I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 524 Conflict of Interest

The most important trick for counter-encirclement and counter-attack is one word, quick.

Reactions must be fast, maneuvers must be fast, and attacks must be faster.

Only if you are fast enough, you can catch up with the opponent before they react and make a transfer, and use your own firepower output.

Once it slows down, the entire combat process will turn into flying a kite, and the Dongfeng Corps is the kite being flown.

Therefore, when Chen Chen discovered the target, he did not try to "go into battle personally" at all. He knew that he could no longer catch up.

Only the command post that is next to the vehicle and has accurately located the enemy's position can play its role in this situation.

When he decided to lure the opponent to fire, all the long-range strike weapons of the Dongfeng Corps were already in place.

Mortars, rockets, AGS-30 automatic grenades.

After the artillery shells were loaded, the artillery reconnaissance prepared all the pre-calculation steps and budgeted the potential artillery bombardment points within two kilometers of the surrounding area.

Only 20 seconds after the position was determined, the first round of shells was fired.

There was not much communication, only extremely simple instructions came from Chen Chen's earphones.


"Rapid fire, reload!"


"The enemy's artillery position has been destroyed, the assault team follows up!"

"Drone lowers altitude!"

"Identify target, hurry up!"

"Report high value target location!"

"Do you need any prisoners? Do you need any prisoners?"

"We want prisoners! Don't kill them all!"

"Be careful with the heavy machine gun, don't kill them all!"

"The reconnaissance team spreads out, seizes the commanding heights, and blocks enemy reinforcements!"

The person who assumed the temporary command role was Bai Gou. It must be said that his thinking was very clear.

After a series of instructions were issued, the enemy's artillery position was completely covered. Under the cover of intensive artillery fire, the assault group of the Dongfeng Corps quickly occupied the position and surrounded the entire artillery position with highly dispersed firepower.

At this time, the advantage of "excess firepower" is fully utilized.

When facing an enemy with only light machine guns, rifles and a small number of portable rockets, the Dongfeng Corps only needs a three-person firepower team to suppress the opponent's head.

Although the assault team only had 30 people, their entire defense line was airtight.

The battle started suddenly and ended suddenly.

After 15 minutes, when Chen Chen finally arrived with his men, the counter-siege was nearing its end.

"Cease fire! Observe the situation!"

"Does the enemy have reinforcements?"

"Raise the drone, reconnaissance alert!"

A series of orders were issued again. Chen Chen rushed to Bai Gou and lay down next to him, and asked:

"What's going on with the other party?"

"Odd, loose-knit armed group."

The white dog stared closely at the center of the battlefield in the distance and replied casually:

"The main force is basically armed elements with light weapons, and they have not shown very high combat qualities and organizational discipline."

"But they should have a command center."

"They tried to carry out breakout operations twice. The reaction speed of the commanders was good and the fighter aircraft control was very high."

"But their execution was so poor."

"The most important thing is that they are not afraid of death, but they are afraid of injury, so every time they attack, they give up halfway."

"We have basically eliminated all active targets, and now we need to enter the scene immediately to rescue the wounded."

"Where is Pingchuan? Pingchuan!"

"I am here!"

"Follow the assault team and prepare for rescue!"


Bai Gou still did not hand over command, and Chen Chen did not try to interfere with him.

After Pingchuan was prepared, Chen Chen immediately led a team to escort him to the center of the battlefield - a basin surrounded by low sand dunes.

At this time, the area around the position had been riddled with holes by artillery shells from the Dongfeng Corps, and the ground was littered with corpses of armed personnel.

Chen Chen took a quick look and saw that the artillery team numbered at least 100 people, and they operated six gas tank cannons!

Six gas tank cannons may not sound like much.

But the problem is, with a range of more than one kilometer and a killing radius of nearly 50 meters, if used well, the artillery here is enough to fight a small-scale siege!

Such a team was actually deployed in such a remote place?

And it seems that it is still directed at him?

Without any time to think, Chen Chen raised his hand and shot through the head of an armed man in front who was trying to resist. Pingchuan, who was following him, quickly passed Chen Chen and pounced on an enemy on the side who was shot in the abdomen and was struggling and groaning on the ground.

