I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 316 The demise of Loulan Kingdom is irreversible

"It's all you who forced me, it's all you who forced me!"

Baizu let out a crazy howl: "Ye Cang! Even if you are the hero of Sand Hidden Village, you can force me into my final form. In this way, I am invincible! You are dead, and all of you are dead. Got it!"

Hatake Kakashi's eyes flashed. According to the information reported by Sunagakure Village, Ye Cang should have been killed by them, and it turned out that he was still alive.

He looked at the two beautiful white-clothed ice escape ninjas whose sex was hard to distinguish, and thought to himself: [Ye Cang is actually mixed up with people from the Snow Clan. This is important information. He must report it to the teacher so that he can Tell this to the Fourth Hokage. 】

[The people in Sand Hidden Village are indeed dishonest! 】

Hao suddenly said: "Ye Cang, step back, something is wrong with the enemy!"

Ye Cang tried several Burning Escape attacks at this time, but they could not effectively break through the enemy's defense. Even the wooden protective armor could not be seen.

When she heard Hao's shout, she returned to her teammates from the Snow Clan without any hesitation.

Only then did she ask: "What happened?"

Hao explained in a low voice: "I felt a strange force, which seemed to be the natural energy mentioned by God, and the size of the target continued to grow, with no tendency to stop at all."

"Ye Cang, I judge that soon he will be so big that he fills the entire room, and you will not have enough room to move around."

"Without space to dodge, it's too dangerous for ninjas. It's safer to come back first."

Ye Cang said "hmm" and stopped talking, standing behind Hao.

The ice escape ninja then waved his hand and summoned an ice crystal magic mirror to cover the three of them.

On the other side, Uzumaki Naruto, stimulated by the natural energy of the dragon vein, his body slowly began to absorb natural energy, and his body even showed the characteristics of a frog.

He panicked all of a sudden and frantically asked for help in his heart: "Big fox, big nine-tailed fox, what should I do?"

Kyuubi was also confused and murmured: "You obviously didn't apply toad oil, how could you absorb the natural energy by yourself?"

It was also anxious, circling around in the seal: "Quick, idiot Naruto, according to what Jiraiya and those two toads taught, digest the natural energy and synthesize Senjutsu Chakra!"

"You can't die. I feel very bad now. If you die, I may really die too, and I won't even be able to be resurrected in a few years!"

"Chakra, by the way, I'll give you all my chakra. You must hold on, you can't die!"

Uchiha Yuu was surprised to find that the ripples in time were getting bigger. This time it was not only the Kyuubi that was involved, but also a cold smell that he was familiar with.

[It turns out to be the smell of toads from Miaomu Mountain. They have sealed Miaomu Mountain. How come they are involved? 】

[Ugh, it turned out to be Uzumaki Naruto. He actually began to passively absorb natural energy in the natural energy environment of the dragon vein and was forced to practice immortal arts. 】

[I understand, Naruto was taken to Mt. Myoboku by Jiraiya. He experienced the effect of toad oil, and his body has been marked by Mt. Myoboku. 】

Following the increasingly intense ripples of time, Uchiha Yu saw the existence of Mt. Miaomu and the big toad that echoed the ripples of time.

Even this big toad, which claimed to be able to see through time in dreams, could not see Yu Uchiha in turn. It just felt flustered, as if a disaster was imminent.

But in this special state, the future of Miaomu Mountain it can perceive is safe, and all the toads are alive and well.

Because Uchiha Yuu, who faced the ripples of time, decided to temporarily let go of the toads in Mt. Myouki in order to protect the secrets of the dragon vein and time.

Compared with the benefits that are about to be obtained, Miaomu Mountain is nothing worth mentioning.

And thanks to the feedback from Time Ripple, everything in Myoboku Mountain was exposed to Uchiha Yuu's gaze, instantly becoming a fish in the cauldron, and it really didn't matter whether he was killed or not.

