Dark Guild.

It is a black magic organization that is not recognized by the wizarding community and the council.

A guild that profits from work that violates magical conventions by engaging in assassinations, human trafficking, and participating in national wars.

Such guilds exist in all corners of every continent and form the Balam Alliance headed by the Gate of Hades, Demon Heart, and Six Demon Generals.

The Body of the Flame Demon is one of the dark guilds affiliated with the Demon Heart.

In the past two years, the name of the Flame Demon Body has suddenly resounded in the kingdom, because of its dark and bloody style of doing things, and the involvement in human trafficking has been exposed, which has attracted the attention of the kingdom and the council, and the task of eradication has been issued.

"Really, the people of the Dark Guild, like rats in the stinking gutter, can't find a trace at all!"

On the deserted street, Mirajen hugged her hands and scolded impatiently.

They walked around this town, not to mention the dark guild, even ordinary people did not see a few, finally ran into people, as soon as they heard the body of the flame demon, they were so scared that they ran away.

"No way, this is also the content of the exam Oh, find their guild, annihilate them, come on, children!"

In order to keep the children safe, Makarov also came as a proctor with him.

"Yan, what's next?"

Elusha led her luggage cart, and she was also slightly tired at this time, as she had no clues.

"Find a place, eat and sleep!"

Yi Yan said lightly, as if she was just here to play, not to do a task.

"Don't think about it, the people here are so afraid of the body of the flame demon, presumably in the past two years, this guild has not done less evil, the Kingdom Army and the Council have surrounded and suppressed them many times, and they have not been able to eliminate them, which shows that this place has been completely controlled by them."

Yi Yan ate the fruit taken out of the inventory, took a step, and said as she walked:

"We who are so conspicuous may have already been concerned, since we can't find the enemy, let them come to us, before that, eat well and sleep well, nourish our spirits!"

When the friends were still thinking about Yi Yan's words, the invigilator Makarov, pretending to be casual, glanced around the corner, and secretly glanced at the girl's back, thinking in his heart:

"Always keep a clear mind, calm and calm in case of trouble, this is a compulsory course for S-class magic guides, very good little ghost!"

Of course, Yi Yan didn't know, he just said his thoughts, and he got extra points from the president, and he also pretended not to see the figure behind the corner wall, walked in front with a relaxed expression, took everyone to find a hotel, and stayed here.

"A few guests, don't go out when it's dark, because more and more people have disappeared recently, it's too unsafe, especially young and beautiful girls like you!"

During the meal, the owner kindly reminded that because of the appearance of the body of the flame demon, the residents of this town were miserable, and even during the day, few people went out.

"The Kingdom Army doesn't care about you?"

Elusa asked with a serious look, pretending to be travelers who were traveling and leaving for only one night.

"Alas, the army did intervene before, and also captured some black magic guides, but it has not been able to annihilate them, even the army is helpless, can only passively strengthen patrols, restrict personnel from going out, except to make this place more depressed, there is no effect at all."

The shop owner sighed and explained that although there was an army stationed on patrol, the dark guild's wizards, like rats, could not be caught at all, and slowly, the town was taken over by them, and the army had no way at all.

"Well, we know, we'll pay attention, thanks boss!"

The owner left, Yi Yan chatted with his partners for a while, allocated a room, Yi Yan and Elusa one room, Mirajan and Kana one room, the president said that everyone left alone after leaving him alone.

Central of town.

This is a relatively luxurious building, a huge iron fence is locked, and there are two large angel statues on the left and right of the doorway, exuding a bit of solemn atmosphere, this is the local church, but at this time there is not a single monk.

Inside the church, candlelight flickered, the light was dim, the dull air was filled with a trace of bloody smell, the spacious prayer hall, tables and chairs were emptied, and the ground was covered with criss-crossing cracks, like the devil's canine teeth, and the dark red liquid flowed in it, hideous and terrifying.

Under the majestic statue of the god, a tall man with a mask sat down, listening to the report of his subordinates.

"President Akuroman, the following said, there are a few foreigners in the city today, inquiring about our guild!"

These people were all dressed in dark red robes with various demonic masks on their faces, dark and disgusting.

"Well, we have been listed as a target by the Senate, it should be the people of the regular guild, and our plan is at a critical moment, and it may not be destroyed."

Akuroma's voice was low and hoarse, and through the masked eyeholes, the crazy color under his eyes was visible.

"For Zerev, for the sake of the Great Magic World, reward them and contribute as nourishment!"

Akuroma's meaning was clear, and his subordinates immediately withdrew.


The hotel where Yi Yan and others lived.

Four partners were chatting and laughing in the room, discussing the exam.

Downstairs in the lobby, the shopkeeper who was still carrying a tray to clean up the table in the last second seemed to have an unstable center of gravity.


Suddenly fell to the ground and fainted.

Several guests scattered at this moment, falling backwards and falling into a coma at the table.

"S-class, I'm bound to get it..."

