I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 31 There is nothing more blasphemous than this

Wei Mu knows that most of the content in the book "Resurgence of the Empire" has definitely not been read by Walker Ma, even though it was the release of this book that caused our great master a lot of trouble.

Not only him, but probably everyone who worships the Emperor like a devil will not be able to accept the content of this book.

For them, the plot is too avant-garde.

They often just put down the book and curse after reading the first few pages. They simply don't have the concentration to read to the end, including the Supreme Master of the Dark Angels, Azrael, who is in the same situation.

Walkerma held the book in his hand. There was no trace of psychic energy on it, and it looked like an ordinary thing.

But just such a thing was able to transform six battle nuns with strong faith and piety in just ten minutes, and they became willing prisoners of this book. It also made his friend whom he had known for many years, the upright and rational District Governor Carl Franz, willing to give his full support. It even made those self-esteemed Hua Douyao take the initiative to do this.

It's really a very evil thing.

So Walkerma just held it and didn't dare to open it easily for a while.

So Wei Mu, who was standing by, took the opportunity and said angrily: "What's wrong, old bastard, do you think that your devotion to the emperor can't stand the test? If that's the case, then retire as soon as possible and go back to your old age. Don't just occupy your position and do nothing!"

Walkerma scolded: "Shut up, little bastard, don't come here to provoke me. I have a sincere heart for the God Emperor. I will never be fooled by your sarcastic words!"

Having said that, there are still so many believers watching below. At this time, the Grand Master has no way out, and he must not let them down.

So Walkerma took a deep breath, slowly opened the anti-book, and found the last chapter inside.

The title of that chapter is The Plague War, which seems to be about the story that took place in the Scourge Stars, between the regent Guilliman and his traitor brother, the Death Lord Mortarion.

This incident really happened, and Walkerma had heard some of the related circumstances, but with Wei Mu’s urinary nature, there would definitely be a lot of heretical content in it.

No matter what, Walkerma still suppressed his emotions and slowly read on:

"Robert Guilliman, the great Imperial Regent, the last loyal heir of the Emperor of Terra, you finally succeeded in monopolizing your father's inheritance, didn't you?"

The 14th Legion, Lord of the Death Guard, and the traitorous Primarch Mortarion said, his tone full of yin and yang.

"I don't care about my father's legacy, I'm just protecting it. The other loyal brothers are lost among the stars, and you monsters have turned their backs on it."

Guilliman said righteously.

"Oh, really?" Mortarion smiled contemptuously, "Then why did you march here today? Why are you willing to take huge risks and go deep into this Nurgle Garden, which is full of disease and vitality?"

"Of course it is to revive the empire and eliminate rebellion!" Guilliman said with a firm expression, "The subspace and the material world were once balanced. But for a long time, you have been tilting this balance, but you must understand that it is not just the subspace that can move forward."

"Put away your hypocritical face, Guilliman, don't think that I don't know what you want to do!" Mortarion loudly sarcastically said, "You are using the power of the empire. Thousands of soldiers are fighting bloody battles, but you are just It's because of your petty personal affairs, because you are the only Primarch left in our father's decaying empire, so you can do whatever you want."

"Slanderous words have no meaning to me, Mortarion. What I have done is worthy of my father, worthy of the empire, and worthy of all mankind. I am fighting for their welfare!"

Guilliman's voice was so loud that not even the endless darkness of the warp could conceal the hope within it.

"So your new alien girlfriend is also for the welfare of the people of the empire?" Mortarion said with a smile, "What is the name of that female bean sprout? That's right, Efreni, aren't you fascinated by her? You were so smitten that you agreed to her request, is that why you are here? You want to save their mother goddess Elsa and prolong the life of that miserable race that was forced into desperation by Slaanesh. Isn’t that the truth of the matter? Is that so?"

Mortarion had known of their plan for a long time. The young couple planned to release the goddess of life imprisoned by Nurgle.

However, Guilliman insisted: "I will appear here all for the Emperor, and for no other reason than that!"

Mortarion wanted to continue to laugh at Guilliman's hypocrisy. After all, he had seen through the opponent's intentions. However, Guilliman's sharp eyes were like two sharp knives, making Mortarion's sarcasm look like it had been torn apart. Poor broken doll.

The Lord of the Ultramarines was serious, he wasn't lying.

But the information Mortarion received was also true. The other party did come here to release Elsa.

The sum of the two pieces of information does not quite match the current situation. There must be something wrong here.

Then, suddenly, Mortarion seemed to realize something.

The Lord of Death, who gradually saw the truth, was suddenly struck by lightning, and his cursed eyes were filled with shock, fear, and endless anger.

"No, you can't do that, damn Guilliman!"

Mortarion was furious, and a large amount of poison gas spurted from his mask.

Even last time, his majestic demon primarch was inexplicably defeated by Kaldor Drago, the Supreme Master of the Gray Knights, and the name of the previous generation of Gray Knights' Grand Master was engraved on his heart.

Even if it was such a huge insult, the shock that Mortarion received was not even one ten thousandth of what it was at this moment.

"No?" Guilliman said with disdain, "You are just a traitor, Mortarion, you are not qualified to talk to me about this!"

"I am not qualified? You want to dedicate that alien goddess to our father, and you actually say that I am not qualified to talk about this matter? Robert Guilliman, how dare you do this!"

Mortarion's eyes were split open, and his rage made the entire garden tremble.

"Our father has been tortured in that damn chair for ten thousand years, Mortarion. During this time, he has not had a son to honor him, and has not had a mate to care about him. His empire It's teetering on the edge again and I have to look after his legacy - this has to end!"

Without flinching, Guilliman faced the oncoming psychic storm.

"Our father is bad enough, but you actually want to find us a stepmother? Are you really crazy, Guilliman, has the burden of the Empire crushed your arrogant head? "Mortarion scolded.

"Perhaps because I am the only one among us brothers who has had complete maternal love, I understand how precious this matter is! If you could have enjoyed the care of a competent mother at the beginning, nothing in the future might have happened. ." Guilliman explained.

"You and I both know very well that this has nothing to do with so-called maternal love. You just want to use this to humiliate us!" Mortarion said fiercely.

"I don't mean that, Mortarion, but my father does need the care of his companion." Guilliman replied.

The two Primarch brothers disagreed with each other on this issue, and neither could convince the other.

In this case, then we have to see the true chapter.

"Bastard Guilliman, I object to this marriage!"

Mortarion waved the Annihilation in his hand at an extremely fast speed that was hard to catch. Wherever the evil scythe full of corruption crossed, even the space was torn apart.

"Don't stop me, Mortarion!"

Guilliman held the Emperor's Sword in his hand and faced him head-on. The sacred flame on the sword was so powerful that it seemed to burn until the end of time.

Just like that, the two demigods' swords collided together, and the frantic energy burst out from it overturned the surrounding swollen trees and disturbed the entire garden.

After reading the contents of the book, Walkerma's brain seemed to be frozen.

Ever since this mess happened in Middenheim, the Grand Master has been thinking:

What kind of treachery would lead to such a blasphemous plot as "Guilliman, the Imperial Regent, and Everené, the leader of the Death Army, become partners".

There is simply nothing more heretical than this.

However, it was not until now that Walkerma realized that he was still short-sighted.

There is really something more heretical than this in this world. Wei Mu's imagination and blasphemy have exceeded the ceiling of mankind.


This kid!


What the hell!

Want to find a wife for the emperor!

We need to find a stepmother for the primarch!

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