I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 114 Recruitment

Afterwards, Wei Mu was transferred to Man-Eating Shark's battleship.

This time, he slept for three whole Terra days.

When he woke up, his energy was still sluggish, and it took him two days to adjust before he fully recovered.

The power of the light ring is indeed convenient, but the consequences of overloading it are also serious.

"With the lessons learned this time, you must be more careful when using the ring in the future, and don't forget to eat or fight." Moore reminded.

He was really afraid that if Wei Mu came up one day and forcibly pulled out an emperor's entity, it would be a lot of fun.

"Weren't we doing an experiment that time? It's normal to encounter unexpected situations. We'll go to the test site to try it out in a few days, and there are still a lot of things in their treasure house that they haven't looked at yet." Wei Mu replied. .

"Well, I'm afraid we have to leave this matter for later. We are now heading to Odkar, where the man-eating sharks will replenish the mortal servants in the battle group." Moore reminded.

Only then did Wei Mu realize that the battleship beneath him was on the move.

The Sharks have replenished enough Primaris Space Marines from Guilliman, and have just finished purchasing weapons and ammunition from Cologne. They still have dozens or millions of mortal servants left to recruit, and they can return to the battle in the dark outer realm. .

"I remember that the recruitment point for the Mantis Sharks was the original home planet of the Mantis Warriors, right? When King Huron launched a rebellion in the Maelstrom, because they had served in countering the rebellion, the Terran government assigned the rebel war group's home planet to them. As a result, These guys don't even know how to take care of it, they just think it's someone else's thing and just grab it and leave..."

Wei Mu reviewed that period of history in detail.

"You're not going to let them steal it again, are you?" Moore said.

"Of course. Those who knew were collecting blood taxes. Those who didn't know thought they had been robbed by the Black Bean Sprouts pirates. Other war groups can recruit troops well, so why can't they?"

Thinking of this, Wei Mu immediately rushed out of the dormitory and went to look for Tiberius aggressively.

He originally thought that there would be a war of words between him and the leader of the Shark Chapter, but unexpectedly, Tiberos actually directly agreed to his request and asked him to be responsible for discussing the recruitment of soldiers with the local government of Odkar. related business.

What the hell?

Could it be that the chapter leader was moved by his advanced ideas and noble personality and decided to abandon his past radical style and start to build the chapter in the direction of truth, goodness and beauty?

"Why, are you unwilling to implement the request you made yourself?" Tiberos asked.

"Of course not. I will help you this time and set an example for you. You can just follow the same instructions next time when you recruit troops. But don't rob them. If we can, let's rob the things of those alien traitors. Don't worry about your own family," Wei Mu said.

He felt that these sharks were really enlightened and could at least listen to advice.

Wei Mu was even more confident that he could make this group of violent sharks return from their lost ways.

So when the man-eating shark's ship arrived over the planet Odkar, Wei Mu immediately contacted the local governor.

When he heard that the man-eating sharks were coming to recruit troops again, the governor was frightened to death.

Although many years have passed, the evil deeds of the man-eating sharks are still widely circulated on this planet - an entire generation of young people were forcibly taken away by them in a violent way and embarked on the road leading to death. A long journey...

"Don't worry, we are all loyal ministers to the emperor. There is no need to be so nervous and restrained. We just hope that you can cooperate with this recruitment work and give us full support."

During the communication process, Wei Mu tried his best to behave kindly.

"Cooperate, of course, whatever you say will be what you say, sir. I just hope that you can show your dignity and not extend the impact of the conscription to unrelated people."

The governor looked like a frightened quail.

Including other officials around him, they were even afraid that breathing too loudly would make the evil star in front of him unhappy and eventually bring disaster to the entire planet.

How much evil did those damn sharks do in the name of fighting for the empire?

However, the past cannot be forgotten. When he thought that this sin could end in his own hands, Wei Mu suddenly became full of energy.

"In short, first gather the best ones among your garrison, who are between twenty and thirty years old. If you have particularly outstanding abilities or have unique skills, you can relax this requirement."

"Yes, yes, we will definitely live up to the great trust." The officials quickly expressed their stance.

"In addition, this book is about the man-eating sharks' war group culture. During this period, you should publicize it well so that the public can understand them." Wei Mu waved the "Bright Power Sword" in his hand again.

This thing can still come in handy.

"Okay, okay, we will resolutely complete the task." The officials nodded again.

"Then we will rely on everyone's concerted efforts to accomplish this matter beautifully." Wei Mu said.

If other war groups are not still recruiting troops, how difficult can it be?

However, Wei Mu was completely wrong about this matter.

Other war groups are recruiting troops continuously, and not many people are recruited each time to allow the home planet to recover. However, the Man-Eating Sharks can no longer stay in the outer realm and come back to make up for it.

It's like drawing blood. If you draw a small tube every year, it's naturally not that important. But if you don't usually draw, and you suddenly ask to draw a tank, who the hell can stand it?

What's more, the place where the man-eating sharks are going to fight is the dark outer land. If they go there, there is a high probability that mortals will never have the chance to return to their hometown.

Therefore, the residents of the planet did not respond positively to the man-eating shark recruitment order. They tried it over and over again, and in the end it became mainly through forced recruitment.

Forced conscription is much better than having a whole generation of young people slash each other with knives, beating you to death, and finally taking away those who are still standing.

In order to properly handle this work, Wei Mu has been busy these days, tinkering for five months, trying not to let the conscription affect local production, and during this period, Tiberius was frantically criticizing him, which led to the final The results were far from satisfactory.

"The matter is settled, you can go to the dark outer realm that you have longed for and have fun fighting!"

After it was done, Wei Mu breathed a long sigh of relief.

"There's no rush. We have to continue checking the sources of troops." Tiberos replied.

"What's going on with you sharks? In the past, you were so impatient that you just ran away for fear of delaying things. But now you say there's no rush."

"It's not because of your recruitment method. It's too gentle and can't screen out the strong ones."

"In other words, it's all my fault..."

Wei Mu smelled something unusual, but couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Wait, do you have any combat mission?" he asked suddenly.

"Combat mission? No? If there really is a combat mission, can I not tell you?" Tiberos replied calmly.

"Well then, tell me where the battleships of the Third Company have gone? I haven't seen any of their people recently."

"Tell them, another batch of supplies has recently arrived from Cologne. I asked the third company commander to lead people to bring those supplies over. Such good supplies cannot be wasted, right?"

"You sharks are usually so poor that you almost pee blood. How can you suddenly come up with so many supplies in a hurry? Don't forget, I wrote the book "Bright Power Sword", and you are fooling me with the contents in it?"

No wonder they were willing to take full responsibility for the recruitment of soldiers. For a long time, they joined forces with the Mechanicus to secretly do things behind their backs.

What can they do together?

"Are you guys fighting upside down?" Wei Mu tried to ask.

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