As friends who broke up, although the two did not deal with each other in the past, they did not completely break up.

The various tricks devised by Malus were so clever that Victor could not get a handle on her and had no sufficient reason to provoke internal fighting.

But now, the top and second-in-commands of the Dark Eldar are finally openly confronting each other, and the situation has completely fallen into a situation of endless struggle.

In addition, Aurelion Malus is also a hidden chess piece arranged by the Laughing God among the Dark Eldar.

Legend has it that when Malus was exiled by her ex-boyfriend and wandered aimlessly in the Internet, she was lucky enough to bump into the true form of Silegao, and a certain kind of game started between one person and one god.

The exact content of the game is unknown, but the final result is that Malus wins, and the prize is a sword and a crystal heart.

Malus decisively opened her chest with a sword, replaced her original heart with the crystal heart given by the Laughing God, and then began her counterattack.

Using the power of the gods must eventually be repaid, and obviously this is the time for the Laughing God to activate her.

The internal fighting that broke out among the Dark Eldar left them no time to think about other things. As long as these guys didn't harm others, it would be a great merit.

Elsewhere, Guilliman is in trouble.

The primarch captured Shalashi's figure with the Emperor's Sword, and the sacred crimson flames drew arcs of light in the air as he continued to swing.

Demonic Disaster was agile and carefully avoided those dangerous flames. The spear in his hand was like a sharp poisonous snake. When he saw the right moment to strike, a fatal threat suddenly erupted.

Guilliman waved the holy sword with his backhand again, and the flames swallowed up the incoming tentacles on the enemy's cloak. The blade hit the opponent's gun barrel hard, and dazzling sparks burst out.

"You do possess very powerful power, and you are a good prey, Robert Guilliman." Shalahi looked happy and spoke slowly, and the charming musk spread everywhere.

After a fierce fight, Slaanesh's most outstanding Keeper of Secrets, the Great Demon, failed to gain any benefit from his opponent.

"Prey?" Guilliman curled his lips and chuckled, "Arrogant inanimate, your greatest protection, the ability to resurrect from the dead will no longer exist in front of this sword. It possesses the power of the human emperor. The great power given can completely destroy evil subspace creatures like you."

Guilliman had seen more than once how fragile the hearts of these demons would become after the threat of death returned.

The human will is braver and firmer than them.

"Perhaps so, my little mortal leader, but with its power alone, you cannot protect what you hold dear."

Shalashi danced gracefully and took several steps back.

It stared at the exhausted Death Army behind the original body with greedy eyes, as if they were a pile of delicious desserts. As long as it successfully breaks through the obstacles in front of it, it can enjoy it to its heart's content.

"These words you said are the real weakness. Don't run, let us go through a few more moves."

Guilliman rushed forward, shooting at the opponent with the machine gun on the Hand of Dominance.

Dozens of rounds of ammunition with sacred energy were sprayed out. The Great Demon of Slaanesh kept dodging and moving in postures that did not conform to normal logic. His evasive movements looked so twisted and strange, but unexpectedly carried a strange grace.

"Tell me your secret, Robert Guilliman, and how can I cause you to feel the most intense pain - whether it is to tear your hard-earned alliances to pieces, or to tear your most cherished children away?" Kill everyone until no one is left alive?"

Shalaxi continued to speak, his voice containing strong malice.

"If you think you can do it, then go ahead and try it, and don't sound like you're being merciful."

Guilliman was completely unmoved by these vicious words.

He has already developed an iron-like unyielding will in countless battles with the enemy of Chaos.

"Or - watching your brother who finally returned fall into depravity again?"

The secret keeper then burst into a weird and weird smile, which made people shudder and break out in cold sweat.


Guilliman suddenly frowned, his mentality inevitably affected.

The guy had told him before that the Daemon Primarch still existed, and only one of the two sides could survive.

This must be the moment when the devil shows his fangs.

Aware of the enemy's vicious intentions, Guilliman's tightly clenched hands of control continued to make clicking sounds.

He didn't dare to let down his guard easily.

In just a moment's distraction, he would be killed by the Hunting Queen in front of him.

"What's wrong, don't you plan to go over and take a look?" Shalaxi continued to say with a smile, "You have personally experienced the power of the demon primarch, which is far from comparable to that inferior product - so you have given up on yourself The only salvation for brothers is to choose to protect the aliens behind them?"

The Keeper's words hit home.

Once Guilliman leaves here and allows the demons in front of him to rush and kill wantonly, the Eldar Alliance's main formation will be riddled with holes in an instant, and the goddess of life will fall into the hands of Slaanesh. What everyone has done so far All efforts will be in vain.

The Spiritual Tribe soldiers in the rear could not help but become nervous.

They know very well that no matter how harmonious the relationship between humans and Eldar is, differences still exist.

Whether to help others or to help one's own people, this simply cannot be called a multiple-choice question.

Even they themselves would choose the latter as a matter of course.

Not to mention that the relationship between the two parties has only reached a reluctant level.

Guilliman was not intimidated by the other party's words, but pointed the Emperor's Sword at the Keeper and said sternly: "Don't use these words to confuse me, demon, he is Fulgrim, purple Phoenix is ​​not a weak and incompetent person. If he gives up the victory because he is afraid of your challenge, then he can choose to refuse to participate in this operation."

"Sacrificing your own brothers to please foreigners, such a feat will definitely leave a glorious page in the history of the empire. Anyway, your spring and autumn writing skills are just that, isn't it?" Shalaxi sarcastically said.

The Keeper is convinced that that area is the opponent's weakness, and as long as he continues to stimulate it, he can make the opponent lose his mind.

"Sacrifice? No, you are totally mistaken, demon. Fulgrim will be fine - because I will kill you before anything happens to him!"

No one can stop the will of the vengeful son.

Guilliman gripped the Emperor's Sword tightly, the flames on the blade growing stronger with his monstrous rage.

"Arrogant, stupid." Shalaxi felt that he was greatly offended. The majestic Slaanesh demon army was actually so despised by a mere mortal leader. "But now, even if you want to rescue, it is already too late."

Just as the two were fighting, a new dark force appeared inside the webway.

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