I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 363 Why are the rewards for defeating Konoha Genin and Konoha Jonin reversed?

"Yu, your samsara eye is light golden, and Uchiha Madara's samsara eye is lavender. Are their abilities also different, nya?"

"I'm not sure. I've just awakened, and I can't even close the Samsara Eye. The Eye Technique only has gravity and repulsion, and the others haven't been developed yet."

"The stronger Yuu is, the reincarnation eye will definitely be stronger nya."

"Whether it will be stronger or not is hard to say. We will have to wait until the reincarnation eye matures and the pupil technique is confirmed."

"How long will it take for a cat to mature? Will it be like Uchiha Madara who couldn't breed for more than ten years, and finally had to leave it to Nagato to take over the breeding process?"

"No, my reincarnation eye will mature very quickly. It should take less than two months to mature."

"Then let's go back to Loulan Secret... Oh, no, let's go back to Huaguo Mountain."

"No, we will go back when I can close the Samsara Eye and when you can gather your spiritual light."

"Meow? I remember Yuu said that we might be discovered by the Six Paths Immortal outside, which is risky. Is it more dangerous to go back now, meow?"

"Yes, the time dislocation barrier in Huaguo Mountain is getting stronger and stronger. If the two of us cannot stabilize our strength, we may be sucked into the river of time when we enter Huaguo Mountain."

"The passage of time is not fun. If you get involved, God knows where you will be exiled, and the time of your return is completely unpredictable."

"I would rather risk a fight with the Sage of Six Paths than be separated from Rika-chan."

"I don't want to either, then just wait a few days, meow."

"Yu, make me something delicious, nya!"

"Okay, what do you want to eat?"

"Barbecue, grilled squid, grilled dried fish, grilled octopus, grilled eggplant,..."

Parallel time and space in the future, Konoha 60 years.

Zabuza, the rebel ninja of Kirigakure Village, Momochi, had a dream.

Yesterday, two of his idiot subordinates were killed by Konoha genin, and he was beaten up by Kakashi Hatake. After he came back, he was scolded by the ignorant and fearless businessman Kado, and his mentality was about to explode.

If he hadn't accepted Cardo's mission, and protecting his employer was an iron rule that both rebel ninjas and wave ninjas abided by, Zabuza would have definitely chopped off his head.

Full of anger with no way to vent, Zabuza could only find a safe shelter to sulk, and fell asleep before he knew it, and then he dreamed.

In the dream, he was still Zabuza, who killed a hundred classmates when he graduated.

But the experience after graduation was different, but the young Zabuza still felt that everything was so real, and his memory was especially clear, as if he had really returned to more than ten years ago and experienced a slightly different life again.

But Zabuza knew that this was a dream, because everything he experienced in the dream was not real.

The Kirigakure Village in reality was unlucky enough, and it was still struggling with the nightmare in the Blood Mist.

The Kirigakure Village in the dream was even more unlucky. The fourth generation Mizukage who behaved mischievously was killed by Konoha ninjas early, but the Kirigakure Village failed to rise again.

Not only did the fifth Mizukage who succeeded him also died at the hands of the Konoha ninjas, the Kirigakure village was even blocked by the Konoha ninja army and had to surrender in the end.

The Third Ninja War in the dream was completely different from reality, but the biggest difference was in Konoha Village.

The third Hokage died inexplicably, the fourth Hokage turned out to be Orochimaru, and a ninja from the Uchiha family awakened Wood Release.

Especially the matter of Uchiha awakening Wood Release is really unbelievable to Zabuza. He doesn't know whether Uchiha has occupied Senju, or Senju has polluted Uchiha. In short, these two families must be cross-bred.

It’s really a big joke in the world.

What a weird dream.

But the next development was even more exaggerated. Zabuza looked at it in complete shock. That Uchiha wood escape ninja was so powerful that it was suffocating.

He single-handedly defeated Sunagakure Village, then crushed Kirigakure Village, and then single-handedly suppressed Kumogakure Village and Iwagakure Village, completely pacifying the shinobi world.

The power of the Wooden Ninja and the Leaf Village was beyond Zabuza's cognition, which made him feel stupid. Even when he woke up, he could not get rid of the uncoordinated feeling.

[This is all a dream, but fortunately it is a dream...]

