I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 464 Tacit understanding

"You need to retreat with us, we only have a thirty-minute window."

"We are leaving Türkiye, leaving Istanbul."

"The Mediterranean is blocked, we are going to the Black Sea."

"We have to get to Castro Beach and complete the evacuation from there."

In the room, Mao Zi, who had just arrived, quickly arranged the corpses he brought, took the Dongfeng Corps to change the equipment, and then explained the current situation to Chen Chen in broken English.

Until this time, Chen Chen still didn't understand why the Russian side was able to break through the obstacles of the Turkish military and police to come here for rescue.

However, judging from the fact that they brought the corpse that Chen Chen needed, they must have reached some kind of deal with the north.

Because Chen Chen wanted the body from Xia Xing!

In places where the influence in the north cannot reach, they used Russia's influence to put pressure on Turkey. So in the final analysis, it was not Russia that saved them, but the little fish.

Chen Chen took a deep breath, slightly adjusted the bandage on his left arm, and then followed the unnamed Maozi out of the room.

Outside the room, Turkish military police still formed a tight encirclement.

But in the middle of the encirclement, there was a "tourist bus" parked ready to go.

Chen Chen led the team onto the bus and drove out without any hindrance.

Less than two minutes after they left, the T129, which was already hovering in the air, suddenly opened fire violently.

Immediately afterwards, the entire house was blown to pieces!

"What now? What happened?"

Chen Chen asked.

"Now, we are going to the Black Sea."

"We made a deal, Türkiye needs balance and the North needs you alive."

"That's what I'm asking - what deal did you make?"

Chen Chen continued to ask, but obviously, with this idiot's language skills, he could no longer explain more.

The words "deal" and "live" came over and over in his mouth. Chen Chen was confused and had to temporarily suppress his doubts and sit in Maozi's car to continue evacuating.

The bus headed all the way north, from Weremeshee to Castro Beach, a distance of nearly 40 kilometers. This bulky bus really only took less than 30 minutes to arrive.

When they arrived at the beach, Chen Chen saw a scene that stunned him.

The entire beach has been cleared, and standing on the beach is a whole team of armed men dressed in black.

signal flag.

Maozi is a T1-level special forces force and is directly responsible for overseas affairs.

They actually landed on the beach so grandly - right on Turkish territory!

Are you kidding? Did Maozi directly declare war on Türkiye?

Otherwise, why did they let the "murderers" of the Dongfeng Corps leave Turkey, and why did they blow up houses and destroy evidence, apparently "in aid of the tiger"? !

He really couldn't figure out what was going on, but having come this far, he had no choice but to keep going.


However, things developed differently than he imagined.

Because, he originally thought that they had already reached the beach, and Maozi would most likely send out warships to send them away.

But in fact, Mao Zi, who was in charge of the Dongfeng Corps, just ordered Signal Flag to move out a few boxes and throw the weapons and equipment inside in front of Chen Chen!

"These are all yours."

"Next, you have to leave on your own."


"You can ask your commander."

Mao Zi replied bluntly, and then all the signal flag team members took off in a small boat.

Chen Chen was really stunned.

Despite his past life experiences and memories, and despite the fact that he had developed a high level of political sensitivity in the ongoing battles, at this moment, he really couldn't figure out what was going on.

Depend on!

Didn’t you just say to evacuate from the Black Sea?

The co-author is that you evacuate on your own! ?

He had no other choice but to put on the equipment provided by Maozi first.

After all, feeling naked all over the body is really insecure.


After putting on the equipment, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

what's the situation?

Am I a signal flag?

Without any time to think, Chen Chen and everyone quickly hid in the jungle near the beach.

This is already on the Black Sea coast, and the vegetation is much lusher than near Istanbul.

The Dongfeng Corps finally returned to familiar terrain, and Chen Chen also gained a little sense of security.

After taking a short break as a team, Chen Chen took out his satellite phone.

Then, after thinking for a few seconds, he called Xiaoyu instead of Xia Xing.

"what's the situation?!"

"Türkiye just let us go?"

"Why don't you just evacuate us? What's the next step?"

The signal here is very poor, and the sound of the small fish is a bit blurry.

But from the vague voice, Chen Chen finally got the answer he wanted.

"Because Andrea is dead!"

"When you were chasing Andrea, he had directly asked the president for help, and the US president had also put pressure on Turkey. That's how those helicopters came!"

"Helicopters have already spotted you, but they didn't open fire."

"A conflict broke out between the Turkish civilian system and the military, and the military refused to execute the order."

"You wait a moment? The military refuses to carry out the order?!"

Chen Chen spoke in shock, interrupting Xiaoyu's words.

"That's right!"

"The military killed six people in Istanbul and they believed it was the CIA's responsibility - they believed the whole riot in Istanbul was the CIA's responsibility, so they refused to assist Andrea unless there was a good reason."

"By the time they finally complete the communication, Andrea has been beaten to a pulp by you!"

"Turkish officials cannot afford this explanation, so they can only blame Russia."

"Signal flag! Signal flag is the key!"

“The signal flag appeared in Istanbul, which gave the Turkish side an excuse. They claimed that senior Turkish officials—high-ranking Turkish officials with status no less than Andrea’s—had their lives threatened by the signal flag. They had no choice but to delay the attack.”

"This is their deal. Maozi takes the blame. In exchange, Turkey will let you go."

"Now, your identity is as a member of the Signal Flag Task Force, and you are already dead."

