I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 280 Yes, hit here!

Hair is the toughest part of the human body. One hair can bear a weight of 150 grams, and a normal person has an average of 100,000 hairs.

Theoretically, a person's hair can lift fifteen tons of weight, so it is quite possible for hair to be developed.

Although the Inaba family has always been a single generation, his ability to survive in the neon assassination world dominated by the "Wu Clan" is also unique.

The biggest secret of their family is "hair"!

Since childhood, the descendants of the Inaba family have been soaking their hair with specially prepared potions day after day to increase their strength and sensitivity.

One hundred thousand hairs gathered together become a steel cable, and when thrown together they become a steel whip!

The thing that penetrated the ground like a sharp spear just now in the Fist Arena was Inaba Ryo's hair.

Inabata was lying on the ground with all four limbs, and the hair for several meters around him naturally wavered in the wind to form a dense protective circle, and the whole person exuded a rather strange aura.


Looking at Inabata's appearance, Ishigami Yu couldn't help but think of the mythical monster whose hair was full of poisonous snakes and whose eyes could turn people into stone statues.

Inabata's hair that was intertwined with each other at this moment was really like a giant black python opening its bloody mouth to devour the Ten Demon Snake King Horse.

"The Ten Ghosts, Snake King and Horse are Perseus?" (Perseus is the man who chopped off Medusa's head in mythology)

Hayasaka Ai responded promptly.

Neither she nor Ishigami Yu had any doubt that Ten Demon Snake Ouma could defeat Inaba Ryo. In this fist-wishful knockout match, there are opponents who can make Ten Demon Snake King Ma feel troublesome, but there is absolutely no Inaba Ryo among these people.

"Hahaha, that's not wrong."

After Ishigami Yu chuckled, he couldn't help but sigh.

"But the human body is really a treasure. It can actually increase the strength of hair to this extent."

"Now it's time for the punishment game!"

Inabata, who whipped his hair and whipped up a strong wind and kicked up a lot of sand, now has confidence again with a bruised nose and swollen eyes.

The Inaba family's secret technique - the technique of killing people with hair on their "sideburns" - is bound to be invincible when brought into the Kengan Jumei elimination competition.

But are ideals and reality really as beautiful as Inaba imagined?


The violent wind picked up the hair of Ten Ghost Snake King Horse and made a rustling sound. Seeing this scene, he began to laugh even more wildly, as if he felt very ridiculous about Inaba's actions.

"what's so funny?"

Hearing his opponent's undisguised laughter, Inaba had a bad feeling in his conscience, but out of confidence in his family's secret skills, he reluctantly suppressed this thought that was not conducive to fighting. Because once doubt arises, it means lack of confidence in the weapon in hand, which is quite fatal.

"Is this all you have?"

Juuki Snake Ouma wiped the tears from laughter with his fingers and looked at Inaba Ryo with the eyes of a clown.

"Kelp-headed bastard."


This was the sound made by Inabata gritting his teeth, and his upper and lower jaws were trembling continuously. Being provoked by Ten Demon Snake King Ma, the string called "reason" in Inabata's mind began to teeter on the verge of breaking.

Normally, Inabata would remain calm, but he had been severely punished by Juuki Snake Ouma before and almost died on the spot.

Now Inabata places all his hopes of victory on his secret technique, but Juuki Snake Ouma made it clear that this thing cannot be put on the table.

"What did you say! Seaweed head bastard!"

So Inabata's defense was broken, and his aura became even colder in anger. A huge purple-black spider vaguely took shape above Inabara. This was the result of his momentum gradually rising under the influence of anger.

"Hahahaha, seaweed head hates seaweed head."

Ishigami Yu rolled his eyes, feeling angry and funny in his heart.

"Made, when did Ten Ghost Snake King Ma become so humorous?"

In his eyes, the hairstyles of these two people are really the same. They are all DHA-rich bastards. Don't laugh at anyone.

It seems that the teasing of the Ten Demon Snake Ouma had a particularly significant impact, and the anger in Inaba's conscience was expressed to the outside world.

The several-meter-long hair resembles the thick tentacles of an upside-down giant jellyfish, floating leisurely in the air in violation of the laws of physics.

