Chen Chen finally let Lin He go, and after he left, the men sitting in the living room also began to seriously discuss the right and wrong of "letting Lin He go".

".I personally don't have many thoughts. First, he is indeed useful to us, and second, he is indeed pitiful."

"He won't survive long even if he has a gun. If there is no adult man in the family, he will definitely die within half a year."

"So, I actually advocate keeping him and giving him a way to survive."

"But hey, I won't say it anymore, I'm too subjective."

Li Bang scratched his head in annoyance. After a moment of pause, he couldn't help but add:

"My sister is still in Guo Gang, and sometimes I really hope someone can help her."

Hearing his words, Chen Chen nodded slightly.

In fact, in the eyes of many people, this idea of ​​​​the Li Gang is ridiculous.

What is this place? Northern Myanmar! Shan State!

The warlords are fighting here, the people are in dire straits, and human life is as worthless as grass. It’s not easy to live here, but you still have the heart to sympathize with others?

But Chen Chen can understand his thoughts very well, because from the perspective of professional psychology, this is essentially a kind of psychological compensation.

As he said, the family members of the Dongfeng Corps are still trapped in Kokang, not knowing whether they are alive or dead, and their living conditions are unthinkable and will definitely not be good.

And at this point in time, if such a person appears, it is absolutely impossible for him to appear completely unwavering and without any human sympathy.

Just like many war movies depict, soldiers will spare the enemy because of a family photo. This is really not a dramatic interpretation, but the most real human nature.

Therefore, Chen Chen did not intend to blame him, but patiently reasoned with him.

"I can understand what you said, but here, we can't consider too many emotional factors."

"To live, we have to eliminate all risks, and for him, we have no way to determine the risks."

"In fact, letting it out is also risky."

Shi Dakai interrupted.

"The best way is to kill him as soon as he comes in, with a knife, not a gun."

"The body was thrown outside Mengka City. Didn't he say it himself? He had no family, and the Piao camp didn't care about it. No one would cause trouble."

It's a very cold-blooded solution, but as Shi Dakai said, killing people to silence them and eradicating the roots is indeed the least risky solution.


Before Chen Chen could speak, Shi Dakai continued:

"But the question is, which of you can do it?"

Looking at each other.

He really just wanted to live, what was wrong with him?

Of course, if the situation is really urgent, Chen Chen will definitely take action when the time comes to make a life-or-death decision.

No matter who you are, it's life and death.

In Wan Henai's camp, including the campfire in Wankang Lane, he didn't even hesitate for half a second.

But the current situation is completely different - there is no life-or-death confrontation between the two sides yet.

Although the allusions between the US military and the shepherds are still vivid in our minds, the situation of facing the enemy on the battlefield is different from the situation they are in now.

The difference is that the U.S. military was faced with a life-and-death decision, while our own side was faced with a difficult-to-balance choice between "safety" and "safer."

Should we sacrifice our seemingly worthless humanity in exchange for a little more "security"?

For a while, Chen Chen couldn't give a 100% correct answer.

But he was very sure that he really couldn't do it like Shi Dakai said, killing all the people and dumping them in the wilderness.

I can kill decisively at any time, but I can never kill innocent people indiscriminately like those crazy Turkish warlords.

Even if you want to be a warlord, you must be a new warlord who respects the rules.

And not beef-eating bandits.

"So what? So we should lock him up? Wait until the mission is over?"

Bao Qi asked.

After thinking for a moment, Shi Dakai replied:

"Whether to lock him up or let him go actually depends on one thing, and that is: how deep his hatred is against us."

"The most critical issue is that he said he has no grudge against us, but it's hard for me to believe this."

"You don't actually need to worry too much about this."

Chen Chen interrupted and said:

"As he said just now, the key to his brother's death is not us, but Qiaoying. Secondly, we gave him a gun, which is a clean slate."

