.

At Mankunsha alone, the Kachin army was blocked for 30 minutes.

And next, is the most critical point in the blocking battle.

Samhain Bridge.

Kachin Army, in the command car.

Ko Wu Gu waved the pistol in his hand angrily. At this time, he wished he could lead the team to rush forward and beat all the Shan State soldiers who were like flies into a pulp.

His face had turned red, and his voice had become hoarse from shouting for a long time, but even so, he kept shouting orders.

"The tanks keep moving forward! Go straight across the bridge!"

"The load-bearing capacity of Samhain Bridge is completely sufficient, just go across it!"

"What the hell are you afraid of?! There are only infantry on the other side, not even artillery!"

"You're fucking driving a T-90, and you're still afraid of their Bayi bars!"

"Press me up! Press me up!"

"They just want to hold us back. If the reinforcements catch up from behind, we will be dead!"


As soon as Ge Wugu finished speaking, the Kachin Army's offensive accelerated instantly.

After a frenzied outpouring of firepower, all Shan State fire points on the other side of the river were cleared, and the Kachin Army's tanks finally crossed the bridge.

In an instant, the tigers were among the sheep, and the Shan State troops who were still holding on were like birds and beasts. No one even looked back in the direction of the Kachin army.

This scene should have been "pleasant to watch", but at this time, Ko Wu Gu was not in the mood to celebrate the victory at all, because he knew that his enemies were about to achieve their goals.

Our own speed has been seriously slowed down. If the main force of the Shan State Army attacks at this time, our own side will face the dilemma of being attacked from both sides.


But the good news is that until now, he has not received a report from the Muse defenders.

It seems that the opponent did not continue to attack Muse, but stayed in Nankan to repair.

Or, they were returning the same way and bypassing Muse to organize the pursuit.

If that's the case, our chances of winning are much greater.

Because the other party has to spend at least 4 hours climbing over mountains and ridges, and after reaching the main road, it will take at least two hours to catch up with him.

By that time, my team should have moved into Kokang and be ready to defend.

Ge Wugu's frown finally relaxed a little.

He found that the Shan State Army had not made any mistakes.

However, some things are beyond human control.

The main force of the Shan State Army can no longer catch up with him, and he.


Before he could finish the thoughts in his mind, a panicked call from the correspondent pulled him back to the battlefield.

Ge Wugu subconsciously turned to the correspondent and cursed angrily:

"What are you doing! Report it directly!"

There was a somewhat impatient look on his face, because at this time, all his thoughts were devoted to the current battle situation.

No matter what kind of information the correspondent brought, there was only one thing he had to do now.

Find ways to move forward quickly.

Except for this matter, any other issues are not important.


However, the correspondent's next words made Ge Wugu feel like he had fallen into an ice cave.

He realized that he had thought completely wrong.

Because what the correspondent said is

"The Fourth Brigade is defeated!"

"Bamo. Bhamo was lost!"

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