Not to mention that Inaba taught Yu Ishigami a good lesson, and he really showed what it means to get angry.

"You will be judged by your words and actions."

The ends of Inabata's hair actually showed a steel-like luster, and he stared at Juuki Snake Ouma with cold eyes.

"Pay a heavy price, Ten Ghost Snake King Horse!"

Before he finished speaking, Inabata suddenly twitched his neck, "Zheng!" The sound of a knife was heard in the air, cutting the air with a "buzz".

The soft hair turned into a deadly weapon for Inaba. Taking the point where he stood as the center of the circle, there were four slashes scattered in all directions.

These were cut out of hair, and all four slashes flew straight towards the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse.

"How is that possible? Who told me that was hair?"

The audience's worldview was once again refreshed. These neon people really knew how to do things. They could play with their hair in various ways and it was a great viewing experience.

Inabata is like a master of swordsmanship, wielding a long sword to cut his hated enemies into pieces, so as to burn out the hatred in his heart!

"Player Inaba Ryo's hair is really amazing. He can actually perform such a level of attack!"

Katahara Sheuka took the microphone and said excitedly, but she also had questions in her mind.

"It's strange, don't the Ten Ghost Snake players hide?"

Even though the air was cut open by the four sharp slashes, it didn't make the Ten Ghost Snake King Ma take a step back, not even a step.

This man seemed to have been frightened by Inabata's "slash" with his hair, and stood motionless.


But in Inaba Ryo's eyes, the hateful face of Touma Snake Ouma still had a faint smile on his face, which was simply the most profound mockery and provocation.

"If you don't hide, then you will fall apart under my blow!"

Everywhere the gravel splashed was chopped into pieces by Inabara's sharp hair. If the kinetic energy would be reduced by friction with the ground while holding the hair, then it would be too small to underestimate Inabara.

Because hair is the foundation of the Inaba family, they have been training their neck muscles since they were born, just to use their neck muscles to swing their hair and strike like swordsmanship.

The slashes that Inabata made with his hair were not affected by the problem of distance, but gradually became twice as fast as at the beginning.

The Ten Demon Snake Ouma still had a faint smile on his face, and was not frightened at all by Inabata's attack.

Many worried viewers began to cover their eyes, not wanting to see the bloody scene that followed, and some timid people nestled under the arms of their companions.

Soon, the whip with the terrifying hair exploded the air, crushed the sputtering, all twisted and mixed together and hit the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse.

However, the expected scene of blood and flesh did not appear, and the development of things was not at all what they, the audience, expected.

The sharp blade turned the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse into a mess, turning it into indescribable pieces of flesh.


As a professional host, it is naturally impossible for Katahara Kazuoka to close her eyes. She has to always pay attention to what is happening on the field.

She grabbed the microphone and stood up excitedly.

"Ten Ghost Snake Player, him!"

The audience who dared not look at the scene immediately opened their frightened eyes because they heard the surprised voice of Katahara Sheuka, but they saw a quite shocking scene.

Is this reasonable?

The roaring slash just now struck the Ten Ghost Snake King's horse as if it had struck something quite hard, making a rather obscure and unbearable friction sound.

And when Inaba Ryo's hair, which was the real physical attack, came into contact with Juuki Snake Ouma's body, a large amount of sparks actually erupted.

Then Inabata's machete-like hair couldn't stand up to the steel-like muscles of Juuki Snake Ouma, and bounced away.

"I already said that."

Inabata Ryo's attack didn't even show a single scratch on the body of Juuki Snake Ouma.

The Ten Demon Snake King Ma crossed his arms and looked at Inaba Ryo, who was out of breath due to heavy physical exertion, with a very mocking look.

"A little trick like yours won't work here at all."

"How can it be"

Inabata took a few steps back in disbelief. As the heir to the family's secret technique, no one knew better than him how powerful his attack power was.

Inabata even had the illusion that he was aroused because he didn't wake up from last night.

How could it be possible to see a situation where the body blocks the machete and the muscles are fine, but the knife breaks into several holes?

But the man in front of him actually perfectly blocked the chop he made with his hair just by relying on his physical body!

