I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 383 The time traveler Hashirama and Uchiha Madara have the same stance

Senju Tobirama's face was full of surprise, and he sighed in disbelief: "That is not my mark, but it is so similar to my mark that it can be used by me!"

Senju Hashirama nodded with satisfaction: "As long as it works, take us and Madara, let's go over and see what it is."

Qianju Tobirama frowned and said: "Brother, this strange mark was not set by me. I have no idea about the situation on the other side and there is no way to guarantee the safety after teleportation."

Senju Hashirama looked at himself 40 years later, his eyes containing the meaning of questioning.

The time traveler Hashirama nodded and said: "Uchiha Yu is a trustworthy Konoha ninja."

Senju Hashirama heard the words and no longer hesitated, turned around and ordered: "Take us there."

When Senju Hashirama becomes serious, it is impossible for Senju Tobirama to resist his brother. Even if he is asked to give up his revenge for killing his father and his hatred of the Uchiha clan, he will obey orders.

So he then dropped a Flying Thunder God Kunai, and then used the Flying Thunder God Technique with all his strength, taking the two Hashirama, Uchiha Madara and the big wooden ball to the unfamiliar Flying Thunder God mark.

It was a huge cave, with a width of 300 meters and a height of more than 170 meters. It was unclear how far the front and rear ends of the cave extended.

The entire cave was held up by huge tree roots, and rows of white cysts shaped like silkworm cocoons hung on the tree roots. The cysts were just big enough to accommodate a person.

The time traveler gradually followed the latest prompts from the [System] and used the Wood Release Ninjutsu. New strips of paper grew from the roots of the tree with great ease, and more than a dozen cocoons were broken open.

As the cysts burst, a human body fell out of each cyst, but the pale skin made people feel very uncomfortable just by looking at it.

Moreover, these human bodies also emitted strange chakra fluctuations, making the three Senju ninjas present look at each other.

They all recognized this weird chakra fluctuation. Although it was very strange, it was indeed the fluctuation of Mudun Chakra.

These pale-skinned weirdos are actually ninjas who have awakened the Mudun Blood Succession Limit?

But before the three Senju ninjas could question, Uchiha Madara had already called out the weirdo's name: "White Zetsu..."

"This is impossible, how could this happen!"

"There are actually so many Bai Jue, I, I don't believe it!"

They came to the Bai Zetsu warehouse that was transformed from a living root of the sacred tree. The roots of the tree that were not dead yet maintained the lives of more than 4,000 Bai Zetsu.

The target of [System]'s request for support is Uchiha Yuu's soul split, so this plan is the fastest way to obtain evidence given by him.

When Konoha came to rule the entire Fire Country, Yuu Uchiha assigned family ninjas to investigate the Fire Country and found several roots of the sacred tree that were still alive.

Unfortunately, the original White Zetsu on the tree roots has been removed, leaving only relatively fresh hanging traces. Apparently, Black Zetsu evacuated urgently after seeing that Konoha Village completely dominated the Fire Country.

Black Zetsu's vigilance was very useful. The Uchiha clan spent a lot of time and effort, but did not obtain a large number of White Zetsu, not even the Wood Release Crystal.

But Uchiha Yu remembered the coordinates of the roots of these sacred trees, and after receiving the [System] request for support, he immediately thought of using a large amount of White Zetsu as evidence.

He immediately spread his body and spread to the nearest underground cave. After confirming the large amount of White Zetsu stored in it, he left a Flying Thunder God mark that could be sensed by Senju Tobirama.

But he was not the unlucky guy like Madara who was deceived. The shock he suffered was not as violent as Meng's, so he quickly returned to normal.

Just when the three Senju ninjas were guessing the origin of White Zetsu, Madara Uchiha suddenly roared crazily.

"Hashirama! Hashirama!!"

"Open them all, open them all and let me see, quick!!"


The time traveler Hashirama and Senju Hashirama looked at each other, and then activated the Wood Release Ninjutsu at the same time.

Hundreds of wooden escape branches grew out from the roots of the tree, dancing like spiritual snakes, breaking open the white silk cocoons one by one, letting the Bai Jue inside fall out.

