I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 569 A Reasonable Plan

After determining the follow-up plan, the mission of the Dongfeng Corps was finally fixed.

The large-scale battlefield has nothing to do with the Dongfeng Corps. Chen Chen's work was accurately divided into three parts.

The first part, is the recruitment and training in Tel Tamir.

Jackal, who had been with Suhail before and had some experience, got started quickly. Although there was a language barrier, with the help of the translator left by Suhail, there was basically no problem with general communication.

What Chen Chen is most worried about, the work that political commissars need to do, such as exporting value and inciting emotions during the recruitment process, simply does not exist. After all, in the current environment in Syria, enemy bombing and artillery fire are the best political commissars. .

In two days, the number of Jackal's militiamen has reached more than 100, and the rate of increase is still accelerating.

The momentum was very good, so Chen Chen simply became the shopkeeper and stopped interfering.

He focused most of his energy on the second part of his work, that is, looking for fighter planes.

According to Suhail's feedback, the first batch of Conqueror missiles will arrive in Syria within three days and land in Damascus.

How to use these missiles to achieve the greatest deterrence has become a problem that must be solved.

Chen Chen bought the thing. Of course Chen Chen could launch it on the battlefield at will, hit the city of Raqqa, and throw it on top of the Turkish army, so that they could also taste the feeling of being bombed.

This will definitely deal a major blow to them, but the problem is that the "deterrence" of doing so will definitely not meet the minimum standards set by Chen Chen.

War is inherently a matter of spending every penny. The missiles obtained at a huge price and with heavy hidden costs should be fully effective.

Therefore, Chen Chen did not make decisions based on the situation. Instead, he spent more than ten hours in the temporary headquarters, studying the war situation in Syria and considering specific strike plans.

".The situation is relatively clear now."

"Syria can be divided into three main battlefields, the first main battlefield is Aleppo; the second main battlefield is Raqqa; and the third main battlefield is Damascus."

"Although Damascus is prone to frequent conflicts, high frequency of fighting, and relatively large international attention and influence, in fact, the fighting here is mainly sporadic fighting between government forces and opposition groups including the Free Army."

"It looked like a lively fight, but in fact the intensity was very low. According to our standards, at most it would have been the level of dispatching some armed police forces."

"So, we don't need to consider this battlefield at all and we will eliminate it as a priority."

"Then, there are only two options left."

"Aleppo, or Raqqa."

Having said this, Chen Chen paused for a moment, and Li Bang on the side answered:

"The war situation in Aleppo has become clearer. The defense line of Tal Rifaat is stable, and the Free Army has retreated to the border. The next step is probably to have a long-term confrontation with the government forces, and then rely on Turkey to try to open up the situation."

"It wouldn't make much sense if we were to use missiles here."

"Be conservative and attack here on the border. It has no deterrent effect."

"Being more aggressive and attacking Turkey may trigger large-scale retaliation from them."

"Turkey and the United States are still different. Their domestic pressure is too great. Coupled with the previous anti-Iran movie controversy, their emotions urgently need an outlet. If they are really desperate, they will really use their troops to suppress the situation."

"After all, there are already voices on the Internet saying that the incident was actually directed by Syria."

"They're right."

Chen Chen shook his head in amusement and replied:

"We did it, but the purpose was for the benefit of Syria. They have to bear the blame."

"However, whether to use it in Aleppo, the main consideration is not Turkey, but the Free Army."

"The key point is how long they can keep running, and whether they are worth us using a few missiles to persuade them to retreat."

"My personal judgment is that it is not worthwhile. Fundamentally speaking, these people are just chess pieces, or the pawn who abandoned the pawn to open the game."

"After Turkey entered the war, the situation has opened up. It doesn't make much sense for us to target this pawn."

"So, the final choice still falls on Raqqa."

“The form of struggle here is the most complex, with the largest number of forces involved, and NATO’s involvement is the deepest.”

"If they have seven inches, that seven inches must be here."

"The question is how do we find it."

After the words fell, everyone in the temporary headquarters fell silent.

After a while, Yang Shu spoke:

"According to my understanding, their so-called seven inches cannot be the Turkish army."

"DEVGRU, Outlaw, 1er PRIMa, are their seven inches."

"If we want to fight, we will fight them."

"So the most critical task is to identify their activity area and carry out a precise bombing for them?"

"That's right."

Chen Chen nodded happily. He could feel that most of the members of his old team had begun to grow up.

Even Yang Shu, who has never entered the core decision-making level, already has the ability to perform macro analysis.

This is a good sign - if it continues to develop, I might actually be able to take a back seat.

So, he continued to ask:

"If you were asked to come here, where would you start?"

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Yang Shu frowned slightly.

Then he replied:


"These teams cannot always be active outside. When the war progress is relatively stable, they will definitely need to provide base supplies."

"And the quality of the supplies they need is definitely different from the Turkish army."

"This may be a breakthrough - but we need more detailed intelligence."

"Damn, if only we had a mole we could use."

“It doesn’t have to be a mole.”

Li Bang suddenly spoke, interrupting Yang Shu's words.

"If you can't get closed-source intelligence, you can try open-source intelligence."

"The core issue is that we don't actually need to deliberately pursue too high accuracy."

"Because this is not a one-and-done deal."

"We can at least launch 12 missiles at once. As long as one of these 12 missiles hits the real target, then our mission will be considered completed."

"So... we can let Jiang He try."

"His talent in this area is absolutely unmatched. Maybe bringing him here will help us?"

"I think so too."

Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief and continued:

"You go contact Peng Xucheng and Lao Zhu and ask them to find a way to send Jiang He over."