For some reason, Momochi Zabuza felt brooding over everything in the dream, as if everything in the dream was not false.

The most annoying thing was that after he fell asleep again, he actually had this dream again.

But this time the perspective changed, and Zabuza unconsciously began to question everything about reality.

[How can the Fourth Hokage be Namikaze Minato, and Orochimaru's generation of ninjas has been skipped? 】

[There is no Lord Uchiha Yu in Konoha Village? This is incredible. Did he die in the last war? 】

[How can Kirigakure be so stupid? No one has discovered until now that the Fourth Mizukage was secretly controlled by Uchiha Madara using illusions? 】

Momochi Zabuza was woken up by a living fright. When he woke up, his whole body was covered in cold sweat, which was greasy and very uncomfortable.

But he didn't care at all, his mind was filled with one thought: the Fourth Mizukage was controlled by a genjutsu, and it was a genjutsu used by Uchiha Madara.

The amount of information in this intelligence is so great that even a Kirigakure rebellious ninja like Momochi Zabuza would be shocked and overwhelmed and find it difficult to accept it.

But Zabuza was surprised to find that this information, which was ridiculous no matter how you looked at it, could perfectly explain what happened in Kirigakure Village.

The Fourth Mizukage was controlled by outsiders, which is why the decisions he made were so unreasonable. Even though no one benefited at all, he still pushed forward the Blood Mist policy at all costs, and even went so far as to crazily destroy the foundation of Kirigakure Village. .

You know, when the Fourth Mizukage took office, he used the incident of Zabuza Momochi to kill his classmates to completely ban this controversial policy.

At that time, Gotachibana Yagura's attitude was so firm. In addition, in order to convince everyone and make up for the village's lack of combat power, he did not hesitate to take risks and become a Jinchūriki's sacrificial spirit. Zabuza felt extremely admired and transformed into The fourth Mizukage's little fanboy.

As the saying goes, one pink is the best and the other is black. When Goju Yagura once again implemented the Blood Mist policy, Zabuza, who was a fanboy, couldn't accept it. He assassinated the Mizukage like a bastard. If the assassination failed, he left Kirigakure. The village defected.

In short, I just can't coexist with the Fourth Mizukage.

But Zabuza was not without doubts in his heart. The Fourth Mizukage was so resolute and decisive, how could he abandon his decades-long political views just because of a trivial setback?

He even picked up the Blood Mist policy that he had ended with his own hands and had long proven to be useless, and even pushed it step by step to extreme madness.

Zabuza gritted his teeth and said, "It turns out that the Fourth Mizukage was controlled by someone, but isn't Uchiha Madara dead long ago?"

"That's Mizukage, the strongest person standing at the pinnacle of ninja. Who can control him with illusions?"

"And the Fourth Mizukage is still a Jinchuuriki. It is well known that the ability to hold back is not controlled by genjutsu. This is basic common sense in the ninja world..."

When Zabuza questioned all this, some strange thoughts suddenly came to his mind.

[The five shadows are not the strongest ninjas, there are stronger ones above the shadow level. 】

[Jinchūriki cannot be hypnotized, except for the Mangekyō Sharingan of the Uchiha clan. 】

[Uchiha Madara is not dead! At least he wasn't dead when he hypnotized the Fourth Mizukage. 】

Momochi Zabuza felt that he might be crazy. Why did he think that these thoughts that were contrary to common sense were true, and why did he take them for granted?

[My mind is a little confused. I'd better take another nap. It might be fine when I wake up. 】

Shiro felt that Zabuza's recent behavior was very strange. He could sleep three times a day, but each time he would not sleep well and would wake up screaming in an hour or two.

"Poor Mr. Zabuza, he seems to have been psychologically affected by the beating of 'Konoha Technician' Hatake Kakashi."

After thinking about it, Shiro decided to catch a few fish to replenish Zabuza's body.

Putting on unobtrusive casual clothes and going out with a basket, he also collected some wild vegetables to use as side dishes for cooking fish to remove the fishy smell and add fragrance.

They did not expect that after waking up from the third dream, Zabuza Momochi's personality had been replaced.

Coming from another time and space, the 14-year-old Zabuza was energetic and determined. He easily defeated the original owner of his body and suppressed the 26-year-old Zabuza firmly.

Mochi Zabuza stood up and walked out of the shelter, constantly moving his hands and feet to adapt to his body that was 12 years older.

