I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 522 There is no return

"Are you kidding me? JDist watch list? Us? Dongfeng Corps?"

"Damn it, our anti-terrorism efforts are not only better than those of the United States, but at least they are better than those of the French, right? They put us on the JD doctrine watch list?"

"What do they want to do? Do you mean they are really related to ISI entering Syria?"

"Are they planning to turn us into JD elements and turn ISI into legitimate resistance forces?"

"Why, do you really want to establish a country in Syria? Do you really want to have a hand in preventing everyone from coming to power?"

"There was no reaction from the U.S.? Did they not know, or did they acquiesce and condone it?"

"Younger brother doesn't listen to big brother anymore, why don't you do anything?"

"NATO is starting to fight internally, right? Is it going to split up now?"

Chen Chen asked a lot of questions like a barrage of questions. Xiaoyu on the other end of the phone was silent for several seconds before finally asking:

"Have you finished venting?"

".No, I have a lot more to say if you let me."

Chen Chen took a deep breath and tried to suppress his anger.

To be honest, he really couldn't help but be angry about the current situation.

You said that if NATO positions the Dongfeng Corps as an illegal armed force and an organized criminal gang, then Chen Chen will just admit it no matter how angry he is.

After all, the Dongfeng Corps is naturally guilty of original sin. Fighting from Pubei, no matter how reasonable what you do is in a broad sense, there will always be flaws in the rules.

For example, the most typical attack on the four Kokang families actually risks being defined as an attack on "civilians."

But, you call me a terrorist?

Are you blind?

When we were in Indonesia, the Dongfeng Corps hit JD elements the hardest. When we arrived in Syria, the Dongfeng Corps didn't miss any opportunity to take action.

These all have to be added to the list, so why not add a rabbit from the north to the list? After all, in xj——

Wait a minute.

In the last life, they seemed to really plan to do this.

Depend on!

Thinking of this, Chen Chen's suppressed anger suddenly rose again, but before he could speak, Xiaoyu on the opposite side began to persuade:

"No matter what, this matter has become a foregone conclusion."

"All parties have doubts about France's decision, including the United States."

"Some of our comrades have already been in contact with U.S. informants. According to their intelligence, the U.S. generally believes that France's behavior this time was an overreaction."

"In addition, they don't know the basis and motivation for France's decision."

"But everyone knows that France is planning to do something in Syria."

“They are not planning to do something in Syria, they are planning to do big things in Syria!”

Chen Chen spoke again, and then said:

"France intends to support ISI in establishing a state in Syria. They must have provided support for ISI, but for the time being, I don't know what the purpose of their support is."

"I don't see how it's going to do them any good - you know?"

".If I had to say it, it would be far away."

Xiaoyu replied helplessly.

"You can say it simply."

After hearing Chen Chen's words, Xiaoyu was silent for a moment, and then continued:

"If France really intends to establish an Islamic State in Syria, then their goal is probably not in the Middle East, but in North Africa."

"Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Sudan. These countries are actually linked to the situation in the Middle East."

"For example, Sudan, the decline of its oil economy, in addition to the impact of division, is also directly related to the changes in the situation in the Middle East."

"I think - I personally think that France may want to use ISI to re-disrupt the United States' layout in the Middle East, and then go back to manage their North Africa."

"Isn't this too far-fetched?"

Chen Chen asked dumbfounded:

"What, they still plan to reunify Sudan?"

"Who knew? South Sudan's oil reserves are not small."


Chen Chen did not continue to ask, but skipped the topic and said bluntly:

"We are already on the list, including Syrian officials, who may have concerns about our cooperation."

"Theoretically, it is reasonable for any national-level armed force to initiate an 'investigation' against us, and we have no way to avoid it."

"And whenever we try to resist, we're immediately hit."

"How do you fight this? I also want to play with a hammer?"

"What should we do now? Exit?"

As soon as the voice fell, Xiaoyu on the other end of the phone said immediately:

"If you withdraw, it will be completely over."

"There is only one way now."

"Kill bin Laden."

"He is the number one and iconic terrorist. As long as you can take this credit, you will have no problem in clearing his name."

"So, not only can you not retreat, you must also move faster."

"How about it, do you have a plan?"

".I have a plan."

Chen Chen sighed and continued:

"We have just completed the first mission in the plan, but now it seems that this plan may need to be slightly changed."

He simply reported to Xiaoyu the results of his previous discussion with Bai Gou. After pondering for a moment, Xiaoyu said:

"In general, that's all you can do for now."

"However, the success rate of doing this is too low. I estimate that under ideal conditions it can only reach 50% at best. In fact, it may be less than 30%."

"However, your framework does not need to change."

"I'll make some supplements for you to increase your success rate."

"How to add it?"

Chen Chen immediately became interested.

"We judge that this so-called Operation Neptune Spear by the United States cannot be carried out using long-range guided weapons because the success rate is too low and there is no way to retrieve the body."

"There is a high probability that they will still cooperate with Turkey to carry out beheading operations deep into Syria after paralyzing the Syrian prevention and control system and avoiding radar monitoring."

"So, to do this, they must use a series of attack methods including helicopters and fixed-wing fighters."

"We can try to monitor each other's dispatch information and provide the most accurate intelligence possible."

"How accurate can it be?"

Chen Chen asked quickly.

"Not sure, but at least it's more accurate than when you go to check for vacant houses."

"If we verify the two aspects of intelligence and add the impact of time, we should be inseparable."

"That's enough!"

Chen Chen replied decisively:

"Starting today, we move faster."

"Sweeping over one village after another, one settlement after another."

"As long as the other party makes any changes, it means that we are very close. If we lock the range in the surrounding area, the success rate will be much higher!"

"no problem."

