I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 184 The Word Bearer

Religious people always like to make their territory very large.

The more magnificent the temples they build, the more they can reflect their respect for the gods and make it easier to attract believers from all over the world to come and worship.

However, such a building structure has too many flaws and can easily be broken through by enemy heavy units. If you want to organize an effective defense, you need to invest more strength.

In the vast temple hall, a fierce battle was going on.

The elite troops of the Greenskins and the Word Bearers fought together, with deafening gunfire and gunfire, and the constant collision of swords erupted into dazzling sparks of death.

Maul faced the Dark Apostle head-on, and slashed hard at the opponent with the power sword in his hand.

"Get out of the way, Word Bearers. If you choose to escape now, you still have a chance to leave this planet, otherwise only destruction awaits you."

The subsequent green-skinned army was pouring into the temple through the gap opened by the raiding force.

This situation cannot be stopped at all.

No matter how tenacious the Word Bearers in the temple are, they will eventually be overpowered by the greenskins who outnumber them several times.

Their situation is over, and failure is only a matter of time. If the guys in front of them know enough about current affairs, Moore won't mind letting them go.

After all, he had more important goals to deal with.

"Don't even think about shaking our faith, you false emperor's lackey. The servants of the true God will never give in."

O'Sullivan dual-wielded the power hammer and blocked the incoming weapon.

More than a dozen Chaos Terminators around him released powerful firepower, shooting the incoming groups of greenskins into pieces of meat on the ground.

Despite this, another group of greenskins rushed up soon.

The Terminator's machine guns must maintain high-intensity output at all times in order to suppress this crazy wave, and they cannot sustain such fierce firepower for long.

"A mere traitor, do you deserve to talk to me about your faith here? If you Word Bearers were truly firm in your faith, you would not have chosen to betray the Emperor in the first place."

Moore yelled loudly, and the strength in his hands continued to increase.

Ever since he understood the three axes, he felt like he could fight anyone with a few moves, and he no longer feared any enemy.

"What we believe in is the truth of this universe. The Four Gods are the final destination of all life. Their power is demonstrated everywhere in the subspace and the real universe. And your empire is a collection of hypocrisy. It first denies the objectivity of the gods. existence, humiliating and punishing our beliefs, but as a result, we worship the false emperor as a god, and our shameless face of pretending and standing up is clearly revealed."

O'Sullivan, who was unable to resist, chose to retreat and retreat, fighting and retreating.

He could feel that the dark ritual was about to be completed, and as long as it lasted until then, it would be the time for the Word Bearers to make a comeback.

"That's because you failed the Emperor's test. It was your blindness that ruined everything." Maul's movements in his hands never stopped, and he retorted, "Those four things in the subspace are not at all Gods are not the truth, they are just four powerful monsters, but you chose to succumb to the power of those four monsters, deceiving yourself and others by saying that this is the nature of nature, and even use this to harm your compatriots with peace of mind. "

"It was the lies and ambitions of the false emperor that created all of this. It was he who failed us!" the Dark Apostle retorted loudly.

"He was protecting us, and we could have been free from the deep malice of the Warp forever."

More cleverly struck forward with his sword.

"This is a lie. The false emperor forbids us from obtaining knowledge related to subspace, but he himself secretly made deals with the gods. You and I both have gifts from the highest heaven in our bodies. You can't deny this."

O'Sullivan quickly dodged sideways and counterattacked with a swing of his war hammer.

The two people were fighting rapidly in the dark corridor, and the fighting movements were fierce and fast.

However, the collision in the soul is far more intense than the weapon.

"The subspace and those malicious entities are two completely different things. They are just residents living in the subspace. Just like you use the power of mountains and rivers to improve your own situation, it has nothing to do with the beasts living in the mountains and rivers. You traitors forcefully confuse the two."

Maul continued to slash towards the Dark Apostle with a sweeping sweep.

"No, they are gods, they are subspace itself!"

O'Sullivan raised his warhammer and fought hard, not forgetting to retort.

"This is the truth of the matter!" Maul explained calmly, "The powerful power displayed by the Emperor is enough for you to worship him as a god. The four guys in the subspace can also do the same. , it’s just that they didn’t reject you like the emperor did.”

"If you were on the side of truth, and there were those so-called true gods behind you to support you, Abaddon shouldn't have waited until the Thirteenth Black Crusade to achieve such achievements, and you group of traitors wouldn't have been hiding on the edge of the galaxy to survive. , and they are also fighting among themselves crazily.”

"On the other hand, if we are the ones who are doing the reverse, it is impossible for the Human Empire to lose the guidance of the Emperor and the Primarch, and face such a chaotic galaxy, and yet still maintain its dominance for a full year. Tens of thousands of years - a structure that goes against the truth of nature should be unable to sustain itself and will soon self-destruct."

No matter how eloquent the traitors are, the achievements achieved through the sacrifice of hundreds of millions of Imperial soldiers cannot be shaken - the Empire is still the most powerful force in the galaxy, but they, the "servants of the true God", are only He can hide in a dark corner and eke out a living, and usually come out to beat the autumn wind depending on the situation.

All the traitors who surrendered to Chaos have become the most hated versions of themselves.

Fulgrim is addicted to pleasure, Magnus is smart, Mortarion plays with psychic powers, and Angron becomes a slave.

Luojia is naturally no exception.

"As the most devout believer in the past, now I have no idea what faith is. I just humbly succumb to authority and numbly serve powerful forces - this is the curse that Chaos has set for you Word Bearers."

With another fierce attack, Maul finally knocked the Dark Apostle to the ground.

In the unknowing battle, they had arrived at the deepest door of the temple.

Strange runes flashed on the thick door, and evil rituals were quietly being performed behind the door.

"What about you, lackeys of the false emperor?" O'Sullivan leaned against the wall and asked, "The existence you believe in is just a rotten and festering corpse on the golden throne. The state is forcibly frozen using ancient technology. Between life and death, he relies on devouring a thousand psykers every day to survive."

"I don't just believe in the Emperor. Compared with this, I believe in the power of mankind itself." Maul raised the power sword in his hand high. "The Emperor left us a huge empire and countless technologies. , so that we can unite to defend ourselves and survive and thrive in this chaotic galaxy."

"But your gods are different. They are just playing with you until they collect you or play with you."

Then, he wanted to end the life of the dark apostle.

The huge power sword emitted blue light, and the Dark Apostle struggled helplessly on the ground.

Just then, the door behind them opened.

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