"The biggest concern is that he has seen us and tracked us, so he may expose our combat methods."

Chen Chen scratched his head and continued:

“The term ‘blood debt must be paid with blood’ certainly exists in northern Myanmar, but that only applies to vendettas.”

"Mercenaries do not seek revenge. This is a basic rule and the basis for the existence of the mercenary system here."

"If you seek revenge wantonly, you are not a mercenary, but a gangster."


As soon as Chen Chen said his words, the others nodded immediately.


In fact, in all their life, they have never seen any mercenary's family seeking revenge from their rivals.

"Is that a conclusion we can draw?"

Bao Qi asked.

In this corps, discussions can take place at any time, and everyone can speak freely, but only one person can draw a conclusion, and as long as the conclusion is drawn, it cannot be doubted.

So, Chen Chen nodded solemnly and said:

"It's time to draw conclusions."

"We did nothing wrong in letting him go."

"It's not a 100 percent risk-free choice, but it's the best choice we can make."

"I don't want our Corps to completely destroy humanity and turn into a murderous 'Shura' without blinking an eye, because we are going to do big things, and since we are going to do big things, we must have a basic bottom line."

"The way we handle this incident should also become our principle for handling similar incidents in the future."



The three of them answered together, with firm expressions.

Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief. He never thought that a routine investigation by the enemy would bring such a "questioning situation" to his side.

But fortunately, the Dongfeng Corps has passed this level.

People's hearts are still united - and Chen Chen has a vague feeling that this young man named Lin He may have an intersection with the Dongfeng Corps.

I don’t know when exactly it was.

A small setback did not affect the Dongfeng Corps' subsequent plans.

In the next few days, Chen Chen mainly did several things.

The first is to further eliminate the threat from Linhe.

In the follow-up training, the Dongfeng Corps went to Kantougou Village in person, confirmed the situation at Lin He's home, confirmed the authenticity of all his background, and used the relationship with the management committee to register him with the security brigade.

From now on, if he wants to join any mercenary group and obtain more powerful power to retaliate against the Dongfeng Corps, Chen Chen will know about it immediately.

Secondly, he obtained information about the three main opponents according to the original plan.

Karaja, Kyu Battalion and Lion Regiment.

Among them, the Lion Corps has the strongest strength, a complete range of light and heavy weapons, the highest quality of personnel, is good at attacking tough battles, and has the highest degree of professionalism.

Garoja is the least equipped, but has the most people, with more than a hundred people. They mainly use light weapons, with a small amount of heavy weapons and explosives, and basically have no electronic capabilities.

Piaoying is a team in the process of transforming from a mercenary group to a PMC. Their team leader was originally a member of the Wood Ghost elite team. After establishing his own company, he has been seeking to transform to professionalism, but just as Chen Chen made the judgment , it is still at the stage where a tiger cannot be compared to a dog.

Generally speaking, the Lion Corps is the most difficult to deal with, and the Piao Camp has the biggest flaws.

But no matter which team they are, they are actually powerful teams that are not easy to deal with.

Therefore, Chen Chen formulated different combat plans for these three teams and even planned different battlefields.

If a conflict does occur then, he will follow the plan and defeat the three teams one by one.

Finally, the Dongfeng Corps completed an ultra-long-distance jungle terrain training from Wan Pang Sang to the suburbs of Meng Bin. During the training, it also completed training on the use of new equipment.

Of course, they also determined the action route, and laid more than 40 traps and placed 20 supplies including medicine and food on the action route based on special standards that they could only identify.

All broadsword mines have been used, not a single one is left.

Everything is ready, and there is still nearly a month left before the deadline set by Jackal to perform the task.

But Chen Chen didn't plan to wait any longer.

Just as you are preparing, the enemy is also preparing.

Never wait until both parties are 100% complete before hedging openly.

If your side has completed 80% and the enemy has only completed 40%, then your winning rate will be doubled!


Let the fight begin!

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