"Erhu Style-King Kong Type-Indestructible"

When you see the bronze muscles all over the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse's body shining like steel under the light, they are indestructible.

Ishigami Yu couldn't help but murmured the biggest secret of why Ten Demon Snake Ouma was able to survive Inaba Ryo's attack unharmed.

"No, it should be said that it is the Kuangma Style: One Type: Iron Wall."

This kind of move that dares to face the attack and absorbs all the opponent's damage through the body can be said to be crazy.

The Erhu style is just a technique passed down by the Ten Demon Snake Ouma who followed the Ten Demon Snake Erhu, but with the growth of age and experience, he will eventually form his own skills.

Thanks to the transformation of the oracle cells, the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse's physique, muscle strength, and internal organ load capacity have all been significantly improved.

This gave Jukishin Ouma the qualifications to develop some more adventurous and extreme moves. Ishigami Yu suggested that since "Pyongshin" has evolved into a "mad devil", why not also engrave the Erhu style as belonging to Jukishin Ouma himself? What about his personal imprint?

So the latest version of the "Two Tigers Style", the "Crazy Demon Style", was born. Basically, all of them are the increased and improved moves of the Two Tigers Style. Only the physical fitness level reaches the current level of Shigui Snake King Ma. , otherwise disability and brain blood vessel rupture will be the final outcome of these martial arts lunatics.

The principle of "Erhu Ryu-King Kong Type-Indestructible" is the tightened muscles. The tighter the muscles, the higher the defense power, but the flexibility will be greatly reduced accordingly.

But "Kenma Ryu: One Type: Iron Wall" is not as simple as tightening the muscles, but while tightening the muscles, it also charges the muscles with blood.

On this basis, the carrying capacity of the cells has also been greatly improved. The bulging muscles are like the armor of the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse, completely covering it.

The sweat glands on the surface of the skin secrete special oils, which further reduce friction. And it looks like Ten Ghost Snake King Ma is standing in place, but in fact he adjusts the size and angle of his muscles according to the attack part at an extremely fast speed, and the force situation changes.

It's quite complicated, and these are the factors that cause Inaba Ryo's hair to eventually bounce away, which creates the Juuki Snake Ouma who is basically unharmed in the face of the infamous assassin.

The pain is definitely a bit painful, but the enemy never tires of deceit. The more the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse acts as if nothing has happened, the easier it will be for the opponent's mentality to go wrong.

"Damn it, why is this damn man not hurt at all?"

Small beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, Inabata kept mumbling

"I obviously hit them all, right?"

Inabata may not even know until get off work today how hard it was to play Ten Demons and Snake Ouma.

Acting is also a kind of strength. This is the valuable experience that Ten Ghost Snake King Ma gained from Guan Linchun, a bastard who didn't know the importance of his actions.

"Kelporchid, what's wrong?"

Ten Demon Snake King Ma pretended to pat Inaba Ryo's shoulder and said with emotion.

"Are you scared? I can let you experience it here for free. Yes, hit here."

He even roughly grabbed Inaba's hair and touched his chest.

"Remember to push harder later, otherwise I won't feel it."

"That way you'll know if your hair is of no use at all."


Inabata's expression changed, and he became as frightened as if he were facing a powerful enemy. The opponent's trajectory was not clearly visible, and he just appeared next to him as if he teleported. He suddenly retreated three miles like a frightened rabbit.

"Hahaha, Inabata, your courage is really proportional to your size."

When he saw Inabata looking at his Ten Demon Snake Ouma with fear and vigilance, he couldn't help but feel happy.

"How can you be so timid?"

After the Ten Demon Snake King Ma patted the non-existent smoke and dust on his body, he walked towards Inabata.

"Just in time, come here and let me practice your courage."

As soon as he took one step, Inabata showed an expression as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

Because the ten ghosts, snake kings and horses in front of him suddenly turned into eight.

It's not that kind of entity, but the pace of a certain special frequency, which feels like it's coming from all directions.

With a devilishly messy pace, only a small area between the soles of the feet touched the ground, and the toes switched positions very quickly.

Inabata suddenly fell into a passive state, his head constantly changing positions to stare at the place where the Ten Demon Snake King Horse might appear.

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