Chen Chen knew very well that it was unlikely that the United States had killed bin Laden.

However, he could also understand why the other party dared to say that he had killed bin Laden.

Because their operation was fundamentally a performance, a performance in which the Syrian government was forcibly kidnapped as an audience and witness!

JSTARS attack system, complete radar paralysis, invasion by various air fighters, B-2 precision guided bombing, and CIA intelligence monitoring throughout the process

Rather than saying that this is a hunt, it is better to say that this is a display of strength whose purpose is to "show off muscles"!

Of course it would be best if bin Laden can be eliminated, but if he cannot be eliminated, this operation will also greatly boost domestic confidence and restore their prestige, which has plummeted after losing a senior CIA official!

At the same time, the kidnapped Syrian government is unlikely to raise any objections to this.

People say it was aborted. Do you have any evidence? How can you still say it was not aborted?

If you say you were not killed, it means that you were beheaded by someone inside the country when the entire country's airspace was completely penetrated and you were completely unaware.

Once this wave of public opinion is released, will the Syrian government still resist, and will the people's confidence still be maintained?

Therefore, the Syrian government can only pinch its nose and admit that this is a "cooperation" and can only admit that this is "useful progress" made by both sides after the temporary armistice!

Just like in the previous life, after Laos and the United States launched Operation Neptune Spear, Pakistan also promoted this operation as "anti-terrorism cooperation" for a long time.

This is true in non-war zones, but in war zones, the Syrian government has no choice.

In a sense, this may be one of the reasons why the United States did not attack or expel its own "onlooker".

However, the only flaw is, why do they think that the "Syrian government forces" who have watched the whole process think that they have really completed their mission?

Maybe there isn't much conspiracy in this, but just a kind of arrogance?

However, Chen Chen can't control that much now, because he knows that if the United States has made a conclusion, then whether bin Laden is still alive or not is actually meaningless.

Even if he really dares to show his face and testify, the final result can only be summarized in two words.


Obviously, bin Laden would not be so stupid.

After all, in recent years, he has long faded out of the core of power, and instead has become a real-life idol that is more like "the embodiment of faith."

After being let go, is it possible that he would jump out and seek death on his own?

Even if he wants to do something, he will most likely change his name and identity.


This is also quite consistent with the current development trend of extremism. When Al Qaeda begins to develop into ISI and ISIS, when they begin to seek political rights and seek to build a country, they do need a new identity.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen said decisively:

"Prepare to retreat."

"We have no chance. The other side has never planned to use military means to snatch this head from us from the beginning. They have always been invincible."

"Insufficient intelligence, we can't find them."

"Leave Rezafa and start advancing towards Raqqa city."

"Suhail will meet us there. After completing the supplies, we will make the next plan."


The order was issued, and the long-awaited convoy was quickly dispatched. After arriving at the combat zone, the five-man team got on the bus and evacuated without stopping.

He took away the East Asian body, which was important evidence and clues.

After everything stabilized, Chen Chen had no time to relax.

He took out his phone and dialed Jackal's number without hesitation.

The phone only rang twice before it was connected. Before Jackal could speak, Chen Chen asked directly:

"Did Chaisili only send your team here?"

"Did any of your team members go out on a mission?"

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Jackal asked in shock:

"What do you mean? Have you met someone from Chaisili?"

"My team members are all around me, and I don't have any plans for the next step yet."

"The negotiations with the Syrian government have not yet been finalized, and the contract has not been signed yet - wait, what is going on?"

"Are you sure you don't know?"

Chen Chen's tone was quite harsh. In this case, he must maintain reasonable doubts about Jackal.

"I sure don't know."

"If you think that I have affected your actions in some way or concealed any information from you, I can lead the team to evacuate Syria immediately. I can make this decision!"


Chen Chen nodded slightly and then said:

"You might have to go."

"I just found evidence that Chaisili may be related to the JD organization."

"What evidence?"

"An East Asian, and a JD armed force that is familiar with our tactics and can even be said to be imitating our tactics."

"Find a way to send me the photo and I will verify it."

"Send it to you immediately."

Jackal answered without any pause, and Chen Chen couldn't hear anything unusual in his tone.

For a moment, he even felt that he was a little too suspicious.

However, after Xia Xing sent the photos to Jackal's mailbox through her PDA, Jackal's reaction finally made Chen Chenxuan's heart completely die.

"Holy shit!"

The jackal on the other end of the phone cried out in disbelief.

Then, he said:

"This is fucking wrong, my team member!"

"He returned to Thailand from Pubei in 2009. You have never met him, but he is indeed familiar with the Dongfeng Corps' tactics."

"Are you kidding? Why is he in Syria?!"

"Where did you find his body? What did he do?"

".It's not important. You don't have the right to know."

Chen Chen frowned and continued to ask:

"Is he still in Chaisili?"

"No, he's gone long ago!"

"In 2010, he left Chaisri. I heard that he went to France and briefly joined the Outlaw Corps, but soon returned to Thailand."

"I last met him in 2011, and he asked me about some things related to you."

"But at that time, I had already cooperated quite closely with you, so all I talked to him about was information that could be found through public channels."

"Looking back now, he was indeed a little disappointed at that time - I thought it was because his curiosity was not satisfied!"

"What's going on now? He formed a mercenary group to take over the underworld??"

Jackal's senses were very keen. Chen Chen didn't reveal any information, but he had already guessed the general situation.

Chen Chen did not deny it, but asked:

"Are you sure he has left Chaisili? What evidence is there?"

"I don't want to see a termination contract, I want real evidence!"

"You don't need proof, his family have moved to Europe, and on the other hand, I know what you're worried about."

