I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 323 In the future, travelers will only have one-way tickets.

Faced with Miwa Masayo's complaints, Uchiha Yuuya was extremely depressed.

He said helplessly: "I really didn't expect that, and I haven't even started the experiment yet, and the gate of the world started to vibrate on its own."

"I just started checking, and the World Gate turned from a shock to a big explosion. I was really caught off guard."

"Pear Blossom Jam lost a lot of treasures. In fact, I also transferred a lot of precious ingredients and treasures that I collected. Now all of them were wiped out by the power of time. I feel really sad."

Miwa Masashi blinked and asked: "Yu, you actually took the risk to check the world gate? This is too dangerous!"

Uchiha Yu: "Haha, it's okay. Didn't I successfully escape through the Flying Thunder God Technique?"

"However, I have to run even earlier next time. The explosion caused by the vibration of the power of time greatly interfered with the Flying Thunder God. I almost got lost halfway."

The civet cat kept nodding its head, indicating that it also felt a lot of interference, and almost got stuck between two flames when the flames jumped.

Then Miwa Masashi asked: "Since Yu checked the World Gate, did you get any information, nya?"

Uchiha Yu replied: "The inspection was carried out, but the time was too short and I didn't get much information feedback."

He thought about it carefully and then said: "I feel like there is not a problem here, but a problem on the other side."

Miwa Masashi: "On the other side? What does this mean, nya?"

Uchiha Yu replied: "The opposite side is the source of this explosion. I feel that the shock of time comes from the not too distant past, which is probably the time when Tsunade went..."



Miwa Masayo and Uchiha Yuu looked at each other and said in unison: "It's Tsunade!"

Uchiha Yu slapped his head repeatedly in annoyance and complained: "I understand, I understand everything. It's a matter of subjective initiative!"

"Tsunade is a human being. She is a person who can think and make judgments on her own and take the initiative to influence past history."

"She must have done something extraordinary that directly changed the course of history, turning a small matter like the life and death of the rope tree into a major event that affected the history of Konoha Village."

Miwa Masashi asked curiously: "Although I also guessed that it was Tsunade who did it, nya, why did her behavior cause such a big explosion?"

Uchiha Yu sighed: "It's a paradox between the eternal progress of time and the changes in history."

"The biggest and most basic rule of time is that time always moves forward. We can jump on the river of time, but we cannot go upstream."

"It is this basic rule that determines that history cannot be changed and the future cannot be determined."

"Tsunade changed history, which is equivalent to creating a new parallel time and space."

"The birth of a new parallel time and space is actually torn from the original time and space. Such a huge change will inevitably cause a big shock. It is natural for us to cause a big explosion."

Uchiha Yu was filled with regret: "If I had known this would happen, I would have been able to find a way to prevent the explosion. I'm sorry for the treasures I worked so hard to collect."

Uchiha Yuu stood with a tabby cat on his shoulders, raised his hand to release natural energy, guided the power of the dragon vein to rise, and rebuilt the secret realm of Loulan with familiarity.

Because the impact from time has subsided and the dragon veins have returned to calm, the reconstruction of the secret realm has been very smooth.

Miwa Masayo is not just sitting around doing nothing, but working equally hard.

Her attainments in fire spirits surpassed Yuu Uchiha's, and she did a better job of reinforcing key points.

The two immortals worked hand in hand and quickly closed the dome, then edited the time enchantment and completed the construction of Loulan Secret Realm.

After some inspections, Uchiha Yuu was pleasantly surprised to find that the time offset of this secret realm reached an astonishing 12 seconds, and its solidity far exceeded the level when it was first built.

Overjoyed, Uchiha Yu was in high spirits. He created hundreds of wooden clones by himself, and worked together to complete the environmental transformation and functional reconstruction of the secret realm.

When the door to the world opened again on the platform of the giant tree, he laughed happily: "Everything is back to its original state. It's really a sense of accomplishment."

Miwa Masashi: "Yu, don't be happy, nya."

