I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 234 Psychic Academy

Wei Mu didn't know what the two Necrons had in mind. At this time, he was troubled by a lot of things.

In addition to the various official duties mentioned before, news from major battlefields is also something he urgently needs to grasp, especially the follow-up effects of the Maelstrom Expedition, such as what happened to cause the death of Nurgle and Khorne. The early evacuation resulted in the failure of the counter-insurgency operation.

Even with the help of the pied clowns, obtaining information is still not an easy task. The galaxy is really too big, and the various forces and disputes are complicated.

Thanks to their existence, this matter can still proceed. Otherwise, Wei Mu could only turn a blind eye and obtain the information by chance.

After all, since the opening of the Great Rift, half of the empire's territory has been in a state of fall. Some human colonies inside even believe that the empire has collapsed long ago, and communications are as barren as isolated islands.

Based on the available intelligence, Wei Mu could guess a bit about the situation of Nurgle's family - his garden must have been severely hit and the situation was in danger.

If you only have one army and want to contain four Chaos Evil Gods at the same time, attacking Nurgle is undoubtedly the best choice.

First of all, as the God of War, Khorne will try his best to get involved in any large-scale battle that takes place in the subspace. Therefore, no matter who is doing the raid on the Garden of Nurgle, the Demonic Army of the Blood God will definitely be involved. Will not be absent.

Secondly, Nurgle controls Isha, the Eldar's goddess of life, which was the trophy he snatched from Slaanesh back then. If there is a chance to take it back, the Lord of Joy will definitely not sit idly by.

The third point is that Tzeentch, as the Lord of Change, is completely opposite to the idea of ​​immutability advocated by his loving father, so they hate each other from the beginning. Basically, every time Nurgle suffers a loss, there is Tzeentch in the dark. Secretly fueling the flames, He will definitely not miss this good show.

When Wei Mu was discussing how to create a demon rebel army with Xi Legao, he had specifically discussed this matter. Now it seems that the Laughing God and the Emperor are indeed not idle.

The Eldar clan didn't know what the specific situation was, but as Isa was their family's goddess of life, if there was a chance of salvation, they would definitely have to spend their money and sacrifice their lives.

On the empire's side, thanks to Wei Mu's persuasion, the old magician Walker Ma and Sister Stern took over this matter. As a glorious cause of lifelong struggle, they visited Terra with a large group of people. The State Religion Headquarters is building momentum there and has gained a lot of support. It is said that it is still harassing the Sun Lord and the Marshal of the Forbidden Army. With one set of operations, launching a threatening attack should not be a problem.

What's more, there are the Emperor's Cursed Legions in the subspace that can help, and the newly formed Chaos Rebels may also run over and intervene.

If he thought about it this way, Nurgle's garden would probably burst open on the spot.

Directly overthrowing the rule of a loving father is definitely too optimistic, but it is estimated that the goddess of life will not be able to survive. It all depends on who will be the winner in the end.

As for why Khorne suddenly withdrew its troops, Wei Mu couldn't guess.

It couldn't be that the loving father was forced to evacuate from the front line because of a fire in the backyard. The Blood God was furious when he saw this, so he immediately went to beat Nurgle, right?

It sounds a little too outrageous.

Of course, all of the above are just Wei Mu's random thoughts. We have to wait for further intelligence feedback from the pied clowns as to what the specific situation is.

The biggest task before him now is to complete the construction of the Psychic Academy.

Since psykers have no freedom and are subject to strict control in the empire, each planet has a corresponding list, and all local psykers are registered in the register. If necessary, they can be promoted directly through transfer orders.

Since the emergence of the Great Rift, the number of psykers in various imperial colonies has shown explosive growth, and there is no problem in terms of numbers.

In addition, Wei Mu had already made arrangements in advance, so the loyal and reliable Mr. Carl quickly sent him the 10,000 psyker students, whose ages were the same as he requested, all between the ages of twelve and fifteen. During the age of one, the limbs are sound, the soul is pure, and there is no limit to potential.

As for other places, no one can escape the squalor, and the malnutrition is even more visible to the naked eye. Many people still have scars on their bodies, and it is unknown what kind of abuse they have received before.

The first thing Wei Mu did when he received these children was to treat them to a good meal, and then ordered them to wash up and put on new uniforms specially prepared by the college.

After I settled down and went to see these children, they seemed much more normal.

It was such a sparse and ordinary arrangement, but the children felt as if they were in a dream. Wei Mu felt extremely melancholy in his heart for a moment.

He still wasn't used to this kind of thing, and he didn't expect that one day he would be.

At least after the Red Pirates are cleared, the number of robberies in the Maelstrom area has been greatly reduced. The prosperous commerce will bring an improvement in the lives of the Empire citizens in the area. He has done a good job in this regard, Wei Mu So comforting myself.

After eating and drinking, and putting on new clothes, it was time for lectures.

The children were summoned to the Blackstone Fortress, and 10,000 people lined up quietly, all tensed up, not even daring to take a breath.

Their eyes revealed exhaustion and timidity, and they were full of fear for their future.

Wei Mu stood on the high platform directly in front of them, with the guards of the Tribunal standing on the left and right.

The first conference did not pay too much attention to the sense of ceremony, although Fulgen seemed to be very concerned about it.

This scene reminded Wei Mu of his own middle school principal in the 21st century. Every time he held a conference, it was at least an hour-long solo show, and he spoke endlessly.

"There are three main points I want to say. The first is the first big point and the first small point."

It's almost drowsy.

However, the principal himself felt that he still had more to say, and sometimes he would even add a few points as if he suddenly remembered something.

As for the students below, they will basically forget the content of his speech after the conference is over.

He didn't want to become what he once hated.

Wei Mu just glanced at the crowd below and slowly said: "First of all, let me introduce you briefly. My name is Wei Mu. I am the founder of this academy. I also have the title of Jiedushi."

"Secondly, I don't care what kind of life you lived before. From now on, food and clothing will no longer be a problem in your life. The empire will be fully responsible for this. There will no longer be imprisonment and abuse of you. Instead, Responsibility and sacrifice.”

"You will learn here how to develop the power in your body. After you are able to stand alone, you will be sent to various places to use this power for the empire."

"You can't refuse me, because I have brought you comfort through my own abilities, so when your strength grows, you must also bring comfort to other weak people. This is a very simple logic, and it is what I tell you agreement between them."

"Finally, I want you to take a good look at the people around you, at your future colleagues, and remember their faces."

"Some of you will succeed. Even in desperate situations, you can still maintain your true nature, save countless lives from disasters, become high-ranking figures, and even become legends that everyone sings about."

"There are also people who fail and break their agreements because of cowardice and greed, wantonly harm innocent compatriots, commit horrific crimes, and eventually become villains who bring endless pain to others."

"No one knows exactly what the future will look like, but we cannot hold back because of fear of risks. We must overcome those terrible things instead of being swallowed by them. We must make everything better - may the Emperor Bless you all.”

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