Yi Yan ignored the pleading eyes of the villagers, walked outside alone, took a few deep breaths of fresh air, and the originally depressed mood was better.

It's not that she is cruel, but that these villagers are really helpless.

Her healing and purification skills are only effective for living things, and although she can use her purification skills, she can't do so yet, because once the virus disappears, the villagers will immediately lose their vital signs and become corpses.

And the villagers who don't know her will think of her as a murderer.

"It's worthy of the magic world, even the apocalyptic zombies have come out, you still have to grow up quickly!"

Thinking so, he took out the fruit from his pocket, wiped it on his cuffs, and sat down under the big tree and nibbled on it.

Not long after Yi Yan went out, Elusha was suggesting with the village chief and the villagers to ask the kingdom army to come and deal with it, but something unexpected happened.

As everyone was in grief over the loss of a loved one, the woman leaned against the door of the fence, where her children and husband were.

The moment the door "snapped"

open, the zombies that had lost their humanity swarmed out and pounced on the defenseless villagers, the little girl who had lost consciousness, and immediately pounced on her mother, followed by not a warm hug, but a scream of severe pain.

The little girl bit on her mother's neck, ripped off a large piece of flesh and blood, took it in her mouth and chewed it, and soon, one zombie after another, joined the eating team, and the women's screams were soon drowned out in the sound of gnawing.

But in the blink of an eye, four or five villagers were caught and bitten by zombies, and screams and cries for help woke up the stunned people.

Watching the former neighbors and relatives become today's man-eating monsters, the villagers rushed to run out the door, and the narrow aisles soon became crowded, and people were stuck at the door, blocking the only escape door.

"Don't squeeze me!"

"Get out of the way, let me out!"

"Bastard, back a little!"

Although they all know that they only need to give in a little, the blocked people can stagger their positions, and everyone can run out, but in the face of the fear of life and death, no one is willing to be the one who gives in, the roar behind them is getting closer and closer, and the villagers are getting more and more crowded.

In the noise, looking back at the art of this scene, the secret way in his heart was not good, the magic power was running, the cross light flashed, and the golden cross appeared in the hand.

Gather your magic on your weapon and swing it with all your might.


The cross swung in the middle of the wave, the transformation became larger, smashed on the door frame, and smashed the gate at once, and the congested villagers, when the gate stepped down, fell one after another, and then immediately got up, ran away without looking back.

"Elusa, Elusa!"

Yi Yan stretched her head in the flow of people and anxiously called out to her companions, but she couldn't help but worry when she didn't get a response from Elusa.

"Yan, I'm here!"

Just when Yi Yan was impatient, a sword in his hand, while supporting the figure of the old village chief, appeared at the door, his crimson hair was very conspicuous.

"It's okay, Elusa!"

Watching Elusha cut back a zombie villager with a sword, Yi Yan quickly stepped forward to help support the injured village chief.

"I'm fine, it's just too sudden, and there are a few villagers I haven't rescued."

Elusa looked at the dark room and said reproachfully.

"It's okay, Elusa, I already said that these villagers are no longer alive."

Putting down the old village chief, Yi Yan saw that his back, arms, and scratches were obvious, and he was injured by zombies.

"Elusa, guard the gate, don't let the sick people run out, otherwise it will be trouble!"

Hearing Yi Yan's words, Elusha clenched her long sword and waited for it.

"Okay, leave it to me!"

Looking at the village chief's injury, Yi Yan quickly activated his magic power, and a cyan magic array appeared in front of his hands.


The magic power passed through the magic array, and the star sand generally fell on the village chief, and as the Yiyan magic fell, a black gas-like substance appeared from the village chief's wound.

"This should be the virus that turns people into zombies, and it is still time to save."

Seeing that the magic worked, Yi Yan continued to release the magic, during which Elusa repelled several times, rushing out of the zombie villagers, trapping them in the house.

After a few minutes, when no black matter appeared, Yi Yan withdrew the magic array, and then clasped his hands together.


The cyan magic power spilled again, the bloody wound was visibly restored, and the old village chief also woke up in a burst of hum.

Seeing that this little magic guide was sparing no effort to save himself, his heart could not help but be moved.

"No, Yan, if it goes on like this, my magic power will be exhausted!"

Elusha repelled a wave of shock again, and said to Yi Yan in a rough manner, she still does not want to hurt these sick villagers.

"I have long said that they are no longer alive."

Seeing that the village chief had woken up, Yi Yan stopped the treatment, said and picked up the cross, and stood next to Elusa.

A swing, a slap flew towards the zombies, and the zombies that flew back upside down overwhelmed the zombies behind, and they piled up in the doorway that had collapsed, and they struggled to stand up one by one.

"The little girl is right, they are no longer human."

The old village chief behind him stood up with the trunk of the tree, and his already young appearance seemed to be even older.

"Just two of you, help us destroy these monsters!"

As if making up a great decision, the village chief closed his eyes and gritted his teeth.

"Okay, since the village chief has decided, then we will start the mission."

Listening to the words of the village chief, Yi Yan did not hesitate, once again slapped a zombie villager who rushed in front of him, turned his head and said to Elusha.

"Aim at the head, destroy the brain, and the virus can't manipulate them."

Hearing this, a bitter color flashed on Elusa's immature face, and then she firmly activated her magic.

A magic array appeared under her feet, and behind Elusa, more than a dozen weapons appeared, including knives, swords, and even axes and shovels, all of which were aimed at the diseased villagers under Elusha's manipulation.

"Courage blessed!"

Seeing that Elusha was ready to go, Yi Yan held the cross in one hand and stretched out the other hand, and a white magic array appeared above Elusa's head.

With the magic array shrouded in light, Elusha only felt that her strength had soared, and she punched down, afraid that she would not hammer several monsters to death.

The dozen or so weapons summoned were also strengthened, shining with white light, and it seemed easier to control.

"Yan's magic? It's really peculiar! Feeling

the vigorous power in her body, and the strengthened weapons, this is Elusa's unprecedented feeling.

"Well, a lot of my magic is used to support my companions in battle, which can increase your strength, strengthen weapons, and even your body."

Hearing Yi Yan's explanation, Elusha nodded and said.

"So that's it, then let's go on!"

As soon as the words fell, the small figure left only an afterimage.

"Dance of Chaos!"

White light flashed, Elusha's figure had appeared at the other end, a dozen zombies lying on the ground, each of them on the head, without exception, embedded with a weapon, or a long sword, or a short knife, or even an axe shovel.

The brain was destroyed, the zombies completely lost their vitality, and they could no longer move, and several zombies that were lucky not to be attacked were completely quiet after Elusa solved it one by one.

"Elusa's magic is very strong!"

Looking at Elusha, who already had a strong figure, Yi Yan also praised it without hesitation.

Now she can't imagine that this small figure will grow to such a height in the next few years, and the title of the Goblin Queen will resound throughout the Magi Guild of the Fiore Kingdom.

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