I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 377 Uzumaki Mito should shout a slogan, such as: Resurrection! my sweetheart!


"The emperor of Xiangfu Tianshenting who opened up the path of immortal spirit and golden elixir."

"I pray to you to answer my questions."

Xiaonan only recited the prayer once and found herself in the divine court, staring into the eyes of the almighty Emperor of Heaven.

She bowed her head respectfully, and then revealed all her doubts.

It has to be said that although Uchiha Yuu, who was hiding behind the emperor's vest, was an old silver coin, his face felt a little red and hot at this time.

The competitor personally informed him of his biggest trouble, not only giving him first-hand information, but also personally handing over the opportunity for estrangement.

This is so embarrassing, but I can’t help but seize the opportunity that comes to me.

However, it was too cheap to let the Emperor of Heaven do such a small thing as sowing dissension. He said calmly: "The human heart is like a ghost, but I can't see it clearly. I'll find someone to answer it for you."

The next moment, Uchiha Yuu appeared in the Divine Court, pretending to receive the message from the Emperor, and then thought for a while, and then said: "Nagato's situation is indeed abnormal."

"There is a saying: Mountains and rivers can be moved, but the nature remains unchanged."

"There are obvious contradictions between Nagato's character and decision-making. Someone should have exerted influence on him, or passed on some very important information, prompting him to make such a decision that goes against his nature."

Konan asked worriedly: "Mr. Uchiha Yu, you have the same idea as me, but I don't know who influenced Nagato. Can you give me some advice?"

Uchiha Yu smiled: "It's very simple. First of all, this person must be a core member of the Akatsuki organization. Secondly, he is responsible for the intelligence work of the Akatsuki organization. Finally, he needs to have many opportunities to meet Nagato alone."

He looked at Xiaonan and said in a more serious tone: "It's the kind of private meeting that even you can't participate in."

Konan took a deep breath and said solemnly: "I know who it is. Thank you very much, Mr. Uchiha Yu. Now I owe you a request."

After saying that, she saluted the Emperor of Heaven and logged off without any delay.

Uchiha Yu smiled and shook his head, and then went offline.

Today's unexpected harvest made him very satisfied, but today he was going to go through a new round of time travel, and it was a physical time travel to the past.

It had been a year since he had made a similar time travel. He had a lot of work to deal with and had no time to enjoy this unexpected joy.

The time traveler this time is Senju Hashirama, and the time of travel is the 10th year of Konoha, the critical moment of the battle in the Valley of the End. He wants to witness or participate in this battle from a third-person perspective to make up for his regrets.

This is the battle between Shura and the God of Ninja in the heyday of the ninja world. The intensity of the battle is even close to that of the Six Paths level battle. Let alone participating in it, not just anyone can watch it.

At least, not the Senju Hashirama who was reincarnated in the dirty soil. Even if the strongest and wise Bai Zetsu is used as a sacrifice, it is not enough to reproduce the full power of Senju Hashirama.

And Uchiha Yu didn't want him to travel through the past as a dead person.

After all, the data obtained by the body of dirty earth traveling through time is different from that of a real living person.

If you insist on doing this, it will be Uchiha Yu himself who will be tricked in the end.

Therefore, before sending Senju Hashirama to time travel, what Uchiha Yu has to do is to resurrect him.

For a dead soul, nothing is more shocking than the resurrection from the dead.

Although Uchiha Yuu had long said that he would work hard to prepare resurrection methods to help the heroic spirits of Konoha resurrect and gave everyone some psychological preparation, everyone was very, very excited when things happened.

Not only was the first resurrected Senju Hashirama confused, but Uzumaki Mito and Senju Tobirama were also so excited that they couldn't control themselves, hugging the rope tree and filled with emotion.

"Rose Tree, you finally have a chance to live and live a good life."

Shengshu died suddenly as a young man, and he was particularly unwilling to do so. After his death, he found out that his death was caused by the evil hands of the village. It was really an unjust death.

Therefore, he was the most excited among all the heroic spirits, even to the point of losing his voice in ecstasy, and actually reproduced the incapacitation state in his soul that only living people can have.

Even Hatake Sakumo, who committed suicide in despair because he was disappointed with the Third Hokage, was moved by the hope of resurrection.

