After arranging the rest of the matter, Wei Mu decided to follow the Mantis Warrior into the maelstrom.

They are a sub-chapter of the Marauders Chapter, the grandsons of the White Scars, the Eagles of Chogoris, the genetic heirs of Jaghatai Khan, a group of guerrilla warriors whose fighting styles come and go like the wind.

The gene seeds of the mantises have mutated, which allows them to enter a state called "War Confusion", which is bullet time that slows down everything around them, greatly enhancing their reaction capabilities.

However, this state seems to be permanent, and once it is turned on, it cannot be turned off.

In other words, the mantis warrior who has become "obsessed with fighting spirit" will spend the rest of his life in a long bullet time. Listening to other people's words is like "you have eaten nothing!" a feeling.

Just thinking about it, I know it’s not a good experience.

In addition, their field of vision will be narrowed as a result. Their highly focused consciousness prevents them from sensing too much information around them at the same time, and they may ignore potential dangers in the environment.

Therefore, these mantises will be assigned to a special company for special operations, called "Praying Mantises".

Wei Mu needed to use their strength to get close to the green-skinned troops who were causing trouble inside the maelstrom.

Although this matter was dangerous, no one else could do it for him. As a smart boy, he had to do it himself.

Such an army of greenskins is rampaging in the maelstrom. Even if it is not an enemy, it will have an unpredictable impact on his subsequent plans.

In addition, Wei Mu was very curious about who the mysterious space warrior who successfully deceived the green-skinned army was.

The battle barges of the Mantis Warriors sail the maelstrom's sea of ​​souls.

Compared to other places, the psychic wave here is obviously more ferocious.

The crazy subspace energy set off a silent roar, and the hellish fantasy continued to condense and quickly dissipate.

Ancient and terrible resentments are entangled together, as if they are eating each other.

Chaos evil things kept attacking Geller's position outside, causing the entire battleship to tremble.

They try to find possible loopholes and rush into the cabin so that they can enjoy delicious souls without coming to the real universe. Although people today have rich experience in subspace navigation, such opportunities are rare.

Wei Mu used to like watching these things hit the barrier, and it felt quite relaxing.

But now he has to be careful to avoid being targeted by these evil subspace creatures.

Perhaps these monsters and ghosts have known his whereabouts for a long time, and his self-hiddenness is just a futile attempt to satisfy his psychological comfort.

Perhaps when they jump out of the subspace, there will already be a lot of enemies waiting for them in the physical universe.

Although it is far inferior to the treatment of Abaddon, the Eye of Terror, the enemies of the Maelstrom must have received the favor of many dark gods.

Who can accurately predict the direction of things related to the evil god?

"You seem very worried. Aren't the strategic guidelines already formulated?"

Moer, who was standing aside, saw Wei Mu frowning, so he asked.

Since there is no big problem with the planning itself, the rest is just a matter of doing it.

After all, it’s up to people to plan things, and it’s up to God to make things happen.

"This is because even a Destined Savior as powerful as the Emperor could not defeat the Four Rogues of the Warp in the end. I must repeatedly review the possible flaws in the plan, such as chaos magic, warp artifacts, and predict their effects on us. Planned forecasts, you know, are the kind of things that don't make sense."

Wei Mu, who was sitting in the commander's seat on the bridge, scratched his head.

I have planned and thought a lot, but in the end, I can see everything clearly by hugging the thigh of the evil god and using a big prophecy technique. Is this a trivial matter?

Facing the dark gods, it was difficult for him to say that he had a chance of victory.

"You were much more confident when you were a green prophet than you are now." Moore said.

"Isn't that surging waaagh! Doesn't the energy make me feel invincible?" Wei Mu waved his hand helplessly, "And that's just a feeling. Greenskins can't always win their own battles."

"I think you seem to have entered a misunderstanding." Moore thought for a while and reminded, "Our goal is to kill the red pirates and their henchmen, and use the black stone obelisk to close the maelstrom. As for the evil god, The Emperor will be responsible for protecting us. Also, as a correction, the demons did not win, and the Lord of Mankind still shines brightly."

Just like when Wei Mu could hurt the Great Devourer through the power of the Emperor, the struggle at that level was beyond his control, and there was no need for them to worry.

Soldiers versus soldiers, generals, just do what you can, don't think about defeating your superiors all day long.

"It seems that it is indeed the case to lay out a bigger plan within the framework of my plan." Wei Mu lowered his head and thought for a moment, then said with a smile, "You shouldn't remind me of this. This means that there is an emperor." I can make whatever I want with my hands free."

"Don't be too casual. After all, this is the enemy's advantageous area." Moore said.

"Of course." Wei Mu smiled and nodded, and his mood suddenly improved a lot.

"Compared to the Chaos Evil God, your new Necron friend is a bigger variable. If there are any mistakes on his side, our efforts will be in vain." Moore changed the topic again.

Without Blackstone technology, they would not be able to close the giant subspace rift, and the situation in the Maelstrom would remain in a stalemate.

"Don't worry, Trazin is a principled Necron, and my ability is crucial to them. He will not break his promise." Wei Mu assured, patting his chest.

The two chatted while the mantises around them remained silent and listened silently.

After getting along with each other these days, the mantises gradually came to understand the behavior of the Great Maelstrom Jiedushi, and were not interested in his random comments on the emperor.

In addition, Wei Mu also popularized a lot of knowledge about subspace with them, so that the mantises had a clearer understanding of those evil things.

When the mysterious curtain was lifted, what was originally scary and weird became "actually just that".

This will be of great benefit in the upcoming battle.

At this moment, the Astropath on the ship suddenly received news that a nearby Imperial outpost had been attacked by pirates and was in urgent need of support.

This kind of thing happens often in the maelstrom area.

"What should we do, Jiedushi?" asked the old mantis Neotra on the side.

Their original plan was to find the orc army, but now they encountered such a situation.

"We should not give up on the Emperor's loyal servants." Wei Mu said immediately without thinking for too long, "And I think this is a good opportunity to promote my reputation."

"When did you start caring about reputation?" Moore asked in surprise.

"It doesn't matter whether I care or not. What's important is that other people care. I'm sure that many of those Chaos traitors want to use my head to claim credit from the gods. Let's bring a group over first. It can also weaken a wave of red pirates." the power of."

Wei Mu felt that since the nature of human beings could make the Emperor suffer defeat, the nature of chaos might also make the dark gods suffer.

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