The first to suffer was Shangshufu of the Ministry of Rites.

There are many masters in Lu Hu's family, and the stall leaders dare not take it lightly.

But fortunately, it has long been clear that in Luoyang, there are really no masters in Lu Hu's mansion at this moment.

Ma Jinliang walked in the front and stepped open the heavy gate of great value with one foot.

"What are you? Dare to trespass into the Shangshu Mansion of the Ministry of Rites and look at the sword! The sound of the long sword coming out of its sheath just sounded.

Ma Jinliang is a knife in his hand.


Blood splattered everywhere, and a wide-eyed head rolled to the ground.


This frightened the pampered family members in the house, and the maids and servants also scattered and fled.

Dozens of factory guards immediately poured in.

"Shangshu Lu Hu of the Ministry of Rites, smuggling military equipment, conspiring to rebel, colluding with enemy countries, the crime is extremely heinous, and the heinous is unforgivable!"

"The West Factory is ordered to raid the house, resist, shoot and kill!"

After saying this, the factory guards rushed up.

"West Factory?!"

"What right do you have to dare to break into the mansion of the Yipin imperial court official and raid the house?"


The factory guard shot directly, the knife flashed, the head fell to the ground, and the blood splattered five steps.

"Dare to block the way of the West Factory, how about Yipin?"

"It's the prince general, so what?"

In an instant, the factory guard rushed forward.

After seeing this scene, no one dared to resist anymore, and everyone was shocked.

At the same time, such a scene was staged in several mansions in Luoyang.

But whoever resists falls to the ground.

All those who were captured were taken away.

These people include merchant crocodiles, as well as the families of imperial court officials.

All the people who were arrested, without exception, were all involved with Fan Yang Lu Clan.

For a time, everywhere the West Factory went, chickens and dogs were not left.

Columns of families of criminals trapped and tied up, as well as truckloads of gold and silver treasures, were carried out.

All of these were brought back to the West Factory and registered.

Such a big movement set off a huge wave in Luoyang, and pedestrians on the road looked sideways.

There was the one who witnessed the factory guard swinging the butcher knife, who was also almost frightened to pee his pants, and quickly fled home to curl up under the quilt and shut the door.

In broad daylight, under all eyes.

The West Factory Factory guard, directly broke into the mansion, murdered people and raided the house, the means were extremely bloody, it was too terrifying.

There is also the power shown by the West Factory this time, which is even more terrifying to everyone.

Four Grandmaster masters, as well as those dozens of first-class masters.

I heard that Lord Yuhuatian is also the peak of Grandmaster.

If such a force is placed on the rivers and lakes, it can casually set off a bloody storm.

Among the royal palaces.

Yang Guang just looked at everyone with a faint smile.

The crowd felt unprecedented pressure.

They are not blind either, deaf.

Such a big movement in Luoyang City can naturally be felt.

You can also smell the strong smell of blood mixed in this rainwater.

The complexion of the civil and military officials became more and more ugly.

Lu Hu's face twitched at this time, as if he sensed that something had happened to his family, but he didn't dare to make any movement at the moment.

Because he seemed to feel several powerful eyes that were watching him.


Suddenly, in the gloomy sky, a bolt of lightning suddenly appeared, followed by a deafening thunderous explosion.

This thunder also seemed to explode in the hearts of civil and military officials.

Woke everyone up.

Your Majesty will not make a move, and it will be a thunder means as soon as he makes a move!

"Participate in Your Majesty, long live Your Majesty, long live long live!" All the officials bow down and pray three hoorays.

"Flat." Yang Guang still waved his hand with a smile.

Only then did the civil and military officials raise their heads, and they suddenly found that the one standing on the imperial step was no longer the father-in-law he used to be.

It is the overseer of the West Factory, Yuhuatian!

Immediately afterwards, Yang Guang spoke, "I have something important to announce today." "

"Rain field." Yang Guang stretched out his eyes towards Yuhuatian.

Yang Guang spoke, which made everyone start to get nervous.

Yu Huatian was dressed in a silver flying fish suit and a silver cloak behind him, he first bowed to Yang Guang, and then stood up.

Yuhuatian slowly opened the holy will with both hands, his expression was indifferent, and he said loudly: "Your Majesty has a will!" "

Seeing this, the civil and military officials immediately knelt on the ground again.

Yuhuatian's gloomy voice came out slowly with a trace of chill.


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