He was strong enough to stay awake for a long time in the Pure Land after death, so he knew a lot of information, and his guilt for his son Kakashi reactivated his dead heart.

Suicide and death are always impulsive things. As long as they are not reduced to nothing, including all their relatives, friends, dreams, and even the hope of living, no one will choose to commit suicide after careful consideration.

In fact, almost all those who failed to commit suicide chose to commit suicide a second time after personally tasting the taste of death and experiencing the great terror between life and death.

Those few exceptions who chose to commit suicide again were all lucky enough to survive, but then encountered more violent stimulation, such as being told by their biological parents, "Why don't you die?"

Strictly speaking, they cannot be considered suicides, but should be classified as homicides.

Hatake Sakumo is one of most people. After successfully committing suicide, he regretted it.

How can you not regret it?

He left his son to live alone. The son, who was only 5 years old, could not even be considered a boy. He had to face the death of his dearest father and survive alone in the ninja world.

Not to mention that after being influenced by Hatake Sakumo, Hatake Kakashi's personality changed drastically, and he graduated early and requested a battlefield for the Jonin World War.

Hatake Sakumo could never have imagined that after forcing him to death, the Third Hokage would lick his face and agree to Kakashi's ridiculous request, and actually send him to the battlefield.

At the age of 5, Kakashi Hatake was fighting against powerful ninjas on a difficult battlefield, dealing with blades, blood and death.

How cruel this is to a child.

After Hatake Sakumo found out, his disappointment towards the Third Hokage disappeared and completely turned into resentment and hatred.

Because Sarutobi Hiruzen treated his son viciously and cruelly, his hatred spread unsurprisingly, treating the entire Sarutobi clan as a hateful and sworn enemy.

Unknowingly, Hatake Sakumo had the idea of ​​resurrection in his mind to resolve the sworn hatred.

Two years ago, he saw hope after being dragged to the Hall of Valor by Uchiha Yuu and giving everyone the promise of resurrection.

Now that hope has become a reality, Hatake Sakumo's temperament has changed drastically, and vitality has sprouted from the dull silence.

The first step in resurrection is earth reincarnation.

Uchiha Yu generously prepared six filth seal formations, and filthed Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama, Uzumaki Mito, Hatake Sakumo, Kato Dan and Nashu to the Flower and Fruit Mountain in one breath.

Of course, among the sacrifices of the dirty soil, only the one from Senju Hashirama was the best. The others were just randomly prepared clones, and they were all crooked melons and cracked dates from Orochimaru's laboratory.

This is no wonder Uchiha Yuu. He was worried that the quality of the sacrifice would affect Senju Hashirama's strength after his resurrection, so he carefully prepared it using the best White Zetsu as the base.

Uchiha Yuu invested in this sacrifice regardless of the cost, and would not stop until it reached the limit of his technology. The overall cost was staggeringly high.

In the final analysis, it is because Senju Hashirama is too strong and can be called the number one person under the Six Paths. If he is not strengthened in this way, he may not be able to carry his full power.

Uchiha Yuu had no way to get the Ten-Tails to fundamentally make up for the possible shortcomings. He pushed Hashirama to the sixth level and completely solved the problem through upgrades.

Of course, if it were anyone else, he wouldn't be so careful.

Even if he resurrects Senju Tobirama and Hatake Sakumo, Uchiha Yu can handle it with a White Zetsu, and he will never let the second-generation Hokage's strength decline.

Today is just for everyone to witness the first resurrection, so the crude clones are enough.

Forbidden Technique: Reincarnation in Dirty Earth

As the forbidden technique unfolded, the sealing array carved on the ground opened the barrier between the world of death and the living world, and filthy soil spewed out from the sealing array, wrapping the sacrifices.

As the screams of Bai Zetsu and the clones gradually weakened, the dirty soil seemed to melt into mud, quickly sketching the image of the soul.

Six Konoha ninja heroes came to Huaguo Mountain from the Purple Mansion World.

As a sage, Senju Hashirama felt the natural energy as soon as he succeeded.

The natural energy was so thick that it rushed into Hashirama's body impatiently, forcing him to transform into sage mode, with deep sage lines appearing on his face.