[Haha, Gamamaru has tricked himself. He originally wanted to brand the Destiny Child with the name of Mt. Myoboku, but now he has exposed his traces to me. 】

[Prying into destiny is indeed a very dangerous move. As a creature of the world, you can only see a single perspective from the world you live in. 】

[The seemingly impeccable layout falls in the eyes of people with higher dimensions or more perspectives like me. The more you do at this time, the more subtle the layout becomes, the greater the possibility of mistakes. 】

Uchiha Yu couldn't help but reflect on himself and set new rules for himself: [In the future, I must be extremely careful and try not to use direct layout techniques to avoid sending myself into the hands of an enemy. 】

As Uzumaki Naruto fell into crisis, Metkai and Hatake Kakashi hid him behind themselves and blocked the puppet's attack with their own bodies.

Fortunately, these puppets are affected by the Nine-Tails Chakra, and their defense is greatly weakened. They can easily break the defense, and their recovery speed is extremely slow, so they are not as dangerous as before.

In addition, Baizu's attention was attracted by the Snow Clan and Ye Cang, and he couldn't care about the Konoha ninja side at all. The two of them could still maintain a defensive circle.

Uchiha Yuu was very satisfied with this. As time went by, Uzumaki Naruto and Nine-Tails cooperated more closely. More and more Nine-Tails chakra from the different world was combined with the natural energy of the dragon veins to become a chakra with the aura of Mt. Miaomu. Magic Chakra.

The connection between the two ninja worlds is getting closer and closer, the time errors caused by the dragon vein are getting more and more serious, and more and more time secrets are exposed, which makes Uchiha Yu extremely excited.

In his mind, a bold plan gradually emerged.

Uchiha Yuu wants to use the power of the dragon vein to go to a certain era in the past of the ninja world. Before the appearance of the Sage of Six Paths and before the power of the dragon vein is exhausted, he has accumulated enough power to suppress Kaguya Otsutsuki.

Perhaps in the eyes of the Immortal of Six Paths, he just disappeared for a moment, but in that short moment, he suddenly became a powerful existence that surpassed the Immortal of Six Paths.

Uchiha Yuu couldn't help but imagine how shocked Otsutsuki Hagoromo's expression would be when such a scene occurred.

But traveling through time must be dangerous.

Not everyone is Uzumaki Naruto, who can rely on the power of the protagonist's halo to travel back and forth in time without any danger.

Uchiha Yu looked at the ripples of time and deeply understood the risks involved. The power of time is more powerful than the power of space, and the risks involved are naturally extremely dangerous.

You must know that the ninja world is not a plane, but a real planet. It is a planet that is traveling at high speed all the time. Even the star system is also rotating at high speed.

As we all know, when it comes to astronomy, speed is usually very exaggerated.

For example, the earth's autorotation speed is 1,600 kilometers per hour, but its speed in its orbit reaches 108,000 kilometers per hour, while the sun is carrying all the planets at a speed of 900,000 kilometers per hour.

Therefore, as long as there is a slight error in time, it will cause unimaginable dislocation in space.

Moreover, time is also the main expression of gravity, and gravity is the core force that maintains the existence of the universe. It is really unimaginable what terrible consequences a slight error in time will eventually cause.

Of course, it is impossible to destroy the universe with a mistake in time.

The universe has unparalleled error tolerance. Although the rigidity of space is extremely strong, it is not inelastic. Errors in time can be easily digested by the universe or celestial bodies.

But the fate of the person at the core of the mistake is hard to say.

Uchiha Yuu began to observe more carefully, recording every change in the ripples of time.

At the same time, he also began to formulate his own advance plan before traveling through time.

[I need to study time travel through practice, I need volunteers, and I need a large number of testers. 】

[Dragon Vein's time and world travel, Uchiha Shisui's gradually mature system...]

[I seem to have gathered together some incredible elements. Maybe I can become a true master god myself before I travel through time? 】

[Very interesting idea. 】

[Loulan Kingdom and Dragon Veins must be mine, no one can control them! 】

Uchiha Yuu made up his mind, and as the wooden clone sent back the information, Uchiha Yuu himself took Miwa Masashi into action.

It's not that he wants to do something, it's just that when doing something big, he has to leave a fixed location to avoid being caught by the Immortal of Six Paths following some clue.

