I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 245 Victory Parade

After some preparations, a massive parade began to take place on Odkar, the home world of the Mantis Warriors.

The main road used for the parade stretches for more than 20 kilometers, and its destination leads directly to the Governor's Palace. The entire road has been cleared by relevant personnel, and both sides are completely blocked by isolation belts.

Countless imperial people came to both sides of the road early to grab a viewing position, and the windows of nearby houses were also crowded with curious onlookers - this was probably the most gorgeous celebration they had ever experienced in their lives, so their emotions showed Extremely high.

The parade mainly consisted of thousands of vehicles, and at the front were three Leman Rust tanks used to clear the way.

Powerful war machinery rolled over the road, and its engines continued to make a dull roar, causing even the streets to tremble slightly wherever they went.

Immediately behind the tank was Weimu's vehicle, a tall, heavy, specially modified Mastodon super-heavy personnel carrier. The void shield it carried could provide strong protection for the passengers.

This avoids the possibility of despicable assassins mingling among the crowd, using bizarre and deadly weapons to make the parade go crazy.

Wei Mu himself stood on the hood of the troop carrier, with only the upper half of his body exposed. He kept greeting the crowds on both sides of the road with the smile technique he learned from the pied clowns.

He had to stay like this for more than an hour, until the parade was over before he could relax.

Wei Mu doubted whether his facial muscles could last until that time.

On both sides of his head, a swarm of drones continued to scatter flower petals and ribbons, playing various psalms of praise. The people in the administrative department originally planned to let cherubim, a kind of servitor shaped into a distorted child's appearance, come. The person who did this was sternly rejected by Wei Mu.

Of course he had to refuse, Cherubim was not something that anyone with a right mind could come up with.

It is the product of absolute religious fanaticism.

The group of Mechanicus sages only subjectively believed that the appearance of human children could appear more pure in the eyes of the Emperor, so they used biotechnology and machinery to mix it into such an underworld thing to assist people in various tasks. assistant.

The cold metal structure was installed in the child-like body in a mosaic style, with wires and tubes running back and forth on the pale skin.

There are also traces of driven nails and various stitches.

All of this makes Cherubeus look like a real newborn baby that has been horribly transformed, making people feel creepy.

In order to preserve this so-called pure appearance, the work efficiency of Cherubim is very low. After all, the body of a child is simply not suitable for work.

But it was clear that fervent religious worship overrode everything else.

Under the blessing of the so-called "faith", the image of Cherubim has become deeply ingrained and has become a popular product in the empire. Their figures can be seen almost everywhere in various departments.

"Opposing the Cherubim means opposing the Emperor. It is subtly distorting our faith!"

If the fanatics make a scene, they won't even try to reason with you.

In order not to make the matter a big deal, the most Wei Mu could do was refuse.

Banning those gadgets from appearing at the parade was the result of a battle of wits and courage between him and a large group of people.

The guys even wanted to add some light and shadow special effects to Wei Mu to show the sanctity of the emperor's loyal servants, but Wei Mu rejected it again because "it is more inspiring to achieve great achievements with a mortal body". .

The virtue of the state religion will have to be punished sooner or later.

It's just that the time is not yet ripe, and the empire still needs to continue to drink the poison of religion to quench its thirst.

No way, try your best.

Wei Mu tried his best to put on an inspiring posture in front of everyone.

But after all, he was only one person, and his figure quickly passed by in front of the people.

Following him were many soldiers who participated in the Maelstrom Expedition.

These soldiers were carefully selected from various units and made great contributions during the expedition. They are all considered combat heroes and deserve to be praised and loved by the people.

A swarm of drones whizzed past the heads of the crowd, with the badges and flags of each participating army hung below. The long curtains were connected together, looking like a city wall.

Placing such a majestic army in front of the people is to reinforce the impression to them that the empire can completely defeat those monsters in the galaxy. No matter in the past, present, or future, the fate of mankind's enemies will be inevitable. Come to perish.

Due to the large number of people and the grand scale, the entire procession was stretched very long. The following convoys were still moving forward, and the leading part had already arrived at the Government House.

After finishing the parade, Wei Mu jumped out of the car. The muscles on his face felt a little sore from being tense for a long time.

He could take a break backstage and wait until the parade was complete before delivering his global speech.

Speeches are a must. As the Great Whirlpool Governor, he has to say a few words in front of the public, even though what he wants to say is just beautiful words such as looking back on the past, affirming achievements, and imagining the future.

"So how are things going now?"

Not daring to rub his cheeks with his hands to avoid smearing his makeup, Wei Mu asked the judge for a glass of water to soothe his throat and asked him about the progress of the entire celebration.

"It's not bad." Quinn waved his hand, with a slightly relaxed expression on his face, "So far, there have only been more than 130 riots, and most of them are evil people who hope to become famous through the celebrations. There are also a small number of anti-social elements who are unhappy with their lives - organized large-scale actions have basically been wiped out by us before, and these individual actions that want to cause trouble with a slap on the thigh are nothing to be afraid of."

Although the Inquisition sometimes appears to be very cunning and difficult to deal with, its ability to do things is truly impeccable.

They even developed a set of algorithms to detect those who may have evil intentions. Targets picked out by the algorithm will be interrogated, and the results are often indistinguishable.

"Really?" Wei Mu touched his chin and said thoughtfully, "I'm actually very curious as to how high the reward price Chaos offered me."

"They don't need to offer a clear price, dear Jiedu Envoy, they just need to show interest in you, and those cultists will continue to come to you in their name." Sarkozy came over and explained, "So whenever you enter a public place, you must pay attention to your own safety."

The real troublesome thing about Chaos is that they corrode people's hearts, and strong combat power is a secondary factor.

Even ordinary celebrities and idols have to be careful every time they go out on the street after becoming famous, for fear of causing riots because of their fame.

Wei Mu is definitely more attractive to cultists than a superstar in the eyes of groupies.

"As for the cultists, if I want to go into more detail, there are quite a few followers of Khorne. Basically, they are carrying two watermelon knives and want to cut down the entire procession. There are also many followers of Nurgle. , want to take advantage of large-scale gatherings of people to release the pathogens they carry, and the actions of the remaining two companies have not yet been discovered." Quinn reminded again.

"I don't think Tzeentch and Slaanesh will be kind enough to let me go. They must still be hiding somewhere. After all, the celebration has just begun." Wei Mu lowered his head and thought.

"I can't talk about Tzeentch. As for Slaanesh, you have to be careful during the banquet later." Quinn reminded seriously.

"What happened to the banquet? Is there something wrong with those who attended the banquet?" Wei Mu frowned.

Remember that one of the powers controlled by Slaanesh is gluttony.

It is absolutely unforgivable that you dare to disturb him from eating.

"You'll know then." Quinn did not answer directly.

Judging from the situation, it seems that there is another commotion below.

After confirming Wei Mu's safety, the Inquisitor left the rear of the Governor's Mansion and once again devoted himself to security work.

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