I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 160 Suppression

There has been enough killing on Cologne.

The intense emotions unleashed by war send waves through the Warp, enough to bring the armies of the Dark Gods to earth.

All they lack is an introduction.

In order to achieve their own goals, the cultists don't mind inviting them over.

Behind the battlefield, the original landing place of the Red Pirates.

Explosions and flames have turned this neighborhood into ruins. The ground is full of broken walls, still warm bodies, and blood that has not yet dried up.

The cultists used these "materials" to erect dark totems full of sin on the surface of Cologne, depicting the filthy and sinister eight-pointed star symbol of chaos, and the pollution of the subspace gradually spread.

The Chaos Wizard chanted blasphemous incantations, and the overwhelming sound set off huge waves in the highest heaven.

The demons followed the song and laughed, and thousands of responses responded to the call from the real universe.

If a mortal could witness this feast of demons, his spirit would definitely be driven to madness.

Unspeakable evil is happening.

The poor souls who died on the battlefield were sacrificed to the demons and ghosts in the highest heaven, and their activity made the barrier between reality and illusion fragile.

Those subspace creatures are like a group of caged beasts, hungry for the bloody carnival outside.

The Chaos Wizards are trying to open the door of the cage and release terrible disasters into the world.

"Aren't the finishing touches on the obelisk finished yet, Chief Technician?"

Trazin was certainly aware of the spread of chaotic forces on the planet's surface and the surging tides of the warp.

While he was commanding the army to fight against the Dark Wolf, he was also contacting the necromancy technicians at the rear.

"There is still some time to build a complete array, sir. We can only make a single obelisk effective at the moment."

A negative answer came from behind, making Trazin feel a little disappointed.

The dark gods obviously want to cause trouble here, and the power of a single obelisk alone may not be able to suppress the situation at hand.

The rich subspace energy blew up a small storm on the Cologne planet, and many demons had already descended into reality riding on these unstable energy groups.

"See the power of the true God, alien!"

Skala laughed as she received reinforcements.

The warp daemons gathered in increasing numbers and began to attack Trazyn's forces.

They tear at the lines of undead warriors.

The strange spiritual energy that cannot be explained by the laws of physics is enough to make the undead overlord feel his scalp numb.

The Khorne Vampire has a small body, but he can withstand several rounds of Gauss rifles. His great sword burning with evil flames can cut through living metal like butter.

The Tzeentch Horror stood behind and released magic missiles. Countless energy balls full of destructive power were smashed into the undead position. Each one was as powerful as a cluster bomb.

The virus carried by Nurgle beasts can infect even their lifeless metal bodies. The terrible disease spreads on the battlefield, and the electronic circuits of many warriors begin to malfunction, giving the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of them.

As for the Slaanesh Demons, they are agile and rely on dexterous movement to avoid the attacks of Gaussian rays.

In the face of Gaussian weapons that can decompose matter directly from the atomic level, it is useless to pile up armor. Therefore, the Eldar, the old opponents of the Necrons, do not pay much attention to defense, but choose to maximize their dodge ability.

This is especially reflected in Black Bean Sprout, who is the successor of the Ancient Spirit Clan, and the Demon Army of Slaanesh performed equally well.

The demons continued to attack Trazyn's army, much to the irritation of the Necron Overlord.

There was no point in fighting these subspace creatures. He had to cut off the source of corruption.

So while Trazin continued to increase the strength of the frontline troops, he sent the Death Mark team to deal with those pesky Chaos Wizards.

As the sniper unit of the Necrons, the Death Mark's combat effectiveness can be said to be unparalleled, far exceeding that of other factions.

They can teleport short distances through the pocket dimension. Not only can they easily move their attack positions, but they can also stay inside to avoid artillery fire, observe the battlefield, and even steal information without the enemy being able to detect it, let alone capture them.

The observation equipment equipped on their eyes can clearly see the target's position, as if a perspective plug-in is turned on.

The neurolysis gun in his hand directly destroys the target's nerve synapses, almost hitting a child with one shot.

Because the Primaris Space Marines have the blood-locking organ of Belisarius' Forge, they can withstand one more shot.

Possessing almost all the characteristics a sniper desires, the Death Mark unit is enough to be rated as the most dangerous conventional unit in the galaxy.

There were even two Necron dynasties who were dissatisfied with each other, so they both sent out death marks to behead each other. As a result, the employees of both companies were too talented, and all the senior officials of both sides were killed.

After losing the guidance of the nobles, the unconscious undead civilians were naturally unable to survive. In the end, the two dynasties inevitably went to destruction.

Therefore, even the Necrons themselves would not dare to use this thing casually.

They established a rule long ago. According to the ancient code, the death mark cannot be used against nobles or other "noble" races.

And because the concept of other "noble" races is too abstract, and the undead usually look down on other civilizations, basically only the first half of the code is effective.

With the Death Seal Team taking action, the important targets of the Red Pirates soon suffered a large number of casualties.

The annoying Chaos Wizards were all headshot by elusive snipers. Many people did not understand what happened before they died. The evil methods of the Chaos Gods could not save their lives.

Then, the Necrons used fire to purify the desecrated sacrificial site, destroying the Dark Totem and Mark of Chaos.

The black stone obelisk located at the rear also shines brightly under the debugging of technicians.

The power of Chaos in the physical universe was suppressed by the Necron.

"This is not the first time we have done something like defeating the gods."

Trazin came to the dark wolf and let out a long sigh.

It is obviously the words of experience from the elders, but young flesh and blood creatures always cannot listen to them.

"Do you think you have already won, alien? No, the final winner will be us!" Skala, who was trapped in a tight siege, roared loudly.

"Coming from the incompetent rage of a loser, I don't even have the thought of including you in my collection." Trazin waved his hand helplessly.

The overall situation has been decided, and the Endless One really doesn't see any chance of winning for this guy in front of him.

But then, there was a violent explosion in the distance.

That's where the planet's defense system is located.

While the Chaos Daemons were battling the Necron head-on, they also helped the Red Corsairs attack several other important targets.

Trazin obviously couldn't take everything into consideration.

"There is more than one path to victory, Alien." Skala said with a smile, "Without the protection of the defense system, my fleet can directly bomb this area from low-Earth orbit. At that time, you should How to resist?"

"One more thing I can tell you is that my warships carry a total of ten cyclone torpedoes. Once successfully launched, they will be enough to turn this planet into dust in the universe."

The dark wolf's voice was low and cruel, mocking the arrogant and arrogant Necron in front of him.

However, Trazin did not show any emotion.

Of course, this is not a cover-up. The Endless One has never been a person who is good at hiding his emotions.

"So this is your plan B?" Trazin tried to ask.

"Yes, your pretense of calmness is meaningless. This planet is destined to be destroyed." Skala's tone was hysterical.

"I see." Trazin nodded, "But I have one thing to remind you - although I like to get involved in human things because it is so interesting, I do not treat babies like a nanny. Take care of them."

"what do you mean?"

"I mean, humans can handle such a small incident by themselves. After all, to a certain extent, that guy is still my disciple." Trazin smiled and pointed to the sky above. .

Immediately afterwards, the cosmic space near Star Cologne fluctuated.

A giant ship suddenly jumped out of the Sea of ​​Souls, covering the sky and the sun, like a whole suspended continent.

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