There was a whirring sound, and thousands of Bai Jue covered the cave floor. Coupled with some torn off cysts, the entire cave became a mess, as if it was a battlefield littered with corpses.

Uchiha Madara's face was distorted. These thousands of White Zetsu were indeed evidence, ironclad evidence that he had been deceived.

He thought that Black Zetsu was born after he understood the true meaning of the Six Paths Sage, and that White Zetsu was created by himself under the inspiration of Black Zetsu, but he definitely did not create so many White Zetsu.

In other words, it is also very suspicious how the Bai Zetsu that he made before were made.

The most suspicious thing is of course Black Zetsu.

Uchiha Madara is not an idiot, he just because of the darkness under the lamp, never cast doubt on the black Zetsu and white Zetsu he "created".

At this time, seeing the Bai Zetsu that was dozens of times larger than what he had made, he naturally began to doubt. '

Looking at the process of making White Zetsu from a questioning perspective, Uchiha Madara discovered to his horror that he actually did not know the principle of making White Zetsu, only the operation process of making it.

There was nothing to doubt anymore. He had just been deceived. He was deceived to death.

Uchiha Madara turned to look at the two Hashiramas, and then realized that they were standing on both sides of him, looking at him, and did not run up and down the pile of white Zetsu like Senju Tobirama did.

Uchiha Madara immediately felt the attention Hashirama paid to him, and then he realized that he was not such a failure, at least Hashirama still cared about him.

As a warmth slowly rose in his heart, Uchiha Madara's despair and frustration at being deceived also subsided a lot, at least he no longer thought about dying.

He looked at Senju Hashirama and nodded, then turned to look at the time traveler Hashirama, and said: "I have seen your evidence, and I also believe that what you said is right. I was deceived."

"Hashirama, please continue what you haven't finished. I want to know what I was deceived by."

The time traveler Hashirama looked at Uchiha Madara's expression and confirmed that his condition was much better. Then he felt relieved and opened the [System] information panel again.

Looking at the information from [System], he found the last location and continued reading: "The most deadly deception is the Infinite Tsukuyomi Technique."

"The purpose of this technique is to allow you to contain enough chakra, and almost all the chakra in the ninja world belongs to Kaguya Otsutsuki. When so much chakra is concentrated on one person, he automatically becomes Kaguya Otsutsuki. 's clone."

"The filth reincarnation technique developed by Senju Tobirama requires a living sacrifice with enough chakra. Kaguya Otsutsuki's resurrection requires a better sacrifice."

"Madara, you are the sacrifice chosen by Black Zetsu for Kaguya Otsutsuki's resurrection."

Uchiha Madara, who was sealed in the wooden ball, only had one head left to move, but both Hashirama could see that he was shaking, and shaking very badly.

Hearing the story of the time traveler Hashirama, how could he not guess what would happen to him after he was deceived?

He will actually be regarded as the best for resurrection. His body will be occupied by others, but his soul will not die. It will continue to live imprisoned in the body and become a sealed prisoner.

Because Kaguya Otsutsuki is the goddess of Uno, the legendary immortal god, his life in captivity will be unlimited.

This is a punishment more terrifying than death.

Uchiha Madara felt extreme fear and endless anger.

He was not afraid of death, or even of his soul being imprisoned forever, but he couldn't bear the thought that he clearly wanted to save the ninja world at all costs, but was deceived into taking actions to destroy the ninja world.

Uchiha Madara could not accept that all his efforts were pushing everyone in the ninja world to death.

He left Konoha Village to save the Uchiha clan and the ninja world. He wanted to find a new way, a new way that could save everyone.

As a result, the new method he found turned out to be a dead end that would destroy the ninja world. The dead end must be inevitable, but where should he go?

Uchiha Madara was confused.

Unknowingly, this arrogant man shed tears, tears of pain and regret.

The two Hashiramas looked at each other, and in tacit agreement, they removed the restraints and seals on Uchiha Madara, and then each of them patted Madara's shoulders to express comfort.

The time traveler Hashirama said: "Madara, don't be discouraged, there is still hope for everything now."

