I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 199 Traveling Together

"I know what you are thinking, mortal. You are trying to provoke me and let me punish you to buy more time for the empire. Maybe it is because of your small efforts that the pseudo-emperor was lucky enough to obtain this After winning this war, you will be worshiped as a hero by the ignorant people of the empire, and your feats will be recorded in the annals of history and sung forever. That’s what you think, right?”

In response to the insults of the veterans, Erebus behaved calmly, as if he were an outsider who could see through the mundane world.

"Then I am honored to tell you that you will get the punishment you deserve, but it will have to wait until I finish cleaning up things here."

But this is just an appearance. The chief pastor is by no means an open-minded person.

After lightly wiping the veteran's thick phlegm, Erebus chanted an evil spell in his mouth, and used the strange power from the subspace to forcefully extract the soul of the Astra Militarum in front of him from his body.

This process is extremely painful for the target.

Even the brave and fearless veterans couldn't help but scream and mourn.

"This war of the empire will fail, the people you want to protect will defect, and you will not become a hero. No one will know what you have done, not even the stupid people of the empire, nor the false emperor, because everything is meaningless. . What you ultimately get for yourself is endless torture after death, and I will enjoy this in the long years to come."

Erebus looked at the poor soul struggling in front of him, and his heart was filled with the joy of revenge.

Although the Astra Militarum cursed the hand of fate in the most vicious terms, claiming that they would never surrender, this did not prevent what happened next.

He was imprisoned by dark witchcraft in the tome carried by the chief priest. It was an inescapable prison of suffering.

Before this, countless souls in the book had been tortured to madness by Erebus.

Veterans will be next.

It's just that the chief pastor is busy with something at the moment, so he has to wait a little longer.

And sometimes, the time waiting to be punished is even more painful than the process of being punished.

"Sir, by searching the memories of these false emperor's lackeys, we learned that a group of hateful intelligences invaded this imperial warship, and they are running around chasing their target."

While Erebus was competing with the Astra Militarum veterans, the Word Bearers priest on the side reported the news to him.

They often deal with Chaos and have high knowledge of demons, but they know very little about the Star Gods.

"I can feel those cold things. They are soulless, inferior and pathetic. Although they claim that they are worshiping the real gods, those star gods are dismembered by their own creations. Can you imagine this? Gods?" Erebus smiled contemptuously, "They can't even be called lives. They are just a group of self-walking tools. They are worthless. Even a small reptile cannot be compared with them. It’s even more meaningful than that.”

The Word Bearers serve the gods and the mighty powers that shake the galaxy.

Although the power of the Star Gods is powerful, they have fallen into the mortal world amid the backstabs launched by the Necron.

An existence that has fallen into the mortal world is not qualified to be named a god.

A group of unqualified guys, relying on their seniority and a little bit of power, insist that they are gods, and even recruit a group of believers to serve them in a decent way - this is a serious blasphemy. It is an extreme offense to the authority of the true God, and the Word Bearers have nothing but infinite contempt and contempt for them.

"But will they disrupt our plan?" Pastor Word Bearer worried, "If the target fails to hold on in the end and falls into the hands of those iron lumps before we find him, then what should we do? What should I do?”

It was clear that great achievements lay ahead, just waiting for them to get them, but a group of colleagues unexpectedly appeared in front of them to grab business.

This development made the Word Bearers a little nervous.

"No, they won't." Erebus replied confidently, "The dark gods have already arranged the ending. We are just agents of their supreme will. As long as we follow the fate of If you act accordingly, nothing will go wrong.”

The chief pastor has completed such great achievements many times and has abundant relevant experience, and this time will definitely be no exception.

"So praise the Dark Gods, what should we do next?"

The Word Bearers all turned their attention to Erebus, eager for further instructions from the great hand of fate.

They each clenched the weapons in their hands, ready to let them taste blood.

Since their home planet of Garmyk was dismantled by the green-skinned and golden-bearded pirates, these Word Bearers were also holding back their anger and needed to vent their anger.

"We attack and clean up all other forces on this battleship." Upon seeing this, Erebas said with a smile, "The servants of the false emperor are no match for us, and the same is true for the servants of the false god. However, given the target at this time We are being pursued by the servants of the false god, so we must attack those disruptors first."

It doesn't matter when you kill the prey, you have to kill the stupid competitor first.

To be more precise, the servants of the false gods are not qualified as competitors of the Word Bearers. At best, they can be called a group of opportunists, like jackals stealing meat from the lion's territory.

This group of guys just think they have a chance and are trying feebly. But when the real protagonist comes on the scene, they will find that they are just stepping stones for the Word Bearers to achieve great achievements.

When he thought of this, Erebus's mood became more and more joyful.

How could he not be excited with such rich fruits waiting for him to pick?

Following the chief priest's order, the group of Chaos War Mastiffs around them rushed out first, moving as fast as a burst of red wind.

The hundreds of giant canine creatures twisted by the power of subspace were very interested in this hunting activity, and their bodies quickly submerged into the dark passage ahead.

Then, screams originating from mortals continued to come from the front, mixed with panicked shouts and fierce gunfire.

Soon, however, those sounds began to be drowned out by the howls of the hounds, becoming intermittent, getting farther and farther away, until finally they fell into dead silence.

Another group of loyal Imperial soldiers died at the hands of the Chaos Demons, and this was just the beginning of their attack.

The Word Bearers legions and countless terrifying daemons followed, marching towards the heart of the Infinite Redemption.

The offensive from Chaos was overwhelming everything in sight, and terrible corruption spread throughout the warship along with their actions.

They collided head-on with Imperial troops and mechanical soldiers.

The three hostile forces were strangled together crazily. You attacked me, I attacked him, fighting to the death for their own interests, causing the already anxious scene to become even more chaotic.

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