I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 467 The bombing is coming

"Hurry up and find a place to hide!"

"We have no chance to kill their drones. Now we are completely one-way transparent to them, so we can only hide them as soon as possible."

"The car drives under the shelter and people leave immediately!"

After opening fire on the unknown team from where it came from, Chen Chen quickly led the team into the city of Tallifat.

They did not get rid of the opponent's tracking. With the support of drones, the opponent quickly regrouped and quickly caught up with the Dongfeng Corps while using long-range heavy machine gun fire to continuously suppress it.

When the three-vehicle convoy entered the city of Tallifat, the six Hummers following behind them were less than 300 meters away from them.

The bullets from the heavy machine gun once grazed the roof of the off-road vehicle, and the dense grenades fired by the MK19 continued to fall, but after all, the ground here was still too wide and the vehicle's route was still too unpredictable.

Even if the opponent adopted the tactics of echelon suppression, they ultimately failed to reach a reliable killing distance, and this also gave the Dongfeng Corps the last chance.

The vehicle rushed through the streets of Tallifat City. Lights gradually lit up in the earth-yellow buildings on both sides. The awakened man cautiously approached the window to observe the situation. What appeared in front of him was a black gun. mouth.

"Get in! Shut up!"

Chen Chen shouted loudly, and Xia Xing immediately translated what he meant.

The man tried to retreat in fear, but Chen Chen kicked him to the ground. His wife rushed up to fight, but was slapped down by Li Bang.

Xia Xing was busy explaining that he had no ill intentions and trying to appease the other party's emotions, but Chen Chen couldn't control that much - he was already looking for a way out behind the house.

The special forces would surround him in 30 seconds at most. How could he have so much time to reason?

"Go through the back door! Enter the residential area!"


Everyone filed out, but Gang Li stayed at the end and knocked out two civilians who were still trying to resist with the butts of their rifles.

At this time, the low roar of the Hummer was clearly visible, and the two sides were only one house apart.

The heavy machine gun blocked the Dongfeng Corps' left and right turning route, but what made Chen Chen even more uneasy was that when there was clearly no shooting boundary, the opponent did not launch a formation pursuit, but patrolled the streets leisurely, using the heavy machine gun Go block every intersection.

Even when Chen Chen tried to take the initiative to close the distance, they would immediately move away!

This means that they are playing a cat and mouse game.

There is no need to kill immediately, as long as the position is locked, the plane will naturally drop a missile that penetrates the soul!

Has it reached a point where we have no qualms about dropping bombs in residential areas?

Chen Chen's heartbeat accelerated sharply. Under the crushing force of weapons, they were really like rats running away in a hurry.

"That does not work!"

"We're fucking being watched!"

"Time! It's too late!"

While walking through the alleys, Gang Li was constantly on guard for bullets that might come from any direction.

He has never felt such great pressure. After all, in the past, his enemies were visible and tangible. No matter how powerful the opponent was, he would dare to wear a heavy body armor and rush up to fight with others.

But this time it was different, this time his enemy was cut into two parts.

The part that can be seen is not willing to have a direct conflict with him, and the part that cannot be seen has no way to deal with it!

The 12.7 mm caliber bullets shattered the ground and brick walls into pieces. The Li Gang who wanted to risk rushing out were instantly suppressed. Only then did everyone realize that the enemy had actually completed the encirclement of their own side.

It was impossible to rush out.

It's not because of lack of firepower, not because they don't dare to fight, or because they are unwilling to suffer casualties.

It's because this encirclement moves with the movement of the Dongfeng Corps!

The enemy has only one purpose, and that is to bring the Dongfeng Corps within a certain range of activities to create opportunities for air strikes!

After trying to break through twice and crashing into cotton, Chen Chen also began to become nervous.

At this moment, he seemed to have heard the death countdown above his head.

If the opponent is confident enough to launch an encirclement at such a close distance, then the means of attack they use cannot be ordinary aerial bombs.

Either hellfire or battle axe.

However, Hellfire's effectiveness against non-vehicle targets is average, and it will most likely not be used when one's own side has dismounted.

It can only be a battle axe.

How do you hide this thing?

The terrain-matching correction guidance system doesn't care whether you have a heat signature or not. It blows up an area, not you!

Seeing the time passing by, Lin He asked:

"Is it okay to break out separately?"

"It's more like courting death."

Chen Chen leaned behind the bunker and took a breath. Before he could speak, Gang Li answered first:

"They can stop the air strikes at any time. As soon as we disperse, we will be defeated by them one by one."

"We have to find a way to prevent them from taking action. But hell, Tal Rifaat is not the territory of the Free Army. If they don't care about civilian casualties, they have no reason not to take action!"

"Damn, this old beauty is really shameless."

"Forget it by directly intervening in the civil war, now you still want to engage in indiscriminate bombing?!"

"Isn't this a kbist action? Aren't they afraid of public opinion?"

Hearing this, Chen Chen snorted coldly and replied:

"You are wrong."

“It’s called terrorism if it doesn’t kill us.”

"If he is beaten to death, it will be a powerful counter-terrorism attack!"

"We can't waste any more time, risk our lives."

"Find a strong house to hide in and spread out as much as possible. After the air strikes are over, we will do it again."

"Bang bang bang——"

Before Chen Chen finished speaking, sudden gunshots suddenly rang out in the distance.

It’s not the gunfire of the AR series weapons used by that team, but the AK series!

Are there reinforcements?

Chen Chen suddenly woke up.


Tal Rifat is not yet the territory of the opposition or the Free Army.

The United States is an enemy of the current president and the Assad regime.

So what happens when that team enters Tal Rifaat in Humvees and armed with weapons that clearly do not belong to any of the pro-regime allies?

If there was no resistance at all, Syria would not have a long coup like in its previous life!

Sporadic gunfire rang out, and then became more and more intensive.

The firing direction of the heavy machine gun began to change, which gave the Dongfeng Corps an opportunity.

"rush out!"

Chen Chen immediately ordered.

"Do not hit?"

"Hit a hammer! Take advantage of the chaos and run away first!"


Everyone immediately took action and began to break through to the north of the city.

The Humvee equipped with MK19 and M2 heavy machine guns that originally blocked their route was now surrounded by militiamen armed with light weapons. The machine gunners who were tired of dealing with it did not even look in the direction of the Dongfeng Corps.

You should be able to escape.

Chen Chen took a breath.

There was no danger until they got around the Hummer.

On the contrary, behind them, the shouts, curses, gunshots and explosions became louder and louder.

Chen Chen suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.


The no-fly zone has just been established. Could it be that our "escape" today will become the trigger for this large-scale civil war?

This idea swirled around in his mind, and before he could come to a conclusion, an unusually violent explosion suddenly sounded.

Chen Chen was pushed by the air wave and staggered. When he raised his head again, two meteors falling at high speed had already landed in their direction.

"Let's go!"

Chen Chen shouted loudly.

The next second, the meteor landed less than 50 meters behind them.


Everyone fell to the ground, and when they stood up again, the entire Telerifat had turned into a sea of ​​fire.

This isn't just a tomahawk, there's no way a tomahawk could achieve this effect.

The moment the tomahawk fell, the artillery group far away on the border also opened fire.

This is the first round of the Free Army's offensive.

As the first important town on the way to Aleppo from the border, Tal Rifat became the first town to be "sacrificial flag"

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