I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 330 Tsunade: Senior Hanzo, give me a new name

Kato Dan, Tsunade, and Kimoku Kouta retreated.

They had to retreat. Facing Hanzo at his peak, even if the Konoha Sannin gathered together, they would be completely unable to defeat him, let alone the poor combination of Kato's team.

Supposedly, Kato Danya is considered an elite Jonin, not weaker than Jiraiya, a fool at all, but his core ninjutsu is the art of spiritualization, and he was restrained to death in front of Hanzo, the strongest ninja in the ninja world.

Kato Dan has already checked it just now. His soul cannot invade the powerful Hanzo's body and spiritual world, and he cannot exert its lethality at all.

Moreover, wherever Hanzo went, the poisonous mist filled the air and Kato Dan's body could not be protected. It could be said that if he came into contact with it, he would die.

Moreover, Kato Dan's team also has a Kinoku Kōtō, and his strength is completely incomparable to Orochimaru's. The gap is too big, and such a battle is impossible.

But the future "big" Tsunade did not retreat. She stood hugging a bear, and the old god was waiting for Hanzo's arrival.

In fact, if she had just arrived in this ninja world, Tsunade would not have been so confident, but these five years of dormancy were completely different for her, and she had grown too much.

Not only the mental growth is huge, but also the growth in strength is huge.

With the help of [System], Tsunade completely integrated her own strange power technique, medical ninjutsu, Yin seal and taijutsu, completed the construction of her own tactical system, perfected the art of hundreds of thousands, and began to look forward to the Golden Body of Marriott.

Tsunade feels that she is now fully capable of defeating today's Sannin alone, and is also capable of giving Hanzo a run for her money.

Moreover, Kato Dan and the others are now being chased by Hanzo, which does not mean they are out of a life-and-death crisis, so she is determined to fight Hanzo.

Not only to save his own life when he was still young, but also to put an end to his worries of being bullied three times by Hanzo and being given a random nickname.

Tsunade looked at the purple mist floating in the distance and sneered: "Come on, Hanzo!"

Yin seal solution

Powerful chakra fluctuations erupted again, this time completely different from what was shown to young Tsunade just now. Not only did Tsunade not deliberately control the distance at which the fluctuations spread, she also incorporated her own killing intent into it and pushed towards the direction of the purple mist.

Feeling the sudden provocation, Demigod Hanzo couldn't help but pause. Then he turned directly, ignoring the several Konoha ninjas who seduced him, and rushed in the direction of Tsunade.

Demigod Hanzo is the strongest ninja in the ninja world.

The current status of Yuyin Village is largely maintained by his strongest reputation.

The Tsuchikage of Iwagakure Village is willing to cooperate, the Chiyo of Sunagakure Village is taboo, and the Konoha Village is hesitant, all because they are afraid of Hanzo, the most powerful name.

He must maintain this strongest reputation in order to maintain the deterrence of Yuyin Village and prevent the Rain Kingdom from suffering greater war disasters.

You know, the Second Ninja War has entered its seventh year, and most ninjas have been tortured crazy by the war. As a battlefield, in the Kingdom of Rain, crazy ninjas who only kill for the sake of killing have begun to appear.

There are such ninjas appearing in Iwagakure Village, Sunagakure Village, and Konoha Village, more or less.

They seem to be normal when performing tasks and fighting, but as soon as they stop, they will be at a loss and can only buy temporary peace by killing civilians.

No ninja village will seriously pursue such evil deeds during the war. The biggest punishment is to let these ninjas perform a few more missions and hope that they die in the mission.

Hanzo didn't know how to solve these problems, but he knew that this was already the result of his own intimidation. If his strongest deterrent disappeared, such massacres would probably get worse.

Therefore, he must maintain his reputation as the strongest, and he must also maintain enough aggression. When faced with provocation, he must fight back without hesitation, knocking the enemy down and frightening him.

But what Hanzo didn't expect was that when he came to the ninja who sent out provocative chakra, he saw a defeated general of his own.

"Tsunade-hime, one of the three ninjas of Konoha?"

Hanzo couldn't understand: "Are you the only one? Do you dare to challenge me alone?"