Kana's words did not fall, and she suddenly felt weak, and before she could give a reminder, her body fell limply towards the table.


Before she completely lost consciousness, she watched her companions also lie down separately.

"Hehe, what a regular guild, it's so easy to get it!"

Seven or eight people wearing dark red robes and masks pushed the door in with a strange smile, and when they saw the four women who fainted, their expressions of pride were overflowing.

"Yo, it's all women, so good-looking, people will definitely be happy, he!"

"I just don't know if we can also enjoy it, hehe!"

"Anyway, after arresting so many women, the president won't care about these few, or else, let's have fun first?"

The eyes of several people were evil, obscene and disgusting, and the harsh laughter was disgusting.

The guys with yellow brains did not notice that Yiyan, whose head rested on Elusha's body, quietly pressed Elusa's twitching hand.


When several people were about to put their hands on and down, a person who looked like he was leading the team stood up and stopped them in time.

"The other party is a person from the regular guild, I don't know what the strength is, our plan is exactly at a critical moment, don't make trouble, bring it back first, and let the guild leader dispose of it!"

Several people listened to the training, although they were dissatisfied, they did not dare to refute, stopped the action they were about to perform, and said in unison:


Then in groups of two, they lifted the four women and exited the room, where a black carriage was waiting at the entrance of the hotel, and there were several children in the carriage.

"The harvest is good, the night is long and dreamy, don't let the army grab it, hurry up!"

As soon as the leader gave the order, the subordinates quickly put the people into the carriage, drove the carriage, and headed towards the cathedral in the center of the city.

"How long has it been, the guild finally has a person with a long brain, woo-woo!"

On the roof of the hotel, Makarov's small body, hidden in the night, watched the carriage with the imps start, jumped to the roof next door, and followed the carriage.

Fairy Tail's Magisters have always been simple and rude when doing tasks, they believe that there is nothing that cannot be solved with a fist, and if there is, then a few more punches.

Therefore, the completion of the task is often accompanied by a large amount of destruction and compensation, like Yiyan, who does not engage in sabotage and does the task with his brain.

That's too little!

The carriage galloped all the way until it reached the door of the church, which stopped.

"Squeak..." After

a while, the big iron door made a tooth-biting sound, was opened from the inside, and after the person came to confirm the identity of the person in the car, it was allowed to go, and when the car entered, the iron door closed heavily again.

In the carriage, Yi Yan opened her obsidian-like eyes, and the coldness in her eyes flowed, like a cold light, flashing away, and the faint smell of blood in the air did not escape her nose.

There was a slight chanting in the church, intermittently inaudible, as if it were some kind of mantra chanting.

"President Akuroma, the goods have been brought back, four of them, all women, you see...?"

The carriage stopped suddenly, and the leader's voice also reached Yi Yan's ears, listening to the footsteps to the door of the carriage, the door opened, Yi Yan's head was tilted, and he closed his eyes casually.

"Well, are these four people from the regular guild? I really looked down on us, and I actually sent a few imps over, and they were all women!

Akuroma wore a mask, and could not see what kind of expression he had, but the contempt in his eyes was fully displayed, and he did not know whether he was contemptuous of the people in the carriage or those who were in high positions.

"Well, not bad, these magic guides will be sent to my room first, and the others will be locked up in the basement, and tomorrow we will contact the owner of the goods and take action with the next batch!"

Akuroma ruffled Elusa's hair, saw the face of the four women, throbbed in his heart, pressed the evil fire, turned his back to his subordinates and ordered.

"The subordinates understand that they will grow up, but adults, can they let the brethren also... After all, it is rare to have such a beautiful goods, or a regular guild wizard..." The

masked man who led the team said flatteringly, the cruelty of this guild leader, he had witnessed it with his own eyes, if he did not please him, I am afraid that he would never have the opportunity to enjoy such a beautiful female magic guide in this life.

"Huh? Hahaha, I know what you think, rest assured, when I find out their strength, there is really no danger, naturally I can't forget everyone!

Akuroma's hoarse voice was extremely difficult to hear, and after speaking, he walked directly into the church, and his words made all four women in the car extremely angry, their teeth creaked, and their fists clenched!

The coldness in Yi Yan's eyes had turned to murderous, but she still maintained her sanity, shook her head slightly, and signaled the third daughter not to worry.

Although angry, under the suppression of Yi Yan, the three women still forcibly held back, did not run away, continued to pretend to faint, and let someone transport them to Akuroman's room.

Because of Yi Yan's purification magic, they didn't faint at all, they were pretending to faint from beginning to end, this was Yi Yan's plan, and sure enough, without much effort, they found the enemy's lair.

On the other side, in the church, Akuroma looked at the subordinates of the guild, some kind of ritual being carried out, and his heart was already impatient.

"Why is the speed so slow today..." In

his excitement, he couldn't think of what would be waiting for him.

Perhaps it was the last lesson in his ugly and short life!

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