The game between him and the Sage of Six Paths goes beyond the scope of ninjas, so they are unfamiliar with each other's methods, and it is difficult to say where the flaws will be revealed.

For example, today, Uchiha Yu caught a glimpse of Mt. Miaomu through time ripples, and grasped the vital points of the toads in a way that he could not have imagined.

This made him understand that no matter how secretive the hiding place is, it is not as safe as random movement.

Therefore, he cannot stay in Konoye Village and must leave Konoye Village until the incident in Loulan Kingdom is completely over and he obtains ownership of Loulan Kingdom and Dragon Veins.

Once he had the power of the dragon vein, and with the help of the cover of the power of time, Uchiha Yu had absolute confidence to completely hide the Loulan Kingdom, making it difficult for the Immortals of Six Paths to discover it, let alone sneak in quietly.

Yuu Uchiha took Miwa Masashi and walked aimlessly in the Land of Fire. He randomly inspired big trees to become his wooden clones.

These wooden clones all had plenty of power, and used the Flying Thunder God technique to quickly arrive at Loulan Kingdom.

As more and more Uchiha Yuuki clones arrived, he surrounded the entire Loulan Nation and began to build a new barrier.

Relying on the continuous natural energy of the dragon veins and the countless puppets accumulated over the years, Baizu once again had the upper hand, suppressing the Konoha ninja and the Snow Clan at a disadvantage.

Manpower is sometimes poor, and no matter how large a ninja's chakra is, it cannot be compared with the dragon's veins, which have almost unlimited natural energy.

Just when Baizu was feeling proud again, his expression changed drastically, because Namikaze Minato had already brought the queen and approached the Loulan Palace.

"not good!"

Baizu exclaimed in shock: "I completely forgot about the existence of Namikaze Minato and asked him to bring the queen to the royal court..."

"We can't let them get close to the royal court. If the queen cuts off my authority, everything I have created through time and hard work will be destroyed!"

"This can't be like this, I will never accept it!"

Baizu had just transformed into a giant clay puppet, but he no longer cared about destroying the enemies in front of him, let alone using these outstanding ninjas as materials to make human puppets.

With a sudden force, he destroyed the building's wall, exposed himself to the air, and jumped down.

Using the extra membrane wings for a ride, Baizu rushed directly from the air to the royal court at the lowest level of Loulan Kingdom.

With the Loulan royal family and his female students, Namikaze Minato walked forward while surrounded by puppets.

Unlike Kakashi Hatake, Minato didn't need to use ninjutsu to destroy the golem.

He has solid physical skills, and he can easily destroy the shell of the puppet by just wielding a kunai, and destroy the core mechanism of the puppet, causing it to fall into a long recovery process.

With his efficient killing power, Namikaze Minato easily maintained a safety circle large enough for the three women to move forward with peace of mind.

It wasn't until he intuitively discovered the danger falling from the sky that he pulled the three women to perform the Flying Thunder God technique and led them out of the encirclement in an instant.

When Baizu smashed through the dome with his huge body and appeared in the underground passage to the royal court, he did not see his target.

He crushed a half-restored puppet with his foot and shouted, "Cunning Konoha ninja, I won't be fooled!"

"You can't even think of tricking me away. You have no chance to bypass me and sneak into Loulan Palace."

"I will go to the Loulan Palace and wait for you. If you are not afraid of death, come to the Palace and fight to the death!"

"Me! Baizu, the strongest puppet master in Sand Hidden Village, is waiting for you!"

Namikaze Minato looked at Queen Loulan with a confused look on his face and asked: "This Baizu, Minister An Lushan, has always been so stupid?"

The Queen replied sheepishly: "Yes."

"It's because he was so stupid that I easily believed him and handed over the power of the country and the resources of Dragon Vein to him. Who knows..."

Minato nodded and said, "Who knew he would be stupid enough to attack you and directly poison you."

Queen Loulan nodded and said: "Yes, I am the king of Loulan. If you kill me, his use and control of the dragon veins will become a rootless tree. He will be eaten by the dragon veins in a few years."