[I am such a waste in this world. I am 26 years old and still only at the level of a jounin. I was obviously a jounin at the age of 14. How did he waste 12 years? 】

[It turns out that this idiot doesn’t know enough ninjutsu, and it’s still a rough version. No wonder he can’t beat Hatake Kakashi. 】

[Really, the guidance he received during his training was obviously insufficient. He was covered in hidden wounds, and even his strength was affected. 】

[Except for having a little more chakra than me, he is really useless. 】

Momochi Zabuza stretched his body in his own way, and gradually opened his muscles and bones while grinning, adapting to the new physical condition.

At the same time, more memories were integrated, and he finally understood why Zabuza in this world was so weak.

[Tsk, I didn’t know before that the war was so devastating to Kirigakure Village. 】

[Obviously our world, Kirigakure Village, is even worse, and everyone was bullied to death by Konoha Village, but in just two years of peace, I can become stronger than myself in this world. 】

【Um? I actually got the decapitation knife. I am not a complete waste in this world. 】

[Let me see what my obsession is, assassinate the Fourth Mizukage, end the Blood Mist, and save Kirigakure Village. This obsession is really good. I will help you realize it. 】

[Another obsession? 】

[Take care of Bai and live with Bai? 】


Momochi Zabuza, who was speechless, blurted out and asked: "Who is Shiro?"

"I take back my previous comments. I am a complete waste in this world!"

"How can a dignified Kirigakure ninja, a strong man who is determined to save Kirigakure Village and assassinate the Mizukage, have such an obsession with not living up to expectations? It is really embarrassing!"

"I, Momochi, will die if I don't stop, and I will never fight against Gotachibana Yagura..."

"Mr. Zabuza! Are you awake?"

The soft voice interrupted Zabuza's swearing. He looked up and saw Haku with a smiling face.

Mochi Zabuza changed his core. His character was no longer that of a decadent middle-aged man who wanted to die, but that of a vigorous young man. After seeing Shiro, he was attacked by countless memories.

At this time, Zabuza discovered that the real obsession in his 26-year-old self was not to return to Kirigakure Village and kill everyone, but to save Haku, take care of and accompany Haku.

All the warmth and touching moments of getting along with each other in the past few years flooded Zabuza like a tide, instantly confusing 14-year-old Zabuza's perception, and his heart was suddenly filled with warmth.

Under the influence of such emotions, Zabuza was so deeply involved in the emotional vortex that he couldn't look away.

Fortunately, Zabuza's dressing habit was to cover his face, and he was usually cold and indifferent to others, so Shiro didn't notice anything unusual about him.

When Shiro saw Zabuza starting to exercise, he thought he had gotten rid of his psychological shadow, and immediately said very happily: "Mr. Zabuza, you must be hungry, I will make fish right away."

After saying that, he trotted off to collect fish and wild vegetables, collect firewood, and prepare to cook fish soup.

After Shiro was out of sight, Mochi Zabuza spat.

"Bah, I really deserve to die. I'm a useless loser after all!"

"No wonder the 26-year-old me regards Bai as my obsession. He...he is too cute. Is this a foul?"

"I finally understand why those old guys have such strange attitudes when talking about the Snow Clan."

"This is too unreasonable. He is obviously a man, but how can he be so good-looking? How can his voice, temper, and personality be so...cute!"

Zabuza's eyes trembled, his pupils were completely out of focus, and he lay on the ground and cursed himself for not living up to expectations: "Damn it, damn it! Damn it!"

Of course, Momochi Zabuza is not that shallow. Even if Shiro looks beautiful, he will not be hurt by the beauty at a glance.

But as a time traveler, Zabuza has inevitably received some of his emotions since he has obtained the memory of his original body.

And the original Zabuza's feelings for Haku were so deep that only a small part of them needed to be accepted, which was enough for the time traveler Mochi Zabuza, this innocent novice, to fall.

Feelings are the real key. The beauty of the Snow Clan is not important, at most it is just an inducement.

Mochi Zabuza decided to practice. He would use high-intensity training to consume his physical strength and suppress the emotions inherited from his original body.

He didn't know that such a fall based on emotions could never be suppressed by consuming physical strength, and would only become more and more profound as time went by.

Zabuza also had the illusion that he was only here to complete the Emperor's mission.

