I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 477 Intensive Firepower Delivery

At the same time, in the residential building opposite the response force.

The 24 STS members responsible for surveillance and guidance were stunned by the sudden explosion and gunfire. In just a moment, three of their six-man team were killed by rocket launchers and light machine guns. Now even if they want to evacuate, they have already It was completely too late.

The M60 continued to spit bullets, and with extremely accurate shooting, the government troops a hundred meters away fell one after another. Their offensive was finally suppressed, but it was obvious that this was only temporary.

Because the commander on the opposite side has begun to call for reinforcements, and once they get new heavy weapons, everyone in the building will not be able to survive for two minutes!

Machine gunner Wade quickly opened the lifting device on the receiver, removed the hot barrel, and then pulled out a new barrel from the backpack on the side and installed it.

The dark red barrel fell to the ground, and then rolled to the side of the lifeless corpse of his teammate, evaporating the blood on the ground into a thick plume of white smoke.

Wade let out a deep breath, then gritted his teeth and said:

"Mother FXCKER, how on earth did they find us!?"

"We never showed up at all. We just guided air strikes. How can we still expose our position?!"

Hearing his words, the precision shooter in another private house also sighed, and then replied:

"Is it possible that the infrared laser was exposed?"

"It's pointless to say this now. When will support arrive?!"

As the words fell, the leader's voice came over the radio.

"The air strike will arrive in 5 minutes."

"The F-16 just flew over once and now we need to wait for the next wave of attacks."

"The warthog will be here soon."

"Four helicopters from Türkiye are maneuvering and are expected to arrive in 10 minutes."

"Don't worry, keep an eye on the wounded, we will come to rescue you right away."

".No casualties."

"No wounded?"

"Yes, they used a large-caliber rocket launcher to attack. Two of us were buried before we had time to react."

"This building can't hold on any longer. We have to evacuate immediately, otherwise the whole building will collapse and we will all be buried inside!"


There was no sound from the other end of the radio. Wade shook his head silently, then looked out the window.

At this time, the government troops had begun to redeploy their fighting positions. He could tell at a glance that the enemy on the other side was planning to encircle them.

"Find a way to interrupt them!"

Wade immediately gave the order, and on the other side, the precision shooter had also changed his shooting position and fired to suppress it.


Methodical gunfire rang out, and two government soldiers immediately fell to the ground.

Wade breathed a sigh of relief.

Except for the first wave of sudden attacks that overwhelmed them and suffered heavy losses, the situation so far in the battle is still quite optimistic.

After several consecutive counterattacks, our side has caused more than ten casualties to the enemy, but so far, they have not been able to obtain new results!

The gap in technical and tactical levels was fully exposed at this moment. Wade even felt that even without the support of ground troops, relying on the incoming air firepower advantage, the three people on his side could escape unscathed!

"Lance, continue to suppress, we are going to retreat upstairs."

"Hobbes, prepare your hook and swing directly over!"


The order was given, and the demolitionist named Hobbs immediately began to go upstairs. In order to cover his actions, Lance once again changed his shooting position and fired at the government troops below.

In the last round of observation, he had already locked the location of a high-value local target. With this shot, he was going to kill the target directly.

He stood up, pulled sideways, aimed, and searched all at once, but the high-value target that should have appeared in his sight had disappeared.

In desperation, he could only say that his gun was locked on another government soldier holding a PKM general-purpose machine gun. After two consecutive rounds of bullets, the other man's head exploded on the spot!

"I've lost all my shooting positions, I have to get out!"

Lance said quickly as bullets poured in from the window.

"Understood, Hobbes is already in position and ready to retreat."

"30 seconds countdown for air strikes, throw out smoke flares!"

"Smoke grenade thrown, location marked!"

As he finished speaking, a cloud of red smoke burst out from the roof of the building, which was particularly conspicuous in the faint morning light.

This signal grenade indicates the position of the team members to the warthog in the air. After up to 30 seconds, the air strike will smash all surrounding areas except the building where they are into pieces!

