Otto disagreed, and he was fully sure of his next move.

For more than two years, he has actually been secretly testing the intelligence gathering capabilities of the chess player organization. He took a risk and chose to use his own means of trying to restore the manufacturing process of Xier Fulai to test the chess player organization. reaction.

This plan made extensive use of the unmanned control system, the cronies checked by Yu Duchen, and he also deployed a lot of cover-up methods while he went into battle in person, basically to test the intelligence gathering power of the chess player organization. As a result, it has been more than two years. Although I have failed again and again in my experiments, I have obtained a lot of additional products. As a result, there is no movement in the organization of the chess players.

Based on various reasons, Otto believes that he has successfully created an intelligence blind spot that the chess player organization cannot spy on.

As long as you make a copy of your trial plan according to this configuration and don't leak any clues, then you don't need to worry about the retaliation of the chess player organization.

What's more, the chess player organization was severely damaged during the second collapse war, and now it still needs to hide behind the anti-entropy organization to recuperate. The destiny organization has recovered some in the past two years. I believe that the chess player organization will choose to fight with itself without evidence and preparation, which is not in line with the action model of the chess player organization.

Thinking about it, Otto raised his hand and exhaled a brand new page on the holographic screen in front of him, showing some secondary products from his research and development of Honkai Energy Sealing Technology in the past two years.

A very special product, named "Reverse Collapse Energy Return Technology".

It is well known that the Honkai Energy sealing technology is specially used to seal the Honkai Energy and neutralize its external influence. By the way, it is still possible to have a deadly force with miraculous effects on Ciel Furai, but Otto was thinking about it when he was researching. What if the process was reversed?

The research didn't take Otto too much time, and soon he was able to develop this hypothetical project, and as a result, he got himself a very magical thing.

If the Honkai Energy Sealing Technology is executed in reverse, as long as a specific Honkai Energy radiation wave is released under specific circumstances, a thing named "Honkai Energy Singularity" by Otto will be generated. It only takes a short time. Within a period of time, the released Honkai Singularity will self-collapse and erupt into a large-scale Honkai radiation effect, resulting in an effect similar to an "artificial collapse".

There is no difference in performance between artificial collapse and naturally born collapse. The higher the power, the stronger the collapse disaster. However, due to the limitation of technical power, this technology in Otto's hands can currently produce the largest The scale of Honkai Energy's singularity power is also the level of creating some small and medium-sized Honkai beast tides.

But in any case, it did let human beings master how to actively release the means of Honkai disaster, and let human beings master the devastating weapon of "Honkai disaster".

This kind of weapon is highly concealed. It only needs to pass a satellite in orbit to launch a special wave band to generate a singularity of Honkai energy in the target area. It is completely unpredictable before the explosion, and cannot be detected by any means, even if it is born against the collapse. The Valkyries, who are extremely sensitive to bad energy, are completely unresponsive to the singularity of Honkai Energy before it erupts. Otto calls this kind of Honkai Energy "Inert Honkai Energy".

Lazy Honkai Energy is an introduction to the release of the Honkai disaster. Before it erupts, the Lazy Kokai Energy is harmless to humans and animals. Once it erupts, a huge amount of active Honkai Energy will be generated to generate the Honkai Disaster. This technology came out of a whim. It really refreshed Otto's understanding of the collapse.

He really didn't think that the collapse disaster would have such a peaceful side, nor did he think that he could create a new technology that has never appeared in the void, and this technology seems to have not even been mastered by ancient civilizations. Otto estimates that they have been busy researching how to seal Honkai Energy, and have not studied in this direction.

With this powerful "weapon" in hand, Otto now looks at everything in the Houm Amusement Park and feels that he can test the situation of anti-entropy and the organization of the chess players.


In the Houm Amusement Park, Cocolia, who was sitting on the bench, did not know the vicious plan of the Destiny Organization, and did not know that Otto actually possessed such a terrifying weapon for humans.

Likewise, everyone in this amusement park would never have imagined that the top leader of the Destiny Organization was peeping at it.