Uchiha Madara wiped away his tears and asked: "Hope, there is still hope for the ninja world and me?"

The time traveler Hashirama nodded affirmatively and said: "Yes, as long as people are still alive, there will always be hope."

"The first purpose of my coming back is to stop you two from fighting so hard that you both end up losing. Then there is really no hope."

The time traveler Hashirama looked at Senju Hashirama: "The second purpose of my return is to persuade you to give up the Ninja Village balancing policy."

Senju Hashirama was shocked: "Ah, why?"

Uchiha Madara was overjoyed: "Hashirama, have you changed your mind?"

The time traveler Hashirama smiled slightly awkwardly and said: "Haha, changed."

He explained: "The balance of the Ninja Village is meaningless to the peace of the Ninja World. After my death, the First Ninja World War broke out that year."

"In addition to Sunagakure Village, tens of thousands of ninjas from the three major ninja villages besieged Konoha Village. Tens of thousands of ninjas fought on the battlefield. The war lasted for five years. No one knows how many people died."

"At the end of the war, Lian Tojian also encountered changes while participating in peace negotiations and died in the rebellion in Yunyin Village."

Uchiha Madara laughed: "I knew I was right. The so-called peace is only a short-lived existence under the pressure of you and me. As long as we die, the war will inevitably break out in a more violent way."

Senju Hashirama weakly defended: "At least, at least Konoha Village can protect the children and prevent them from dying on the battlefield before they grow up."

The time traveler Hashirama shook his head gloomily: "No, Konoha Village did not protect the children."

Hearing this, Qianju Zhujian felt as if he was struck by lightning: "Huh?"

His face turned pale: "How is it possible? How could you not even protect the child?"

The time traveler Hashirama said: "I told you that the First Ninja War broke out after my death. The reason why it is called the First Ninja War is because wars broke out continuously afterward."

"Each war lasted for years, well beyond the peacetime period of the armistice."

"The frequency of wars is too high. People have no chance to raise their children properly, and they have no way to educate them properly."

"After Tobirama's death, the third Hokage of Konoha Village sent children under ten years old to the battlefield. Large numbers of them died on the battlefield, and most of them left no bones."

The time traveler Hashirama couldn't go on. This was the information he knew in the Pure Land. It was the information that made him most distressed and regretful, and it was also the reason for his change of mind.

Even though many years have passed, even though he is now resurrected and has traveled through time, and has the opportunity to change this tragic history, he still feels extremely heartbroken when he says this.

The time traveler Hashirama's heart twisted, making him feel tight in his chest, difficulty breathing, and the feeling of suffocation overwhelmed him.

After a while, he calmed down and spoke again: "Fortunately, those are all tragic things that will happen in the future after you two fight, one dies of illness, and the other is deceived."

"You are all fine now, and I am here too, so we still have a chance to save the ninja world and save the children of Konoha Village."

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara asked almost at the same time: "What should we do?"

Hashirama, the time traveler, replied: "We want to unify the ninja world."

Uchiha Madara was overjoyed. When he left Konoha Village, he told Senju Hashirama that the road to Konoha Village was wrong.

At that time, he predicted to Senju Hashirama that the policy of balancing the ninja world was wrong and could only maintain peace for a short period of time. As long as he died, it would trigger a larger-scale war with more casualties.

Now this prophecy has been confirmed by the time traveler Hashirama, and it turns out that he, Uchiha Madara, had the right idea.

In contrast to Uchiha Madara's ecstasy, Senju Hashirama jumped up: "Unify the ninja world? How to unify? Start a war?"

"No, absolutely not!"

"How much sacrifice we have made, giving up the hatred accumulated over hundreds of years, and finally ending the troubled times. How can we start a war again?"

Senju Hashirama had never had a painful experience in the future, so he could not change his mind so quickly.

This is normal, otherwise why would there be an old saying that a country is easy to change, but a person’s nature is hard to change?

However, Uchiha Madara cannot convince Senju Hashirama, but the time traveler Hashirama can: "If you don't take advantage of the favorable opportunity when the countries are not yet stable and the national concept is weak to achieve unification as soon as possible, when will you achieve unification?"

