"Shipwreck! Get up!"

"Emergency situations!"

Chen Chen heard Bai Gou's call. He sat up and reached out subconsciously to touch the gun and body armor beside him. But before he could react, Bai Gou had already put the phone into his hand. .

The dizziness after being forced to turn on the phone only lasted a few seconds. Chen Chen picked up the phone and a man's voice immediately came from the receiver.

"Shipwreck, I'm a camel."

"The U.S. has activated the JSTARS radar attack system. An E-8 electronic attack aircraft has just taken off from near the Persian Gulf and is crossing Iraq. It is expected to arrive at the Syrian border in an hour."

"We have given early warning to the Syrian government forces through relevant channels, but they have no means to resist the attack of the JSTARS system."

"In 15 minutes at the latest, the air defense radar in Syria's Deir ez-Zor province will be paralyzed, and in half an hour, the entire territory of Syria will be paralyzed."

"The opponent's attack will start within 30 minutes, you only have 30 minutes!"


While listening to the information on the phone, Chen Chen made a gesture to gather and prepare. In an instant, everyone in the Dongfeng Corps moved.

Don your gear, check your guns, and prepare your vehicle.

All the work will be completed within two minutes, and Chen Chen quickly put on his body armor and then asked:

"Where is the other party's goal?"

"It's not clear. We only saw the E-8 taking off, and we haven't seen the movements of other combat units yet."

"We suspect that the other side may give up the ground attack and carry out beheadings in the form of air strikes."

"How is that possible? They don't just want bin Laden's life, they want his body!"

"Without ground operations, how are they going to get the bodies?"

"Not sure."

The camel repeated the same answer again, and then said:

"This may be a staged attack. They may intend to behead bin Laden first, and then recover the body through other methods after confirming his death."

"Judging from their movements, the situation is already quite urgent."

"Either bin Laden has begun to withdraw, or something happened that forced them to use compromising tactics."

"But no matter what, you don't have much time."

"If you want to kill bin Laden before the opponent, you only have the last 28 minutes left!"

Hearing Luo Tuo's words, Chen Chen couldn't help but frown.

"I know time is tight, but at least we have to have a clear goal!"

"Where should we find him? Where is his location?"

"Wait for the explosion."

The camel replied calmly:

"You can't expect us to monitor the movements of B-2s in Syria's airspace. There is nothing we can do. No country in the world can do anything, even if it mobilizes all its forces."

"We can only wait for the explosion. Once the explosion occurs, our satellites will quickly lock on all moving targets around the explosion."

"Now, you need to be prepared and go to the center of Rezafa to ensure that no matter where the explosion occurs, you can reach the incident location by the shortest route!"

"If the target dies, forget it."

"But if he's still alive, he's yours!"

"Understood, keep in touch."

"Keep in touch, 27 minutes!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Chen quickly put on his body armor and picked up his gun.

Without any pause, the convoy immediately set off and drove out of Badge Canyon.

At this time, they were located 9 kilometers northeast of the Rezafa area. If they wanted to enter the central area of ​​​​Resafa, they had to travel 22 kilometers southwest to reach the vicinity of the Rezafa Castle.

Time is very tight, but luckily it's not too late.

The wheels were rolling and dust was flying. Chen Chen looked at the simple map in his hand nervously and said subconsciously:

"You said, Lao Mei won't blow it up for us, right?"

Hearing his words, the white dog beside him took a breath, and then said:

"The probability is not high?"

"They have no way of identifying us. From the air, we are not much different from the supply transport convoys of the Syrian government forces."

"Their armistice has not been lifted yet. It is not logically justified to launch bombing at this time."

"JSTARS has been used, and E-8 has taken off, so what's the point?"

Chen Chen looked solemn, hesitated for a moment and then ordered:

"The convoy should maintain a maximum driving distance. If it encounters an air attack, it should spread out immediately to avoid it."

"Don't try to rescue, any rescue will cause greater damage, understand?"


The order was quickly conveyed to the ears of all team members. Chen Chen put down the map in his hand and was about to check his weapons, but at this moment, a familiar call sign suddenly came from the radio.

"Shipwreck, I'm Tiger."