Tsunade smiled and said: "Tsk, can't I challenge you alone, Hanzo-senpai?"

Hanzo was amused. Because he was wearing a respirator, his voice sounded dull: "Hehehe, Tsunade-hime, I really didn't expect you to be so bold and challenge me alone."

"why is that?"

Tsunade curled her lips and said: "Because the name Konoha Sannin will indeed gradually become more prestigious in the future, but every time I hear it, I feel filled with panic."

"Hanzo-senpai, can you change your words and give me a new name?"

Hanzo laughed angrily: "Tsunade-hime, I let the three of you go three times in the past, so you can survive today. That's because you are important people in Konoha Village. I can't afford to kill you, Konoha The village will take full revenge.”

"Of course, it's also because the three of you are really good. You can support each other when you three are together. I can't capture you alive without killing people, so I have to let you go."

Hanzo took off his respirator, and poisonous gas as thick as water spread out. He said with a ferocious smile: "But you are the only one now, Tsunade-hime, you are only one person!"

"I think I can capture you alive and then exchange it with the Third Hokage of Konoha Village for something, don't you think so?"

Tsunade raised her hands and tied her loose blond hair into twin tails, and said with a smile: "So no matter what happens, my life will not be in danger?"

Hanzo laughed: "Yes, if it were Orochimaru or Jiraiya, they wouldn't die, but I would directly destroy their hands, but I will never do it to you."

"Although I have to hurt you in order to capture you, I must also ensure that all your injuries can be healed, and there is no danger of losing your hands or feet."

Tsunade said with a slight surprise: "Hanzo-senpai, you are quite a nice person."

Hanzo sighed: "There is no way, Konoha Village is too strong, and Amegakure Village is too weak. If we really offend the entire Konoha Village, my Amegakure Village will only end up destroyed."

"In the final analysis, I am far less powerful than your grandfather, the First Hokage, and the protection I can provide is very limited."

"So I can only endure it and not kill you children who are a huge threat."

Tsunade was silent for a while, and then she laughed: "The life of the small country and the small shinobi village is difficult, especially a country like the Rain Country, which is located on the main transportation road, and is born to be a battlefield."

"How about I defeat Hanzo-senpai here today, so that you can be relieved from such a heavy burden."


After a loud noise, dust flew into the sky, and Tsunade's fist was held by a chain, but Hanzo, who was holding up the chain, was beaten and half buried in the ground.

Tsunade was half surprised and half happy and praised: "You can block such a huge power of mine without leaving a big hole on the ground. Hanzo-senpai is really amazing."

"It seems that I can fight to my heart's content this time."

Hanzo's face looked terrible, and his eyes were full of doubts: "Who are you?"

"I'm Tsunade."

"Impossible. If you had such strength last time, plus Orochimaru and Jiraiya, it would have been me who escaped!"


Hanzo pulled himself out of the ground with the help of Tsunade's heavy kick, and landed on the ground with a backflip. However, the trembling of his hands caused the scythe chain to rattle, and his hands were obviously beaten by the huge impact. Almost out of control.

Tsunade pounced on him mercilessly, planning to add another fatal punch.

Water Escape·Water Blinking Technique

Hanzo's figure suddenly disappeared and turned into a large drop of water. No one knew which drop was the real Hanzo, so Tsunade's attack naturally failed.

After dodging Tsunade's continuous attacks, the water droplet fell more than ten meters away and transformed into Hanzo again. He completed the seal in an instant, then puffed up his cheeks and blew.

A thick purple mist spurted out, covering both Tsunade and him.

Water escape·Poisonous spray

This is an advanced change in the nature of Water Release. Chakra is directly produced into highly toxic venom, which is then sprayed into thick mist.

This chakra poison simulates the venom of the Sanshou fish and has a powerful corrosive effect.

Hanzo knew that Tsunade and Chiyo could create antidotes and were not afraid of the highly toxic Sanshou fish.

But he firmly believed that talking about toxicity regardless of dose would be a hooliganism. Antidote should also pay attention to dose. Even if the other party has an antidote, as long as the dose of the toxin he emits is sufficient, the antidote will be free.