"Understood, I'll do it right away."

"Also, by the way, let Peng Xucheng continue to confirm that his route from Somalia to shore is available."

"Maozi's side, Suhail is already communicating."

"Judging from the initial feedback from the other party, they are very interested in this plan."

"In this case, we must do some work ahead and not give them a chance to regret it."

"Okay, leave it to me!"

Meanwhile, Khartoum, Sudan.

In the presidential palace, then-President Omar al-Bashir sat behind a large desk. Next to him was an astonishingly large floor-to-ceiling window, and outside the window was the slowly flowing Nile River.

Bashir's eyes were fixed on the river surface that shone like golden scales under the setting sun. After a long time, he finally withdrew his gaze.

Then, he turned to the man sitting opposite him and said:

"Mr. Nikonov, I think our negotiations can come to an end for the time being."

"The price you are offering is too high and completely unacceptable to me."

"To be honest, at this price, instead of purchasing your Su-25, I would rather continue purchasing the Q-5 from the north."

"After all, this aircraft is sufficient to meet our current combat needs. It can even be said that it has exceeded our needs."

"Moreover, the price they offer is very fair - even including maintenance and production lines, it is less than one-third of yours."

"So, if you really don't plan to continue to lower prices, there is really no need for us to continue talking."

After hearing his words, the Russian named Nikonov opposite nodded slightly and replied:

"Our prices are indeed a bit higher, that's a fact."

"But, Mr. President, you should know that compared to the Q-5, the advantages of the Su-25 are obvious."

"Larger range, higher bomb load, more complete electronic system, and stronger scalability."

“All these advantages aside, we only think about range.”

"The theoretical range of the Strong Five is 2,000 kilometers, but in the case of low-altitude penetration, the actual combat radius is only 300 kilometers at most."

"Perhaps in the early stages of the conflict, this range is sufficient for combating rebels within the country."

"But now, North and South Sudan have been effectively divided, and the battlefield shape you face has also changed."

"Next, every action you take will be a 'foreign combat operation'."

"Your battlefield cannot be limited to Malakal or Darfur, but will continue to extend southward."

"Mr. President, when you need to bomb Juba, do you think the Q-5 will be enough?"

"This is a very real issue and something you have to consider."

After Nikonov finished speaking, Bashir's eyes instantly became sharper.

He did not answer immediately, but looked Nikonov directly in the eyes and said:

"You're such a warmonger."

"Mr. Nikonov, if what you say today is recorded, the next day you will be on the Americans' sanctions list just like me."


Nikonov nodded slowly and replied:

"But I believe these words will only come between you and me."

"Otherwise, a simple equipment trade will not give me the opportunity to talk to you face to face."

".You are very smart."

Bashir's expression relaxed a bit, and after a deliberate pause for a few seconds, he continued to ask:

“Is there no room for further price cuts?”

"I mean, we can buy pretty big."

"And, on some issues, we can make concessions."

"Ports, oil fields, and more long-term benefits."

"You should have a good talk with your real boss about these things, right?"

Bashir's tone was slightly questioning. It was obvious that he did not fully believe in the authority of the "arms dealer" in front of him.

But Nikonov was not disturbed by such doubts. He just nodded and replied:

"In fact, I have already talked about it."

"With the conditions you can offer now, we can only deliver so many goods."

"If you want more, you must show your greater sincerity."

"If your sincerity is enough, let alone Su-25, we can even provide Su-27."

When the words "Su-27" came out, Bashir's eyes lit up for a moment.

But in a very short time, he quickly suppressed his emotions and asked:

"What do you want? Port?"

"The port can be used as an exchange for the cheaper Su-25."

"What about Su-27?"

"That requires more sincerity."

"Oil fields? If the land in the south can be recovered, I can promise that you have exclusive rights to more than 20% of the oil fields there."

"Not enough. Mr. President, from an economic point of view, you should also know very well that the mining value of the oil fields there is not as great as most people think."

".We have nothing else to exchange."

Bashir's tone revealed a hint of obvious loss, and he didn't even hide it.

This is actually not difficult to understand.

In Sudan, he is indeed a strong man, but in front of Russia, he can only be a subordinate begging for "alms".

Even in front of an agent, he can't take the absolute initiative.

After seeing his reaction, Nikonov's eyes flashed with a hint of relief.

He knew that his fish had been hooked.

Next, it was time to really talk about business.

So he said:

"In fact, you have something to exchange."


Bashir asked immediately.


"Your stand is much more valuable than the oil fields."

". Do you want me to completely abandon my relationship with the United States?"

"That's not the case."

Nikonov shook his head and continued:

"But within a limited scope, we need you to do something to show your determination."

"Mr. President, please note that every word I say next does not exist."

"But if you can be a little more proactive, I can guarantee that what you get will definitely exceed your imagination."

". I understand."

Bashir sat up straight and put on a posture of listening attentively.

Nikonov did not keep the secret, but said directly:

"I need you to launch an attack from the Red Sea and attack the USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier formation."

After the voice fell, Bashir was stunned.

He stared into Nikonov's eyes for a long time, until he was sure that the other party was not joking, and then asked in disbelief:

"Are you crazy?!"

"We can't do such a thing, no matter what!"

"That's simply suicidal, we..."

"Of course you can't."

Nikonov interrupted Bashir and said:

"It could be an accident."

"The AQTN (Al-Qaeda of the Two Niles) training camp is still near Wadi Halfa, isn't it?"

"They killed USAID diplomats and bombed American warships."

"So now, if they accidentally snatched a few missiles from you"

"It would be reasonable to try to bomb an aircraft carrier, right?"

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