He kicked the opponent's weapon away without asking any questions. Instead, he used a dagger to cut open the opponent's clothes and quickly used hemostatic gel to rescue him.

"This one can survive, old cat, you take over!"


The medical soldier named Laomao hurried forward, while Pingchuan followed closely behind Chen Chen and continued to advance towards the center of the battlefield.

The closer to the artillery position, the more obvious the effect of heavy bombing.

On average, there is a crater less than five meters on the ground, which means that in just three minutes, the Dongfeng Corps fired at least 30 artillery shells of various calibers here!

The damned ones were all dead. The remaining soldiers hiding in bunkers and temporary trenches were shot down with one shot. No one tried to fight the enemy hand-to-hand, because they all knew one thing:

The so-called need for prisoners and the so-called keeping alive do not mean "capture alive".

What it really means is, if you don’t kill someone with one shot, don’t shoot him again in the head!

The speed of battlefield cleaning was extremely fast. From the time Chen Chen entered, all moving targets were cleared in less than five minutes.

Chen Chen did not waste too much time at this artillery position. He directed his team to throw all the living enemies into the back of the pickup truck, collected some communication devices, and then immediately led the team to evacuate.

In the car, he reported the position of the position to Suhail and asked him to arrive at the scene as quickly as possible and seal the evidence.

To produce these gas tank cannons, there must be sufficient supply of raw materials and equipment preparation. A machining factory may not be able to complete all the work. If we continue to dig deeper, we may be able to gain greater harvests.

Taking advantage of the darkness, the convoy quickly moved and maneuvered.

The Dongfeng Corps' plan has been completely disrupted. In order to avoid being exposed in advance, they cannot launch the next attack, but have to find a new and suitable foothold to rest temporarily.

".We have enough food and drinking water, as well as enough fuel for our vehicles and water for our water tanks."

"There is no need to go to the human settlements today. Find a place to hide first. After examining these people, we will consider the next plan."

"Xia Xing, show the way first, and then start the interrogation."

After hearing Chen Chen's words, Xia Xing immediately replied:

"There is a canyon 12 kilometers east of Waterfall Well Village, called Badge Canyon."

"That place used to be an adventure check-in spot. It has been abandoned for more than five years. We can go there!"

"no problem!"

Chen Chen immediately found the location of Badge Canyon on the map. Then, the convoy turned at a sharp angle and headed straight for its destination.

At this time, Pingchuan was still leading his medical soldiers to provide first aid to the recovered prisoners. The back seats of the two pickup trucks were already occupied. In order to save space, abandoned "bodies" were constantly being thrown from the vehicles. Down.

"This is hopeless. The liver is ruptured and the bleeding cannot be stopped. Throw it away."

"This person's brain stem is damaged. He can survive but can't find anything. Throw it away."

"This can be saved. Remove the spleen to stop the bleeding. Act quickly!"

"Don't worry about the sand. It will take an hour for an explosive infection to kill him. That's enough for us to ask clearly!"

"No need for this. The injury is too slight and the consciousness is too clear. Where is the knife? You do it!"

Sitting in the car, Chen Chen listened to the constant conversations coming from the back seat. Even though he had experienced many battles, he felt a slight "chill down his spine."

Pingchuan's judgment was too calm and too decisive. In a sense, he didn't even look like a military doctor, but more like a butcher.

Fortunately, this decision-making process ended quickly.

The convoy arrived at Badge Canyon 15 minutes later, then quickly deployed and quickly completed the concealment.

At this time, there were only 6 prisoners left in the car, and the conditions of these six people were also different.

“Priority goes from left to right, just ask.”

Pingchuan calmly directed the team members to line up the prisoners one by one, and immediately took out the equipment from the medical box and began to hook up intravenous rehydration fluids to all the prisoners.

No one tried to resist, because they had all seen their "comrades" being thrown from the car mercilessly, or having their necks wiped with a knife because "the chance of survival was too high."

Such a "demonstration" brought great convenience to Xia Xing's work. Before she could even speak, the first prisoner told her everything he knew.

"It's those mercenaries! It's those mercenaries!"

"It's all their fault. We didn't do anything. We really didn't do anything."

