Among the royal palaces.

After Yang Guang sat down, he suddenly spoke, "Flame Spirit Ji." "

As soon as the words fell, a flame-like figure appeared in front of Yang Guang, "The slave family is here!" "

As Yang Guang's close attendant, Flame Lingji basically followed Yang Guang for twelve hours.

Yang Guang looked at Flame Lingji and said, "Do you want to go out and walk, I will give you a task!" "

"Your Majesty, please say!"

Flame Lingji said with a smile.

Staying in the palace for a long time is indeed a bit boring, and I just want to go out and see.

And for Yang Guang, now that there is a sword demon in the palace, there will be no danger if he is defeated.

"Now go to Zhuo County, I want you to give Bai Qi a will!"

"Let him end this war within three days!"

"In addition, you can also call the other three people to help him!"

"The slave family obeys!"

In Flame Lingji's tone, there was a hint of pleasure, and he thought in his heart: "I can finally leave the palace!" "

Flame Lingji's figure immediately disappeared into the hall and headed towards Hexi.


The next day.

Flame Lingji and the other three figures of Baiyue appeared in the territory of Zhuo County.

Although Zhuo County is thousands of miles away from Luoyang.

Even the Goguryeo cavalry took three days and three nights to arrive.

But this distance, for Flame Lingji, only takes one day.

In this day, she also went to call the other three people of Baiyue, fortunately along the way, otherwise it would not be so fast.

The four of them swept towards the border pass of Zhuo County, and saw the man in silver armor above the border pass from a distance.

Of course, Bai Qi also found the four of them at this time.

Fortunately, I have met a few times before, but I don't know each other.

Flame Lingji came to Bai Qi and said, "Your Majesty asked me to bring a message, so that General Bai can solve this war within three days, and there is no need to leave his hand!" "

"The four of us are here to help the general!"

Bai Qi looked at them expressionlessly and nodded, which was regarded as a greeting.

Then his gaze looked at the blood-stained border pass, and in the depths of his eyes, endless killing intent brewed.

Flame Lingji and the others also shuddered after feeling such killing intent.

He got up in vain, and he hadn't made a move until now, he was just waiting for His Majesty's order, and now he could let go of his hand to Rusha, these Goguryeo cavalrymen!

Bai Qi raised his head slightly and looked outside the gate: "Open the city gate!" "

As soon as the words fell, the faces of the surrounding soldiers changed greatly!

Before this, the Goguryeo army had organized countless charges, just to break through the city gate and rush into the city to kill and plunder.

Bai Qi just looked at Goguryeo's charge lightly, and did not say anything other than letting them hold it.

Therefore, those aliens lurking in the Sui army did not dare to act rashly.

I don't know why, they always feel that this person exudes a strong sense of danger.

They and these Sui army generals never imagined that the first time Bai Qi gave orders, it was to let them open the city gates!

The officers and soldiers accompanying the army knew very well that there were now 300,000 Goguryeo elites watching outside the customs!

If the city gate is opened at this time, won't this give the Goguryeo army another chance?

Those who harbored ghosts were also happy in their hearts at the moment, but they did not expect that without their help, they could let the Goguryeo army break through.

The soldiers accompanying Zhuo County did not have much contact with Bai Qi, but when they saw that cold face, they were still afraid.

Nothing dares to be said about such an unquestionable order.


The gates of the border pass are wide open!

Outside the border pass, the Goguryeo cavalry, who had been watching the tiger, saw this, thinking that their inner deserved it, and suddenly began to boil!

Especially when these cavalry from this distance saw that from among the city gates, there were figures in silver armor.

The giant tiger was instantaneous, and the cavalry formed by hundreds of people rushed towards the city gate.


Above the border pass, Yan Lingji and the others looked at Bai Qi's figure walking out, and they couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Flame Lingji knew that this white general stretched out his hand unfathomably.

But if you are limited to you, outside the border pass, that is 300,000 Goguryeo elites!

Even if Bai Qi was a great master, it was absolutely impossible to shake the 300,000 Goguryeo elites alone.

Although the Great Grandmaster is powerful and can fight ten thousand enemies, the internal strength of the Great Grandmaster is not endless.

Once the Great Grandmaster is deeply trapped in such an army of hundreds of thousands, it is very likely that he will be consumed alive!

Of course, under normal circumstances, the Great Grandmaster would not be so stupid.

With the speed of the Great Master, as long as he is not dragged down, he can go whenever he wants.

This is also why Fu Cailin would recklessly break into the Luoyang Imperial Palace.

But Yan Lingji felt that this Baiqi really planned to shake the 300,000 Goguryeo elite!

Everyone above the border pass is now in a hurry, and they are ready to strike at any time, and Flame Lingji and the others are no exception.

But at this time, Bai Qi had already collided violently with the cavalry team of several hundred people.

In a flash!

A misty blood-colored field descended down.

At this moment, Flame Lingji and the others above the border pass looked at this scene outside the border pass, their pupils were constricted, and a thick shock appeared on their faces!



Among the royal palaces.

Yang Guang sat on the dragon chair with a thoughtful look.

At this time, a father-in-law walked in, bowed and said: "Your Majesty, there are people from the West Factory asking for a meeting!" "

Yang Guang waved his hand and said, "Let them in!" "

A moment later, a thousand households walked in.

"I have seen Your Majesty!" Sendo knelt on the ground and said respectfully.

"Get up." Yang Guang said lightly.

"Your Majesty, the humble position is the person sent by the West Factory to the first village in the world, and a few days ago, someone from Cihang Jingzhai broke into the first village in the world."

"Lord Zhu Zhuang has already taken it down, and I will send it back, and now he is being detained in the Xichang Heavenly Prison!"

Sento bowed and said cautiously.

"Cihang Jingzhai?"

Yang Guang frowned slightly.

For this Buddha Gate Cihang Jingzhai, Yang Guang did not have half a good impression.

After all, in Yang Guang's eyes, what is the difference between these people and conspiring against him, and on behalf of the Heavenly Chosen Emperor, isn't it openly impossible to get by with him to engage in this set?

"At this time, Lord Zhu Zhuang's personal secret letter!" Qianhu presented the secret letter with both hands and said, "Lord Zhu said that this person is an important figure in Cihang Jingzhai. "

"I know." Yang Guang took the secret letter that had just been handed over and said, "I will meet you when I have time." "

Yang Guang's mind now is not on these.

What he is concerned about now is how the situation is going on in the Zhuo County.

"Okay, you go down." Yang Guang waved his hand and said, "Pass the rain to me!" "

"Obey!" Qianhu did not dare to snub, and quickly retired to pass on their West Factory Supervisor.


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