Senju Hashirama could not accept the war and asked: "Why must we unify?"

The time traveler Hashirama replied: "Only unification can better protect Konoha Village."

He saw with his own eyes that Uchiha Yuu and Orochimaru were working together to steadily move towards the goal of unifying the ninja world. Although it had not yet been completed, they had already shown their protection for the next generation of Konoha Village.

All countries and ninja villages are tremblingly guarding Konoha Village. It is extremely difficult for them to protect themselves. No one dares to think of attacking Konoha Village.

During the period of the Third Hokage, the Fourth Raikage of Kumogakure Village, who was eyeing Konoha Village, was also suppressed and breathless, and tried his best to keep the foundation of the Kingdom of Thunder intact.

Kirigakure Village in the Water Country has just experienced a change of power. The handover of the Mizukage is based on the death of the fourth generation of Mizukage. The chaos caused by internal purges and policy adjustments has not been resolved, and there is no power to covet the Leaf Village.

Sunagakure Village in the Country of Wind is the worst, basically lying down and being beaten. It just depends on when Konoha Village has enough manpower, it will annex this desert country.

In fact, the Earth Country has been annexed by the Leaf Village, and together with the Fire Country, it has become a confederal country under the rule of the Leaf Village.

The time traveler Hashirama has seen the great advantages of unification in the confederate countries of the Land of Fire and the Land of Earth, as well as the dawn of creating a long-lasting peace.

That's why he decided that unity can protect Konoha Village, and unity can better protect the entire ninja world.

But Senju Hashirama, who has been in Konoha for 10 years, cannot agree: "Madara and I are both fine, and we can completely protect Konoha Village, and we can protect it for a long time."

The time traveler Hashirama nodded and said: "I believe you can protect Konoha Village for 20 years, 30 years, or even 40 years."

"Then what? You will still die, and when you die, a more violent ninja war will begin?"

"Three wars broke out after my death, and each ninja village mobilized tens of thousands of ninjas to participate. 40 years later, when you die, won't the ninja war that breaks out involve the participation of a hundred thousand ninjas?"

Senju Hashirama broke into a cold sweat, and beads of sweat as big as soybeans flowed down his forehead. He hurriedly defended: "No, that's not what I thought. Why would a war break out after I die?"

The time traveler Hashirama shrugged and said: "How do I know why the war broke out? I was not the one who led Konoha Village to start the war."

"What's more, after my death, the three great ninja wars broke out. They all started with raids on the Fire Country from other villages, or even direct sneak attacks on the Leaf Village."

Senju Hashirama frowned and asked: "Every time a war breaks out, Konoha Village is attacked. Why is this? Can the war be prevented by solving this problem?"

When the time traveler Hashirama heard it, he actually felt that it made sense, but before he could say anything, the [System] prompt appeared in his mind.

After reading the information from the [System], he knew the reason why the war broke out, the inevitability of the war, and the reason why Konoha Village was besieged.

It is because the land of Fire Country occupied by Konoha Village is fertile and has a large population. In one word, Konoha Village is too rich and everyone wants to take a bite.

As long as the two unchallenged idiots are gone, the four major ninja villages will certainly not be able to hold back their words.

This is determined by the nature of human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. As long as Konoha Village is still in the Land of Fire, it cannot avoid the fate of being coveted and attacked.

Moreover, even if Konoha Village abandons the Country of Fire and moves to a barren land like the Country of Tea, it will only mean that Konoha Village itself is separated from the center of the war.

The four major ninja villages will only fight for the Fire Country even more crazily because there is no one to protect the Fire Country.

Even if they carve up the Country of Fire, they will not be able to stop the war with satisfaction. They will only further compete for the land occupied by other ninja villages, and fight each other endlessly.

Even if they are exhausted and have to cease fighting, it will only be temporary. As long as they take a breath, the war will break out again.

In order to truly end the war, only one of the five major ninja villages must occupy all of the Fire Country, then eliminate and annex the other four, as well as all other small countries, and merge the entire ninja world into a unified country.

War may break out in a unified ninja world, just like the Fire Nation has never had a civil war in the 50 years since its unification.

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