"What mercenary?"

Xia Xing asked with a frown.

"Those French people, those French people."

"They gave us cannons, they gave us guns and weapons, and those foreigners from Iraq!"

"Please, help me, I'm not with them, I just want to make some money."

While listening, Xia Xing translated for Chen Chen. After roughly understanding the situation of the captives, Chen Chen couldn't help but frown.

"So, these people are neither the Order Army nor the ISI, they are just ordinary villagers?!"

"So far that's the case."

Xia Xing nodded slightly and then said:

"But of course, it's not accurate to say they were villagers."

"They are an armed force between rebels and JD elements. If I have to define it, the word bandit may be more appropriate."

".Got it. What happened to the French?"

"There is a high probability that they are the advisors of the Extralegal Corps, but it is impossible for us to get more information from them."

"The information is completely isolated, and all they understand are the most basic things."

"Where are the advisors? The war advisor isn't here?"

Chen Chen continued to ask.

"The consultants were evacuated an hour and a half ago and these people don't know where they went."

An hour and a half.

Chen Chen's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

If calculated in terms of time, one and a half hours ago, it was the time when my Dongfeng Corps had just completed its attack on the first village and started to turn towards Waterfall Well Village!

This also means that the other party has either predicted the trajectory of his actions, or is monitoring the whole process.

After all, the attack plan and action route of the Dongfeng Corps are completely confidential. Only the core members know the general direction before giving the order.

Will the Li Gang still rebel?

Absolutely impossible.

Chen Chen raised his head and looked at the sky. He vaguely felt that although Laomei's drone had been withdrawn, there was a high probability that the sky was not clean.

Thinking of this, he said:

"The situation is getting more complicated."

"This is no longer intelligence that we, nor the Syrian government, can obtain."

"Find a way to contact Luo Tuo and let him help us confirm the movements of the French army through his own channels, especially the movements outside the law."

"If this is really an extrajudicial trap against us, it means that France has completely escaped the control of the United States."

"We have no grievances against them. The fact that they came to beat us out of nowhere proves that we must have hindered their actions and harmed their interests."

"Let this news out, especially the United States."

"The impact this news can play may even be greater than the dozens of wars we fight!"

"Understood, I will handle it."

Xia Xing answered immediately and then said:

"In addition to the extra-legal issues, they revealed an important piece of information."

"The gas tank cannons were not produced in Falls Well, they just assembled the gun mounts and shells here."

"All the equipment comes from Damascus, which is still an area controlled by government forces."

"There must be something wrong here. There is a ghost within the Syrian government, and the ghost is very big!"

"Very reasonable."

Chen Chen nodded slightly and continued:

"Although this thing may seem crude, it is actually not easy to manufacture in batches and achieve such production capacity and such precision."

"In the whole of Syria, only near Damascus has such industrial capabilities."

"Inform Suhail."

"This is not a problem that we can intervene in. They have to solve it themselves."

"We must act quickly, otherwise, our subsequent actions, including plans for the airport, will not be able to proceed!"

"no problem."

Xia Xing nodded slightly, then turned and walked towards the temporary headquarters, preparing to contact her superiors.

She didn't even ask about how the prisoners were handled, because she also knew that in such extreme circumstances, the so-called "war ethics" could not have any meaning.

Chen Chen looked at Pingchuan who was waiting aside and nodded slightly to him.

After a few minutes, all possible troubles were taken care of.

Bai Gou glanced at the corpse on the ground, walked to Chen Chen, and asked:

"What's next?"

"If it is determined that extrajudicial forces have entered the war, our plans will have to be adjusted."

"Dealing with a SEAL Team 6 is hard enough, add an extrajudicial one to the mix."

"There's actually no difference."

Chen Chen shook his head and replied:

"You could even say it would be simpler."

"Didn't we originally want to muddy the waters? Now, the opportunity has come."

"I have to find a way to make them mess up."

"Why the chaos?"

Bai Gou asked immediately.

"Conflict of interest."

"The current situation is obvious. France wants to support ISI, and the United States wants to support the Free Army."

"The Free Army and ISI are not going to fight each other, but what if the Free Army and ISI start fighting?"

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