Lance let out a long sigh of relief.

From the beginning of the battle to now, he finally had some feeling of "certainty of victory".

Logically speaking, this attack shouldn't be so difficult.

They had no intention of being exposed at all, but wanted to quickly evacuate and join other team members after completing the air strike guidance.

At that time, whether you continue to launch harassment, attack, or find a way to retreat, you will be more comfortable.

But there is no way, no matter what method is used, the enemy has indeed discovered his position.

Then, the original plan must be changed, and "assassinations" and "attacks" have to be transformed into head-on confrontations!

"The Free Army has begun to attack and contain!"

"10 seconds countdown for air strike!"

The leader's voice came from the earphones again, and the corners of Lance's mouth curled up slightly.

He knew that victory in this local battle was actually destined.

Without air superiority and insufficient air defense firepower, no unit can withstand a ground attack from the A-10!

What's more, the Turkish Air Force has also begun to intervene in the battle. The arrival of four armed helicopters will end this battle with a final word.

"I'm ready to retreat, Hobbes, give me cover."

"Understood, prepare to retreat."

At the same time as the reply was received, continuous gunfire erupted from the roof of the building.

The M60 opened fire at full speed, suppressing all the government soldiers who had locked onto Lance's position.

Lance quickly stood up and planned to retreat towards the stairs through the gap that had been blown up.

But, at this moment, there was an explosion in his ears.


The shock wave that exploded on the window sill pushed him violently, and then a second explosion directly filled his vision.


Lance yelled.

But he only had time to issue this warning. The super-close explosion instantly tore his left arm into pieces. Then, his body flew out heavily, and then fell from the window sill that had been completely blown open.


The huge sound of the body falling to the ground was particularly harsh among the gunshots and explosions. Hobbes, who was already on the roof preparing to evacuate, was subconsciously stunned, but he had no time to mourn for Lance.

Because in the next second, several consecutive grenades landed on the roof of the building.

"Air raid! Be careful of air raid!"

"Everyone disperse!"

"The warthogs are coming!"

"Get off the street! Get into the building!"

On the government army position a hundred meters away from the house, Chen Chen shouted at the top of his lungs.

Just 10 minutes ago, he had reached an agreement with Suhail and was preparing to lead the members of the Dongfeng Corps and the civilian vehicles escorting medical supplies to evacuate, but in that flash of lightning, something new suddenly came to his mind. idea.

What I am facing now is not only a "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunity, but it is definitely an extremely rare opportunity.

The 24 STS, which was originally lurking in the dark, was exposed for some unknown reason, and the identities of hunter and prey were immediately switched.

Originally, they were hiding in the dark, using the most powerful weapon of the "air force" to hunt down the Syrian government troops and the Dongfeng Corps unscrupulously. But now, after their positions were exposed, the two sides did not say that they could change their offensive and defensive styles, but at least they were evenly matched. !

You can call in the air force to bomb, but you can't plow through every inch of Tal Rifat.

As long as your ground troops can't get in, it's not our Dongfeng Corps that's besieged in the city, it's your 24 STS!

If we can make good use of this situation

The Syrian military is likely to open up the situation in turn and regain the advantages originally lost due to the gas bomb explosion!

So, after a brief consideration, Chen Chen immediately made a decision.

Let the militiamen go to the second safe house and transport medical equipment by themselves, while he leads the team to stay and assist Suhail in fighting the upcoming attack!

This mission is dangerous, but in theory, it shouldn't be too difficult.

Because their ground troops cannot exceed a hundred even if they break through the sky. As long as they can withstand the first round of air strikes, the advantage will be within their grasp! ——

So the only problem is how to withstand the air attack.

Chen Shen had too much to think about. The only thing he could do was to lead the team quickly away from densely populated areas and into ruins and bunkers, using collapsed buildings to isolate heat signals and avoid direct strikes from air power.

As for the soldiers under Suhail, he can only rely on himself!

