I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 37 Meeting is about worries

The Laughing God's studio is located in the deepest part of the Black Library. Only a handful of special beings are lucky enough to meet the only remaining god of the Eldar.

Obviously, Weimu, which has direct cooperation with West Lego, is one of them.

After greeting Sarkozy, the one-man clown who was guarding the door, Wei Mu took Dark Angel Moore and entered the room where Siregao was.

As for the little man in the robe, Jawa, he ran alone to communicate with the white prophet of the Eldar tribe in the Black Library. The discussion seemed to be about the pollution of the network channel.

In the past few centuries, the chosen champion of Tzeentch and the chief think tank of the Thousand Sons, Azak Ahriman, known as Professor Ah in the world, once led his prodigal son war gang to attack the Black Library in an attempt to obtain the contents. Knowledge of the nature of Tzeentch, and how to restore the Scarlet Warrior's magic.

At that time, the Chaos Space Marines advanced the battle line as close as possible to the target, and could even see the library itself directly with the naked eye.

Unfortunately, Professor A's army was eventually driven out of the Webway by the clowns, and as a price, that part of the Webway was contaminated by Chaos, making it impossible for the Eldar to use it again.

As the natural enemies of Chaos, the little men in robes didn't know if they could clean up the polluted webway.

As usual, Xi Legao welcomed the arrival of Wei Mu with the fullest enthusiasm, and at the same time greeted Maul, who was the Dark Angel.

This is the Laughing God, an ordinary giant clown wearing colorful costumes, with exaggerated makeup on his face, and a mysterious smile that always hangs at the corner of his mouth.

He didn't know whether it was because his nerves were not strong enough or because of something else, but Moore felt that the giant clown in front of him made him panic all over, and his voice was so weird that it made him feel scared.

In his eyes, Xi Lego is like a huge shadow, filled with grids woven by conspiracies. If someone wants to overestimate their own abilities and explore the nature of the Laughing God, they will inevitably fall into it and become a A puppet in His hands.

Gods are indeed not existences that mortals can understand.

But Wei Mu on the side did not feel uncomfortable at all. Instead, he started chatting and laughing with the clown god in front of him like a normal person.

Wei Mu handed the compiled new book "The Great Rebellion of Skarbrand" to the Laughing God for His review and verification. He kept talking about how he was invited to drink tea by the Dark Angel. Later, How did he become their guest, and the ins and outs of related matters.

Xi Legao listened to Wei Mu's narration with great interest while flipping through the classics in his hand. This level of multitasking was completely a piece of cake for a god.

"Speaking of which, why don't you see Stern?" Wei Mu suddenly asked.

Since reaching a formal cooperative relationship, the Empire and the Harlequin Troupe have begun sending personnel to each other to promote communication and mutual trust between the two parties.

If nothing happens, the ambassador of the Empire to the Black Library should be the Battle Sister Stern. But now Stern is missing, which makes Wei Mu want to say hello to her. No one can be seen.

This doesn't take long, does it?

Before leaving last time, Wei Mu remembered that Stern liked this place quite a lot. There was a lot of knowledge for her to learn, and she was obsessed with books all day long.

"As for that lady, according to the information obtained by the clowns, there seemed to be a small Slaanesh problem in the monastery at her home, so she left in a hurry." Silegao replied.

"That's it." Wei Mu nodded.

After all, since the opening of the Great Rift, it has become easier for Chaos Demons to come to the real universe and move around. As a high-ranking nun, it is normal for Stern to be summoned to perform combat missions.

"What about the person who came to take over? Why didn't he see it?" Wei Mu asked again.

"I thought you were just here to take over!" Xi Legao said with a smile, not like he was joking at all.

"In other words, she left in a hurry without talking to anyone? Is the problem serious?" Wei Mu felt a little worried.

After all, the Warhammer Universe is such an outrageous place, where people die on a planet-by-planet basis.

If possible, Wei Mu didn't want to eat the other person's seat next time just because he missed an opportunity to meet.


The Laughing God was about to explain, but was suddenly interrupted by the Dark Angel.

"The crux of the problem is obviously not here!" Moore said in a very serious tone, "If our people stay inside the Black Library and want to obtain external intelligence, they can only rely on your Harlequin Troupe, right?"

This also means that now as long as these Huadoya bunch make up any lie, they can easily fool him and Wei Mu.

There's no way around it, because humans haven't mastered the art of using the Webway.

Xi Legao was not a narrow-minded god, and he was not angry that his speech was interrupted by a mortal. He still smiled and said: "Yes, this is indeed the case."

Wei Mu heard the meaning of Moore's words and said: "Can you please stop being suspicious and give your allies some basic trust?"

If you are worried that the other party is not trustworthy and will stab you at the critical moment, then that's fine, but now it's just such a trivial matter, and for these three or five people, the other party is a god, and you still go to great lengths to trip it up, That's really outrageous.

"Wei Mu, you are still too young. Remember, you must never let down your guard against people who are not from our clan." Moore persuaded him very seriously.

Anyway, they were in the territory of the Laughing God, and even if he whispered to Wei Mu, there should be no way to avoid Xi Lego's ears and eyes, so Moore simply expressed his concerns directly.

Of course, Moore's words cannot be said to be wrong, but Wei Mu is very curious about how these dark angels established a relationship of mutual trust with the little man in the robe. Everything must have a beginning, right?

When Xi Legao saw this, he waved his hand helplessly: "It seems that if our two races want to trust each other, there is still a long way to go."

As far as Wei Mu is concerned, he actually believes in the Laughing God.

After all, what Silegao did when the Eldar Empire fell was completely conscientious, and everyone can see this.

Who could have imagined that in the face of the crisis of racial annihilation, the most reliable god in the Eldar pantheon would actually be a god responsible for comedy.

This is really embarrassing for Lego.

If you want to say that Xi Lego has any ambitions to regain the glory of the Eldar Empire, that is pure fantasy.

On the contrary, in order to improve the living conditions of the tribe, Xi Lego chose to hand over the goddess of life Aisha to the empire, which was a very wise move.

Marriage is all for the sake of the country, not shabby.

"Take your time... unite all the forces that can be united." Wei Mu sighed.

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