Namikaze Minato sneered and said: "Ignorant people are fearless, but the small country of Loulan can guard the dragon's veins and is not taken away by Sunagakure Village and Konoha Village, which speaks volumes."

However, Minato glanced at Queen Loulan thoughtfully at the end, and the Queen also let out a long sigh.

Yes, Bai Zu is indeed ignorant and fearless, but his fearless exploration successfully developed the use of dragon veins, making it of strategic value.

These silly-looking clay puppets look dull, but their combat power is really not weak. They can at least fight against chuunin and crush genin at will.

The problem is that the cost is low, and it can be made by a Chunin-level puppet master. In just four years, he actually made tens of thousands of puppets.

With such an exaggerated manufacturing speed and such simple production requirements, once the Sand Hidden Village knows about it, they will definitely come to snatch it at all costs.

This is not only good news for the puppet master of Sunagakure Village, but also the greatest confidence for Sunagakure Village to defeat Konoha Village.

Maybe it's not possible in the Fourth Hokage era. The Wooden ninja Uchiha Yuu is invincible. Even if there are 100,000 puppets, it's not enough for him, a Wooden ninja, Shukai Fengdan.

But Sunagakure Village will definitely think that when the Fifth Hokage, the Sixth Hokage, or even later, when Yuu Uchiha dies, Konohagakure will not be able to fight against the Dragon Vein Puppet.

Baizu can make tens of thousands of clay puppets in four years. Why can't thousands of puppet masters in Sand Hidden Village make millions of puppets in ten years?

There are millions of puppets, and they are puppets that can recover themselves. Even if the entire ninja world unites, it is impossible to resist this huge force.

By then, the strongest ninja village in the ninja world should be their Sunagakure Village.

Queen Loulan had actually thought of this problem for a long time, but she didn't know how to solve it at all.

Although she can communicate with the dragon veins and control the energy of the dragon veins, she is unable to transform this endless energy into real power.

The majestic Queen Loulan couldn't even deal with the rebellious chuunin Hyakuzu of Sunagakure Village, so how could she deal with the Konoha Jonin Namikaze Minato in front of her.

Maybe Namikaze Minato can prevent the information from leaking to Sunagakure Village, but he will definitely report it to Konoha Village. Will Konoha Village let Loulan Country go because it has no puppet master inheritance?


Even the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru would be overjoyed, using mild reasons to control the Loulan royal family and directly occupy the Loulan country.

No matter how gentle the Leaf Village has been in the past, it cannot change the fact that they are the largest ninja village in the ninja world, nor can it change the nature of the Leaf Village as a violent military organization.

If such an organization could not actively pursue strength enhancement, they would not survive today, let alone become the strongest ninja village in the ninja world.

Queen Loulan has no extravagant hopes for Konoha Village. She knows that the destruction of Loulan Kingdom is irreversible. The only difference is which ninja village takes action.

Although Loulan Kingdom has no chance to exist independently, she is not yet in despair.

Because the first person to grasp the information about the Dragon Vein Puppet was the Konoha ninja. According to the Konoha Village's past behavior style, at least their mother and daughter would not be treated as prisoners.

Even the people of Loulan Country will be resettled by Konoha Village.

Perhaps in addition to losing freedom, he could still live a prosperous life in the Fire Capital of the Land of Fire, or even in Konoha Village.

As for Loulan citizens, they can also migrate to the rich Land of Fire.

As long as they can survive the first few years of construction, their lives will be much more comfortable than in this desolate land surrounded by a large desert.

Namikaze Minato smiled and said: "Since the enemy has chosen the battlefield, we don't need to take risks."

"Lin, protect Queen Loulan and the princess and rest here for a while. Wait until the fighting in the royal court in front subsides, and then slowly approach."

"If possible, it's best to wait until Kakashi and the others come over and get together before going there."

"is teacher."

Lin asked: "Minato-sensei, do you want to go over and subdue that Baizu first?"

Namikaze Minato nodded and said: "I hope I can subdue him. Even if I can't subdue him because of the dragon's veins, I have to find out his information first and then consider the subsequent battle plan."

Minato smiled and pressed Lin's shoulder, leaving a mark of the Flying Thunder God, and then disappeared.

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