On the bench, you and I finally finished licking each other's ice cream, Seele and Bronya, holding hands together, happily went to other parts of the amusement park to play. When the time came to two o'clock in the afternoon, A special amusement park project made most of the people in the amusement park focus on the location of the beach.

The Fusang Maritime Self-Defense Force government has just been commissioned recently, and the maritime suppression ship specially designed for the collapse of the disaster will pass by here, and many tourists will be able to see the magnificent battleship body on the coast.

"Sister Bronya, what is a sea suppression ship?"

Seeer and Bronya naturally followed the crowd to the observation deck where they could see the sea, but Seeer, who had little understanding of the military, expressed that she did not understand the terms explained in the broadcast.

In this case, of course, she has to ask Sister Bronya, who is omniscient and omnipotent in her opinion.

"That's just the name of a warship equipped with heavy artillery. In fact, it's nothing new. As early as World War II and even World War I, it has already appeared in the naval queues of various countries, and its status is in the fleet. It's the same as the current aircraft carrier, and the official name should be called a battleship."

Bronya is very clear about this battleship. She knows some relevant information on the orphanage's external network.

When humans are fighting against the Honkai disaster, the existing military system of human beings is almost ineffective against the Honkai disaster, and most of the Honkai beasts will not eat those war tactics that humans have specially developed for humans. The huge Honkai Beast has amazing defensive power and huge destructive power. Most of the existing human war weapons have little effect on these guys with huge defensive power. Whether it is armor-piercing bullets from tanks or missiles launched from planes, the former is too pursued. The breakdown effect, the latter was originally designed to target a bunch of crispy fighters with thin skin and big stuffing.

After studying some of the characteristics of the Honkai Beast, Fusang came up with an idea, is it possible to restart the battleship project in terms of sea-to-land fire support?

Within the range, the battleship has extremely powerful firepower and destructive power, its own defense is extremely strong, and its anti-destruction ability is amazing. In addition to being unable to achieve over-the-horizon strikes and maneuverability, other aspects are against the collapse of the beast group. In the case of a special enemy, it has the unmatched advantages of modern human naval aircraft carriers.

Between the words, the bow of a battleship gradually appeared on the plane of the ocean. The distance was very far, and it was difficult to see the specific details, but it did not prevent others from seeing its existence.

Due to the particularity of its own politics, Fuso Kingdom cannot have an offensive navy, but in the face of the collapse disaster, it is still possible to develop some naval warships within a controllable range. This modernized and redesigned naval warship The Fusang government also gave it a very subtle name - Yamato.

The modern designed Yamato has almost the same parameters of the warship as it was during World War II, and some unreasonable parts have been redesigned and optimized. The redesigned triple-mounted 460mm main gun is enough to make it sea-to-land or sea-to-sea. Hai's has extremely powerful force under the hard destruction of the target, and the same Fuso National Maritime Self-Defense Force has also configured an **** fleet for the new Yamato.

But now it's just a single battleship here, for a long-term publicity visit to the seaport that is temporarily docked at Houm Amusement Park.

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Seven: The Door of Imaginary Numbers Opened

With the advancement of the modern power system, the Yamato battleship soon arrived at the addition of the sea port, and the crew of the battleship was very skilled and began to proceed with the docking procedure of the battleship, preparing to open the outer deck of the battleship for tourists to visit this place. A spear of war against the Kokai disaster.

From any point of view, the battleship is indeed a magnificent industrial creation at close range.

The roar of the battleship cannons was so pleasant to hear, uh, of course, if it was the enemy's battleship cannons then it would be unpleasant.

As the passageway was put down from the battleship, the melon-eating people who had long been unable to bear their curiosity about this surprise project flocked to the battleship. For ordinary people like them, visiting the modernization A warship is not something you will encounter often, even if the ship is a WWII ship and not a real modern missile warship.

But no one has found that, at a depth of several hundred meters, the mutation protrudes in places dozens of nautical miles away from the seaport.

