I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 258 Unexpected Call

During this period of time in Weimu, my life was very comfortable.

Since he accepted the two girls, he has left all the trivial matters at work to them.

Really speaking, how could there be so many major issues that required his decision?

In addition, the two sisters Mo She and Mo Wang were also very capable and took care of everything in an orderly manner, so Wei Mu suddenly became more relaxed, sitting at the desk in the office and enjoying themselves every day.

It is in line with the old saying: if there is something to do, the secretary will do it, and if there is nothing else, hehehe.

If only life could always be this simple and easy.

Wei Mu looked at the beautiful figures of the two sisters in front of him and imagined it, but a phone prompt suddenly appeared in his ear at an inappropriate time.

At first, Wei Mu thought that his subordinates wanted to report something directly to him, so he touched the terminal on the desktop.

But the strange thing is that the sound of the phone call does not originate from this.

What the hell?

He calmed down and listened carefully, and found that the sound actually came from the bottom drawer of the desk.

Wei Mu didn't remember what he had put in it before. He curiously opened the drawer and poked around, only to find a bunch of things similar to walkie-talkies. The signal light on one of them was still flashing green - that was is the source of the sound.

Wei Mu took the intercom out of the drawer while thinking about the information related to it in his mind - this should belong to the Red Pirate.

It seems to be the nature of every pirate to like to hide treasure.

The Red Pirates have a great cause, so naturally they hide a lot of good things everywhere.

They probably did this so that they could retreat or make a comeback when they encountered setbacks later.

Relevant secrets are still circulating in the Maelstrom area, and the hidden wealth of the Red Pirates has attracted countless opportunists to go deep into it to explore.

I don’t know about other places, but Wei Mu and the others should have dug out all the treasures on the new Badab and various red pirate warships.

Any mechanism or seal is like paper in front of the artifact "Empathy and Annihilation Staff" in Trazin's hand.

In addition, there is Ourrican, an astrologer who observes Feng Shui and analyzes the codes.

The Red Pirate's little treasury cannot be hidden at all.

After some heated negotiations, the division of the treasure was confirmed to be four, three, and three, with Vimu taking the bulk and the rest going to the Necron and the Pied Clown. Most of them contained gems, scrolls, forbidden technologies, and rare equipment. .

There are many valuable things, such as the black sword, which was left behind by the original emperor's champion Amarych when he fought against Skarbrand in the Blackstone Fortress, but was later shot by Guilliman with a bullet from the Hand of Dominance. It was broken into countless fragments and collected by the Red Pirates, but it has never been recast.

As for those walkie-talkies, if Wei Mu remembered correctly, they should have been found from Huron's dormitory and a compartment in the New Badab Palace.

Wei Mu also thinks compartments are cool. Who doesn’t want to have a secret room where things can be hidden? So I also got one behind the wall of my office.

Putting aside Wei Mu's private treasury, the Red Pirate King started out by relying on the word "loyalty", and Shiyu Huron's reputation is not just talk.

He will always fund those small war gangs with potential to help them solve their current predicament. When the other party rises one day, they will naturally not forget his original kindness. By then, Huron will reap more than ten times the reward. Maybe he was so passionate that he even "made money" for his family.

These walkie-talkies with unknown black technology are his way of secretly communicating with those funded. It is said that there are serious limitations in their production and use, and they are not something that can be used conveniently.

Judging from this posture, I am afraid that those who were supported did not come to express harsh words to Wei Mu in order to repay Huron's past kindness.

After sorting out the situation in his mind, Wei Mu cleared his throat, prepared to speak at any time, and then slowly pressed the connect button on the intercom.

"Hey, this is Blackstone Fortress, what can I do?"

As a cultural person, it is natural to be polite before fighting.

"Blackstone Fortress?" Hearing Wei Mu's voice, the other party was a little confused at first, and then said clearly, "Yes, Blackstone Fortress, praise the dark gods, I am Yoris, the former leader of the Starfall War Gang, now Third leader of the Heavenly Punishment War Gang, please give my most sincere greetings to the Red Pirate King!"

After saying these words, Wei Mu was immediately stunned.

What's the situation? Shouldn't the other party be here for a quarrel?

He was so excited that he was asked to greet Huron - Blackheart Huron was now placed as an exhibit in the Prismatic Corridor in Trazin, so how could he greet him?

Do you want him to send the other side a photo of the Badab tyrants lined up in a display cabinet?

Immediately afterwards, another thought appeared in Wei Mu's mind - Could this guy not know that the Red Pirates had been destroyed, so he thought he who answered the phone was a Red Pirate?

After thinking about it carefully, it is really possible. After all, it has only been less than a year since the Red Pirates were destroyed.

Not to mention the messy situation on the dark side of the empire, the flow of time in the subspace is very abstract, and it is normal for some chaos factions to fail to receive the message.

Perhaps the King of Red Pirates thought about the day when he overturned his car, but he certainly did not have the foresight to leave a back-up on this matter. He could not foresee that the phone would fall into the hands of the person who defeated him, and the person who was helped by him would not be able to foresee that the phone would fall into the hands of the person who defeated him. Know the situation.

If that were the case, that would be interesting.

"Chaos is on top!" Wei Mu first opened his mouth and made a treasonous remark to the other party, and then slowly said, "The third leader of the Heaven Punishment Gang is Yoris, right? The people who can dial this number are all like Badab." The tyrant has an extraordinary friendship, do you have anything you want me to convey to him?"

Anyway, it's just nonsense with the other party, and it's up to chance what the outcome will be.

"Oh, of course."

It was also the first time for Yoris to dial this number. Huron had only said that he would use this thing to contact him at critical moments, and did not explain the specific process. Therefore, he did not notice anything strange at all, but he was not aware that the person on the other end of the communication was not Huron. I feel a little sorry.

"I have a project here and hope to cooperate with you." The other party said.

"Project? What project? Let me tell you, Tyrant Badab's time is very precious. He has tens of thousands of resource points every minute. Don't bother him with trivial matters - although he likes to make friends with the world regardless of the cost. Hero, but we people have to think about our huge family fortune." Wei Mu tried to say.

Like Guilliman, Blackheart Huron has many faces and knows how to cleverly cater to other people's personalities to get what he wants.

Wei Mu felt that he must have shown a generous and informal side in front of these "sponsored persons", so he used this to extract as much information as possible from them.

"Of course it's a big project!" Yoris said quickly. "According to our calculations, Guilliman's Indomitus Expedition fleet is almost in need of supplies again. It is a fat sheep. I believe Lord Huron will be interested."

They all say, "The king of hell is easy to deal with, but the devil is difficult to deal with."

He didn't want to fall into the hands of the operator on the other side before even talking to the Badab Tyrant.

"The supply fleet for the Indomitable Expedition?" Wei Mu raised his eyebrows.

He didn't expect that the other side could actually put his thoughts there.

And as luck would have it, he happened to have relevant information on hand.

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