But what was unexpected was that when Tsunade faced this strong poison, she did not dodge, but struck with her fist.

With a muffled bang, the thick poisonous mist exhaled by Hanzo was dispersed. What was even more surprising was that after the purple poison was dispersed, it turned into clear water droplets, which fell to the ground.

The water droplets are so clear, not toxic at all, and even emit the fragrance of vegetation.

This change left Hanzo stunned and completely unable to understand what was happening.

Tsunade explained kindly: "Poison is very difficult to deal with. If such a large amount of poison is obtained from the poison sac of the Sanshou fish, I really have no way to deal with it and can only stay away from it."

"But you cleverly used changes in chakra properties to simulate the poisonous nature of the Sanshou Fish. This is completely different."

"You use chakra to make tricks, and I can naturally use chakra properties to respond. I can exert a little influence on your chakra and restore it from poisonous to pure water."

Hanzo looked at Tsunade in confusion and murmured: "How is this possible?"

He understood Tsunade's explanation, but he couldn't understand the reason behind it. Isn't the change in chakra's nature accomplished through hard work in the body? Why was it used as a ninjutsu and could be changed again by the enemy?

Tsunade plays with chakra like this, so how can he fight? Does he rely entirely on taijutsu?

Tsunade is famous for her medical ninjutsu and strange power techniques. If she limits her fighting style to physical techniques when fighting her, she will be looking for death.

Hanzo was really confused. As the strongest ninja in the ninja world, he didn't know how to continue fighting.

Tsunade was naturally extremely satisfied with her performance. This fighting method of playing with chakra was also proposed by the [System].

As a medical ninja who is not good at combat ninjutsu, Tsunade's combat system actually has huge flaws. In this ninja world where ninjas rule, she will suffer.

For example, if you encounter an enemy from Kite Style, you will be in the dilemma of being beaten and unable to fight back.

When encountering copper peas who specialize in melee combat, such as the past Raikages of Cloud Hidden Village in the Land of Thunder, Tsunade's fighting style that focuses on resilience will also suffer.

There is too much data recorded in the [System], especially Uchiha Yu's cognition and whimsical ideas, which have been learned and summarized by the [System] during several years of calculations, and a new knowledge system has been summarized.

According to the calculations of the [System], Tsunade should not only master the Yin Seal and Baihao Jutsu, but also master the changes in chakra properties.

It's not that she needs to use Ninjutsu herself, but that she can decipher the opponent's Ninjutsu and render the enemy's Ninjutsu ineffective.

As long as the opponent is pulled into a state where he can only fight Taijutsu, Tsunade can rely on her rich Taijutsu experience and unlimited recovery ability to defeat the opponent without any suspense.

After a while of silence, Hanzo burst into laughter: "Amazing, Tsunade-hime, you are really amazing."

"It's only been so long, but you have improved to such an extent that I can't use ninjutsu to attack in front of you, I can only fight with taijutsu."

"But do you think you have a chance to win?"

Tsunade replied matter-of-factly: "Of course, if you and I fight in taijutsu, I will win!"

"In this ninja world, there are only two people whose taijutsu is beyond my ability, but that doesn't include you, Hanzo-senpai."

Hanzo asked in surprise: "There is actually a strong taijutsu master that you can't defeat. Is he the Third Raikage of Kumogakure Village?"

Tsunade shook her head and said: "It's not Raikage. The core of Raikage's strength is not Taijutsu, but the Ninja Taijutsu of Thunder Release Chakra Mode."

She smiled confidently: "I'm not afraid of him."

The Thunderbolt Chakra mode that the Raikages of all generations have specialized in is very strong, but it is also a ninjutsu, and its function can also be destroyed through changes in nature.

Without the blessing of the Thunder Chakra Mode, how could a mere Raikage be able to defeat Tsunade?

One punch can teach him a new life.

It was precisely because of his successful chakra training that he could render the enemy's ninjutsu ineffective, so Tsunade had so much confidence to challenge Hanzo alone.

Her next goal is to advance her chakra training to the point where she can dismantle Susanoo, and to advance the art of one hundred heroes to the point where she can reach the Golden Body of Ten Thousands. Only then will it be truly remarkable.

