I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 250 Disadvantages

Fulgrim finally took action against them.

The Demon Primarch was like the organizer of a grand party, sending invitations to Wei Mu and others.

This news frightened everyone present in the Tribunal.

You know, once the demonic original body starts to wreak havoc, it will be a complete humanoid natural disaster, destined to be accompanied by mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

Even if the empire sets up an entire fleet for this purpose, it may not be able to stop it.

"Why didn't you tell us such important news earlier?" Quinn suddenly asked anxiously.

"Then I have to sort out the information first. Didn't the results of your investigation just come out?" Wei Mu waved his hand, "And that guy is just making harsh words at the moment. If things were really that simple, he He has already started taking action - but don't forget that he is a demon now, living in subspace, and there are Chaos Rebels in the Maelstrom. He can't wreak havoc in this area, so don't react like that. Great or not.”

Although the Great Demon of God is hardly the opponent of the Primarch, Maris, the Lord of Resentment, is a majestic secondary god of Chaos, equivalent to the Primarch who has liberated all his power, and his attitude towards the dependents of the four gods is even more... Like a mad dog, if Fulgrim dared to charge directly, they would have to fight a bloody battle first.

After listening to Wei Mu's explanation, the judges gradually calmed down.

The situation was not as bad as they imagined.

"So what do you mean?" Quinn tried to ask.

"Launching an attack on my way to meet the regent is his best chance to strike. We should have enough time to prepare before that."

Having said that, Wei Mu cannot hide in the Maelstrom forever. He still has many things to explain, and it is better to meet Guilliman sooner rather than later.

"No matter what, we have to mobilize more power first." Quinn lowered his head and thought silently, "Deploy two companies from each of the Space Marine battle groups near the Maelstrom, and move the previously dismissed fleets Form it again, and you can also seek help from the Holy Land of the Empire."

In addition to the cloned Fulgrim, I don't know if he can defeat the demon primarch.

After all, for today's empire, it is a terrible enemy that can only appear in ancient myths. Its strength is so terrifying that it should not even exist in reality.

"Speaking of which, are there any difficult targets on the way to find the regent?" Wei Mu asked.

"All threats in the nearby area have been successfully eliminated by the Indomitable Crusade launched by Lord Guilliman. As for the deeper situation of the dark side of the empire, it is not clear because of the disordered star language and the dimming of the star torch." Quinn He tilted his head, "What, is there something wrong?"

"If the Demon Primarch doesn't take action against us, then wouldn't we be equivalent to leading an entire army around? It's rare to go out, and we spend a lot of supplies, so we have to find something to do around us." Wei. Mu stretched, the invitation letter from the demon primarch could not scare him into confusion.

"There is no need to worry about this. After meeting Lord Guilliman, he will definitely make good use of this effective force. How can there be a time when there is no war in the empire? You only need to be careful about the surprise attack from the demon primarch." Kui Yin replied.

Wei Mu originally wanted to make this second-hand plan himself. Since the Inquisitor has said so, then he can just leave it to Guilliman to worry about.

After all, he didn't know what was going on in the dark side of the empire.

"In this case, then the matter of assembling the troops will be entirely left to your Inquisition. In addition, help me inform Fulgen. His opinions must be consulted on matters here." Wei Mu said.

During the parade, the clones volunteered to go to various places to comfort the masses. It is estimated that they still don't know about the incident in the Governor's Mansion.

Fulgrim is of course the person who knows his own identity best. The two have exactly the same personality and a large number of overlapping memories.

From his perspective, one can get a glimpse into many entities' thinking patterns, thereby predicting the enemy's behavior.


The Inquisitor nodded, then walked out of the safe house and began to work on the matter at hand.

Just like this, another hour later, Fulgen was led to the safe house.

After Wei Mu told him all the things that happened this afternoon, the clone master lowered his head and began to think.

"The first half of your guess is very correct. With his character, he will not take action directly in the Maelstrom area, but regarding the latter part, he will not choose to take action while we are looking for Guilliman - there is a high probability that he will They took care of us and Guilliman." After some thought, Fulgrim slowly expressed his opinion.

"Us - together with Guilliman?" This unexpected answer surprised Wei Mu.

"That's right." Fulgrim nodded, "If you regard me as the salvation of [Fulgrim], then you successfully corrupted me, and you corrupted me in front of Guilliman. It will be a very heavy blow to Guilliman, and it will also bring him great pleasure, not to mention that he himself has a problem with Guilliman."

"Then he has to win the fight." Wei Mu reminded, "Don't let us fail to defeat you, but be stabbed by the regent's big sword instead."

"But if he really takes corresponding actions, then he must be fully confident - he is Fulgrim, a once perfect man, but now he is filled with the power of darkness." Fulgrim's expression was serious. .

A battle of wits and courage with the evil version of oneself, and the opponent's strength is obviously stronger than one's own. This kind of confrontation with an extreme disadvantage is simply not something that ordinary people can play.

And what if they lose?

Ever since he woke up from ten thousand years of sleep, the poor regent has always hoped to have a brother by his side to help share the mess of the empire in front of him. Being the only remaining flag is really stressful, even with strong genes. The primarch would also feel suffocated.

If this matter is simply hopeless, then forget it.

But despite seeing hope, in the end it slipped through your fingers - this is really a life-threatening thing.

Even though Wei Mu had achieved many major victories for the empire before, this time was still a severe test.

In the worst case scenario, not only did Fulgrim fail to get it back, but Guilliman's mentality was also shattered.

It could even be worse, and Guilliman himself would be defeated again by the Daemon Primarch, just like he was ten thousand years ago.

"Don't worry, we can win him!" Fulgen saw Wei Mu's concerns and comforted him softly.

However, in fact, the pressure on him is the greatest.

Everyone is counting on him to defeat the demon, and he is determined to complete the redemption of himself and the empire.

The Purple Phoenix wants to shoulder the hope of mankind again.

It's just that the difficulties before him are so tortuous, and if he is not careful, he will lead more people into the abyss.

"Of course we can defeat him." Wei Mu took a deep breath, "When the time comes, you just need to fight boldly and confidently, and I will take care of the rest."

There is no doubt that no matter how things develop next, it will definitely turn into an imperial PK between the clone and the original body in the end, with the two people slashing at each other one-on-one.

He had to find a way to help the former defeat the latter.

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