"There are no East Asians, there is no Dongfeng Corps. Even if the CIA suspects it, they don't have any direct evidence."

"We paid for this with a lot of things. In short, you need to evacuate as soon as possible now!"

It's complicated, it's too complicated.

It was originally just a joke to myself, but I didn't expect it to actually become a signal flag now.

Chen Chen didn't know how far the political struggle behind this had progressed, but judging from the conflict between Turkish civil servants and the military, the influence of this Islamic storm had indeed reached an alarming level.

In any case, Maozi did play a role.

Although the way it worked was not within Chen Chen's expectation, they finally managed to save their lives in the most extreme situation.


Even if it's temporary.

"Where are we going now?"

Chen Chen continued to ask.

"You need to get to Karabrun."

"We've got arrangements there for the pickup."

"The distance is 52 kilometers. No matter what you think of, you must arrive within 2 hours, that is, before 10 o'clock tonight."

"If you can't get there, even the gods can't save you."

"Why don't we just evacuate with Maozi? They just sent a real signal flag!"

"Are you crazy? Let you board their warship?"

"We are doing all this just for formal rationality. Can we really deceive the CIA?"

"We are just buying time for you. Hijikata will betray you sooner or later, and they will continue to hunt you down."

"So, go, go now!"

"I see."

Chen Chen nodded slowly and then hung up the phone.

At this moment, his mind was really in a mess.

It was obviously a failed evacuation, but in a sense it was successful.

It was clear that he was only one step away from escape, but he was ruthlessly left behind.

The mystery behind this may only be understood after it is truly safe.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath and ordered:

"I can't control that much."

"Find a place to grab a car and leave quickly!"


Li Bang answered quickly, and then four team members were on alert, and four team members left the hidden area to look for the vehicle.

Ten minutes later, two cars drove from a distance.

There are only 10 seats, and the body of the fallen team member can only be placed in the trunk.

Chen Chen closed his eyes for him and gently closed the trunk door.

Immediately after, he opened the door and got into the car, Lin He stepped on the accelerator, and the Jeep Compass that they had stolen sped towards the road ahead.

An hour later, the two vehicles arrived at Karabrun.

Following Xiaoyu's guidance, Chen Chen met the receptionist.

Among these people, Xia Xing and Wu Cong were included.

Seeing Chen Chen's surprised expression, Wu Cong had already guessed his doubts.

So, before Chen Chen spoke, he spoke first and explained:

“Istanbul can’t stay any longer.”

"The Great Purge is coming soon. Maozi is sending more troops to Istanbul, but we can only withdraw first."

"We have to go to Syria - just like you."

"Has the situation gotten this bad?"

Chen Chen frowned, but Wu Cong was in high spirits.

"It's not bad, it's great!"

"This place will be completely reshuffled. We are just leaving the game temporarily. When we sit down at the table again, we will get more chips!"

"Okay, let's go."

"The CIA is tracking you, and it's tracking us."

"Now they are at least two hours behind and we still have time."

At the same time, in Washington, inside a white building.

A black man with gray hair but not an old face was sitting in the office, quietly looking at the information that had just been sent to him.

It took him less than two minutes to extract all the key information from the intelligence. Then, he turned to the intelligence officer who was waiting for the report and asked an extremely sharp question that went straight to the source.

"So, we have completely lost control of Türkiye?"

After hearing his words, the intelligence officer was stunned for a moment.

Then, he answered:

"In fact, at this stage, we have lost control of the entire Islamic world."

"This sounds exaggerated, but it is what it is."

"However, this loss of control is only temporary. According to our estimates, the riots will gradually subside within a week."

"At that point, we will re-establish our presence and begin cleaning up any issues."

"This may not be a good thing. At least, we can get more benefits from Turkey."

"But so can Russia, and the north."

The black man interrupted the intelligence officer and continued:

"You know, what I need is not more benefits, but to prevent the enemy from benefiting."

"But obviously, at this point, you're not doing a good job."

".This is truly a failure on our part."

The intelligence officer sighed softly, coughed and said:

"What happened to Andrea is most likely a coincidence."

"He shouldn't have died there."

"But now that it has happened, all we can do is make his death more valuable."

"At least one thing is certain - the mercenaries who carried out the attack in Istanbul are indeed related to the north."

"On this we can"

"What can we do? Drop a nuclear bomb on them?"

The black man interrupted the intelligence officer with a mocking look, and then continued:


"Your attempt to use these mercenaries to leverage the overall situation is meaningless. After Turkey decided to let them go, all unreasonable things have been reasonably explained."

"They forced things back on track and kept the conflict to a fairly small scale."

"Forget it, that's fine."

"If the Turks really killed them and got a few 'East Asian' corpses, they would be in big trouble."

"This Dongfeng Corps can die in our hands, but it cannot die in the hands of others."

"Perhaps this is also a tacit understanding."

"Andrea paid the price for his recklessness, that's a fact."

"Next, as you said, we need to make his death count."

"The key is Syria. We must take Syria as soon as possible."

At this point, the black man paused for a moment.

Then, he ordered:

"Notify JSOC and prepare to launch special operations."

"24 STS are already on standby at the border, so let them participate directly."

"It's a pity. If they could stay in Istanbul for one more day, the situation would not have reached this level."

"But anyway, it's too late to say anything."

"How far behind each other are you?"

"About 3 hours."

"Catch them as soon as possible within 3 hours and find their location."

The black man pondered for a moment and then said:

"But don't do it."

"They must go to Syria. After they enter Syria, we will completely eliminate them!"

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