"Please reply if you receive it. Please reply if you receive it."

"Wreck received, please speak."

Chen Chen's heart immediately rose. He knew very well that Suhail's use of radio to contact him at this time could never be because of bin Laden's affairs, let alone the attack on Syria's air defense radar.

Because theoretically speaking, the E-8 has not yet flown to the optimal attack range at this time, and it is impossible for the Syrian side to notice it.

The intelligence is still limited to the upper echelons of the Syrian government. How could it reach front-line personnel like Suhail so quickly?

And sure enough, Chen Chen's prediction was not wrong at all.

After confirming that Chen Chen received the reply, Suhaier said in a slightly hasty tone:

"There was an unknown armed force near Hasakah that was moving towards Raqqa. The local police and garrison tried to intercept it, but they were thrown away."

"Preliminary assessment shows that this team is likely to be mercenaries of the French Foreign Legion, and the guns they use have obvious characteristics."

"???Are you kidding me? An extrajudicial mercenary group is in Hasakah, and you didn't notice it until now?"

Chen Chen was stunned.

In his impression, Hasakah is the only province in Syria that has not been captured by extremists, and the will to resist is quite determined.

Now Suhail actually told himself that a group of extrajudicial mercenaries had been assembled in Hasakah, and they didn't know anything about it?

Has the situation in Syria gotten so bad?

"We have no choice. Our control over Hasakah is too weak. The Turks have already completed their infiltration. A large number of our troops have been transferred to Aleppo, and the power here has almost been drained."

"Now is not the time to talk about this. The target of this mercenary is either you or us!"

"How do you judge?"

"Speculation! Are there any high-value targets in Raqqa province that are worthy of their aggressive action? There must be a reason why they risked ground operations."

"Wreck, you need to retreat first, don't confront them head-on."

"I can't withdraw."

Chen Chen sighed, and then replied:

"It is indeed possible that they are coming for us, but we can't hide."

"How many people are there on the other side?"

"More than 100 people, a total of 20 various armed vehicles, but no armored vehicles or tanks were seen."

"In the air?"

"It's not clear, but whenever they launch an attack, we will do our best to intercept them."

As soon as these words were spoken, Chen Chen almost couldn't help laughing.

Of course, it's not a mocking smile, but a sad smile.

Do you still want to intercept?

It won’t be long before the entire Syrian radar becomes blind.

Even if France launches an attack from near Türkiye, what can you do?

You don't even know how.


Doesn’t Syria know, and neither does the United States? !

Will the United States really allow them to dispatch the air force for this kind of action?

This seems to be a contradiction. When the interests of both parties conflict with each other, they should try to avoid direct conflicts.

This also means that an extrajudicial action may also be a secret action, or in other words, an "unreported" private action.

In this way, the strength gap between the two sides may not be "so exaggerated."

Even if they really come for the Dongfeng Corps, Chen Chen is confident that he can fight with them!

Thinking of this, Chen Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, he wouldn't be afraid if he just wanted to have a chance encounter with a perfect lawless person.

He is not afraid of fighting DEVGRU alone.

However, if he were to encounter a perfect lawless person under the possible pursuit of the perfect DEVGRU, then he would have to consider how many lives he had to die.

Fortunately, the situation is not that bad yet, and I still have a chance!

At this time, the convoy has been driving for 10 minutes and they are still 8 kilometers away from the goal.

"Everyone, get ready for battle."

"After arriving at the predetermined location, quickly spread out with me as the center, occupy the commanding heights, fly the drone, and conduct reconnaissance and alert."

"Establish a control zone within one kilometer, and no one is allowed to approach. If someone approaches, you can directly fire a gun to stop them!"


The replies from the team members came through the earphones. Chen Chen took a deep breath and his heartbeat gradually slowed down.

At this time, Xia Xing, who was in the back seat, had already put on all her equipment. Compared to other team members, she inevitably seemed a little nervous.

Her hand tightly grasped the butt of the AK-105, her body trembling slightly, and even her knuckles turned white.

Chen Chen looked back at her and comforted:

"Don't worry, if there is really danger, I will arrange personnel to evacuate you."

"Don't try to get into the fight, protect yourself, understand?"


