The tragic fate of the Lamenters still seemed outrageous even to Ourrican, a Necron astrologer.

There will never be a shortage of unlucky people in the universe, but for a unit that is so unlucky to survive for so long, to put it bluntly, it is simply a miracle.

In fact, before that, Wei Mu really wanted to ask Ourrican if he had any ancient formula that could change one's fate against the heavens, so that he could give it to the poor weeper.

However, thinking about the outcome of the Necrontyr's genocide and genocide, there is a high probability that the Necrons will not succeed in this matter, and it looks like it is exposing someone's scars.

"You seem to be very good at encouraging others. Such an arrangement is indeed the best option for the less fortunate."

The great prophet observed Wei Mu's every move and was full of curiosity about him.

After consoling the wounded in the medical room, the two walked side by side in the passage of the ship.

The exposed cables and ancient rust marks on the surrounding walls all tell the story of the Chapter's poverty.

In terms of hygiene, it is very tidy.

Sarkozy was originally with them, but something seemed to happen midway, causing the clown to leave the Wailer's battle barge first.

"Thank you for the compliment, Master Ourrican." Wei Mu smiled, and then sighed, "It's just that there are some things where encouragement alone is not enough."

"Are you referring to the original clone? He seems to be an upright and kind person." Orikan commented.

Although the Necrontyrs also like to engage in political struggles full of intrigues, their outlook on life is still sound and they know what is noble virtue and what is despicable atrocities.

Self-proclaimed seniority, they even recognize some remarkable alien individuals, although such cases are rare.

During the period when the Imperial troops were resting, Fulgrim moved among the various ships, trying to comfort the injured, and spent a lot of time in the foundry, repairing and forging weapons and equipment for the soldiers, not caring about his own fatigue.

The original clone is very enthusiastic and full of infinite energy. Coupled with his charming appearance and powerful strength, it is difficult not to make people around him like him.

"Yes, just like his former self." Wei Mu replied with a wry smile.

The perfect man back then was an ordinary worker. He was well aware of the sufferings of the lower class, had sympathy for them, and encouraged them to transcend their status quo.

The young Purple Phoenix uses its extraordinary skills to improve factory equipment, increase productivity, and allow people to live a better life, exuding full of positive energy.

But he eventually fell.

"Everyone's experience is different, and they may not necessarily follow the same path. Don't you think so too?" O'Rikan asked, "So what are you worried about?"

"What I'm worried about is that the demon himself will come to the door, and then pour the disgusting experiences he accumulated over the past ten thousand years directly into the consciousness of Clone Fulgen." Wei Mu scratched his head.

As for other corrupt methods, Wei Mu believed that Clone Fulgen could handle them with him watching from the side, but for this point, he felt a little lacking in confidence.

After all, clones are inherently inferior in front of the original body.

Fulgrim, who has fallen into Chaos, will definitely come and cause trouble for the cloned Fulgrim. This is foreseeable.

"Sounds like some kind of assimilation," Orikan tried.

"The word assimilation is indeed very appropriate, so I have to think of an effective way to protect him." Wei Mu scratched his head, "But with the arrogant and narcissistic character of the original body, if he wants to take action against the cloned Fulgen , will definitely prepare a gorgeous and exaggerated stage specifically for this, so there is no need to worry about his threat in the short term."

In order to provide confidence to Clon Fulgen, Wei Mu must show ease in front of him, but behind the scenes, he still has to worry about things that should be worried about.

"So what are you going to do during this period?" Ourrican reminded, "We still have a war to deal with right now, so don't reverse the order of priority."

Wei Mu was definitely not a person who knew the danger was coming but sat there waiting for death. However, his energy was limited after all and he could not take into account all aspects.

"Recently, I've been learning how to make talismans from the pied clowns," Wei Mu replied.

Something that can take time out during wartime and is not so energy-consuming.

Just like he had given inscriptions on the green-skinned orc boys to help them quickly grow into big orcs, Wei Mu felt that he should have some special talent in this area.

"Amulet?" This surprised Ourrican. "Do you think those little wishes can withstand the deep malice from the power of destruction?"

"It should have some effect more or less." Wei Mu scratched his head, not sure himself.

He knew that the Emperor's Champion of the Black Templars would wear a very special Armor of Faith. Each armor plate and mark would be heavily blessed, and tiny prayers would be engraved on the armor like a spider web to further help the wearer. Withstand harm.

It is said that those prayers are a blessing of the Emperor's power and a promise of His divine protection.

Coupled with the exclusive legendary Black Sword, the Space Marine selected to become the Emperor's Champion, even if he was just a recruit, will gain strength beyond that of the Chapter Master after the ceremony.

Still, when faced with all the ridiculously powerful monsters and monsters in the galaxy, the Emperor's Champion had to lie down.

In the past ten thousand years of the empire, there have been at least several hundred emperor champions who have fallen, and they are indeed almost useless in terms of competition.

Wei Mu didn't know how the Black Templar was operating. He was learning the skills of the Eldar, and the specific effects remained to be seen.

In terms of compatibility alone, "blessing" is just the opposite of "curse". From this perspective, there is no problem.

"If you feel that you are not sure at the moment, then you should avoid it first. The struggle is a long process, so there is no need to rush." ​​Ourrican suggested.

Just like how they dealt with the rising Eldar Empire back then, they simply lay down in the coffin and slept, waiting for the Eldar themselves to explode on the spot.

Although the undead also lost many dynasties due to the Great Sleep, and some people even suffered brain damage from sleeping, but at least it was much more cost-effective than confronting the Ancient Spirit Empire head-on.

"However, with Fulgrim's character, he should not be willing to run away in front of the fallen original body." Wei Mu touched his head, "This is really a headache. We can only take one step at a time and see what happens next."

After all, just like Ourikan said, he still has a big battle to face next.

With complicated emotions, the two used the teleportation device to return to the Mantis Warriors' "Endless Salvation" from the Wailer.

As soon as he stepped onto the deck, Wei Mu could clearly feel the solemn atmosphere on the ship.

It seemed that something bad had happened. The eyes of the soldiers coming and going were full of fear and uneasiness.

This made Wei Mu frown. Could it be that an important figure was plotted against?

Just as he was about to find someone to ask for clarification, the figure of a clown in a floral dress suddenly appeared from the side.

"Unexpected circumstances, young Jiedushi, we have captured a man possessed by a demon."

Sarkozy jumped in front of the two of them, his movements as fast as on the battlefield.

"The fallen primarch seems to want to have a chat with you."

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