"But if he did not leave Chaisili and existed as Chaisili's black force, he would not be able to meet me again after disappearing."

"What else do you need? There are several people in a similar situation to him. Do you need me to retrieve all their information?"

Jackal's tone was a little urgent, but this urgency was not the urgency of "eager to prove his innocence", but the urgency of truly feeling that something was wrong.

In his opinion, this incident may not have a great impact on the Dongfeng Corps, but it will definitely be a fatal blow to his cooperation with the shipwreck!

So, he had to figure out what was going on.

People go out from him, and he has this responsibility.

After feeling Jackal's emotions, Chen Chen's tense emotions relaxed a bit.

Fortunately, there was no problem with Chaisili, which meant that there was no problem with his alliance.

As long as the problem is external, there is always a way to solve it.

So he opened his mouth and replied:

"Find me information first. I want information on all of them."

"Now I seriously suspect that this wrong hero is related to a certain black army - listen up, they are not mercenaries, they are a black army!"

". Extrajudicial black troops?"

"Not ruled out."

Chen Chen replied in a low voice. The Jackal opposite was silent for a few seconds, and then replied:

"Give me two hours - one hour, and I will find a way to get preliminary information first."

"If you need me to do anything, you can notify me directly."

"I can lead a team out of Syria, no problem at all."

"However, I can guarantee that no one, including Chaisili's entire group, can be your enemy, because everyone depends on you for food!"

"I understand, that's it."

Chen Chen hung up the phone and let out a long sigh of relief.

The biggest risk was eliminated, and he had a rough judgment in his mind.

All clues point to the same result, which is the Outlaw Corps.

Their regular troops appeared in Hasakah, and unknown armed men with past connections to them appeared in Ressafa.

Combined with the JD weapons that had obviously been "strengthened" before, combined with the gas tank cannons that appeared out of nowhere and were upgraded in a short period of time.

It is clear that there is an extrajudicial black force operating in Syria.

They are closely related to the local JD armed forces, and it is even possible that they serve as consultants and instructors!

Overtly and covertly, the two forces with the same origin have completed close cooperation, which has indeed greatly promoted their strategic layout in Syria.

This was really not a "sophisticated" strategy. The only thing that surprised Chen Chen was that they actually used the Dongfeng Corps as a template to design this black army.

In a sense, this proves that mainstream forces have begun to pay attention to the Dongfeng Corps a year or two ago, and their influence has even far exceeded their original estimates.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen was really angry and funny.

People are afraid of being famous as pigs are afraid of being strong. He didn't know how long ago he had rejected Jiya's so-called "exposure" proposal to prevent this kind of thing.

But I didn't expect that no matter how cautious I was, I still couldn't avoid what was going to happen.


But at the same time, he was a little curious.

To what extent has this black army developed?

Judging from their confrontation with the United States, their overall combat effectiveness is actually not too strong, and there is still a gap compared with the Dongfeng Corps.

However, if they can get all the resources outside the law to support them, it will be difficult to say

Maybe I will really confront them once, and then all the questions will be answered.

"Tsk, tsk."

Chen Chen shook his head and sighed. Xia Xing, who had listened to the whole process, asked:

"Have you reached a conclusion? Do you need any intelligence support?"

"I'm afraid you don't have any information on this."

"Don't talk about you guys. It's impossible for the Americans to get it. We can only rely on Jackal to do the elimination method."

"And even if it is ruled out, it is just a speculation."

"But fortunately, we don't actually need too much evidence to do things."


Xia Xing nodded and did not continue to ask. Instead, he changed the topic and continued:

"The bin Laden matter is not over yet. Do you plan to continue chasing or give up?"

"It depends on the situation."

Chen Chen replied conservatively.

In fact, he still planned to kill this person if he really had the chance.

After all, although in the eyes of some people he is a so-called "anti-American hero," he has done many disgusting things to the north.

At least more than half of the terrorists came from his training camp. The losses they caused to local "stability maintenance" personnel, let alone civilians, were not a small number.

In a word, there is no such thing as "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" on this issue.

Because they all have the same blood feud as those in the north.

Therefore, as long as he can fight, Chen Chen will never show mercy.

However, he must also consider the reality of the situation.

Under the premise that the United States has announced bin Laden's death, the cost-effectiveness of another "repeated killing" of him has dropped to a level that can almost be said to be beyond the means.

Instead of going after him, it is better to concentrate on cooperating with Suhail to clean up other hostile forces in Raqqa Province, and collect the "fees" that you should collect at the same time.

Hearing Chen Chen's answer, Xia Xing said "hmm" and did not raise any questions.

The car fell into silence for a moment, and the only sound that could be heard was the sound of sand hitting the windshield.

At this time, the convoy of the Dongfeng Corps has turned to the direction of Raqqa. According to the plan, Suhail will join the Dongfeng Corps near Alkhri.

It took an hour for the Dongfeng Corps to bypass Tabuka and get on the highway. When they were less than five kilometers away from Alheri, Jackal's call suddenly came back.

"Shipwreck, I confirm that this mistake is related to the black army you mentioned."

"I confirm that Chaisili has nothing to do with this matter, because the headquarters has given me a task to stop all other activities and track down Cuoyong's armed group at all costs."

"Give me the coordinates and I will lead the team there immediately."

"One more thing, we found a suspicious person."

"Gagong, he has a close relationship with Cuoyong. He should be in Syria, and in Raqqa Province."

"I will determine his specific location as soon as possible and give you feedback."

"How did you find him? Even the CIA couldn't find him."

"No need for CIA."

The jackal on the other end of the phone took a long breath and then said:

"This stupid guy, he posted it on YouTube!"

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