Of course, before entering the bunker, Chen Chen left them with suggestions for dealing with air strikes, and Suhail did not care about the so-called "command power" pretentiously. After Chen Chen gave the order in English, he immediately asked his soldiers to execute it. .

There was no lag or hesitation in the process.

It was precisely because of his decisiveness that the dozens of soldiers crowded on this street gained precious life.

Just as they retreated into the ruins of the street building, an air strike struck.

Six MK82 bombs were dropped one after another, and the entire street, including the buildings on the government side, was instantly reduced to a sea of ​​flames!

The huge explosion caused Chen Chen, who was less than two hundred meters away, to lose all hearing. As he was moving his position, he turned around and saw that the battlefield suddenly turned into a silent movie.

Smoke and dust were everywhere, and fire was shooting into the sky.

Debris and bricks flew dozens of meters into the air, and then poured down like raindrops.

Against this backdrop, which could even be called "grand", the A-10, which had completed bombing, dived down again.

This time, its nose burst into flames.

The 750-round 30mm cannon tilted down, and the thick ground suddenly became as fragile as a calm lake.

The bullet caused a series of ripples, and the flying debris scattered like water droplets.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere. The corpses that had completely lost their vitality in the first round of bombing were beaten beyond recognition by the large-caliber shells. Their flesh and blood even flew directly to the roof dozens of meters away!

Houses collapsed and government soldiers hiding inside fled, then were torn to pieces by the tusks of warthogs.

In just three minutes of fighting, more than half of Suhail's men were killed.

At this time, the Turkish helicopter also arrived.

Four T-129s quickly broke through and poured rockets onto everyone's heads.

The entire street had almost turned into a living hell. Chen Chen watched all this in stunned silence. Even though he was well-informed, this was the first time he had seen such intensive firepower on a real battlefield.

This is the true strength of a great country.

This is the so-called "modern warfare"!

The balance of the battlefield has completely tilted towards the enemy, but the more times like this, the calmer Chen Chen becomes.

He didn't know how much more power the enemy could use, but he was very sure of one thing.

As an air force colonel, Suhail couldn't possibly be helpless.


Sure enough, when the second round of bombing by helicopter gunships arrived, the Syrian military's fighter jets finally arrived.

At this time, the Syrian government forces' airports have not been completely lost. Although all military airports in Damascus have suffered almost devastating blows, they still have dozens of MiG series vehicles in Latakia and Shayrat. fighter!

If these fighters are to play a role, then Tallifat is where they are needed most!

Two fighter jets roared past, and four R-27R1 rounds came out. Two of the four Turkish T-129s flying in Tal Rifat were hit and fell in an instant, and the A-10 attack plane that was still circling also fell. Forced to evacuate.

This is also the limit of what the MiG-29 can do.

Before launching all the air-to-air missiles, the F-16, which had just returned to the battlefield, had locked onto their tracks beyond visual range.

The rattlesnake came through the air, and the MiG-29 pulled out a thermal decoy bomb and fled in a hurry.

But their mission was accomplished.

After destroying two helicopters, the Syrian government's air defense force, which was originally dragged on the front line, arrived belatedly and finally completed its deployment in the conflict area.

More than a dozen anti-aircraft guns opened fire in unison, and the only two helicopters turned around and left.

The horn of the counterattack finally sounded, and Suhail's remaining ten soldiers rushed out of the bunker and rushed towards the direction where the helicopter crashed.

Unfortunately, there was no trace of any living creatures in the crashed helicopter, and the 24 STS members who were originally trapped in the building had completed their evacuation under the cover of intensive bombing.

However, they couldn't really escape.

After the Warthog completed the first round of bombing, the Dongfeng Corps had bypassed several hundred meters and blocked their evacuation route.

When they rushed out of the building and rushed to the street to try to join the other team members, what greeted them was the intensive firepower of Chen Chen's four-person team!

"Lin He, watch your back!"

"Keep the drone under observation! They still have support! Find them!"

"Bang Li, come and join me as soon as the medical supplies are in place!"

"We have to find a way to drag them here and wait for Suhail's support!"

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