I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 265: Dangerous Moves

Under a double attack, all the ships of the Heaven's Punishment War Gang were quickly defeated and turned into a pile of burning space junk.

Without them in the middle, the Imperial Navy and the Sun Star's defense forces immediately came into contact.

Loyal lasers and torpedoes unleashed the wrath of the Lord of Mankind upon the traitors, and the servants of the Dark Gods responded with destructive power.

According to the guidance of the beacons left on the way, more and more imperial fleets descended on the battlefield, and the battle on the Sun Star became more and more intense.

The Blackstone Fortress is at the forefront of the battle line. Its huge size and the giant void shield it carries crazily absorb massive damage from the enemy. The carefully calculated firepower configuration allows it to be taken away directly with a round of concentrated fire. A corvette.

With the Blackstone Fortress as the spearhead, the Imperial warships formed a tight front and launched a systematic stranglehold on the traitor's space power.

Chaos warships all hope to avoid this terrifying enemy.

Although their overall number was quite large, more than half of them only came to Sunset Star to do business and were not under Kirk's command. They did not expect to encounter such a thing at all.

If there is something to be gained, these "retail investors" would not mind helping the Lieyang War Gang, and at the same time severely attacking a wave of puppet emperor's lackeys.

It's just that the current situation is obviously not good for them, and the consequences of forcing their way forward are tantamount to seeking death, so looking for opportunities to escape is the best strategy in front of them.

People's hearts are divided, the team cannot be led at all, and the puppet emperor's lackeys on the opposite side are coming menacingly - Kirk does not think that he is stronger than the Red Pirates, and it is difficult for Sun Star to win this war alone.

Therefore, in order to gain the support of these "retail investors" to enhance the chance of winning, the Chaos Lord had no choice but to choose to bleed heavily.

"Heroes, good men, and the lackeys of the false emperor have come to the door so arrogantly. How can we, the servants of the dark gods, stand by and watch? They are not kicking my Kirk in the butt, but slapping the faces of all the Chaos Warriors. !” The Lord of the Fiery Sun Star shouted loudly into the communication channel, “If you can help me defeat this group of puppet emperor’s lackeys and get rid of the current crisis, I am willing to donate all 2,000 gene seeds stored in the inventory. Absolutely. They are all pure and stable goods. In addition, you can also gain the friendship of our Sun Star, and you will enjoy high discounts on future transactions here!"

According to the original plan, this batch of gene seeds from the Sun Star should be used to provide supplies to the great predators, maintain the Sun War Gang for their own use, and exchange certain forbidden technologies with war gangs in need. But now, in order to protect themselves, Kirk had to spend it all in the form of a bounty.

When the news spread on the Chaos channel, it immediately attracted the attention of all "retail investors".

Putting aside the so-called friendship and high discounts, gene seeds are the core material for making space warriors. They will always be in a state of scarcity and are in short supply. They can be called the first hard currency in the galaxy.

Especially for the major Chaos warbands, the demand for gene seeds is extremely scarce.

Due to their surrender to Chaos, their own gene seeds have become severely mutated and cannot be used at all - they can accept the blessing of Chaos and become deformed and twisted to gain power, but gene seeds are used for genetic coding. If Stability is destroyed and the effects will be completely out of control.

In other words, even the traitorous Space Marines who surrendered to Chaos are pursuing pure gene-seed.

Except for a handful of Chaos forces that have special ways to replenish their members, the rest of the warbands mainly obtain gene seeds by snatching them from loyalists.

If anyone can get these gene seeds that Kirk talks about, it is inevitable that the future development will soar.

It is said that a brave man must be rewarded, and such a generous price can indeed make some of them excited.

Coupled with the popularity that Kirk had accumulated over the years of running Sun Star, many Chaos ships suddenly became heroic and began to pour firepower crazily towards the Empire.

"It's just a dying struggle."

Since it was not an encrypted message, Wei Mu also learned about Kirk's reward.

Two thousand gene seeds are indeed very tempting, but he neither knows whether the news is true or false, nor can he guarantee whether the other party will use it to set a trap, so he does not plan to take relevant actions until the large-scale chaos stronghold of Lieyang Star is eradicated. is their top priority.

Fulgrim and Moloch have already led the team. They are powerful heroes whose strength far exceeds that of ordinary Space Marines. If the opponent does not have a legendary character to confront them, the outcome of the war will definitely be no doubt.

Wei Mu had never needed to worry about the formation of troops, so he turned to the director of the administrative department and asked: "How are the little guys in the college doing?"

"As planned before, they have all been assigned to various logistics positions to [participate in] this war." Ju Yi replied.

"This is a rare opportunity, so let them feel the atmosphere a little bit, but be sure to pay attention to safety issues, especially those few who usually like to cause trouble." Wei Mu warned.

"Of course, sir, everything is under control." Ju Yi nodded.

On the other side, the high reward from the Lieyang War Gang naturally reached the ears of the three Tianpu brothers.

Originally they were high-ranking guests on this planet, but now they can only feel deep malice from all directions.

The local cultists came towards them one after another, and the steel city was filled with the sounds of gunfire and fighting.

Kirk obviously regarded them as life-and-death enemies and had no intention of leaving them a way to survive.

In the process of forcibly landing on the Lieyang Star, due to various reasons, the Heavenly Punishment War Gang lost two hundred battle brothers. The remaining more than a thousand people are gathering towards the location of the Chaos Lord. After regrouping, they will still be A powerful fighting force.

They're not out yet, there's still room for everything.

"Damn Kirk, since you are unkind, don't blame us for being unjust!" After repeatedly communicating with the other party to no avail, Ankarak seemed to have made up his mind and cursed loudly.

"What should we do, brother!" Yoris asked after seeing this.

"Second Brother and I will lead 700 brothers to find a way to snatch that batch of gene seeds. At the same time, Third Brother, you will take the remaining brothers to the port to get a few warships to meet us." Ankarak's eyes were sharp and he took out the Burning Cauldron. momentum.

"But brother, what if other people learn this news and continue to besiege us?" Yoris asked worriedly.

"They won't." Ankarak shook his head and replied, "We snatched the gene seeds to throw them out as bait to attract the attention of all forces. If that doesn't work, we can directly throw them out. Destroy. In short, after losing the bargaining chip to issue a bounty, other war gangs will naturally not continue to work for Kirk, and the situation will become even more chaotic. When the time comes, we will take advantage of the chaos and escape on the stolen warship - as long as we can escape alive God, I’m not afraid that I won’t have the chance to make a comeback.”

The three Tianpu brothers knew the general location of the gene seed bank.

If they wanted to survive the siege from both sides, they had to make dangerous moves.

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