

"Pingchuan, lower the altitude of the drone and provide real-time reports."

"I can't see anything here, no people, no moving targets."

"Rainbow, lower the altitude and monitor the electromagnetic signals in the area."

"Rainbow received, electronic reconnaissance pod activated."

"No abnormal electromagnetic activity found"

A series of exchanges continued to reach Chen Chen's headphones, and each piece of information transmitted made the town in front of them look even weirder.

Just two days ago, this place was clearly not a "flowery" town, but it was definitely a "vibrant" town.

But two days later, when the Dongfeng Corps' investigation team arrived here, it was completely dead.

An ominous premonition arose in Chen Chen's heart, and he vaguely guessed that there were only two reasons for this result.

Either the people here left en masse for some reason, or all the people here died.

Obviously, the possibility of the former is not high.

Because the residents here have absolutely no reason to choose to evacuate at this time.

There are collapsed JD elements everywhere. What reason do they have to take risks?

In contrast, staying here is the best choice.

Even if we do encounter ISIS, the worst possible outcome will be to surrender.

Anyway, in their understanding, the control power of the Syrian government cannot penetrate this small town. Survival is more important than anything else.

Chen Chen frowned and his steps slowed down a bit.

And just when he led the team to finally arrive at the edge of Duramaha City, a strong, familiar smell suddenly entered his nose.

Rusty smell.

To be precise, it is the smell of dried blood!

At this moment, Chen Chen even had some illusion.

He seemed to see the blood splashed on the gravel being dried by the scorching sun, and then picked up by the strong wind, turning into puffs of dark red dust and floating into the air.

And at this time, they are in this dust!

"There's a problem! Be alert!"

Chen Chen immediately gave the order. In this case, he naturally took over the command of the Li Gang, and the latter immediately adjusted his position and quickly organized according to Chen Chen's request with a series of short orders and gestures. Alert.

The eight members of the two teams deployed in a standard defensive formation, each found a nearby bunker, and controlled all dangerous areas with guns.

At this time, Chen Chen had already identified the direction from which the smell of blood came - in a private house in front of him.

"Prepare to enter."

Chen Chen spoke in a low voice and gestured at the same time.

Lin He, who was already ready, also responded with gestures. Then, he gently put his hand on the door handle and exerted a slight force tentatively.

The door was pushed open.


The sharp friction sound broke the silence of Duramaha. Chen Chen's muscles immediately tensed up. The moment the sound came out, Lin He had already made a quick decision and suddenly pushed open the door!

As the number one vanguard, Li Gang did not hesitate at all and still rushed into the room with a leading posture. Chen Chen and Lin He each raised their guns and crossed to control two dangerous corners.

All movements were as smooth as clouds and flowing water, but their caution was not necessary.

Because there was no one alive in the room.

There were only four corpses that had obviously been moved and arranged neatly on one side of the living room!

"Group 3, enter other buildings to inspect."

"Pingchuan, hand over control of the drone and come over to me!"


With an order, the three groups of team members who were on guard at the periphery entered other buildings to check one after another. At this time, Chen Chen had squatted on the ground, turned on the tactical flashlight, and began to check the four corpses of "different sizes".

Two adults, two children.

All died from gunshot wounds. Judging from the location of the bullet holes, all fatal injuries were in the chest.

"Execution at close range."

Pingchuan, who had just arrived, made a judgment with just one glance. He opened the collar of one of the corpses, pointed to the traces of gunpowder burns on it and said:

"Judging from the range of gunpowder spray, the muzzle of the gun was no more than half a meter away from the deceased's chest."

Immediately afterwards, he tore off the deceased's clothes and continued:

"Very obvious wiping rounds and bruising rounds, definitely a point-blank execution."

"There are no obvious resistance injuries to the limbs, and there are traces of dust friction on the knees."

"There were hematomas on the skin of the knees, where they were kneeling for a long time before they died."

"These people were controlled, but not restrained."

"Very strange."

"What's strange?"

Chen Chen asked immediately.

"The strange thing is that there was no resistance."

"Have you heard that saying? Crimes committed by people you know."

"I'll give you a profile. The situation here is like an acquaintance committing a crime."

"The murderer walked directly into the living room. He did not shoot, but directly ordered the four deceased people to come to him by shouting."

"Immediately afterwards, he ordered the deceased to kneel down and not to move around at will."

"As you can see, there are dust and scratch marks on the palms of the two children. It is obvious that they have used their hands to support the ground because they knelt for too long."

"During this period, the four deceased persons did not offer any resistance and the murderer did not make any additional movements."

"This doesn't make sense - unless they don't know they're going to die and think they're just being restricted from their freedom."

"Where are the bullets? Help me find the bullets!"


Li Bang spoke immediately. Chen Chen and Pingchuan walked to where he was and saw a series of bullet holes on the ground that were obviously shot from top to bottom.

"Automatic weapons, this is a strafing round."

"The murderer first fired a round of shots, and then shot again one after another."

"Judging from the blood stains, he even moved the injured here first, and then started to refill the gun."

"They're taking their time, and this is definitely not an exception - what about other buildings?"

"All dead!"

Replies from three groups came immediately over the radio.

"We found a large number of corpses in the mosque, at least a hundred people in total!"

"There are obvious signs of large-caliber weapons shooting here, and the walls are densely covered with bullet holes!"

"This is massacre! Someone killed everyone in this town!"

As soon as the words fell, Chen Chen's hair stood on end.

He raised his head and looked at Li Bang, who also frowned.

After a few seconds of silence, Pingchuan took the lead and asked:

"ISIS did it?"

"I'm afraid they are the only ones who can do this kind of thing - Group 3, can you find the bullet casing? What kind of weapon is it?"

"Can't find the bullet casing, can find the broken bullet, but..."


The radio went silent again, and a few seconds later the team members' voices came through the headphones.

"There are clues."

"This corpse has writing carved into its palm."

"What word?!"

Chen Chen asked immediately.

"An unfinished lowercase n"

After the words fell, everyone including Chen Chen fell silent.

They knew very well that it couldn't be n.

That's U written backwards.


The Americans are coming.

To them, the massacre was not a surprise.

What is really surprising is that they have already arrived here, less than 50 kilometers away from Raqqa.

At least it was a few hours ago!

So now

where are they? !

A flash of lightning flashed in Chen Chen's mind, and he subconsciously took out his satellite phone. At this moment, a group call came from his earphones.

"Requesting help from the rear!"

"Raqqa is under air attack!"

"A large group of armed men are approaching! The white dog can't stand it anymore!"

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