"If there is another shock and explosion, Loulan Secret Realm will definitely be destroyed. This secret realm is more dangerous than a dilapidated house. How can I live in peace in the future?"

Uchiha Yu replied: "Don't worry, I already know where the problem is."

"This time I ignored Tsunade's problem and the subjective initiative of powerful ninjas. Changes in history can completely tear apart history and create the possibility of a new parallel time and space."

"Such a major change in the rebirth of parallel space and time is a big tear and a big earthquake in time. Of course, there will be such huge damage."

Miwa Masashi tilted his head and thought for a while, then asked: "Although what Yu said makes sense, Tsunade is also a very powerful Kage-level ninja, but in the long history, Tsunade is not the top existence. .”

"If Tsunade can create a new parallel time and space with a single thought, then so many great people in the past must have also created parallel time and space, nya."

"In short, the emergence of parallel time and space is not a rare phenomenon, but why were we the only ones bombed?"

Uchiha Yu raised his finger and said: "Parallel time and space are not so easy to tear apart. Although there were many powerful shadow-level ninjas in the Warring States Period, their influence was limited to a family and could not spread to the entire ninja. world, it cannot affect the direction of the entire ninja world, and it cannot create parallel time and space."

"For example, Tsunade saved the rope tree, but its impact on the ninja world was very limited. At best, it was a shock. It was far from tearing apart time and creating a new parallel time and space."

"The rope tree will still die in a few decades at most or a few years at least, and by then there won't be even a trace of shock."

Miwa Masayo was puzzled: "That is the direct grandson of the First Hokage. How can his life and death be so insignificant?"

Uchiha Yu smiled and said: "You think the rope tree is important, that's because Tsunade is still alive and her influence is still there, so you have a misunderstanding."

"Lihua Jiang, let me ask you a question, and you will understand."

Miwa Masashi asked curiously: "What's the problem, nya?"

Uchiha Yu asked: "Who is the eldest son of the first Hokage Senju Hashirama?"

Miwa Masayo was speechless: "..."

Uchiha Yuu said: "Actually, I don't know either. You must know that this is the only son of Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Mito, and he is also married to the daughter of the Fire Daimyo. His status is even more precious than that of Nawaki and Tsunade. .”

"But he died too early. He was unable to do anything earth-shattering during his lifetime. Less than ten years after his death, even his name was obliterated."

After hearing this real-life example, Cihuamao finally understood, and she suddenly said: "I understand."

"No matter how important the rope tree seems to be, as long as he does not become Hokage for a day, or makes a general move that affects the situation of the ninja world, he cannot cause the creation of parallel time and space."

Uchiha Yu nodded and said: "You are very correct. The same is true for Kato Dan. No matter how strong your personal strength is, you cannot create parallel time and space."

"Even Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, if they weren't stuck at the end of the Warring States Period and successfully shaped a new era, they wouldn't be able to do it."

"That's why I felt relieved to let Tsunade go and make trouble. But now it seems that I made a miscalculation. She actually has the ability to cause big trouble."

"It's not impossible if you think about it carefully. Since the establishment of the strongest organization in Konoha Village, the first Hokage Senju Hashirama has been different. The difference in his thoughts is two completely different parallel time and space."

"For example, the debate between him and Uchiha Madara about unifying the ninja world definitely created two different time and space. Although I have not discovered this parallel world yet, I firmly believe that it must exist."

"The first Hokage became the symbol of Konoha Village and the benchmark in the hearts of the people of the Fire Nation. His influence became a political asset that could be inherited after his death."

"Basically, anyone from the Thousand Hands clan who has a blood relationship with him and has outstanding achievements can benefit."

"First of all, the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama became Hokage with the influence of the first generation Hokage. Now the capital of the first generation is concentrated on the strongest medical ninja Tsunade."

"If she has real evidence and desperately raises her arms, even the Third Hokage will have no choice but to bow her head."