A special satellite of the Destiny Organization placed in the high orbit of the earth was activated by a special encrypted quantum signal. This satellite was created by Otto himself, and was specially used to test the test platform for the reverse transmission technology of Honkai Energy. For the reason of just trying not to make too much trouble, Otto placed the projection position of the Honkai Energy singularity far away from the coastline, and did not set the explosion intensity of the Honkai Energy this time too high.

I just want to test the situation on the anti-entropy side. In the next attack, as long as the people from the chess player organization are not provoked, then the chess player without any evidence and reason will not force it. Ripped his face and pinched himself.

Chess players are also an organization that pays attention to interests, not to mention whether they can think that this collapse was caused by artificial triggers is a problem.

The outbreak of this kind of small collapse disaster occurs many times every month in the world, which is a very normal thing. The only problem is that the collapse of this scale of disaster rarely occurs in crowded places.

With the issuance of the order, this special satellite immediately shot an invisible radiation wave of collapse energy directly into the surface of the earth, and the radiation wave at the speed of light reached its destination in an instant.

The originally calm sea water immediately began to boil, as if the temperature in this area was instantly increased.

When the Kokai energy fluctuation reached a peak, a distorted space-time ripple suddenly appeared in the deep sea water, and with the surrounding purple arc bursting, a seabed cavity with a diameter of tens of meters "appeared" in this piece. Under the sea!

The door of imaginary numbers has been opened.


At the moment when the door of imaginary numbers was opened, Bei Beilong, who was sleeping soundly in his den, was suddenly awakened, and with a hazy sleepiness, he turned his gaze to the position where the door of imaginary numbers opened, and issued a message. Doubtful chirping.

Bei Beilong's sudden awakening also attracted Xi'er, who was still busy eating and drinking. This was the first time she had seen Bei Beilong.

But before Xier could speak, the control terminal issued bursts of alarm sounds, and a huge red exclamation mark appeared in the center of the main holographic display screen. This time, the alarm was still busy with a large group of Xilin, who went to attack other forces' strongholds, called back again.

"Sister Xi'er, a fluctuating reaction of Honkai Energy has been detected! The regional radiation level exceeds the level of 400HW!"

Xilin ignored the fact that she was still in the game, and when a large number of warships on both sides were in a stalemate, the sudden loss of the commander-in-chief would have an impact on her power. Anyway, the number of warships in her team had an absolute advantage, even if there was none. She commanded F2A to win, and she didn't need to worry about anything at all. After returning to the real world, she immediately put the abnormal situation in front of Xier.

Among the countless data of the Honkai disaster, human beings have summarized a very complete set of data tables to judge the meaning behind each value of the Honkai energy level. How high is the bad energy radiation intensity.

In the thousands of years of human civilization's struggle against the collapse disaster, with the efforts and dedication of countless technicians, the collapse disaster discovered by human beings has a law.

The data of a large number of practical examples proves that each type of Honkai disaster has a fixed range of data, just like the size of the Honkai beast lair, the scale of the outbreak of the Honkai disaster also has a size, like a When the area's Kokai energy radiation exceeds 300HW, it means that there will be a Kokai disaster in the area. High concentrations of Kokai energy will distort the space-time dimension, tearing apart the space-time barrier to open the gate of imaginary numbers, thereby releasing a larger scale. The collapse can come out and spread over a large area.

Unlike when the Honkai energy level in an area exceeds 200 million HW, the Herrscher will be born. The Honkai disaster energy level is very low, but the range is even larger, and a large-scale Honkai herd will be born, and the higher the energy level. The larger the range, the stronger and more Houkai herd.

Honkai Energy and Honkai Energy Radiation are two completely different things. The amount of Honkai Energy only represents the energy level of a target, and the amount of Honkai Energy Radiation represents how much each space in the entire area has. The intensity of Honkai Energy exists. Even if ordinary humans wear protective clothing, they can only resist 50HW of Honkai energy radiation for up to 30 minutes. Without protection from up to 20HW of Honkai energy radiation, humans can be turned into half-half beasts. Like humans, they are "zombies" or "dead men" with certain fighting power.

In a sense, the destructive power and impact on human beings caused by a sudden collapse of the disaster area is not much weaker than that of a Herrscher!

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