Senju Hashirama shouted in surprise: "Where is this? The natural energy is so powerful. It is not as difficult as maintaining the sage mode at all."

Miwa Masashi respected the First Hokage very much and immediately replied: "This is the Fourth Holy Land, Huaguo Mountain. The natural energy comes from the dragon veins. It is normal for the concentration to be higher."

Thousand-handed Hashirama said: "The Fourth Holy Land, Huaguo Mountain? I've never heard of it."

Qianshou Feijian said: "Natural energy comes from dragon veins. So Huaguo Mountain is on the land of Loulan Kingdom and is the new holy land you built?"

Uchiha Yu replied: "Yes, Huaguo Mountain is in Loulan, but it is not in Loulan either."

"No one can enter Huaguo Mountain without my permission. This is my safest home."

Senju Hashirama raised his thumb and praised: "It's really amazing. You can actually create a new holy land by yourself. Uchiha Madara will definitely be proud of you as a junior."

Uchiha Yu: "..."

Miwa Masashi: "..."

Thousand Hands Tobirama: "..."

Senju Tobirama rubbed his brows and explained: "Brother, there is absolutely no way Uchiha Madara can be proud of Uchiha Yu. He was killed by Uchiha Yu."

Senju Hashirama was embarrassed for a second, then he giggled and scratched the back of his head: "So that's it."

"Ah, I remembered, Tobirama Tobirama told me about this!"

"Oh, I didn't remember it. It seems that after being dead for more than thirty years, my brain is about to break, hahaha."

Qianju Feijian whispered: "Tsk, brother, you were not much better when you were alive..."


Senju Hashirama punched his brother until he was left with only two legs.

Without waiting for his brother's filthy earth body to recover, he immediately turned his head and said to Uchiha Yu: "Uchiha boy, please resurrect me quickly. I can't wait to see Madara."

Uchiha Yu had no problem with this. He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his Sharingan had changed from black to red.

He blinked again, and the three magatama in the Sharingan's eye rotated rapidly, changing into complex pupil patterns, and opened the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Then the complex patterns of the kaleidoscope rotated rapidly and suddenly shrank into the needle-like pupils, and then rounds of golden rings spread out from the pupils.

The light golden reincarnation eye had just opened, and it scanned the surroundings as if it had self-awareness, taking in everyone and the scenery.

Except for Miwa Masayo, who had already adapted, everyone felt that they had been glanced at by a superior natural enemy. That kind of condescending oppression on the life level made people feel extremely depressed, and even briefly fell into a state of trance.

Senju Hashirama, who turned on the sage mode, was very powerful. He reacted after a second, took a deep breath and praised: "What an amazing eye. Is this... the samsara eye?"

When the topic is related to blood succession limits, chakra, and senjutsu, Senju Hashirama gives people a very serious feeling, without the funny feeling.

Uchiha Yu nodded: "Yes, Shodaime, this is the Rinnegan."

He controlled the reincarnation eye and actively restrained his pupil power, allowing everyone else to return to normal.

Kato Dan couldn't help but exclaimed: "I have heard since I was a child that there are three major pupil techniques in the ninja world. Konoha Village exclusively possesses the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan and the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan. The strongest Rinnegan belongs exclusively to the Sage of Six Paths. Known as the Eye of God."

"I didn't expect that the Rinnegan is the advanced product of the Sharingan, and that Yu Uchiha can actually make the Eye of God reborn in the ninja world."

He shook his head in frustration and sighed: "It's really amazing. Compared to you, I'm just a fool."

Senju Tobirama asked: "After Uchiha Madara awakened the Rinnegan, your awakened Sharingan should be the second pair. Which of the two of you is more powerful?"

Uchiha Yu pointed at himself unceremoniously: "Of course I am stronger."

Qianju Tobirama breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

At that moment, he had clearly felt the power of the Samsara Eye. It was beyond the power of a ninja like him. It was an existence from another dimension.

Senju Tobirama immediately thought of Uchiha Madara.

He knew through Uchiha Yu that Uchiha Madara was the first person to awaken the Samsara Eye after the Sage of Six Paths.

In the past, he had only heard that the Rinnegan was powerful, but he had no intuitive feeling. He could not help but underestimate the power of the Rinnegan, thinking that his elder brother was enough to deal with Uchiha Madara.

