Zhu ignored it very clearly.

His Majesty let him slowly plan it, and he must have his own considerations.

On the one hand, it is worried that behemoths like Buddha Gate Cihang Jingzhai, among which there must be many masters.

Even the Grand Master of the Daomen, one of the three great grandmasters, Sanren Ning Daoqi, had an unclear relationship with them.

If Zhu Yan took the world's first village that he had just established and rushed to go, he would definitely be shocked.

For so long, since the Buddha Cihang Jingzhai can always exist in the world, it must have her hole card.

Until now, almost no one knows what the hole card of Buddha Gate Cihang Jingzhai is.

With Zhu's ignoring personality, if he didn't figure out all this, he would definitely not make a rash move.

As for the other side.

It was His Majesty who also said that he wanted a complete martial arts of rivers and lakes, not a broken martial arts.

Otherwise, how could His Majesty arrange for him to do such a thing?

Yang Guang's strength is stronger than him, but it is not nothing.

If Zhu ignored everything, he took all the spies of the world's first village and killed the entire rivers and lakes.

With their strength, they will inevitably set off an uproar, fight a big war, and even implicate the entire martial arts.

It really comes to that point, even if the first village in the world is the final winner.

But I am afraid that the entire river and lake have been beaten and broken and broken.

What is the use of such martial arts for His Majesty?

Therefore, Yang Guang will let him slowly plot, gather forces, and then lead the rivers and lakes with the general trend!

Only in this way can the strength of the entire Central Plains rivers and lakes be guaranteed to the greatest extent.

Of course, Zhu Wei knew the importance of this.

His gaze changed at the moment, not knowing what he was thinking.



Royal Palace in Pyongyang.

Goguryeo King Gao Won looked at the secret report sent by his subordinates.

The expression on his face changed, and he didn't know whether it was joy or sadness.

It was written proudly on top of the secret paper.

"The Great Sui Zhuo County has replaced the taishou, and the 200,000-strong army is about to move."

"Goguryeo spies have already broken into the army, and some of the generals are not willing to succumb to the newly appointed taishou and can cooperate with Goguryeo."

The king of Goguryeo had no ambition after the death of the last Goguryeo grandmaster Cailin in Luoyang.

For Dasui and Yang Guang, it can be said that he is afraid of a tiger.

Goguryeo general Eulji Wende also saw the hesitation in Gao Yuan's heart at this time.

Eulji Wende can be said to be one of the rare ministers of Goguryeo, and Yang Guang led the Sui million-strong army in the first two conquests.

It was he who was ordered to lead the Goguryeo generals to the end.

This made the million-strong army of the Great Sui stop under Liaodong City and was not allowed to enter.

With such merit, the Goguryeo king Gao Yuan naturally trusted him very much.

How could Eulji Wende not understand the current situation of Goguryeo, and he also knew what Goguryeo King Gao Won was worried about at the moment.

He looked at the Goguryeo king Gao Yuan whose expression changed and said: "Great King, although my Goguryeo national strength is far inferior to Dasui. "

"But that Sui Emperor Yang Guang has already conquered my Goguryeo twice in a row, and all of my Goguryeo soldiers have been stopped under Liaodong City, exhausting countless troops and manpower."

"Although my Goguryeo Grand Master Cailin is dead, I still have 300,000 elite soldiers in Goguryeo!"

"The so-called one blow, then decline, three exhaustion."

Eulji Wende watched as the Goguryeo king Gao Won gradually came to his senses and continued.

"Sui Emperor Yang Guang is already showing fatigue at this moment, and the news of the rebellion in the Great Sui has been personally confirmed by his subordinates, and it is indeed true."

"Judging from the situation of the last mission, there is no possibility of reconciliation between us and the Great Sui."

"In the near future, either you die or I die!"

"I believe that the king knows this better than me."

"So why don't we take this opportunity to strike first?" If I wait until Dasui breathes, I will not have the strength to fight in Goguryeo! "

Saying that, Eulji Wende was also an old tear, and he knelt down towards Gao Yuan.

"Please also ask the king to allow me to wait for the sake of the people of Goguryeo!"

Gao Yuan watched Eulji Wende kneel down towards him, and quickly stepped forward to help him up, "What Ai Qing said is extremely true, but after all, the Great Sui has a deep heritage, if I Goguryeo acts rashly, I'm afraid..."

Gao Yuan shook his head, his face full of helplessness.

Eulji Wende saw it in his eyes, anxious in his heart, "If you wait until the Great Sui Dynasty eases up and rises again to the master of millions, who else can stop it?" "

"It's better for us to take the initiative into our own hands."

If it were other ministers, Gao Yuan would have thrown him out long ago.

But Eulji Wende was different, he was still highly respected in the Goguryeo dynasty.

Gao Yuan frowned and pondered for a long time, and slowly spoke: "Rong Gu think about it again, wait..."

Seeing that King Goguryeo was still hesitant, Eulji Wende boldly interrupted Gao Yuan's words and said, "Great King, you can't wait any longer!" "

"This is the autumn of my Goguryeo survival, the fighter plane is fleeting, if you don't fight hard, can you just watch the inheritance handed down by the ancestors slowly destroyed?"

At the end, Eulji Wende almost roared.

For the first time in his life, he spoke to the king of Goguryeo like this.

But he was not timid at all, because he was for Goguryeo!


The border between Dasui Zhuo County and Goguryeo.

More than a dozen Goguryeo cavalry figures cautiously approached the territory of the Great Sui.

These Goguryeo cavalrymen, with their own equestrian skills, roamed the battlefield, fighting if they wanted, but running if they couldn't fight.

They always fought in small groups of cavalry, so the soldiers of the Great Sui Border Pass were defenseless.

In the face of their speed, the generals of the Great Sui did not have much to do about it, and sending out large forces was often bamboo baskets, and the gains were not worth the losses.

Therefore, it can only be passively defended, relying on the advantage of the terrain to resist the charge of these small cavalry.

Therefore, every year, countless small groups of Goguryeo cavalry entered the land of Dasui, burned and looted, and then calmly left.

Since the establishment of the Sui Dynasty, Goguryeo has always had a keen eye on the Great Sui Dynasty.

In their eyes, the Great Sui Land was rich in wealth and property, which they had always lacked for, so they were eager to conquer the Great Sui.

However, after countless large-scale wars, they found that the Great Sui had a deep heritage, which was not at all something they could compete with.

Therefore, this idea was dispelled, silently developed, and waited for the opportunity.

But after experiencing the first two Great Sui million-strong divisions, plus Goguryeo's surrender was rejected.

They understood that if they didn't do something, Goguryeo would probably perish.

Now, there's an opportunity right in front of you!


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