Like all well-trained personnel, Xia Xing made no attempt to prove his worth.

Because she knows that not dragging others down is her greatest value.

The convoy continued to move forward. At this time, the Dongfeng Corps was only the last 5 kilometers away from the target position.

Their speed is very fast. According to time calculation, there should be 10 minutes left before Lao Mei launches their attack.

Totally in time.

Chen Chen looked out the window. The desert was silent in the afternoon. In the houses in the distance, people could even be seen drying clothes. The scene was peaceful.

This is just an ordinary afternoon.

There was no sign at all that a violent conflict was imminent.



A violent explosion suddenly came.

Lin He, who was driving, suddenly stopped the car on the highway, then immediately turned around and pointed the front of the car in the direction of the explosion.

Smoke and dust are rising in the distance, and in that smoke and dust, more intensive explosions are taking place.


The low explosion sound was as continuous as muffled thunder. Chen Chen looked at everything in front of him in stunned silence and subconsciously said:

"You're going to get a hammer's corpse from such an explosion?"

"Maybe they didn't intend to collect the body at all?"

Lin He on the side replied.

"It's impossible. Killing bin Laden is a political task. The body is more important than the process."

"Don't worry, let go of the drone, and get over there quickly!"


With an order, the convoy immediately turned around.

The drone quickly took off and led the way in front of the convoy.

At this time, the advantages of small drones are fully revealed. Its "just right" flight speed ensures that the fleet is aware of the surrounding environment throughout the entire process, achieving unprecedented safety.

"It is 10 kilometers away from the explosion location and is expected to arrive in 10 minutes!"

"Understood, prepare for battle and determine the deployment position."

"The 800-meter flat sand dune to the west of the explosion center can be used as an artillery position."

"Received, each team will mark the location on the map and check the coordinates."

"The coordinates have been checked and are correct."


A series of preparations were completed in an instant, and at this moment, Chen Chen's satellite phone rang again.

It's a camel.

"The location is confirmed."

"The target is in the Abul area and has just been bombed."

"The hunters used a large number of precision-guided bombs and all vehicles were destroyed."

"However, the personnel killing effect was not good, and there were still personnel activities within the explosion range."

"The target status cannot be determined, you still have a chance!"


Chen Chen perked up and turned to Lin He and said:

"Speed ​​up, it's still too late for us to get there!"


The command vehicle accelerated again, and Lin He almost stepped on the accelerator into the fuel tank.

Five minutes later, Chen Chen could already see the explosion area in front of him, and the distance was reduced to 2 kilometers.

He did not order to continue moving forward, but chose to stop and observe the target area through the telescope.

As Camel said, the active forces within the explosion range have not been completely eliminated, and a large number of people are gathering near the destroyed vehicles to try to rescue the injured.

A conservative estimate is that there are at least 100 armed personnel there.


There are only a hundred people.

It is simply not enough for the Dongfeng Corps to charge in one round.

The opportunity has come!

"Keep going! Prepare for battle!"

Chen Chen pulled the bolt and loaded the gun, and at this moment, the camel on the phone suddenly shouted:


"FA-18 takes off!"

"The other party is heading to the location of the incident and is expected to arrive in 10 minutes!"

"There are two pickup trucks maneuvering 1 kilometer north of the target area, and the people on them are not locals!"

"You have to be quick!"

It is indeed a segmented attack.

Chen Chen's face was as dark as water.

The last thing he wanted to see happened. The other party was indeed prepared for subsequent actions, which would create huge difficulties for himself.

However, this seems to be the correct way to open it.

How could such a powerful enemy leave too many holes in one operation?

At this time, the Dongfeng Corps was still two kilometers away from the target area, and the opponent's first batch of ground forces had already arrived in advance.

Chen Chen quickly searched and found the two cars Luo Tuo was talking about, but just as his eyes were locked, something incredible happened to him.

Two cars exploded.

Before the people in the car could even react, they were reduced to ashes in the violent explosion.


Chen Chen frowned and said:

"Something's wrong, they didn't. Didn't sit still and wait for death!"

"This is definitely not an ordinary JD element, they have been prepared for it a long time ago!"

"Hurry over there!"

"We still have a chance!"

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