I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 125: Fishing for people

The subsequent evacuation work went very smoothly.

Everyone left the Tomb World the same way they came and returned to the Man-Eating Shark's battleship.

Shortly thereafter, a supernova exploded and engulfed the planet forever.

In this reverse fight, Technology failed to dig out. Instead, it dug out a group of traitors and lost some men.

However, Wei Mu didn't know whether he would make a loss or gain by unexpectedly joining the line of figure king.

What would it be like if he got the "biological furnace".

As for the two archaeological teams led by Chapter Master Tiberos and Foundry General Andre, they originally dug some things and were happily preparing to go home. However, when they heard about the problems on the Wei Mu side, they were in a good mood. It was immediately washed away.

"Can't you blame me? I already realized that something was wrong at that time, and I was about to leave directly. However, the door was forcibly opened by a certain Pai Gu, and that's what happened next."

Wei Mu put on an innocent expression.

"You don't have to thank me too much for helping you find a group of lurking traitors. This is just a small concern from the seniors to the younger ones."

Trazin said very modestly.

Even though everyone at the scene knew what he was telling lies.

"There is no need to say anything else. Let's get ready and wait for the people from the Tribunal to come to our door." Andre let out a long sigh.

There was betrayal among the sages under his command. He, the Foundry General, had an unshirkable responsibility and was definitely the one who was in the most trouble among them.

I was full of expectations when I set out, but I was full of sadness when I returned.

In this way, the group returned to the forging world of Cologne and took the initiative to contact the Imperial Tribunal.

After receiving the news, they immediately dispatched an investigation team to Cologne to conduct a top-to-bottom investigation of the entire forging world.

The judges didn't give Wei Mu much trouble.

They just asked about the situation in detail and forced him to arrange a trip to see the regent.

Regarding the issue of the abnormally shaped ribs next to him, he had to give an explanation to his superiors.

Tiberos also passed smoothly.

The judges mainly investigated the legality of this operation, especially the formalities.

And when the chapter leader placed the blood tax and gray tax documents signed by the high lord in front of the judges, the other parties immediately became speechless.

As for the situation of General Forge Andre, as expected, he was focused on by the inquisitors.

Although he was not detained yet, his residence and office space were turned upside down, and past itineraries and files were examined accurately down to every frame, every entry, and the little secrets that had been hidden before - all kinds of Forbidden technologies have also been exposed.

Others who were close to Luo Ning were treated even worse, and thousands of them were imprisoned.

According to this kind of work efficiency, if you want to prove your innocence, you can't do it in three to five years.

"Andre is an old acquaintance of yours. Do you think he might be involved?"

Wei Mu tried to ask Tiberos.

At this time, the man-eating shark had already set off to find the Macragge's Glory, which was continuing the "Indomitus Crusade." A group of people were sitting on the bridge, continuing to discuss this topic.

If you are leaning towards Chaos, you can still find some clues from corruption.

But what happened this time was related to the Star God. The oil guys just bowed to the powerful power of technology and chose to betray. It was really not easy to investigate.

"I don't want to influence your judgment because of my personal relationship." Tiberos simply answered.

"In other words, Andre can be trusted." Wei Mu said.

"I have cooperated with him for centuries. The supplies he has provided us are solid and reliable. In addition, if he really wants to rebel, the situation will never be like this." Tiberos paused and finally said.

The oil guys are all science students, so it is too difficult for them to engage in conspiracy.

"Then I will first find a way to get him bail." Wei Mu said.

Now that he has made up his mind to take action against the Maelstrom, the support from the Forging World is essential. Andre feels pretty good about him. If he can sell him a favor, it will be easier to act in the future.

"Besides that, I actually want to catch someone." Wei Mu added.

In the previous empire, there was no big boss who could lead the overall situation, so it was inconvenient to carry out many things. Now that Guilliman is helping to endorse it, it is the right time to hire people, so...

"Wait a minute, isn't it the man you want to get?"

Tiberos seemed to realize something, and his expression suddenly changed.

"I think he has a chance for redemption, and we are short of manpower," Wei Mu said.

"Don't talk to me about useless things. I don't care about his guilt. What I care about is, are you going to let that defeated general sit on my head and recreate the scene in that book?" Tiberius said coldly. said.

He had read the book "Bright Power Sword" several times, and there was a plot in it about "letting a subordinate defeat the future to suppress the arrogance of the heroes of the empire".

"Uh, how could it be possible? It's all because you're overthinking it. It's just that I'm easier to direct people who have committed crimes and made meritorious deeds." Wei Mu replied awkwardly.

Although he really wanted to put a Chang Naichao on the head of the lawless shark.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Maul next to him was still confused at first. Later, when he heard Tiberius talking about his defeated generals and talking about things in the book, he realized that the two men were talking about Mantis. The former Chapter Master of the Warriors, Heson Neotra.

The man who was deceived by Wang Huron into rebelling, finally took all the blame and was punished to slowly rot in the dungeon.

"Are you sure? I've heard about that war. Although he was misled, he did act rebellious." Moore reminded.

"Of course, I'm very sure." Wei Mu nodded, "No matter what time it is, Mr. Dante is almost dead. He was kicked back by the archangel to work overtime. How could it be possible if there are people who can do the work? Let him rot in the dungeon."

If there weren't other people around, Wei Mu actually wanted to say that most of your group of fallen angels didn't know anything about their situation, so they were inexplicably dragged into a civil war with the Lion King by Luther.

They actually deserve redemption.

However, he cannot control the problem of fallen angels. It is estimated that only the Lion King himself can solve it.

A group of people were chatting when suddenly Trazin's howling came from the cabin.

Wei Mu has already warned the man-eating sharks that this old Pai Gu has no harmful intentions, but his hands and feet are not very clean, so be careful and don't let him take advantage of his property. He doesn't know what is causing the trouble now.

When they rushed over, Trazin was cursing at the sharks in the warehouse.

"This is the Contemptor's Fearlessness. How can you put such precious equipment in the refrigerator? It's simply a waste of resources!"

Trazin felt her heart break as she watched a good thing being wasted.

"This is our stuff, what we do with it has nothing to do with you, alien!"

Tiberos said coldly.

"No, this is history and culture. You humans are still too young. You can leave it to me to keep it for you."

"Don't even think about it!"

"Then I can exchange it for something, such as some gene seeds or weapons and ammunition."

Trazin tried to discuss it with Tiberos.

But Tiberos expressed his intention to remain silent, if Trazin really cared about the artifacts as he claimed.

As a result, Wei Mu reminded from the side: "I just walked past the fish tank and found that your mascot shark is missing."

Then, Tiberos showed the lightning claw on his hand.

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