But Senju Tobirama directly felt the power of the Rinnegan Eye, and immediately judged that the Rinnegan Eye was powerful beyond imagination. No ninja was Uchiha Madara's opponent, not even tens of thousands of them united.

His eldest brother Senju Hashirama is also very strong, and with the Sage mode, he should be able to fight against him for a short time, but he will eventually be defeated.

There is no luck in this, the power of the Samsara Eye is too powerful.

Senju Tobirama was not relieved just because Uchiha Madara was dead. His eldest brother would be resurrected soon, and death was no longer an absolute law.

Even if Uchiha Yu deliberately destroyed Madara's body without leaving any physical clues, as long as the rules of death are broken, Uchiha Madara may be resurrected.

If Senju Tobirama can develop the art of reincarnation using flesh and blood to communicate with souls, then naturally someone will be able to develop the art of resurrection that can communicate with souls without flesh and blood.

Once Uchiha Madara is resurrected, with the invincible power of the Samsara Eye, he will definitely retaliate and kill, and Konoha Village will be the first to bear the brunt.

He will even go crazy and realize the unreliable dream of putting everyone in the ninja world into sleep, thus realizing the eternal peace of the ninja world.

That would be a world-ending crisis that would destroy the ninja world. Just thinking about it made Senju Tobirama shudder.

Fortunately, Uchiha Yu's answer gave him confidence. Uchiha Yu also has the Samsara Eye and is stronger than Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara is not invincible. In the new era, he has new enemies.

After a short period of accumulation, Uchiha Yuu gathered enough reincarnation power, and he said to Senju Hashirama: "Attention, First Generation, I have begun to resurrect you!"

The moment he heard this sentence, Senju Hashirama's fingers trembled, and then regained their stability.

He smiled and said, "Come on, I can't wait to breathe some fresh air."

Uchiha Yuu communicated with the technique engraved deep in the Samsara Eye, poured the accumulated pupil power into it, and activated the ultimate pupil technique.

Heretic: The art of reincarnation

In an instant, the chakra in Uchiha Yuu surged uncontrollably.

Obviously his main power is natural energy, but the chakra in the cells is still mobilized by the samsara eye, forming a terrifying chakra ball.

If a ninja from the Hyuga clan were here and looked at Yu Uchiha with his Byakugan, the super powerful chakra ball would be like a blazing sun and would definitely blind his Byakugan.

As the pupil power of Samsara increased rapidly, the huge pupil power followed the mysterious laws, penetrated the endless vast space, and opened a passage leading to the world of death.

When the technique of filthy earth reincarnation is used, the passage to the world of death that is opened is only a narrow and tortuous crack, and only thin filthy earth can pass through the crack and come to the living world.

When the art of reincarnation is used, the passage through the world of death is a straight tunnel, and the complete law of death penetrates into the living world.

The creatures in Huaguo Mountain are instinctively afraid and flee uncontrollably.

The five filthy soil reincarnations were even more unbearable. They immediately lost control of their bodies. The filthy soil that made up their bodies began to break away from their bodies and flew around like snow flakes.

Under the law of death, dirt should not condense in the first place, but should continue to spread until it finally disappears completely.

Even Uchiha Yuu, who was using the art of reincarnation, couldn't help but get distracted at this time and exclaimed: "Is this the law of death in the world of death?"

Uchiha Yu quickly controlled himself, focused his energy on the art of reincarnation, and began to search for Senju Hashirama's spirit body in the world of death.

The art of reincarnation in the dirt does not summon a complete soul, but only half of the living soul, and the other half of the spirit body remains in the world of death.

Compared to living souls that can be summoned and transferred to the Pure Land, the Hall of Valor or the Purple Mansion world, the spirit body is closely connected with the law of death, anchoring the death state of the soul, and is a special existence that cannot be summoned.

Only through direct communication with the law of death through the art of reincarnation, coupled with the attraction of the living soul, can the spirit body be plucked from the law of death.

The living soul and the spiritual body merge into a complete soul, and resurrection reaches the final moment.

Uchiha Yu looked at Uzumaki Mito: "Mito-sama, please shout a slogan."


"For example: Resurrection! My love!"

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