According to Tsunade's idea, "people of the Senju clan cannot be left too behind by the Uchiha clan, otherwise it will be too embarrassing."

After being reorganized by Uchiha Yu, the Uchiha clan is thriving. Almost everyone in the younger generation has eyes open, and a large number of three magatama sharingan appear at a young age.

In the foreseeable future, among these three Magatama Sharingan ninjas, a large number of Mangekyo Sharingan will inevitably emerge, and the prosperity of the Uchiha clan will reach an unprecedented new peak.

The prosperity of the Uchiha clan greatly stimulated Tsunade.

In contrast, she was the only one left of her Senju clan, and was suppressed by two Uchiha Mangekyos, which was simply embarrassing.

Maybe Uchiha Yuu, a pervert, is really incomparable, but she, Tsunade, must beat Uchiha Fugaku and prove that the Senju clan is no worse than the Uchiha clan.

As for Uchiha Yuu, she is the same as the first Hokage. No one will accuse her of having to defeat such a monster.

In this ninja world, at this point in time, there are even fewer ninjas that Tsunade can't beat. The only two people she has no confidence in defeating are Hatake Sakumo and Matt Dai of Konohagakure.

Looking at the confused Hanzo, Tsunade smiled and said: "Actually, as long as you meet my requirements, we can also cease the war, Hanzo-senpai."

Hanzo asked dully: "What do you want?"

"A new nickname." Tsunade looked at Hanzo with piercing eyes: "I want you to give me a nickname, a new nickname that is unique to me, not a casual title like the Sannin of Konoha."

Hanzo: "..."

The expression on his face became colder: "Are you going to publicly admit that you defeated me in front of many people and declare that I am no longer the strongest ninja in the ninja world?"

Tsunade couldn't help being stunned: "Is this..."

She originally wanted to say: I didn't mean that, just think of a nickname for me now.

But Hanzo didn't give her a chance to finish her words. He roared angrily: "Tsunade! Don't even think about taking away my reputation as the strongest!"

"Even without ninjutsu, I can't be defeated casually!"

"If you want to be the strongest ninja in the ninja world, then you have to risk your life!"

Tsunade wanted to say: I'm not, I didn't, you are wrong!

But Tsunade had no chance to defend herself. Hanzo shook his hand and threw out the hammer on the other end of the chain scythe, whining and hitting Tsunade.

At the same time, he put the sickle into his waist, gathered his strength for a moment, and launched the sword technique Iai Slash.

The white blade of the scythe turned into white light, glowing with a poisonous lavender color, and swept towards Tsunade's waist.

"I, known to the world as Demigod Hanzo, am not a cripple who can only rely on poison."

"Even if you abolish my ninjutsu and poison, Tsunade, you won't be able to defeat me with taijutsu so easily!"

The hammer wrapped the chain around Tsunade's arm, and at the same time the light of the scythe passed over Tsunade's body, bringing out a string of tiny blood beads. Hanzo and Tsunade also passed by at the same time.

The blood beads brought out by the scythe flew in the air, quickly darkening from bright blood red to purple-black when they landed on the ground.

The blood drops splashing on the grass stems corroded the grass stems into black, and they were visibly dry and dehydrated, and they died.

Tsunade's clothes around her waist also tore a big hole, exposing her snow-white waist, but there were no wounds under the remaining blood beads on her skin.

No, it should be said that the wound had completely healed while blood was oozing out, without even leaving any scars.

On the contrary, Hanzo suddenly spit out a large mouthful of black blood, and at the same time, the clothes on his upper body shattered like butterflies, revealing his upper body full of scars.

It turned out that Tsunade's right hand was entangled with the hammer and couldn't break free for a while, and Hanzo's Iai Slash was too fast for her to dodge, so she simply stopped dodging.

Tsunade took advantage of the moment when the scythe cut into the waist and Hanzo slowed down, and kicked him hard in the back.

The two sides exchanged attacks in a flash of lightning. It was clear that Tsunade suffered more damage, but in the end, Hanzo was at a disadvantage.

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