I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 137 Battle Report

Four hours after the Mantis Warriors arrived at the Imperial Outpost.

The battle has passed its most intense stage.

Through the unremitting efforts of the Space Marines and local resisters, six ships were completely captured and all incoming enemies were defeated.

There are no more stubborn cultists nearby.

They were either killed or went into hiding.

Others raised their hands in surrender.

Even if a bomb collar is attached to his body, it doesn't matter if he spends the rest of his life working as a cow or a horse. He can only hope to continue to survive.

After all, they are just despicable little shrimps who are coerced into action by the people around them. It's not like they cast themselves into chaos and have the attribute of never being defeated.

Generally speaking, the empire does not accept this kind of surrender. It is of little value to keep it and is prone to accidents.

They are not qualified to continue living.

Wei Mu was magnanimous and kept them for a while.

He had a simple stone monument erected for the dead loyal soldiers, and asked the thousands of surrendered sinners to kneel in front of the stone monument and listen to the numerous crimes they had committed.

Treason, murder, robbery, terrorist attacks. Each of them is a serious crime, like a heavy punch, bombarding their hearts.

Sinners know their situation is dire.

"According to the sacred laws of the empire, you will be sentenced to death and will be executed immediately." Wei Mu finally announced their fate.

If he simply killed the captives, Khorne would be satisfied. After all, part of his personality represented the survival of the fittest in nature.

Losing the fight means you are weak and should be eliminated.

However, after Wei Mu's transformation, the original act of killing prisoners became a fair decision.

You were killed because you broke the law, not because you didn't win - you had no chance of winning.

And law is the basis of order, the opposite of chaos.

Although in the current chaotic environment, a few actions like this are of little practical use, it is good to be able to cope with Khorne a little.

Thousands of criminals were executed to pay the price for their treachery.

But those they killed will not be brought back to life, nor will the grief they inflict on the survivors be erased.

As the battle ended, all parties began to report the battle damage to Wei Mu.

"I am Xie En, the commander here. Dear Lord Jiedushi, God and Emperor bless you. Thank you for your timely reinforcements. There are 1,043 people in the garrison alive, and most of them can continue to fight."

The man wearing a shabby major uniform spoke.

"I remember that the full strength of your garrison here should be 12,000, which means the battle damage exceeds 90%."

The sky gradually darkened.

Wei Mu squatted in front of the stone tablet in a very casual manner and lit a small fire on the ground.

"They are all heroes and have successfully fulfilled their oath to the God Emperor." Shane said, the expression on his face was full of perseverance.

"I hope they can live a better life at the Golden Throne." Wei Mu sighed, grabbed a handful of paper and threw it into the fire in front of him, "By the way, I heard that you were planning to fight with the enemy at that time. We will die together."

"The enemy is powerful. Only in this way can we cause more damage to them. It is only thanks to your great blessing that we still have the opportunity to serve the God Emperor."

"That's right. Let's go to the battle group's pharmacist to check on the injury first, and then take a good rest for a while. I will take over the rest of the things here."

"As you command, my lord!"

Xie En and a group of wounded soldiers performed an eagle salute to Wei Mu, and then led them to the temporary medical room set up by the Mantis Warriors.

"Dear Lord Jiedushi, I am Eina, the local head of the Mining Union. Forty thousand members of our union survived, and more than 110,000 people unfortunately died. They maintained their loyalty to the God-Emperor in the previous battles. , fought bravely against the enemy."

Afterwards, a middle-aged woman stood up and reported softly.

"Besides that, do you have anything else to say?"

Wei Mu did not turn to look at her, but continued to keep the fire burning.

"Also. I'm very sorry, Lord Jiedushi. Some of our members lost their faith during the battle and chose to surrender to the enemy. However, those people have been executed. I assure you that no traitor will escape punishment. Guard As our troops can attest, those of us who remain have no doubts about the Empire."

The person in charge named Ena quickly knelt on the ground and explained in a panic.

Loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely disloyal.

The reason why she tried to hide it was because she was afraid that when the Jiedu envoy knew about it, he would kill all the people in their union with a wave of his hand.

For a big boss who rules the entire star region, tens of millions of lives are just a matter of casual words, even easier than trampling an ant to death.

"After all, we are not regular soldiers. The fact that your mining union has achieved what it has now is considered very good." Wei Mu did not embarrass these people too much. "The empire will not pursue this matter. Only the union members who fought bravely will appear in the files." Record, you guys should go down and rest too.”

"Thank you for your kindness, Lord Jiedushi."

Ena felt like she was being pardoned, her clothes were soaked with sweat, and she left Wei Mu's side tremblingly.

Finally, there is the Mantis Warriors Chapter, a personal report from the old Mantis.

"We have lost a total of thirteen people, Lord Jiedushi, plus twenty-seven people with minor injuries and four people with serious injuries. Basically, they were killed by the chaotic creatures in the ship. The remains and gene seeds of the dead have been completely destroyed. Complete recycling.”

"So is your injury considered minor or serious?"

Wei Mu had heard that Old Mantis was injured when fighting Chaos Egg, and also noticed the discomfort in his waist.

"It's just a minor scratch. The long absence from the battle formation has made my movements a little dull."

Neotra said a little guiltily.

"Perhaps after this, you will hear some whispers from the subspace." Wei Mu reminded, "They will think that your mind is easier to break through."

"You have revealed their face to me, and I will never succumb to them."

Old Mantis said calmly.

"Prepare the battle group well, our battle with the Red Pirates has just begun."

And Wei Mu was also willing to believe him.

After listening to all the situation reports, Wei Mu continued to squat in front of the stone tablet, adding paper to the fire to keep it burning, and thinking carefully about something.

"So what are you doing?"

Moll on the side couldn't help but ask after seeing this.

This kid would do some incredible things from time to time.

"You're asking me?"

"Nonsense, of course I'm asking you, what's the point of the fire you made? It doesn't even look like it's for lighting and heating."

"You said this, this is a way of commemoration in my hometown. They believe that burning something in front of the tomb can send those things to the dead soul." Wei Mu explained.

"So you've been burning those papers?" Moore asked in surprise, "Why do they need so much paper?"

"That's because people don't have so many resources to burn real things, so they use paper and patterns on it instead." Wei Mu said, "The one I burned is yellow paper, which is equivalent to sending gold to the deceased."

"Feudal superstition." Moore waved his hand, "Aside from wasting fuel and polluting the environment, I don't see any effect of such behavior."

"Then building a church is still a waste of stone and manpower. Do you dare to go to the state church headquarters and tell those idiots like this?"

Wei Mu retorted, making Moir speechless.

He threw the last handful of yellow paper into the fire, and the intensity of the flames immediately increased to the extreme.

Suddenly there was another strong gust of wind, blowing the burning papers away.

Disappear, just like these people who have passed away.

"What to do now? The gold you sent to the deceased was blown away by the wind." Moore reminded.

"Don't worry about it." Wei Mu turned his gaze to the sky, "Why don't we burn those traitor warships too? It's useless to keep them anyway."

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