Xiaoyu breathed a sigh of relief and said at the same time:

"You should also pay attention to intelligence collection. There will definitely be connections between terrorists. Perhaps, you will get more useful information from the people you capture."

"Understood, that's it."

With a bang, the phone was hung up.

Chen Chen picked up the radio again and began to ask about the situation ahead.

"Lin He, Yang Shu, report the situation."

"Are there any prisoners? Are there any prisoners?"

“No prisoners, repeat, no prisoners.”

"Then bring the hostages back!"


There was no further communication. 20 minutes later, the forward assault team returned to the temporary headquarters with four hostages and brought back a batch of guns, ammunition and explosives seized from JD elements.

In this assault, the amount of ammunition consumed by the Dongfeng Corps was actually not that much. However, considering that there were still many battles to be fought in the follow-up, and most of the targets were concentrated in remote areas where supplies were difficult to reach, Chen Chen decided to use as much ammunition as possible. Collect ammunition and equipment for emergencies.

After all the seized materials were sorted out, the Dongfeng Corps quickly broke camp and evacuated.

In just 5 minutes, they had disappeared into the desert night like a gust of wind. Apart from the corpses of more than ten JD elements and hundreds of hot bullet casings left behind in this village, it was as if they had just been blown by a breeze. Generally, there are no other traces.

Along the way, Chen Chen used quite harsh methods to interrogate the four hostages, as if they were not hostages but accomplices of the JD elements.

But unfortunately, Chen Chen did not get any useful information from their mouths.

They are really the most normal religious "practitioners" in this land, not even devout believers.

So, after the convoy left the village, Chen Chen kicked them out of the car, left some water and food and walked away.

The place where they got off the bus was not far from the nearest village. Even without legs, they could crawl back.

At this point, the operation against Abu Fatih is completely over.

As this was his first truly targeted mission, Chen Chen was quite satisfied with the performance of Lin He, Yang Shu, and other team members.

No team members were injured, and the entire offensive process was very professional and smooth.

However, Chen Chen still pointed out several small loopholes, such as the entry time of the two assault groups was not completely synchronized, such as the sniper group's selection of high-value targets, and so on.

After everything was summarized, the convoy had completely moved away from Abu Fatih and started to move towards the next target.

"The next target is Waterfall Well Village next to the highway."

"There is a small-scale machine processing factory here, which may be the base for the Order Army to produce gas tank cannons."

"According to reliable sources, several trucks have driven into the village recently, and they all unloaded goods late at night."

"This is very suspicious, because the throughput of the machining factory in Waterfall Well Village is basically fixed. They only produce agricultural tools, automobiles or machinery parts. The production and delivery cycle is very stable, and there is no big fluctuation in orders."

"There must be some special reason why a large amount of raw materials are suddenly shipped in."

"So, what we have to do is very simple. We rush in, control all the personnel in the machine processing plant, and conduct a search of the entire factory area."

"If we find any evidence or clues related to the Order Army or other JD elements, we will upgrade our handling methods."

"Please note that this mission is not a cleanup mission and cannot be fired unconditionally or indiscriminately."

"Unless we encounter actual threats, we mainly focus on suppression and control. Do you understand?"


Everyone on the radio answered in turn, and Chen Chen continued:

"A specific briefing will be announced after the temporary command headquarters is established. Now everyone should seize the time to rest. We must seize the machine processing plant before dawn and evacuate before six o'clock!"


After receiving the reply, Chen Chen put down the radio microphone in his hand.

After seeing his actions, Bai Gou asked with some confusion:

"Why are you in such a hurry? Wasn't the original plan to rest nearby and then launch the attack tonight?"

Chen Chen shook his head and replied:

"The plan has not kept up with the changes and we now have new problems."

"New question? What question?"

Bai Gou looked puzzled.

He did not hear the conversation between Chen Chen and Xiaoyu, so in his opinion, Chen Chen's temporary adjustment was indeed a bit hasty.

Combat operations are not as fast as possible. Only when the rhythm is slow can it be really fast.

Seeing his expression, Chen Chen couldn't help but sigh again.

"We were just put on the JD watch list, and now our time is even more limited."

"Xiaoyu has already applied, and she will help us through various channels."

"And we have to compress the timeline of the entire program and solve the problem as quickly as possible."

"JDism Watch List?! What the hell is that?"

"You can think of it as the French version of the terror list, but its control is weaker than the terror list."

"But no matter how weak it is, it is still coming from one of the five permanent members. From its attitude, it has already hinted at a lot of things."


Bai Gou nodded with a heavy face and continued to ask:

"So, bin Laden had to be killed, right?"

"We have no other chance. If we don't get rid of him, we will never be able to get rid of the blame."

"That's right."

“Not only can’t you get rid of it, but it will become heavier and heavier.”

".Oh shit."

Bai Gou couldn't help but cursed, but then he said:

"Can you think of a way to kill them? Do they have any military bases in Syria?"

"If not, a warship or something like that will do."

"Are you crazy? You really don't want to go back alive?"

Chen Chen couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"Then what should we do? If they do this, we will suffer?"

"Hey, you really have to endure it. Who said they are one of the five permanent members?"

"If we really want to confront them, we must at least wait until we finish all our missions in Syria."

"At that time, I guess it's not enough for us to confront them head-on, but it should be enough to disgust them occasionally."

After hearing Chen Chen's words, Bai Gou could only suppress the anger in his heart.

He wanted to say something more, but Chen Chen raised his hand to interrupt him.

"Stop talking nonsense and do the things in front of you first."

"And to be honest, it's not like we don't have a chance to touch them."

"Since they have put us on the watch list, they can't really take any action at all."

"I estimate that GCP is probably already on the way, and it must be coming towards us."

"When we actually meet them."

"I want to let them know what it means to come back and never come back."

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