"If Tsunade discovers the conspiracy behind this while rescuing people, and even traces it to the top management of Konoha Village, she will definitely be very angry..."

Uchiha Yu suddenly shouted: "It's over!"

"I also configured an auxiliary system for her, which contains content related to political struggle!"

"I'm so mean!"

"After being reminded by the system, Tsunade should think of using her identity to contact the members of the Senju clan scattered in Konoha Village to force the high-ranking officials of Konoha Village to have their wives imprisoned."

Speaking of this, Uchiha Yu himself couldn't help but take a breath: "Damn it, with so many factors added up, it is entirely possible for her to overthrow the Third Hokage as long as she is willing."

"During the Second Ninja War, he overthrew the Third Hokage, and his influence on the history of the Ninja World was enough to open up a new parallel time and space."

"I actually let such a big variable pass. It was really a mistake."

Miwa Masayo listened with great interest, but as Yuu Uchiha pulled him further and further, she became confused.

So he reminded me: "Yu, you're going too far, nya."

Uchiha Yu immediately changed his mind: "Oh, in short, the appearance of parallel time and space is rare, not as common as you think."

"Although the vibrations in parallel space and time are huge, the impact on our space and time over a long period of time is completely negligible."

Lihuamao asked in surprise: "The power is negligible? Then how did our secret realm get blown up?"

"Because I didn't know there was such a risk before. After sending Tsunade there, I foolishly kept the connection between the world gate and the other side."

Yuu Uchiha said in frustration: "As a result, this space-time channel became a fast road for space-time oscillations, which had a gathering and amplification effect, gathering the impact suffered by the entire ninja world into the Loulan Secret Realm."

"Natural disasters are very powerful, but generally they are spread over a large area, so they don't look very scary."

"If the wind that blows every year on the eastern sea of ​​the Land of Fire can be concentrated within the size of Konoha Village, it will only take a few minutes for the entire Konoha Village to turn into a pit that sinks ten meters into the ground."

"When the shocks experienced by the entire ninja world are concentrated in our little Loulan Secret Realm, a big explosion will naturally occur."

"If I hadn't accumulated enough time dislocation in the past few months and consumed most of my energy, I would have killed several Uchiha children this time."

Miwa Masayo was also surprised and asked worriedly: "We can't just leave it alone if it's so dangerous. How can we avoid big explosions in the future?"

Uchiha Yuu was not worried at all. He smiled and replied: "As long as you know the cause, the solution to the problem is not complicated."

"Space-time oscillations are actually not uncommon, and I can't avoid them. But as long as there are no space-time channels that attract and focus, there will be no focusing of space-time oscillation energy."

"After sending the person there, close the door to the world in time and disconnect the two time and space, and everything will be fine."

"Of course, after this operation, the time traveler will not get any possibility of support. If it is not done well, it will become a one-way journey with no return."

Miwa Masashi thought about it and thought it made sense.

The civet cat smiled and joked: "But I don't dare to move the baby in again, meow."

Uchiha Yu: "Oh, I don't dare either."

The speechless Miwa Masato ran away angrily.

Uchiha Yu smiled and shook his head, and then left Loulan Secret Realm.

He was going back to Konoha Village to check the training progress of Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Ayumi, especially Uchiha Ayumi. After accepting the system, his diligent training finally made progress.

Just recently, he may successfully absorb the natural energy of thunder spirit at any time and step into the path of cultivating immortality.

Unlike Uchiha Yuu and Shisui, Uchiha Ayumi not only started with the Thunder Spirit, but also accumulated a lot of experience. It is possible that he could complete a hundred days of foundation building and reach two levels at the same time as he started.

The so-called accumulated experience refers to this kind of patient and tough guy.

But no matter how solid the foundation is, continuous and rapid jumps represent risks, and Uchiha Yu needs to be more careful to protect him, lest his rare disciple die midway.

In addition to Uchiha Ayumi, Uchiha Shisui has also reached a critical moment.

