I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 221 War of words with demons

"Traitor, heretic!"

"Shameless traitor!

"How virtuous and capable are you, how dare you disobey the Creator's will!"

There are constant voices coming down from the highest heaven, and the content is full of accusations and insults.

While the Four Gods were dispatching their troops and the rebels were cleaning up the red pirates, some idle demons who happened to be wandering around had nothing to do, so they began to harass the rebels verbally, in order to fight against the traitors. Add your strength.

Of course, their main purpose is to take the opportunity to win the favor of the dark gods.

Star language is a bit like a chat voice, piece by piece coming from the subspace.

Many rebel demons ignored those guys who stood in the sky and just talked, and directly chose to refuse to accept it.

However, the demons of the Tzeentch family like this kind of debate in their bones. Even if they know that the content will make them unhappy, they will be tickled by their own curiosity.

Whoever blackmails the grandchild first.

In the Red Pirate Palace of New Badab, the big demons who have occupied this place are taking a rest.

The supernatural master spoke a star language to the supreme sky, trying to argue with the demons in the subspace: "No, we are helping them, we are fighting those demon princes, preventing the subspace from being tainted, and preventing them from being deceived!"

"Extremely stupid!" the other party sternly accused, "They are gods, how could they be deceived? You are just jealous of those demon princes. Jealousy has changed you beyond recognition, so you have committed such a heinous crime."

"Are you talking about jealousy?" The All-Changing Demon Lord asked in turn, "Haven't you seen the atrocities committed by those princes? The interests of the original demons are being violated. Do you really think this is okay?"

"Of course, no problem. Predation of the weak is one of the basic characteristics of Chaos. As demons, don't you still have a compassionate heart? Did that Jiedushi envoy instill these things into you?" The other party sneered contemptuously.

As the saying goes: Don't persuade others to do good without experiencing their suffering.

The other party has never personally experienced the situation of being betrayed inexplicably after making great achievements. They cannot realize the seriousness of the problem based on the explanation and imagination of the supernatural master, so it is naturally impossible to understand why they made such a choice.

"No, we don't have any mercy. Just ask yourselves, who is the biggest beneficiary of this uprising? It is you, my colleagues. We risked being wiped out to fight for you. Benefits. In any case, in order that similar things will not happen next time, the gods will definitely treat you more kindly in the future." Then the supernatural master began to analyze the pros and cons of the other party.

"Nonsense, traitor, are you going to say that we have the opportunity to use you to support the bandits? We will not benefit at all from your shameless behavior. On the contrary, your actions have shaken the loyalty of our native demons. , you made him start to doubt us, you are the sinners of the entire race, and you will be blamed for your death!" The other party replied righteously.

"You, you guys are a bunch of high-sounding guys." The spiritual master scratched his head and looked around, "How can you scold me for this?"

Since he couldn't spray the opponent, the All-Changing Demon Lord began to brainstorm ideas and seek help from his comrades.

"It's better not to answer." The Great Unclean Leper shook his fat belly and directly suggested, "After a while, they feel boring, and they will naturally stop."

Nurgle-type demons have always been good at being patient, and using this advantage to drag the opponent to death is their common strategy.

"That's right, such a boring scolding has no passion at all, why bother with them?" Secret Keeper Soul Soul lay lazily on the side and softly agreed.

"When the fight actually starts, there will be a way to shut them up." Riot was sharpening his ax on the side in preparation for the upcoming battle.

"But the opponent's continuous insults during this period have seriously affected the morale of the troops, and many demons have fallen into a depressed mood. If this continues, the morale of the troops will be difficult to stabilize!" The supernatural master said with a frown.

As long as the so-called "rebels" go against the will of the dark gods themselves, the other party will be invincible in the scolding war. Regarding this, they really don't have any good solutions.

"Shut up, a group of servile and servile people, sycophants, dare to blatantly speak of loyalty and traitor in the highest heaven? In your eyes, is it a sin to highlight existing problems? Do you have to wait for that disease? Is it natural to continue to grow and develop until everything is destroyed?”

At this moment, a star language was transmitted into the subspace, like a stone stirring up a thousand waves, and the originally calm sea of ​​souls boiled.

The person who sent out this star language was none other than Wei Mu.

He summoned a large group of Astropaths on the Ark Mechanicus, and after taking adequate protective measures, he prepared to fight with these evil demons for three hundred rounds.

This should be the last thing he does for these guys before leaving the maelstrom. How the rest of the situation will develop depends on their own destiny.

After realizing that it was Wei Mu who was speaking, the subspace demons immediately put aside the affairs of the supernatural master and hurriedly shouted back. The malicious star language suddenly hit the Mechanical Ark like a barrage.

Since they received too much information, the Astropaths could only select some of them to report to Wei Mu, who would then respond to the demons in the sky based on those messages.

"Shameless humans, you also have traitors on your side, how can you have the nerve to stand up for them and cheer for their disobedient actions!" The Astropath first deciphered one of the messages.

"Nonsense!" Wei Mu said immediately, "Let's not forget that after the great rebellion, the situation of the empire has declined severely. Now the development level of the territory under the jurisdiction of the Chaos Space Marines is completely incomparable to that of the empire. Those guys are just fine. A cancerous tumor can cause a hundred harms but no good. If you catch it and strangle it without strangling it, how can you still let them fight for another eternity? As for your side, the cancerous tumor is undoubtedly those demon princes. This is what we are discussing. Isn't it clear enough in the thief's memorandum? Can this be regarded as both responsible and established? My standards couldn't be any clearer, okay?"

In the Supreme Heaven, the demon who asked this question fell silent.

"You deceived them, mortal, you are too arrogant, and you will definitely die badly in the future!" the Astropath continued.

"Is it deceiving? Or is it helping them realize the reality? When Erebas used chicken feathers as command arrows and easily betrayed the four heroes as bargaining chips, you didn't think about the reason. You actually thought it was a trick. On me? Do I really have such great powers in your eyes? That's really an award." Wei Mu said with a smile, the expression on his face was extremely proud.

The devil who made this statement was immediately furious and started spouting all kinds of trash talk.

However, because there were too many demons sending messages, its subsequent abuses were not conveyed to Wei Mu, and he could only watch Wei Mu continue to be arrogant.

"It's just a stubborn resistance. Once the counter-rebellion army of the dark gods arrives, everything will be wiped out by them." Another piece of news came through.

"So? Do you think our empire will be the loser in this chaotic infighting? That's true, we are totally losing, ho ho ho!" Wei Mu waved his hand.

Like whack-a-mole, Wei Mu grabbed one and beat the other.

He was full of energy and arrogant.

The demons thought they were fighting in a group, but in the end they were beaten unilaterally, and the unrelated people around them had to suffer area-of-effect damage for no reason, and were sprayed with them.

"You guys should stop speaking casually. You are just raising some mentally retarded issues. Apart from being specially selected for this kid to be a soft persimmon, it has no effect at all. From now on, only high-level demons can speak, and the others are not qualified. Everyone shut up!"

Soon the demons in the Supreme Heaven realized something was wrong, and they quickly restricted the speakers.

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