When the mission is completed and he has got over the addiction to fighting and killing, he will return to his original time and space and his original body.

By that time, without the original memory and emotional influence, this matter will naturally end.

Even if there is any residual influence, it will gradually disappear a world away.

Zabuza didn't know that when it came to relationships, sometimes the farther apart they were, the more deadly they could explode.

Through training, Zabuza quickly adapted to his new body, and also adapted to the feeling of using a decapitating sword at a higher height.

After adapting to the new body, not only the physical strength has been enhanced, but also the ninjutsu is more important.

The original body has had 12 more years of accumulation time, and more chakra can be extracted from the body. Combined with the ninjutsu skills of the time traveler Zabuza, he believes that the ninjutsu will not be so easily counteracted by Hatake Kakashi next time.

Not only that, he also spent an extra half day correcting many of his original wrong training habits, and with the skills of using the decapitating sword he learned from the Ghost Lantern clan, his sword skills were greatly improved.

Generally speaking, once the injuries on his body are healed, Momochi Zabuza's strength can be greatly improved, and he can even try to touch the boundary of Kage level.

[When my strength reaches the shadow level, I will return to Kirigakure Village. 】

[In the original ninja world, the fourth generation Mizukage was killed by Konoha ninjas. The fourth generation Mizukage here is still alive and well, controlled by Uchiha Madara. 】

[I want to kill Goji Yagura and fulfill the wish of this 26-year-old idiot. Anyway, I also used his body to experience the feeling of hitting the shadow level in advance. 】

Just when Zabuza thought of this, a clear golden sound of "Ding——!" sounded in his mind.

The sound was like the beating of a golden bell, and the lingering sound lingered for a long time, instantly making Zabuza's attention focus.

[The system self-test is completed and started successfully. 】

[It is detected that the host has successfully traveled through, and the mission system is started. 】

[Mission 1: Defeat Konoha Jonin Hatake Kakashi. 】

[Task 1 Reward: Water Release·Water Dragon Bullet Special Seal Skill, only three hand seals are needed to perform ninjutsu. 】

[Note: This technique was developed by Senju Tobirama, the second generation Hokage of Konoha Village, and can be used as a killing technique for Jonin who is good at water escape. 】

[Mission 2: Seriously injured Konoha Genin Uzumaki Naruto and Konoha Genin Uchiha Sasuke. 】

[Task 2 reward: Water Escape Ninjutsu x2. They are: Water Release·Water Breaking Wave, Water Release·Hard Vortex Water Blade. 】

[Note 1: Water Release·Water Break Wave was developed by Senju Tobirama, the second generation Hokage of Konoha Village. After being used, it triggers ultra-high-pressure water jets, which are like sharp blades and can tear and shred the target. The power is amazing and the attack range is extremely long. Far. 】

[Note 2: Water Release: Hard Vortex Water Blade was developed by Senju Tobirama, the second generation Hokage of Konoha Village. After using it, it creates a water vortex in the hand and condenses it into a water javelin. When it attacks the target, it will form a huge waterspout, which is extremely powerful. Suitable for close combat. 】

[Mission 3: Defeat the fourth generation Mizukage Goju Yagura who is controlled by illusion, and reveal the controller behind him. 】

[Task 3 Reward: Immortal Way Cultivation Method. 】

[Note: The Immortal Way practice method was developed by Konoha ninja Uchiha Yu. Successful practice of Immortal Way can master Immortal Techniques and gain a jump in life level. 】

The crazy influx of large amounts of information overwhelmed Zabuza, so he could only read it line by line carefully and ponder its meaning.

He did not suspect that the system was in danger, because this was what the Emperor of Heaven had said when he sent him here.

It was just the first time for Zabuza to come into contact with this strange thing called [System]. There were too many things that Zabuza didn't understand and needed to study.

If he had switched to a real time traveler who was familiar with the system, he would have cheered with joy: "The standard configuration of this time traveler is finally here!"

Zabuza spent half a day studying carefully before he figured out the contents of the tasks and rewards.

What he couldn't understand the most was that the reward for defeating the genin of Konoha was actually higher than the reward for defeating the jounin of Konoha.

Zabuza couldn't help but wonder whether it was because the system's missions were not more difficult and the rewards were more generous, or maybe there was something wrong with those two Konoha genin...?

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