After a hundred days of foundation building, Shisui's progress was extremely rapid, especially with the metal objects prepared by Uchiha Yuu in advance, which quickly helped him complete the first stage of training in the foundation building period, and he was about to make a breakthrough. .

You know, Uchiha Shisui obtained the double magatama sharingan when he was successful in building the foundation. This breakthrough is very likely to become the triple magatama sharingan. For his age, it is really a bit too early. .

Uchiha Yuu was also very careful about Shisui's situation, and specially created a wooden clone to keep an eye on the training of his two disciples.

Coupled with the big explosion in the world in Loulan, Uchiha Yuu was focused on so many things that he unconsciously ignored the abnormality of Miwa Masashi.

In fact, you can't blame him. Miwa Masashi has just become a little more sensitive, a little more insecure, and a little more curious.

If you don't observe carefully, it is indeed difficult to find.

Not to mention Uchiha Yu, even Miwa Masayo himself didn't notice anything unusual about him.

But in fact, her physical transformation had unknowingly approached its limit and reached the critical point that she had been looking forward to for a whole year.

Nowadays, the veins in the body of the civet cat have undergone more complex changes, and the distinction between the front and rear limbs has become more and more obvious.

The two front paws are becoming more and more flexible. Not only can they pick up small objects such as spoons, but they can also pick up pencils to write and draw.

The civet cat's hind legs are getting stronger and stronger, its jumping height is getting higher and higher, and it feels more and more comfortable to stand on only two legs.

There is no doubt that this cat fairy is on the verge of transformation.

But these changes happened little by little, and she didn't notice it at all because of habit.

Even the always careful Uchiha Yuu, because he focused mainly on guarding against the Six Paths Immortal and paying attention to the Loulan Secret Realm and the Gate of the World, he ignored the civet cat due to the interference of many things.

After all, this cat can eat and play, and competes with her three tails every day. It seems that the longer she lives, the happier she is, and she is happy every day.

The civet cat is carefree every day. If you don't check it carefully, no one will think there is anything wrong.

Uchiha Shisui took a deep breath, feeling the natural energy of the fire spirit filling his body, and the tension in his heart calmed down a little.

He said to Uchiha Yu: "Brother Yu, is my progress too slow?"

Uchiha Yu: "..."

Uchiha Ayumi: "..."

In fact, Uchiha Yuu was okay, at least after his hundred days of foundation building, he progressed to his first breakthrough a few months faster than Shisui.

But Uchiha Ayumu was really feeling uncomfortable. He was still wandering outside the gate of Immortal Way. When he heard Shisui's complaint, he was so shocked by the Versailles remarks that he almost shed tears.

Uchiha Yu shook his head and said to the two disciples: "Shisui's speed is not slow, and it can't be any faster."

"You two must remember that the core of immortality cultivation lies in balance. If you go too slowly, you will lose the chance of promotion and eventually die of old age, but if you go too fast, you will fall into a more dangerous obsession."

"Based on Uchiha Shisui's age, he has to maintain a steady speed and not practice too fast, so as not to affect the development of the body and cause the bloodline of the Uchiha clan to grow distorted."

"Our bloodline is defined by me as the Taiyin spirit body, which is the best immortal spirit body. If impatience leads to physical development problems and the spirit body is damaged, it will be a huge irreparable loss."

Uchiha Shisui lowered his head and thanked Uchiha Yuu for clarifying his doubts.

He looked at Uchiha Ayumi again: "Ayumi, your situation is different from Shisui, because your age and knowledge of ninjutsu have hindered your progress in the immortal path, so you have been suppressed for a bit too long. "

"Bu Shi, you have to remember that your efforts will not be in vain. The harder you suppress it, the easier it is to explode when you break through. You may skip a hundred days of foundation building at the moment you get started."

"Everything always comes with blessings and blessings. Long-term depression will allow you to make rapid progress in the next breakthrough, but this progress will also be accompanied by dangers."

"The pace of progress is too fast and the steps are too big. It's easy to lose track. It's not surprising that you fall flat on your back."

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